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Re: I can't take much more!! Any Suggestions?

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I don't even know what to say... except just to hang in there. You are being

dealt several blows at once, no wonder you have the rash. Hard as it seems, you

need to take care of yourself.

As for the people you got the dog from, if they didn't take care of it in the

first place, I wouldn't let them have it back under ANY circumstances. Also,

save those emails & texts, sounds like you may need to get a restraining order,

for crying out loud! I have never heard of such stupidity as these people. If

they really loved the dog, they would have had the shots and vet checks it


I don't know how old your daughter is, but mine's 16, and I can relate. She

hasn't been out drinking, but I have my share of heartache. And when you try to

talk to them, they think we were born at this age, never having been a teenager

ourselves, so how could we possibly understand? Then, when you do get that

point across, they say, oh, things are different now than when you were young.

I have called and apologized to my poor mother many times since raising my


I am thinking of you. Let us know what happens, we are here!


Hi All,

Before I start ranting like the lunatic I'm becoming I'd like to apologize in

advance! I also want to welcome the new people to the group. Sorry Stills is the

reason your here but you have found a great group.

OK I have had about ALL I can take. I know many of you have felt this way. I

will try not to ramble on & on but really need to vent. 2007 wasn't so good &

December was horrible. I said many good-byes & was ready to start off a New &

better year --- HAHAHA Who was I kidding? I actually fooled myself into

believing things might get on the uphill course.

First off I've had " the rash " & night sweats off & on for a couple weeks now,

have felt like poop! I'm still waiting to find out if I'm ever going to get on

the compassionate use program for the new med my doctor has been talking about

for 4 months. I'm guessing at this point probably not.

Now for the really shi##y stuff. Here's some history. We had 3 dogs, a Golden

Retriever & 2 Jack Terriers for many years. When our Golden was about 12

she started getting dizzy & would walk in circles, the vet said it was a

disorder that some Golden's get but they can recover which she did-- for awhile.

Then we had an opportunity to rescue another 4 year old Jack , we didn't

need 4 dogs but let our hearts do the thinking. A couple months later our Golden

got very sick so 3 years ago we had to put her to sleep. She was my boyfriends

dog, he'd had her as a puppy so it was really hard. We wanted another Golden but

decided 3 dogs was enough. In October this year my male Jack of 14 years

got sick & ended up having cancer so we had to put him to sleep, in December

(day after Christmas) my female of 15 years had a stroke that caused brain

damage so we had to put her to sleep as well. ( in the last 2 weeks of December

we also had 3 close family members die,

2 unexpectedly) Being dog lovers we made the decision to get another Golden but

agreed 2 dogs is PLENTY. We still have our Jack rescue dog. So we have

been watching the paper, on line, registered with a couple Golden rescue

agencies etc. my boyfriend has been so excited to get a " big " dog again. This

past week there was one in our local paper for sale so we drove about 25 miles

to meet him. He's the age we wanted seemed like a nice dog but it is obvious he

hasn't had much training. The owner told us they hadn't time to do much training

& were letting him go because they are to busy for a dog. We wanted to buy him

that night but the lady got teary eyed & asked if we could wait until the

following day & she would bring him to us. We figured she was going to change

her mind but she didn't. She & her kids brought him to us on Thursday evening.

We asked her 3 different times if she was sure about the sale, she said yes they

are just to busy for the dog & as a family

they had discussed it. She asked if they could come visit sometime & we agreed.

She told us he had spent alot of time outside & slept in a metal kennel they

didn't let him inside much. Now comes the messed up part. The dog is 9 months

old they never had him vaccinated & got him in May. He knows one command sit

(for 5 seconds) isn't completely house broken, no leash training, is timid &

afraid of loud noises this is what we know so far after 2 days. We knew he would

probably have issues & are willing to deal with them. We consider dog ownership

as a lifelong commitment. We made an appointment to get his shots, neuter and

called about obedience classes already. So yesterday we get an e-mail from the

husband who we never met. He stayed in the garage while we saw the dog & didn't

come along when they brought the dog to our house. He said they think they've

made a mistake selling the dog & are requesting we give him. He will be gone

until Tuesday so when he gets home we'll get

it all settled & that they were planning to come see the dog this week anyway.

