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Re: Howdy

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Kirk, how are you feeling? Take your time catching up with everyone.

If nothing else we know what patience is, just as long as you feel


We're going to the flea market today to sell crap out of our closets.

We clean them out at least once a year, schlepp it all to the flea

market and hope and pray we make a couple of bucks. Wish us luck!

Rubin usually makes more than we do.

Take care and be well.


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I'm totally WIRED due to the 10 fold amount increase with Pred. Thank God

it is a fast taper. I completely cleaned out behind my PC tonight, made all

of the tangled mass of wires look much better, installed a new printer that

wouldn't co-operate and I'm still shaking after a few hours of sleep as if I

drank 8 pots of high test coffee,

The good news is that my headache dropped from between an 8-10 to a 6-7,

if you want to call that good. My vision is still screwy as all hell though

which makes for some interesting endeavors!

I will reply to all as I can, kirk


> Kirk, how are you feeling? Take your time catching up with everyone.

> If nothing else we know what patience is, just as long as you feel

> better.


> We're going to the flea market today to sell crap out of our closets.

> We clean them out at least once a year, schlepp it all to the flea

> market and hope and pray we make a couple of bucks. Wish us luck!

> Rubin usually makes more than we do.


> Take care and be well.


> Ellen





Everything in life sucks except things that should!

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Hey Ellen,

If you have any 'old dolls' to sell at the market, let me know.. I collect them


Dolls like China dolls or old Barbies...Shirley Temple...


Re: Howdy

Kirk, how are you feeling? Take your time catching up with everyone.

If nothing else we know what patience is, just as long as you feel


We're going to the flea market today to sell crap out of our closets.

We clean them out at least once a year, schlepp it all to the flea

market and hope and pray we make a couple of bucks. Wish us luck!

Rubin usually makes more than we do.

Take care and be well.



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OK, it's somewhere around a quarter to six in the morning I think and

I'm going to get ready for work in a little while. I just wanted to

say " hi " before I started my routine and check up on you.

I know you probably hate the prednisone but if it works or at least

helps then you're doing the right thing. As for cleaning - have I

got a townhouse for you! How quick is the taper and if the headache

comes back full force are you willing to increase the pred again?

What else did the doctor say? I know there are a lot of questions,

believe me there are more but I'm putting them down here, I'm just

worried about you.

Oh, we sold crap out of closets yesterday at the flea market here in

town and actually did fairly well. Rubin made out the best, of

course, but he reminded me of the market scene in Monte Python's Life

of . Still, he did well and yes, he's keeping the money he made

even though and I paid for everything in his room and closet.

The kid, as far as I'm concerned, has earned it and more.

OK, I'm off to make myself eat something (too early in the morning

but I have to in order to take the pills) and get ready for work.

Putting on that disgusting uniform is just the worst, it doesn't fit

correctly in the waist (nothing does when it's not made right), the

color is awful, and no matter how many pins I put on the bowtie it's

still damned ugly! Oh my, I need an attitude adjustment. Can't

start the day in the negative.

Take care and be well.


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Truth be told I haven't thought of what I'm going to do if I'm still a

mess after the taper. My PCP wants to see me in a week, so I guess I'll find

out. I can't believe I didn't sleep more than an hour yet, as I am beyond


I am also looking into the NIH program (Haven't done so yet) but will be

shortly. I have to do something, I can't keep living on the F****** Roller

Coaster that my life has become. I will research it, talk it over with my RD

and see what happens. If they cover all costs than I'm certainly going to

look into it, I just have inhibitions about driving that far for a 1/2 hour

appointment, as I've done that too many times before...and than everyone

around me suffers as I set my expectations high, and when they aren't

met..I'm a miserable prick in plain English.

Hell, after My 's Hopkins experience I'm surprised I have a van as I

beat the snot out of it in two ways...the way I was driving and the parts of

it I was punching. I'm usually a calm nice guy, but once I get pissed off

(and trust me, that takes a real lot) than I'm inconsolable. I turn into a


I actually had a Dr. I had told this story to that I may be

Bi-Polar...but I don't think that's the case...I'm just a guy desperately

seeking back some sort of life that DESPISES being treated like shit, which

in short is what Hopkins did to me.

I hope you have a good day at work. What do you do that you're working on

a Sunday????


PS...It's been awhile since I've been cranked on roids while not being in

the resort...how in the ell do you handle this? I can't keep a train of

thought, my mind is racing yet I'm totally wiped out.

