Guest guest Posted November 14, 2008 Report Share Posted November 14, 2008 A loud Hear! Hear! to Rick! You guys north of the border have an even tougher time than we in the States. And in North Carolina it is almost impossible to succede with a small dairy, even as "pet food", since cow share is illegal. It should all start with why you want raw. If it is for health, why do you say it is when the authorities proclaim pestilence and disease? No matter what your claim for the reason you want raw, it must devole to "I have to right to eat what I want." Alcholics drug addicts get their fix and are treated at gov'mint or insurance expense. We who want to do the healthly thing, as we see it should be left alone. Last winter I was stopped in a license check. The patrolman noted that I had a large load of wood on my truck. I did. He noted that I had a slick tire on my dual wheel truck. I pointed out that to pass inspection, I only needed to have one good one on each side of my duals. He argued that he could still write me a ticket. I acknowledged that he could, and promised to remedy the situation, and pointed out that I was only two miles from home. After he agreed to let me go, I could not help but comment that he must be sure that all the drug dealers, burglers, mother stabbers and father rapers were in jail, since he had time to harass a good old boy with a load of firewood. The powers that be harass us because drug dealers shoot back, maybe we should. Hanging on to raw and guns in NC. Bill Dunlap Subject: OTBC "Off Topic" to some perhaps, but crutial to the survival of Raw Darying!To: RawDairy Date: Thursday, November 13, 2008, 11:43 PM The politics of elections can rightly be seen as truly being OT, but thepolitics of "Raw Dairying" if ignored by this group [of any that might,or aught to be; aware and on guard, to protect, defend, and advance ourprinciples - if we as individual members of a group choose to neglectour duty - choosing instead to believe in "Sugar Plum Fairies" and otherfantasies from childhood - we may as well give up now] ensures thatwithin 5 years you will no longer be permitted to practice what you nowprofess to believe in.A sad but now ever growing more probable result of the current trends innational and international events.Powerful financial interests manipulate policies and steer the courseof world events in their desired direction, if any here in "Raw Dairy"still doubt this comment - look closely at the events of recent timeswith a free and open mind, and ask yourself - How can it be that theentire world's economies can so suddenly collapse and this not have beenforetold?"OTBC" might best alert those who choose to abrogate their rights to thewhims of their political masters do you perchance - Remember the timeswhen it was meant to be the other way around?Stubbornly holding on to the belief that "Sugar Plum Fairies" will dobattle to uphold your rights to your currently allowed practices.Sadly in my view when Gordon is admonished for daring to make comment[if in a manner some younger, newer members misunderstand] after yearsof doing the legal and business research, required to lay the groundwork in setting up what has resulted in the largest cow-share in Canadaserving 250 here in B.C., and continuing even now to appeal the ceaseand desist order Home on the Range was issued earlier this year. I thinkas such a staunch and active supporter of the Raw Dairy movement, othersmay do well to remain mute and at least consider what he might offer,even if you choose to disagree.My apologies for being [or at least for feeling that this needs to besaid] so upset by some comments, as to need to offer my views here andplead that this not become a flame, otherwise it would be required tostart a "Raw Dairy" - "Real Milk" group to discuss the realities of oursituation.Rick Adam author of an affidavit in support of the file on appeal to thecease and desist order against Home on the Range dairy, stating thehealth benefits of raw milk for the enlightenment of the court. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 14, 2008 Report Share Posted November 14, 2008 Amen to that!!!!!! A loud Hear! Hear! to Rick! You guys north of the border have an even tougher time than we in the States. And in North Carolina it is almost impossible to succede with a small dairy, even as "pet food", since cow share is illegal. It should all start with why you want raw. If it is for health, why do you say it is when the authorities proclaim pestilence and disease? No matter what your claim for the reason you want raw, it must devole to "I have to right to eat what I want." Alcholics drug addicts get their fix and are treated at gov'mint or insurance expense. We who want to do the healthly thing, as we see it should be left alone. Last winter I was stopped in a license check. The patrolman noted that I had a large load of wood on my truck. I did. He noted that I had a slick tire on my dual wheel truck. I pointed out that to pass inspection, I only needed to have one good one on each side of my duals. He argued that he could still write me a ticket. I acknowledged that he could, and promised to remedy the situation, and pointed out that I was only two miles from home. After he agreed to let me go, I could not help but comment that he must be sure that all the drug dealers, burglers, mother stabbers and father rapers were in jail, since he had time to harass a good old boy with a load of firewood. The powers that be harass us because drug dealers shoot back, maybe we should. Hanging on to raw and guns in NC. Bill Dunlap Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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