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Re: elections

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Re: elections

A true small business owner doesn't fire/hire people based on

elections, it's based off numbers. A true small business owner thinks

in terms of business, not being able to blame one party or the other.

Trust me, the small businesses I did/do bookkeeping for are in

business to make money, not to complain about politics. Maybe they do

complain about politics, but they don't hurt their business for the

sake of complaining.

As someone hoping to enter into the job market in the next 1 1/2 yrs,

it drives me nuts that my income will equate to higher taxes. The

express purpose of my working is to be able to provide a government

independent life for my family and daughter with autism in particular.

I should not be told that the government knows better how to spend my

money than I do. I should not be told because I've been out here

busting my butt for years to work toward a better living for my family

that I should be penalized. So what if I will make more money, I've

worked to make more money, it shouldn't be anyone else's but whom I

choose to give it to. I don't mind paying a fair share in taxes, I

should pay the same percentage as anyone else.



we are a school. we started back in 2003 and finally started doing well in 2005

and 2006.? we are nearly 75 % run on school vouchers. we've had a hard break

from the teacher unions complaining.? the teachers union file suits against us

taking the?ACLU with them saying we are not constitutional. we've had one type

of school voucher program shut down already. and the schools are upset we do

alternative therapies and and methods. like floortime and RPM and FC and verbal

therapy. which they say is nonsense. but people come to us because no public

school will offer these services. how is it we can offer more services than they

can with the same amount of monies? we also have horses, and heated pool in our

ranch house type schools. but the 2007 things were getting harder with 2008 at

it's worst they cut the voucher program amount down while teachers asked for

more pay and parents didn't have enouogh to cover the costs. we've been holding

a bit to see what happens. mccain would?have lowered us?25% and obama will raise

us to 50%. McCain fully supported the voucher program while Obama was against

it. which is the greatest issue here. last year a voucher program was cut in

months time. so there didn't seem a point to hold on much longer. one guy was

going to tax us another was not. one made our project secure the other keeps us

at risk. we don't expect things to get better with many public school people not

wanting to compete with us and complaining?all the time and others filing

lawsuits against the voucher program. with?Mccain we knew we'de have a chance.

with Obama he made it clear where he stood with us in regards to vouchers.

education as well as healthcare will be federalized. i guess we'll be looking

like canada soon enough. there didn't seem to be a point to wait since expanding

was dependant on who won. we want to keep what we have and save, and scale down

already starting now. we need to make less money than last year and?we now know

for sure we cant expand we'll wait and see maybe four years from now when capit

alism is no longer a dirty word.

With the voucher program at stake, many charter schools are also at risk if they

are not set up a certain way. the email we all received states he on;y supports

some formats of charter schools, so they are very nervous as well being now at

risk as well.? We are also making preparations to cut costs and some know they

may close down eventually as well well function as a private school, n0?


my workers?already knew they'de be out of work?depending on who won so they had

that consideration.? we are under a lot of pressure and getting fined and now

our?bathrooms are not up to code. we have to have a bathroom for boys and one

for girls?and a separate one for teachers. this is headaches.?there was a

montessori school who was implementing a montessori for autism program. but it

would have depended on the voucher programs as well. they also were basing

things on the risks and securitiy of voucher programs


we'de already known if Obama wins we will not go forward.?we were just riding

things out to see what happens. we scale?down cut costs,?keep small no more

students will be taken in under voucher programs and we manage knowing that

someday?we may see our voucher program like the last one shut?down. we will

remain open but only take students who can actually afford the?19,000.00 tuition

which many parents can't.??It's not like we didn't lose students and funding

before all in a sudden. this time we are prepared. since we've been made clear

where Obama stood on vouchers and who is at risk. we all put 30,000.00 into this

place and we whatever happens we want to have that set aside. we want to keep

small. we'de all decided this beforehand.??


you can't really say that an election doesn't change how a business wants to

progress either. that montessori at questa was determining their decision to

expand their program but only thought it worthwhile to pursue if the voucher

program is secure. we had hoped with mccain in the other schools that lost

their?vouchers can regain them. the teacher unions along with the aclu had

managed to eliminate the program.


now many?busineses i know are very nervous about what obama means to their

businesses. our mechainc has two shops and he was going to close one down or

maintain the status quo depending on who won.? florida is run mostly on small

busineses and a considerable amount does make more than the 250,000.00. he has

decided that with obama in office he'de close down the davie shop and move back

with his brother in hallandale. obama was to iffy and unsteady with the taxes

and amounts and so on, changing the amonts from one day to the next. mccain in

he would have been comfortable maintaining the staus quo, now with obama in he

wants to keep safe and small. it's not worth working hard and being punished for

it. the only incentive to expand is those efforts are rewarded. 50% who is

willing to work half a year for taxes? sit back and relax on just 100,000.00.

