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Random Thoughts about Rak's ARK.

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Dear friends, I just posted this bulletin out on Myspace, I want you all to have access of what is going on behind the curtains, I made this public statement in hopes that the majority of the "unhappy Crowd" will finally see what this group of people is all about.I Humbly come to all of my friends here to please join me in prayers in the behalf of Humanity healing, this project that we are all building together, one day at a time.Random Thoughts about Rak's ARK.How can I serve today?

"God has no other hands than ours."

-- Dorothee Solle

Going back to last week, when our friend posted a link for

a movie here: "Even Almighty", I went to see it and I knew instantly

that the Movie was meant to be seen by all of US. Even being

a comedy , in the same style of "Bruce Almighty" with Jim Carey, this

one was quite different. For the ones that do not know, the story line

goes more or less like this: God chose Even to be the new Noah and

commend him to build an ARK , for a flood that was nowhere to be seen.

The movie has wonderful photography in my opinion and it is a great

option for those that would like to have some laughs. Nevertheless, it contains a message, a message that I think

may as well be directed to Us here. Even (Steve Carrell) asks God

(again Freeman) why he was the one to be chosen, and God says :

"Because you said you wanted to change the World". Seen Even confused,

God replies: " Do you know, how you can change the world? Through ARK,

Acts of Random kindness, one act can go a long way.

I could not help but think, Is Humanity Healing an Ark for RAK? I

am not saying that I was elected by God, but certainly I had a vision,

and the vision grew when I found others that shared the same goals, To

make a difference in the world, even a little bit at the time.

Humanity Healing is this, an ARK, and Umbrella to house one

goal,: To Collectively change the world Under the same vision.There are

not chosen ones here, no powerful people, Just US. Since the beginning

has been just people that are willing to walk the walk, not only talk

the talk. We are as of right now, 237 souls, together under the

Spiritual family formed on the group. There is no

ego position there, just ask any of our active members.

It is time to have that quantum leap of faith on each other

and our Destinies . To leave the "realm of enlightenment " just

re-posting bulletins,and keeping the Wisdom behind the close doors.

What we need now is actions, sustainable and reasonable action, The new

demands from our reality has to be faced through the Spiritual

perspective. The main fact that we are Organizing a Foundation, is just

because we need a solid structure to be a base for those actions to

connect. This is not a question of power or popularity. This is a

matter of commitment, soul commitment I made my choices , I follow my soul , and I just can only

wish to people to stop talking bad about this Organization, lay down

the sword and join Us on our family over forum, I am formally

inviting everyone. There is no elected, no enlighten ones. We are all

here to help each other, because we are the only hands the Divine

source has to act here on Earth. I believe that what God wants is

availability, not necessarily capability.

Again, I apologize if I keep re-affirming over and over the

same ideas. But apparently people are having problems grasping this

concept. You consider yourself a Lightworker ?, so now it is time to

work for the LIGHT . The ascension process is out there, we are all

being Re-programmed to live in higher spheres, our DNA has been

upgraded, we are feeling the shifts and changes on our daily lives.If

you have any doubt about this Project, please ask. We have our

Ambassadors , friends and members all over the Spiritual community

here on Myspace. If you prefer , you may e-mail me privately at

.We humbly as the Humanity healing family offer you our hands in Spirit of friendship, respect , honor , Integrity and Unity. I make my words the words of Humanity healing Family.

"Kindness is more than deeds. It is an attitude, an expression, a look, a touch.

It is anything that lifts another person."

**~ C. Neil Strait** In much love and respect,Liane

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