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This whole CL thing..

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OK group.. I figured I'd go digging here, cause if you bring up CL on

a regular goat group, your lambasted, cussed and black listed. But I

have some questions, that I NEED answered. How much of this CL

" scare " is based on fact ?? Yes goats get this, most likely they have

for centuries. strange,, they have not all died out. They have not

become extinct. How is it, that many goats live with CL goats, and

never become infected?? If it's passed through the milk as it is

claimed, How is it that kids do not get it from their dams ?? When

we first started goats, back 12 years ago, we had a doe, we got from

auction, pop lump after lump, (she lived about 9 years after we got

her) And none of her offspring that are still living,, have CL, (yes

we have been testing for the last 5 years since we show)....None of

her herdmates, 5 which we still own, have ever tested postive, yet,

they lived in the same enclosure for 5 years. OK OK some would just

argue that I'm Lucky or stupid.. whichever...

Reguardless, I sometimes wonder how much is fact, and how much of

it is imagined,, to scare us.. just like all the lies and scare

tactics the gov't uses to keep us from drinking our raw milk and

eating the good raw foods... THis is something I want each and every

goat person, on this list to think about,, you dont' have to answer,,

but really think about this,.... How many of you keep CL or CAE pos.

goats.. isolate them when you see a lump, in a special CL pen. when

they heal up, put em back with the herd, and disinfect the crap out of

the pen?? Now I dont' really want anyone to get on here and reply,

and tell me I'm a bad person, and I should Cull(nice word for Kill)

all my goats that pop lumps cause that is idiotic in my book..

But I really think we as goat people, need to separate fact, from


Oh and yes, I read that whole thing on sheep and shearing etc in

Austraila. It was interesting,, But really there was NO medical,

actual documented cases of CL. It was suggested. Just like we all

will get e-coli, and die from raw milk... I am not saying we should

all just forgo our efforts, We should definatly be frugal in our

efforts to keep our goats from getting CL or CAE or anything. But do

not automatically go phsyco and go on a killing spree cause a goat

pops a lump... And don't make someone, who has a CL pos goat feel like

the only avenue they have is culling... I personally know a woman who

is 87 years old, has had goats for ,,who knows how long, has had pos.

CL goats she has cleaned and healed up .. and this woman does not have

CL, cancer or anything,, and then there are people who NEVER come in

contact with goats,, and are dying of lymphatic cancer,,,

I am looking forward to reading others feelings on this,, you can

email me privatly if you like,, I really dont' need to be lambasted,,

I can go on the goat groups for that... LOL okee,, ,, the goat

lady in PA

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