We e-mailed them back said we bought the dog, we asked if they were sure about

selling him etc. he has no shots, not housebroken & no training which shows they

are busy. We also said at this time we wanted no more contact that we feel it

would just be harder on them to come visit every week but maybe in a few months

they can call & we'll go from there. Tonight we got 3 text messages from the

husband threatening us, he was being completely irrational. Saying we just tied

the dog up in our tiny little yard at our little crappy house, or cage him?? We

misled them & lied he's getting an attorney, can't wait to meet my boyfriend

face to face Tuesday he just went on & on. The man has never been here nor met

us but he sure insulted us & our character! We did try to do the adult thing &

called both of them back but of course no one answered, we left messages to call

us. The only contact we've had with

him is via e-mail & text message, it seems odd that one of them didn't just pick

up the phone to call & discuss it. We sent an e-mail late last night since we

didn't hear back & told them how we felt about the husband harassing us,

questioning our character & insulting us. We asked them to call us today to get

this resolved as ADULTS. ( FYI our house is 11 years old 2000 sq ft with 2

adults, 1 teen & dogs) but not up to his standards, he implied it's a dump & we

are low life's. We don't know what to do.

To top it all off I let my teenage daughter stay at a friends house. I got a

call at 1:30am from a screaming mother whom I could barely understand yelling

come get your daugther now she let the girls leave for awhile & apparently they

came back drank so her daughter drove home that way then the mom confronted them

(I'm sure yelling & screaming) She told my daughter to get out never wants to

see her there again. I was worried sick not know where my daughter was & driving

with the possibility she was drunk. She made it home had been drinking so I have

to deal with that today as well.

At this point I fee like just curling up in a corner. A trip to the resort would

truly feel like a vacation right now! I haven't slept all night, I'm covered

with my wonderful friend Mr. Rash.

I'm mad, sad, pist, exhausted, overwhelmed blah, blah blah & think I'm finally

on my way to a padded room wearing a nice white jacket hopefully the meds will

numb all the bullshit!

Thanks for listening I know this was looooonnnnnnnnggggggggg.



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I just do not know what to say, except hang in there and know that we

are with you in spirit. My goodness, seems like everything is

hitting you at once. As if Stills was not enough.

We are doggie people too (as it seems many on the site are) and I can

not believe how stupid some people can be. THOSE people (and I use

the term loosely) are totally ignorant and self centered. My sister

in law went through something along similar lines with her dog Leo.

The neighbors behind their house " owned " Leo and in the middle of

winter, in Plattsburgh, NY (Aderondacks, temps in the zero and below

range) they decided to take a trip to Florida for 2 weeks. Well,

what do you do with your dog? Easy, since he spends his time in the

outside doghouse anyway, you pour a 20 pound bag of dog food in a big

container and in another pour lots of water,chain the dog up and go

your merry way.

My sister in law took him in when the temp plummeted and took care of

him. What did the low lifes do on their return. They called the

police because my sis in law " stole " their dog. She fought them

tooth and nail and they finally left town and Leo stayed in our

family. Amazing that he has the sweetest disposition after all that

abuse. The only hold over is that he has to have a path cleared in

the snow to do his " thing " in the winter. We think it is because of

the frost bite on his feet.

You are doing the right thing. I hope it works out for you and the

dog. As for your daughter......I am afraid you will have to take a

deep breath and deal with it. Unlike the other mother, I believe you

are doing the right thing by waiting for the big discussion until you

have a chance to cool down a bit. Teenagers.......was I ever there?

The one thing that always set me off with my daughter was the way she

would say, " whatevvvvver! " when I would try to have one of those

discussions with her. Luckily she has managed to survive (and me

too). Of course, for me that was Pre Stills.

Best of luck and continue to feel free to vent.

Tom from PA


> Hi All,

> Before I start ranting like the lunatic I'm becoming I'd like to

apologize in advance!


> ---------------------------------

> Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile.

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That is just unbelievable. I'd justy tell those people that he was our dog

now and to get over it. It is evident that you are going to be better to him

than they were. Don't know what to say about you daughter. That is a hard one.

Hope your day gets better.


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Wow, talk about too much on your plate. First off, ignore the idiot who

sold you the dog. he'll have no legal ground to stand on and really can't do

anything to you.