why get bigger or stay bigger when the only thing you have to look forward to is

working for everyone else? if we got here others can too. i din't have anything

and started from nothing. like 35% isn't enough to be raped with. keep safe and

small. look our teachers and his mechanics will have a month to find other work

and unemployment as well. no one wants to take risks businesses can turn easy.?

best to keep small and tight. hey if the vuocher program shuts down, that's 75%

of my students. i'de be gutted. i need to bring paying parents in and that's it.

small businesses use whatever reasons to either feel safe or take risks or plan

ahead. and no small business i've spoken to is happy or secure with obama in

place.?it's 250,000.00, now it's 200,000.00, now it's 150,000.00, now it's back

to 250,000.00. ?????? what is it obamanation?


yeah we are scaling down and moving money around and reorganizing things. we're

reoorganizing ourselves to life and business not dependant on vouchers and of

course ensuring we make less this year than the last.?his whole tax program was

not mathematical and unrealistic and changes daily. enough to have made us all

dizzy. every small business i knew were wincing, still are.


and hell yeah i want to make millions i have a daughter who will be dependant on

others for the rest of her life. 90% of her daily functions she needs others to

assist her. i want her set up for the rest of her life. i've seen the care

government programs are like. i wouldn't trust them to care for my dog. i want

my daughter to be secured for as long as she lives. nurses, personal aides,

owning her own property, everything. and i don't need my money going elsewhere

because that's taking it from from my daughter's future. forget the fact i'm

having stem cell done on her and will likely have to go to argentina and the





& gt;

& gt; Your so right Sondra!

& gt; Unfortunately I can see that this is going to happen, and instead of


& gt; small business owners saying let's see how things go, or better yet,


& gt; can we do to increase business so that we can continue with the

people we

& gt; have regardless of what happens... They're going to take the

opportunity to

& gt; blame the election of Obama and tax plans that are not even in place

yet OR

& gt; have been approved to bail out on those that need them the most

right now.

& gt; It helps them to feel less guilty about not working harder to make their

& gt; business grow, they can just blame Obama.

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Well....if you expect the worst - that's what you will get.   One way or the

other.   Why not try to avoid thinking the worst before it even happens ? 


You are determined to be angry right now - and nothing anyone can say right now

will make any difference - it will only fuel your fire and give you more reason

to argue.  So - go ahead -get mad - get it out.  Those of us that want to allow

ourselves to hope -have had to endure a government for 8 years that we did not

believe in either.  It has felt to use like we have been in chains.


McCain - was promoting policies that have been in place and have not been

working.    I am not a mind reader and cannot predict the future. I cannot see

into a man's heart and know his soul.  I can however - predict with a great deal

of certainty - that if we continue to do what we've been doing -we'll continue

to get the same result.  


I won't argue with you about this.  I will pray your business ventures do well -

and IF you are someday hit with higher taxes -then I pray you will be making

enough money adn be so successful that it will not be a burden on you - but a

gift you are willing to pass on to others because you have been so blessed



I refuse to let anyone put a damper on my day today.   Maybe tomorrow -but not

today.  Today - tell me ANYTHING and I will find a way to put a positive spin on

it !



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autistic crystal I to readed of the post and do not fullyu understand

of the voucher things but in Ohio we have of the autism scholarship

where the federal and state money ? follows the child so parents have

of the options to chose of other educational settings outside of the

public education.

we have of several of autism related schools in my areas that are in

part of from the parental choice of the using the autism

scholarships. has you school looked into the ideas of what other

states are of doing in regards to such things.

also some colleges can be of open to referring college students for

practicums which costs you nothing but enhances of their educational

or career experiences. Yes the people will alternate but it is of no

reall cost to you for their services to learn and add more people

doing various jobs.

I to be of sorry you are o feeling frustrated in the changes and new

ways of things but none of us really know how things will be or how

they will hurt of benefit of the people yet. just like when any thing

new comes it has of much glitches as it is of shared to be worked out

before it runs as it should.


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I'm not angry, so therefore I'm not determined to me angry. Nor am I

trying to put a damper on anyone. Nor am I expecting the worst, I'm

simply expecting our society to move to a more socialist state as has

been promised by Senator Obama through the content of his message.

Clearly there are far worse states, dictator, etc. You all are

discussing it, I'm assuming I'm equally permitted.

