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ettina clarifying language

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Ettina I to feel for self i to be of funciton all over the place in

language and use it as you say in chunks of scripted fashions, but if

asked to express what it means to others often cant find the words to

use to express it even if my brain might have a vague understand of

it but lack the way in which to express it in words verbally or

writed out.

Yes I to be of one who can interpret things literally and this is of

a huge barrier at times for me because people see of me use these odd

chunks and assume that the expressive and receptive match in me and

they clearly do not.

I to have of issues to grammar and syntax and cant seem to understand

how to use language effectively because language is of to me not a

pattern that makes of sense as it has too many exceptions to the

rules which alters the rules and does not leave me with a clear

understand of how language works. but I to try hard to get out the

words to the best of my ability.

I to not know of how to do with intent to manipulate of words to

cause reactions or responses from others. to me they just flow out

and bounce aobut space and connect to some and some not.

but many on the spectrum have rejected me simply because of the way

in which my words flow, sharing I to give of them a headache and that

mthe just ignore and or refuse to read anything writed by me.

Regardless of their whys to that it still caused of me to feel

rejected out from a place that should be of embracing of the variety

of ways autism gets of expressed. Kassi has never done of that to me

she has always been of encouraging to me in my expressions of things.

there has been a few others like Kassi who do like of me and take the

extra time to read and understand of my thinking. Not saying yo do

not like of me and even if you do not that is of you own personal

choice and you have not maked me feel rejected by you but the words

you shared triggered those chunks of words that to me caused of me to

wonder if you were of referring of the words to me because of my need

to try of so hard to not be of rude and so fear of being rude even if

not aware if being of it, but it still causes me great fear of being

that way because of words I to see from others when one is of being

rude. I to learned that it is of to me very bad and not a good things

to be of rude but I to lack how to really make of my words come in

fashions with intent to be of one way or the other they just flow

from me. and yes at times they have come off as a blunt as some have

shared or falsly assumed of one intent or another to a person and it

was never in the heart of me to feel that thinking at all.

so was of seeking clarity of things. Also you are of righ the

language barriers are of hard for me as I to shared did not have of

real back and forth of words until maybe of age 9 and even that was

of very limited. it was not until older teen and or young adult life

that I to learned to use scripted rote words I to collected around

from others, books , magazines and things to use as a way to

communicate more effectively and it passed to some as long as I to

not speak too long or too much. most assumed of me to be fo greatly

shy because could not give of eye contact , avoided of people, used

words rarily, and rarily interacted with a person or seeked then out

for that reasons. And when I to sued of my words around professionals

or family it was seen as very wrong and bad and this also shut of my

desire to use of words down much. the mother of me often smacked of

hte mouth of me for the way my words comed out.


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Sondra, personally, I have absolutely no trouble understanding what you

write. I think your thoughts come across very clearly & you articulate them

very well. You put into words thoughts that I wish I could say; I can't

expand on thoughts & such as well as you can. I'm sorry that some of the

others on the spectrum find it difficult to read what you write, but I'm not

sure that it is personal, they are just stating their difficulty with how

you write. That is their difficulty/issue. When you publish, you find

people to help edit your work so the general public can read it easily, but

here, I hope you feel free to write as you think, which is beautiful &

helpful & non abrasive & gentle. Thank you for continuing to post b/c

sometimes I feel it's not easy for you to do.

Marie A.

> Ettina I to feel for self i to be of funciton all over the place in

> language and use it as you say in chunks of scripted fashions, but if

> asked to express what it means to others often cant find the words to

> use to express it even if my brain might have a vague understand of

> it but lack the way in which to express it in words verbally or

> writed out.


> Yes I to be of one who can interpret things literally and this is of

> a huge barrier at times for me because people see of me use these odd

> chunks and assume that the expressive and receptive match in me and

> they clearly do not.


> I to have of issues to grammar and syntax and cant seem to understand

> how to use language effectively because language is of to me not a

> pattern that makes of sense as it has too many exceptions to the

> rules which alters the rules and does not leave me with a clear

> understand of how language works. but I to try hard to get out the

> words to the best of my ability.


> I to not know of how to do with intent to manipulate of words to

> cause reactions or responses from others. to me they just flow out

> and bounce aobut space and connect to some and some not.


> but many on the spectrum have rejected me simply because of the way

> in which my words flow, sharing I to give of them a headache and that

> mthe just ignore and or refuse to read anything writed by me.

> Regardless of their whys to that it still caused of me to feel

> rejected out from a place that should be of embracing of the variety

> of ways autism gets of expressed. Kassi has never done of that to me

> she has always been of encouraging to me in my expressions of things.

> there has been a few others like Kassi who do like of me and take the

> extra time to read and understand of my thinking. Not saying yo do

> not like of me and even if you do not that is of you own personal

> choice and you have not maked me feel rejected by you but the words

> you shared triggered those chunks of words that to me caused of me to

> wonder if you were of referring of the words to me because of my need

> to try of so hard to not be of rude and so fear of being rude even if

> not aware if being of it, but it still causes me great fear of being

> that way because of words I to see from others when one is of being

> rude. I to learned that it is of to me very bad and not a good things

> to be of rude but I to lack how to really make of my words come in

> fashions with intent to be of one way or the other they just flow

> from me. and yes at times they have come off as a blunt as some have

> shared or falsly assumed of one intent or another to a person and it

> was never in the heart of me to feel that thinking at all.


> so was of seeking clarity of things. Also you are of righ the

> language barriers are of hard for me as I to shared did not have of

> real back and forth of words until maybe of age 9 and even that was

> of very limited. it was not until older teen and or young adult life

> that I to learned to use scripted rote words I to collected around

> from others, books , magazines and things to use as a way to

> communicate more effectively and it passed to some as long as I to

> not speak too long or too much. most assumed of me to be fo greatly

> shy because could not give of eye contact , avoided of people, used

> words rarily, and rarily interacted with a person or seeked then out

> for that reasons. And when I to sued of my words around professionals

> or family it was seen as very wrong and bad and this also shut of my

> desire to use of words down much. the mother of me often smacked of

> hte mouth of me for the way my words comed out.

> sondra





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Marie A.

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thanks you marie. I to be of looking at a sketch of george washington

on the yahoo page it is of for advertizing of a bank and I to like of

htis picture because it looks like george is of happy and flapping/


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