Adios< Kirk


> OK, it's somewhere around a quarter to six in the morning I think and

> I'm going to get ready for work in a little while. I just wanted to

> say " hi " before I started my routine and check up on you.


> I know you probably hate the prednisone but if it works or at least

> helps then you're doing the right thing. As for cleaning - have I

> got a townhouse for you! How quick is the taper and if the headache

> comes back full force are you willing to increase the pred again?

> What else did the doctor say? I know there are a lot of questions,

> believe me there are more but I'm putting them down here, I'm just

> worried about you.


> Oh, we sold crap out of closets yesterday at the flea market here in

> town and actually did fairly well. Rubin made out the best, of

> course, but he reminded me of the market scene in Monte Python's Life

> of . Still, he did well and yes, he's keeping the money he made

> even though and I paid for everything in his room and closet.

> The kid, as far as I'm concerned, has earned it and more.


> OK, I'm off to make myself eat something (too early in the morning

> but I have to in order to take the pills) and get ready for work.

> Putting on that disgusting uniform is just the worst, it doesn't fit

> correctly in the waist (nothing does when it's not made right), the

> color is awful, and no matter how many pins I put on the bowtie it's

> still damned ugly! Oh my, I need an attitude adjustment. Can't

> start the day in the negative.


> Take care and be well.


> Ellen





Everything in life sucks except things that should!

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Almost a year ago they did a roid pulse treatement on me. IV 1000mg

Solumedrol. Boy was I cranked the 2-4 days after. I seem worse

coming down than being up there. When someone commented on my state

of mind, I turned and said to them, " I'll be fine as long as I don't

tell anyone where to find the bodies " .

I work in an an IT role supporting Sales Reps (the most

technologically weak of my customers, along with the Help Desk staff

that could not handle the problem when it came in) and it can require

extreme patience with some of them. During that time, I think I

almost wore out the Mute button on the phone so I could rant

( " stupid, friggin. fool of a....... " )

Ellen - A " bow tie " ? How cute that must be. I would be unable to

perform that task. Since roids, I have no neck (head sits on

a " post " almost 1/2 as wide as my shoulders LOLOLOL!)and would need

an XXXXL to fit my neck and then the sleeves would drag on the floor

and the torso would even hang.

Tom from PA (SE PA to you Kirk)

-- In Stillsdisease , " Kirk Bonanny "


> Kirk

> PS...It's been awhile since I've been cranked on roids while not

being in

> the resort...how in the ell do you handle this? I can't keep a

train of

> thought, my mind is racing yet I'm totally wiped out.

> Adios< Kirk




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Tom, I also have had that 1000 MG steroid " juicer " (IV) as that is what

satisfied them @ Jefferson University that I was finally headache free

(after 13 days!!!!) Yeah right!!!! For about 3 days. The constant blood

sugar tests & insulin shots also scared the hell out of me, and when a blood

sugar test came back borderline a while afterwards I gave up almost all of

the sugar I could! I now use Splenda instead, as I sure as shit don't want

Diabetes t go along with this shit!

Where at in SE Pa are you??? I think you've told me 1 hundred times but

you know how the " Mind " works. I shouldn't say anything bad about Jefferson,

as no one has gone through the tests and treated me as well as they

did....not even close!

Adios, Kirk.

PS.....Haven't taken my roids yet today and I'm actually calm. I also have a

F******* headache but what the hell should I expect???

Have a good day dude, enjoy the spring like weather....It's pouring here

all day which gives me a great excuse to focus on football & whoever the

Cowboys get to play next week!!!! GO DALLAS! (I had to say that being as

you're in (B)Eagles country!!!


> Kirk,


> Almost a year ago they did a roid pulse treatement on me. IV 1000mg

> Solumedrol. Boy was I cranked the 2-4 days after. I seem worse

> coming down than being up there. When someone commented on my state

> of mind, I turned and said to them, " I'll be fine as long as I don't

> tell anyone where to find the bodies " .


> I work in an an IT role supporting Sales Reps (the most

> technologically weak of my customers, along with the Help Desk staff

> that could not handle the problem when it came in) and it can require

> extreme patience with some of them. During that time, I think I

> almost wore out the Mute button on the phone so I could rant

> ( " stupid, friggin. fool of a....... " )


> Ellen - A " bow tie " ? How cute that must be. I would be unable to

> perform that task. Since roids, I have no neck (head sits on

> a " post " almost 1/2 as wide as my shoulders LOLOLOL!)and would need

> an XXXXL to fit my neck and then the sleeves would drag on the floor

> and the torso would even hang.