I agreed with you that current things are not working, if you scroll

back you will see my complaints about spending. I'm not wanting to

argue, I'm presenting an alternative viewpoint as you did. I didn't

use any of these emotional terms " expect the worst... want to be

angry... wanting to argue... " to dismiss your thoughts, so please

don't do so to me.

As I stated, I disagree with being penalized for working hard. As I

stated, being told someone else can spend my hard work better than me

is not a blessing.

My positive spin is this: I hope the socialist message is not in

action as strong as the wording has been. I have heard some

commentators state that Senator Obama will likely lead slightly left

of center, which is not that bad. Though I am conservative by nature I

see the benefit of having liberal/conservative/moderate approaches to

bring about a moderate state. I believe all sides have good and bad

messages and finding the best in all brings about the greatest change.

My other positive spin: Senator McCain stated he believes in parental

choice in vaccines. I hope Senator Obama will head this over his

statement of forced immunizations. I hope that Senator McCain's

continual statements about needing more autism research and better

educational funding will be heard by Senator Obama. Sometimes just

getting the message out there will be all it takes.



> Well....if you expect the worst - that's what you will get.   One

way or the other.   Why not try to avoid thinking the worst before it

even happens ? 


> You are determined to be angry right now - and nothing anyone can

say right now will make any difference - it will only fuel your fire

and give you more reason to argue.  So - go ahead -get mad - get it

out.  Those of us that want to allow ourselves to hope -have had to

endure a government for 8 years that we did not believe in either.  It

has felt to use like we have been in chains.


> McCain - was promoting policies that have been in place and have not

been working.    I am not a mind reader and cannot predict the future.

I cannot see into a man's heart and know his soul.  I can however -

predict with a great deal of certainty - that if we continue to do

what we've been doing -we'll continue to get the same result.  


> I won't argue with you about this.  I will pray your business

ventures do well - and IF you are someday hit with higher taxes -then

I pray you will be making enough money adn be so successful that it

will not be a burden on you - but a gift you are willing to pass on to

others because you have been so blessed yourself.


> I refuse to let anyone put a damper on my day today.   Maybe

tomorrow -but not today.  Today - tell me ANYTHING and I will find a

way to put a positive spin on it !

> cynthia


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> we do need to be of respectful to allow each their side to celebrate

> and the other sides to express their fears.


> one did be to ask of the other issues I to selected of Obama was hims

> views on foreign policy, hims approach to foreign affairs, autism,

> health care, education, disabilities, and can be of to share of more

> but the concerns I to have I to already shared.


> abortion is of not a autism related issues directly but it may be

> used as an infantcide if one is not proactive to human rights...


> but I to not think any one person is of to blame for abortions nor

> should one man be of held accountable for it...


> where is of the accountability of the parents who conceived the child

> where is of the ethical voice of the medical community in regards to

> this

> where is of protective services

> where are of the churches supporting of the families when it

> unplanned pregnacy happens

> so it cannot be of help accountable to only one but to all as it

> ripples abortion does not just affect the one but the whole and if

> the whole does not unite and speak out to make of changes then it

> will continue to be of an human right issues.


> one mom shared much of a very sad story here of her reasons for such

> things, it was not her moral character to do this , it was not her

> faith choice it was of a medical and ethical reasons done to spare

> this child a life time of physical suffereing/


> so one of the things I to be of learned and still learning is of to

> be to learn from all views and thinking and ideas of why things are

> and or exist as they do... to open the the views and hear and think

> and research and balance out the things is of a more mature way to

> learn of things in a broader sense of things.


> I to be fo still sharing because of the fact the one bring up human

> rights and so on this list even we do have much battles over the

> human rights sorts of things. many here with autism here have of a

> strong moral view of their own autism and human rights, and parents

> see of it differently neither is of wrong and neither is of complete

> right, but to gain we need to learn to hear and understand all the

> veiws even if they differ from their own to gain better understand of

> human rights.


> many political people do the same, this is why they may vote one way

> or the other it depends on the views they are of exposed to and the

> human rights voices they hear over and over. then in a year later

> they may be to have come to a new understand of hte same issues and

> vote or voice out differently the next time. this shows of growth and

> discipline to not set self to one voice and one locked in fashions or

> thinking and closed off from expanding their over all understand of

> an issues.


