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Have You Ever...

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Let me guess...you keep waking up into days where you keep running into yourself? [huh?] Let me put it another way, you keep finding out your, what's that word I keep forgetting? - oh yeah, HUMAN.

You get involved with what your doing in the service of others so much so that you forget eating, sleeping, entertainment, the dog needs fed, the dishes washed and "work". That's not all you forget, but then, I don't have to tell you do I?

We find ourselves "in the spirit" of what we do and we just naturally feel "at home" there. It is unlike anything else that can be imagined...it is the work of "our soul". Now, most of us never set out to do this stuff...a few even would deny any such interest in any form or fashion whatsoever, if you had been told this is what you were meant to do.

Wait...what? This is the work of the "soul", it is the ego aspect of the human self that would of thought of anything else but this work. However, this "ego" we have to contend with IS NOT the HUMAN. It's merely that little guy up in the control center pushing buttons and pulling gears. We need to demote him back to operations and get him out of that chair.

It is the soul who naturally sets there...it rest comfortably within this flesh, so "experience" can be obtained. So, we find that when we "get lost" in what we do....we are actually being what we are...of course it's natural.

The ego's natural state of being is to keep "fleshly" operations running smoothly. To monitor systems of the body, and to interact...did you get that...let me say it again...INNER - ACT. To ACT by the COMMAND and DIRECTION of what is WITHIN.

And "within", we find our natural selves...the soul.

If the ego is "acting-up", or to say, doing the controling or driving, he's not acting from within. He's "doing his own thing", outwardly. The ego is following it's own direction, and therefore has none.

Now, because of this "inner-action" taking place, we wake up to "ourselves". What? We wake up to "more than one self". Ourselves. This even implies something's out of whack. Since we "experience within the same body", we find ourselves looking at - well - ourselves. The ego see the soul and cringes...he may know he's not "taking care of business". This could create a tantrum, like a child not getting his way, and the next thing you know, there's stress, shortness of patience...things seem to get to you. The ego becomes overwhelmed because he's not been taking care of his work, performing in his natural position.

Now, you know when your, you as soul, are fully aware and in fullness, there's really nothing capable of unseating you. Your flowing, in a natural state of being. And even if your driving, shopping or doing some other "human thing", you glide through it with ease, naturally.

The ego takes care of feeding the dog, washing the car, getting the mail, whatever is done through the flesh, and those things are then performed, naturally.

So, if your being frustrated in your work, "look up", ego's messing around. Simply smile, that loving smile you know you have, and set it right. Get up, right now....I see you....stand.....there you go. [oh, so your going to be the one who keeps reading.....do it standing up]. Now, stretch. Look around...go get a cup of coffee, walk outside a minute...go take a walk around the house....wait, hey YOU, I meant outside....there ya go...

Now, after this little break, play a few minutes...that is what you call this stuff - right? It better be, that's natural.

Now, when you do that next posting, or send that next email, get up, go feed the dog, and smile, do I have to come over there?

Now continue to do this kind of thing as you do your "soulful being"...you'll be acting "from the place and energy that you are", this will be YOU. What your doing is reminding the ego of his natural state of being, to perform the actions that "feed the soul", and in it, there is but ONE. And this is and becomes, NATURAL.

So, the next time you find yourself waking up to another YOU, somebodies not where they should be...and we all need to be one in ourselves before we can be one with all of us that are but one.

Now, let me see where mine got off to, I need to do a little ego adjusting myself.....not....do....not....do....hush, not here....





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  • 3 years later...
Guest guest

Um are you a blonde, perhaps? Or do you wear a hearing aid in the other

ear? I've often gone without the second implant, but know immediately if

I don't have the first one on, because I can't even hear myself THINK.

But the second one adds and give a fullness to sound, but I am able to

function quite well without it, and often forget to put it on.

But quiet geese should have been a clue!

Had your CI on for hours and then realize it's not turned on? OMG please

tell me i'm not the only one that does such a stupid thing.

Today after my shower I put my CI on with battery intact, etc went aobut

my daily chores and drove to the river to walk my dog and watched a long

aprade of geese walk from the water up the boat ramp and across the

grass. I was mesmerized with watching them. then we left and i got in the

car and said " Odd the Geese were awful quiet and the birds were songless

today " then reached up and turned on my CI. Grrrrr this ahs happened

about 3 times.


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Ha! !  No not blonde and no hearing aides here.

Just a redhead with blonde moments.

Have a great day!

Debbie Cole

From: nucleus24@... <nucleus24@...>

Subject: Re:Have you ever...

Date: Sunday, August 8, 2010, 10:48 PM


Um are you a blonde, perhaps? Or do you wear a hearing aid in the other

ear? I've often gone without the second implant, but know immediately if

I don't have the first one on, because I can't even hear myself THINK.

But the second one adds and give a fullness to sound, but I am able to

function quite well without it, and often forget to put it on.

But quiet geese should have been a clue!

Had your CI on for hours and then realize it's not turned on? OMG please

tell me i'm not the only one that does such a stupid thing.

Today after my shower I put my CI on with battery intact, etc went aobut

my daily chores and drove to the river to walk my dog and watched a long

aprade of geese walk from the water up the boat ramp and across the

grass. I was mesmerized with watching them. then we left and i got in the

car and said " Odd the Geese were awful quiet and the birds were songless

today " then reached up and turned on my CI. Grrrrr this ahs happened

about 3 times.


Professional Logo Designs

Your business needs a logo! Order today, delivery in 5 days or less.


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