I'm terribly sorry about the deaths in your family, no matter the

season......that has to be enough to put anyone on the edge. As far as your

daughter, try this.... Call a local policeman and ask him if he is willing

to scare the hell out of her WITHOUT charging her as neither one of you need

the added costs, loss of license or record. I know many policeman (Don't ask

me why or how, but 7 of my good friends are troopers, and two are city

Police) Most cops I know are willing to work with a family with a problem

like that with out making it " official " . In reality they can't charge her

unless they catch her, anything else is hearsay, but they sure don't have to

let her know that!!!

Drinking, to me, is not a HUGE mistake, so long as it isn't a habit (in

regards to young people, between 17-20) as most of us did it at least once,

but getting behind the wheel drunk is another story. If nothing else, play

" teacher " . Insist that she write out a 30 page term paper for you that

contains at least 100 resources. That will certainly teach her about many of

the potential consequences of doing what she did. I would also contact the

other mother and have her do the same thing. I knew 5 people (went to high

school together) who died as a result of drunk driving. The scariest one is

I witnessed a car veer across the road in front of me and go over a very

steep embankment. I tried to help, but the two were dead by the time the car

came to a stop. It took 3 tow trucks to drag this car up this embankment,

and they were within 1 mile of their house. This was 1 month after we

graduated high school. I knew their parents, the whole nine yards. That was

just a bad memory, but one that kept me from ever trying to get the car home

drunk. In reality I've only been drunk 3 times in my life, as I can't stand

the feeling. I loved having a beer or two, but that was about it for me.

I'm serious on the term paper...........think about it. You can make her

do it and if she is a minor, take away her privilege of driving for 90 days

or so (except for work & necessary runs). If she is over 21, well there

isn't much you can make her do, but she'll probably listen.

I wish you the best, and hope you catch a well deserved break!!!! Other

than that, I don't know what to say.

Have a good day, Kirk.


> Hi All,

> Before I start ranting like the lunatic I'm becoming I'd like to apologize

> in advance! I also want to welcome the new people to the group. Sorry Stills

> is the reason your here but you have found a great group.


> OK I have had about ALL I can take. I know many of you have felt this way.

> I will try not to ramble on & on but really need to vent. 2007 wasn't so

> good & December was horrible. I said many good-byes & was ready to start off

> a New & better year --- HAHAHA Who was I kidding? I actually fooled myself

> into believing things might get on the uphill course.


> First off I've had " the rash " & night sweats off & on for a couple weeks

> now, have felt like poop! I'm still waiting to find out if I'm ever going to

> get on the compassionate use program for the new med my doctor has been

> talking about for 4 months. I'm guessing at this point probably not.


> Now for the really shi##y stuff. Here's some history. We had 3 dogs, a

> Golden Retriever & 2 Jack Terriers for many years. When our Golden

> was about 12 she started getting dizzy & would walk in circles, the vet said

> it was a disorder that some Golden's get but they can recover which she

> did-- for awhile. Then we had an opportunity to rescue another 4 year old

> Jack , we didn't need 4 dogs but let our hearts do the thinking. A

> couple months later our Golden got very sick so 3 years ago we had to put

> her to sleep. She was my boyfriends dog, he'd had her as a puppy so it was

> really hard. We wanted another Golden but decided 3 dogs was enough. In

> October this year my male Jack of 14 years got sick & ended up

> having cancer so we had to put him to sleep, in December (day after

> Christmas) my female of 15 years had a stroke that caused brain damage so we

> had to put her to sleep as well. ( in the last 2 weeks of December we also

> had 3 close family members die,

> 2 unexpectedly) Being dog lovers we made the decision to get another

> Golden but agreed 2 dogs is PLENTY. We still have our Jack rescue

> dog. So we have been watching the paper, on line, registered with a couple

> Golden rescue agencies etc. my boyfriend has been so excited to get a " big "