> I to also think if too many rely fully on the media to inform of them

> of things and do not go further they can be of locked into beleif

> systems and words or views that are of partial trues or edited to

> make it appear one way when it is of not which distorts the truths

> and then relay on that as a true then they are of greatly misinformed

> of things. I to rely heavy on the actual words or responses of the

> individuals them self to be of to know and if not will take of key

> words and research and then look at the sources to make sure they are

> of not biased and or supportive of the issues via investments of some

> sort. I to try hard to read of those who are of objective not

> subjective


> As for me I to be of celebating this day but also in teh same being

> caution to be of respectful to those who feel such a loss in their

> political beliefs this day.

> sondra


Thank you so much for the kind consideration that you have given to

those of us who are struggling with the results of this election. The

president of our countries through out the past years and into this

next four years have needed our prayers. I will choose to approach

the election of Mr.Obama in this same manner.

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scarlet wind , prayer is of always the core of anything one does and

is. this is of good you are of seeking that approach.

I to wanted to add that while I to personally did not like of much

things aobut sarah palin I to hate much so that her party is of

blaming her for losing????? that is of much sad. they took of her out

of alaska a very disconnected distant state of the USA and placed her

into one of the second highest polical roles and then crammmed of her

brain with so much and then told of her to say what she did and such

which caused much to be of turned off from her. And even me it did

and then after to think of this more it caused of me to see of the

real truth behind her and I to say how dare they do of such cruel

things to her as they are of doing and what they did do to her as a

person. i to think they ruined of her career and interupted her live

in a cruel ways. as a person she is of probably a much good person

but the political campaign destroyed of much and now blame of her for

it all. that is of so sad that some people of power can do this.

I to think much of the reasons why the republican party lost is of

how the campaign people misled and expected sarah and McCain to be .

I to seen where they even told of McCain to not ever speak off

script because they were fearful he and she would mess of the words

up /

If mcCain would be to have just been of hims true self and be like he

was on the politico and the talk show where he to say he screwed

up/// then i to think he would be to have of much more people

listening with interest and seeing of a man with true thinking and

reflections of hism issues and agendas but hism campaign controlled

so much of him that it reflected a scripted stilted speaker and so

much were of unsure of the flip flop fashions of hims thinking.

I to also feel as a person he is of to be honored much so for what he

did give to America which was much of hims life due to the POW issues

and he still lives it due to hims disfigurments of the arms and such.

But in the heart of me still feel he was not really able to be of a

president that we needed at this time.

I to did like some of the other republican people who were of also

running for president too but none maked it to the top of the list

things. I to also do blame of him for hims choice in picking

before really understanding and knowing of her in a personal way.

that to me was of a cruel things to do to her and place of her in

public views in ways of seeing her as not a smart person. I to feel

of bad how their own campaign did this to her and so far none are of

taking of any of the responsiblity for it.


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I am sooooo sick of everyone talking about politics. Go discuss this matter with

another group!!! It is so sad when people joined this yahoo group to get help

from other parents are now leaving the group. We have enough stress in our lives

and this should be a place where we can discuss our stories freely and honestly

without judgment. I have yet to see that from this group. Does it really matter

if I am Pro choice or Pro life? No, the only thing that should matter on this

yahoo group is that I have a daughter on the spectrum who needs my help and in

helping her I need support from all of you know matter what my political view


To: Autism_in_Girls@...: fightingautism@...: Thu, 6

Nov 2008 00:04:33 +0000Subject: Re: elections

A true small business owner doesn't fire/hire people based onelections, it's

based off numbers. A true small business owner thinksin terms of business, not

being able to blame one party or the other.Trust me, the small businesses I

did/do bookkeeping for are inbusiness to make money, not to complain about

politics. Maybe they docomplain about politics, but they don't hurt their

business for thesake of complaining. As someone hoping to enter into the job

market in the next 1 1/2 yrs,it drives me nuts that my income will equate to

higher taxes. Theexpress purpose of my working is to be able to provide a

governmentindependent life for my family and daughter with autism in

particular.I should not be told that the government knows better how to spend

mymoney than I do. I should not be told because I've been out herebusting my

butt for years to work toward a better living for my familythat I should be

penalized. So what if I will make more money, I'veworked to make more money, it

shouldn't be anyone else's but whom Ichoose to give it to. I don't mind paying a

fair share in taxes, Ishould pay the same percentage as anyone else. Debi>> Your so right

Sondra!> Unfortunately I can see that this is going to happen, and instead

ofthese> small business owners saying let's see how things go, or better

yet,what> can we do to increase business so that we can continue with thepeople

we> have regardless of what happens... They're going to take theopportunity to>

blame the election of Obama and tax plans that are not even in placeyet OR> have

been approved to bail out on those that need them the mostright now.> It helps

them to feel less guilty about not working harder to make their> business grow,

they can just blame Obama.


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