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Re: File any body Questions

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Do we know if eye sores are connected to this & mouth sores? Both the same

or separete issues?

The eye dr. doesn't know, the eye drops he gave me 2 weeks ago do not do any

thing! & the gel the dentist gave me also do not get rid of the stuff.

So who do we call on this problems?


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Hi Vivi,

I do know that one problem causes another, and my doctor found that

certain meds counteract others, so you might be taking something that

is helpful, but if the others you take shouldn't be mixed, you are

back to zero. I did notice that when I had the 10 doctors working on

me at one time, only one REALLY knew his medicines and what could and

could not be mixed. At one point, they were trying 'anything and

everything' since nothing seemed to make sense to them, and suddenly,

I lost my memory. I didn't know who my sister and brother were. At

that point, since my sister (having worked in a medical lab) had been

with me 100% of the time, she had noticed what med they had given me

and at what point the memory loss started. She insisted that it was

one specific thing and they argued with her. She insisted again and

they took me off that pill and 24 hrs later, I was back to normal.

You really need someone with you to oversee things.

What they suggested I do is type a dated list of all meds, dosis, and

which doctor prescribed it. Then when you have an appointment, even

with a dentist, give it to them so they will know (or should know)

what not to give you. Every time you make a change on the list, give

the list a new date and file it separately.


At 01:51 AM 7/17/2008, you wrote:

>Do we know if eye sores are connected to this & mouth sores? Both the same

>or separete issues?

>The eye dr. doesn't know, the eye drops he gave me 2 weeks ago do not do any

>thing! & the gel the dentist gave me also do not get rid of the stuff.

>So who do we call on this problems?




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This crap is never ending. I'm so very glad that you' ve got such good care.

No exageration It seems that so far there are a few people in here that are

doing any better at all.

o also wrote & said he's bad his comination of pred. & metrodextato is

not helping him.

I do need a good family Dr. that can help coodinate all this wt. my RD. but

I changed 3 x's in 3 yrs. & now I don't even want to do it untill I got the

diagnosed & could go to the new one et. info .in hand & " thigs over " .

The current one never saw allthis as ONE single issues , every thing to her

was F.M or separate stuff so I don.'t even want to go back & I need ti cause

the eye dr, told me he was concerned cause HE saw I had way to high colesterol

for my age .So now I got to go take care of something else.

For the record how long did it take for you to feel better after panequil? &

was did Your RD . give you that got you OUT of the hospital the next day?

(I can't go get it ....so just curios)



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Sorry I lost it for a sec. We know now that celebrex cause heart problems in

alot of people.

I've also been on the same pain killer for 6 yrs. & I haven't got hooked on

> I really do believe that you must have an addiction gene or something. I

put mine in a pill box & that's all & take. I't's not allways enough

in fact 50 % it doesn't cover the pains but I still wont take more than that

cause I figure It's just not strong

enoght to cover that kind. & I have never complained about the pain to the

dr.s specially new one because I know then they wouldn't take me seroius about

" finding out WHAT is the sourse (the DX) I've been after.

I did disclosed to the new one what I take & later I'd like to ask her if

she would tke over the prescription

so I can dump the old lousy Rheumy that blames every thing on F.M The same

when I've landed on the ER . they made me feel like I wanted pain med. So I

told them I allreaddy got my own so start looking for the real problem, &

refused any pain med. & boy could I have use d it.I had my husband bring me


to the hosp. the second time.. & when they asked when I had taking it last & I

had not for 24 hrs. because the ENDO was trying to test me for tumor on the

adrenal glands & didn't wannnnnt me to have any thing in my system for 24

hrs. before collecting the urine they blamed the sweats & chills on " withdrawn "

symptoms. Exept I keept having them for another 4 days even after I had began

to take all my meds. again.

I feel so very gratefull that at least I do get pain med. because doctors

now don't even want to treat that,

I wouln't even be sitting here on the computer if I didn't have that!! It

really agrevates the neck & all other muscles from F.M at least. I don't even

know about what comes from Stills or F>M.



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Hi, I am looking at my old meds listings and at that time I was on

Prednizone, Methotrexate, and Celebrex.

Those did nothing for me, so to reduce the pain, he put me on NORCO.

Since it was a drug they didn't want me to stay on it too long, they

changed the brand. Not sure if changing the brand kept me from

getting hooked on it, but it helped for about 3-4 hours. Then the

pains started crawling in again. They put me on 2-3 different such

pain killers and I never got hooked on them. So he didn't give me

Plaquenil and Kineret until I got out. The other doctors were

hesitant to put me on the pain killers. I have been on this mixture

for almost two years. The only complaint is the small bruises I get

from the daily shot. But...


At 01:30 PM 7/17/2008, you wrote:


>This crap is never ending. I'm so very glad that you' ve got such good care.

>No exageration It seems that so far there are a few people in here that are

>doing any better at all.

>o also wrote & said he's bad his comination of pred. & metrodextato is

>not helping him.

>I do need a good family Dr. that can help coodinate all this wt. my RD. but

>I changed 3 x's in 3 yrs. & now I don't even want to do it untill I got the

>diagnosed & could go to the new one et. info .in hand & " thigs over " .

>The current one never saw allthis as ONE single issues , every thing to her

>was F.M or separate stuff so I don.'t even want to go back & I need ti cause

>the eye dr, told me he was concerned cause HE saw I had way to high


>for my age .So now I got to go take care of something else.

>For the record how long did it take for you to feel better after panequil? &

>was did Your RD . give you that got you OUT of the hospital the next day?

>(I can't go get it ....so just curios)




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I read it. tks


At 05:23 PM 7/17/2008, you wrote:

>Gringa read my last E mail. It was for you. I just lost it before I sent it

>ALL to you.




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