> Tom from PA (SE PA to you Kirk)


> -- In Stillsdisease <Stillsdisease%40yahoogroups.com>,

> " Kirk Bonanny "

> wrote:


> > Kirk

> > PS...It's been awhile since I've been cranked on roids while not

> being in

> > the resort...how in the ell do you handle this? I can't keep a

> train of

> > thought, my mind is racing yet I'm totally wiped out.

> > Adios< Kirk

> >

> >

> >

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First of all, you're probably NOT bi-polar. Let's see these damned

doctors live like we do, they probably couldn't handle it, let alone

the disappointments, meds that don't work when we're told they should

and the constant questioning of do we have a REAL illness or not.

You have every right to be pissed off!

As for my work, I'm a cashier at Publix Supermarket. I stand for

hours on end but being my bosses are so good to me, they let me take

a 10 minute break every two hours plus my 1/2 hour lunch when I work

more than 5 hours. Of course I take a decent amount of drugs, which

they know about, before and during work. I usually take between 10

and 20 mgs of pred. and between 10 and 40 mgs of hydrocodone, plus I

have to have my water with me at all times even though we're not

supposed to have that at the register.

I also do other things, mostly for the customers and it seems my line

becomes very long because of it. I cut out coupons every Sunday and

bring them with me (sometimes I have to cut them out while I'm

working) for the customers, I also remind everyone about postage

stamps (often a forgotten item), plus I sing while I work if I'm not

talking (the hydrocodone makes me very chatty).

It's brainless work for the most part but it's fun. I've done the

brain work stuff in my past so this is a great break for me. It gets

me out of the house, a few extra dollars in the bank that I can do

something for my son or take an adult ed class, buy my husband a new

shirt, etc.

I'm sorry you're not sleeping, that really concerns me. I realize

it's because of the steriods but it's not helping your situation at

all. I'm glad your house is clean though, that's always a good

thing, now all you have to do is wax the van, paint the outside of

the house, solve world hunger, and end all wars.

I have to go help make dinner. Rubin peeled the potatoes,

put up the chicken wings and I'm going to prepare and steam the green

beans. It's a family effort when Mom feel like crap.

Take care and be well.


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I could end all wars really easily, and I think Bob Himes can too.....just

not too many people would approve!

Thanks for the message, will be in touch again later. Kirk


> First of all, you're probably NOT bi-polar. Let's see these damned

> doctors live like we do, they probably couldn't handle it, let alone

> the disappointments, meds that don't work when we're told they should

> and the constant questioning of do we have a REAL illness or not.

> You have every right to be pissed off!


> As for my work, I'm a cashier at Publix Supermarket. I stand for

> hours on end but being my bosses are so good to me, they let me take

> a 10 minute break every two hours plus my 1/2 hour lunch when I work

> more than 5 hours. Of course I take a decent amount of drugs, which

> they know about, before and during work. I usually take between 10

> and 20 mgs of pred. and between 10 and 40 mgs of hydrocodone, plus I

> have to have my water with me at all times even though we're not

> supposed to have that at the register.


> I also do other things, mostly for the customers and it seems my line

> becomes very long because of it. I cut out coupons every Sunday and

> bring them with me (sometimes I have to cut them out while I'm

> working) for the customers, I also remind everyone about postage

> stamps (often a forgotten item), plus I sing while I work if I'm not

> talking (the hydrocodone makes me very chatty).


> It's brainless work for the most part but it's fun. I've done the

> brain work stuff in my past so this is a great break for me. It gets

> me out of the house, a few extra dollars in the bank that I can do

> something for my son or take an adult ed class, buy my husband a new

> shirt, etc.


> I'm sorry you're not sleeping, that really concerns me. I realize

> it's because of the steriods but it's not helping your situation at

> all. I'm glad your house is clean though, that's always a good

> thing, now all you have to do is wax the van, paint the outside of

> the house, solve world hunger, and end all wars.


> I have to go help make dinner. Rubin peeled the potatoes,

> put up the chicken wings and I'm going to prepare and steam the green

> beans. It's a family effort when Mom feel like crap.


> Take care and be well.


> Ellen





Everything in life sucks except things that should!

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