> dog again. This past week there was one in our local paper for sale so we

> drove about 25 miles to meet him. He's the age we wanted seemed like a nice

> dog but it is obvious he hasn't had much training. The owner told us they

> hadn't time to do much training & were letting him go because they are to

> busy for a dog. We wanted to buy him that night but the lady got teary eyed

> & asked if we could wait until the following day & she would bring him to

> us. We figured she was going to change her mind but she didn't. She & her

> kids brought him to us on Thursday evening. We asked her 3 different times

> if she was sure about the sale, she said yes they are just to busy for the

> dog & as a family

> they had discussed it. She asked if they could come visit sometime & we

> agreed. She told us he had spent alot of time outside & slept in a metal

> kennel they didn't let him inside much. Now comes the messed up part. The

> dog is 9 months old they never had him vaccinated & got him in May. He knows

> one command sit (for 5 seconds) isn't completely house broken, no leash

> training, is timid & afraid of loud noises this is what we know so far after

> 2 days. We knew he would probably have issues & are willing to deal with

> them. We consider dog ownership as a lifelong commitment. We made an

> appointment to get his shots, neuter and called about obedience classes

> already. So yesterday we get an e-mail from the husband who we never met. He

> stayed in the garage while we saw the dog & didn't come along when they

> brought the dog to our house. He said they think they've made a mistake

> selling the dog & are requesting we give him. He will be gone until Tuesday

> so when he gets home we'll get

> it all settled & that they were planning to come see the dog this week

> anyway. We e-mailed them back said we bought the dog, we asked if they were

> sure about selling him etc. he has no shots, not housebroken & no training

> which shows they are busy. We also said at this time we wanted no more

> contact that we feel it would just be harder on them to come visit every

> week but maybe in a few months they can call & we'll go from there. Tonight

> we got 3 text messages from the husband threatening us, he was being

> completely irrational. Saying we just tied the dog up in our tiny little

> yard at our little crappy house, or cage him?? We misled them & lied he's

> getting an attorney, can't wait to meet my boyfriend face to face Tuesday he

> just went on & on. The man has never been here nor met us but he sure

> insulted us & our character! We did try to do the adult thing & called both

> of them back but of course no one answered, we left messages to call us. The

> only contact we've had with

> him is via e-mail & text message, it seems odd that one of them didn't

> just pick up the phone to call & discuss it. We sent an e-mail late last

> night since we didn't hear back & told them how we felt about the husband

> harassing us, questioning our character & insulting us. We asked them to

> call us today to get this resolved as ADULTS. ( FYI our house is 11 years

> old 2000 sq ft with 2 adults, 1 teen & dogs) but not up to his standards, he

> implied it's a dump & we are low life's. We don't know what to do.


> To top it all off I let my teenage daughter stay at a friends house. I got

> a call at 1:30am from a screaming mother whom I could barely understand

> yelling come get your daugther now she let the girls leave for awhile &

> apparently they came back drank so her daughter drove home that way then the

> mom confronted them (I'm sure yelling & screaming) She told my daughter to

> get out never wants to see her there again. I was worried sick not know

> where my daughter was & driving with the possibility she was drunk. She made

> it home had been drinking so I have to deal with that today as well.


> At this point I fee like just curling up in a corner. A trip to the resort

> would truly feel like a vacation right now! I haven't slept all night, I'm

> covered with my wonderful friend Mr. Rash.

> I'm mad, sad, pist, exhausted, overwhelmed blah, blah blah & think I'm

> finally on my way to a padded room wearing a nice white jacket hopefully the

> meds will numb all the bullshit!


> Thanks for listening I know this was looooonnnnnnnnggggggggg.

> Chris



> ---------------------------------

> Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try it

> now.



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WOW Chris!

Y'all have really had a time with it and your dogs. I am a dog lover as well.

It started when I got Patches about 6 years ago. Prior to her, I always liked

dogs but, I was kinda afraid of them. Well, I adopted Patches and have now

become one of those crazy 'dog people'. And I say this with pride!!! She is

incredible and gives me so much unconditional love. ( has a beautiful boy

dog named Stein. He and Patches have played together and like each other.)

Those people are nuts! They sound like the type who are always trying to find

any body to sue. Good luck with that and don't let them intimidate you. Keep all

emails, voicemails (if they ever return your call) and text msgs.

And about your daughter, UGH! That has to be really tough. Good luck!


in Houston

Elissadwho@... wrote:


That is just unbelievable. I'd justy tell those people that he was our dog

now and to get over it. It is evident that you are going to be better to him

than they were. Don't know what to say about you daughter. That is a hard one.

Hope your day gets better.


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