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Re: RE: Milk?

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I don't know the exact procedures but do remember that you could drink

fresh cow milk so long as it was stored chilled and was real fresh. Beyond

that I'd be speculating.

What seems to confuse me are all of the warnings I've seen come & go

during my short lifetime. For a long time, eggs were real bad for you, now

they aren't. For the longest time continual use of salt was bad, but now

with different kinds of salts (such as sea salt) some " cures " require

drinking it in your water. I remember going to mountain springs to get

spring water that was the best water I've ever had (I'm not a huge H2O fan

to begin with) and the state deemed it unsafe as it wasn't tested, and the

people whose land these springs were on all of a sudden were posted.

I've been told that a lot of fiber in the diet is a great thing

(especially when you NEED stool softeners due to your meds) yet I read here

& there that it is no good for you.

I don't know what to think anymore! The Govt can't make up its mind on

safety standards half the time, and the other half of the time they are

influenced by Lobbyists whose clients can be affected either adversely or

positively depending on the outcome of certain studies.

Be like me. I know that one day, I'll die. I certainly don't want it to

be too soon as I want to see my kids grow and would like to see

grandchildren, but if I do something that is going to take a year off of my

life and I enjoy it....I'm going to continue to enjoy it and try to die with

a smile on my face, knowing I had my fun when I was able to. The only rule I

adhere to pretty strictly is the severe restrictions my Dr's have on alcohol

consumption. I think I may have had a six pack over the last 12 months, and

if that's going to kill me...than do it now.

Just a rant....not directed at anyone or any post....just a bunch of

thoughts from this big head of mine.

Adios, Kirk.


> Please help me understand,my mom grew up in England during ww2 and only

> had access to unpasturized milk.As a result she got TB twice,is this the

> same unpasturized milk you are talking about today? I was just curious.Ionly

drink 2 percent milk on cereal once in a great

> while.I think my mom scared me away from most dairy with her stories of

> sanitariums etc!

> just curious,Elly


> ---------------------------------

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It is the same milk, Elly, and then again, it isn't. In today's world,

producers of raw milk are much more careful. For example, there are certain

breeds of cows that are not acceptable for raw milk, there is appropriate feed,

and all sorts of precautions. Below are some links and other info for you.

There is lots of info out there on raw milk. The chart below is interesting,

too. Two of the best websites out there for info are rawmilk.com and



From rawmilk.com

" It is POSSIBLE for raw milk to harbor dangerous micro-organisms, but it is

possible for ANY food, raw or pasteurized, to harbor dangerous micro-organisms.

We do not advocate drinking unpasteurized milk from modern Holsteins, bred to

produce high volumes of milk, injected with recombinant Bovine Growth Hormone

(rBGH), and raised in commercial feedlots where they are crowded and stressed

and given antibiotics to keep them from being sick. That milk DOES need to be

pasteurized to lessen (not eliminate) the possibility of food-borne illness. We

advocate the drinking of raw milk from old-fashioned breeds of cows raised on

pasture, with plenty of green grass, sunshine, and room to move. Properly raised

and milked in clean conditions, this milk is extremely unlikely to harbor

dangerous micro-organisms...in fact, less likely than commercial, pasteurized

milk. See our page Two Raw Milks for comparison. Also note the second comment

below regarding the relative

safety of ALL dairy compared to other foods. "


Raw Certified Milk

Pasteurized Milk

A. Cleanliness Regulations

Tested daily at an independent laboratory for the Certified Milk Commission.

Bacteria count for standard plate count: 10,000 per ml maximum for Certified

Milk or Cream.

Coliform bacteria count may not exceed10 per ml. (Coliform bacteria is normally

foreign to the cow's udder.)

Streptococci test once a month.

A. Cleanliness, CA State & County Law

Tested once a month by the Health Department

Bacteria count for the standard plate count: 50,000 per ml maximum before

pasteurization; 15,000 per ml maximum after pasteurization for milk, 25,000 per

ml maximum for cream.

May not exceed 750 Coliform per ml in raw milk before pasteurization, taken at

farm pick-up.

No regulation requires test for Streptococci.

B. Herd tests in Los Angeles County, CA

All dairy cows in a certified milking are vaccinated for brucellosis between the

ages of 2-6months.

Each certified cow is blood tested for brucellosis before entering the milking

herd and receives a blood test at least once a year; thereafter reactors are


All raw certified milk is ring tested at least 4 times a year for brucella. If

the ring test is positive, then entire herd is blood tested for brucellosis and

any positive reactors are removed.

TB skin test is performed annually on all cows in the certified milking herd by

a state veterinarian. If reactors were found they would be removed from the

certified herd. All certified milk dairy herds are free and are maintained free

of TB because of constant vigilance and testing.

Herd sanitarian from the County Medical Milk Commission visits the dairy weekly

or more often. A health inspector from the county visits the dairy at least


B. Herd tests in Los Angeles County, CA

All dairy cows are vaccinated for brucellosis between the ages of 2-6 months.

All dairy cattle moving within the state must bear evidence of official calfhood


All dairy cattle must be blood tested for brucellosis if imported into

California and reactors are removed.

The milk from all dairy herds is ring tested at least 4 times a year for

brucella. If the ring test is positive then the entire dairy herd is blood

tested for brucellosis and any positive reactors are removed.

TB Skin Test is performed on all cows by a state veterinarian at intervals

longer than one year. If reactors are found, additional tests may be required.

Reactor cows are removed.

Health inspector visits dairy monthly.

C. Employee Health Examinations

Once a month examination of each employee at certified farm. All new employees

have a complete physical examination and tests when starting to work on a

certified farm.

Once a month throat culture and examination for streptococcus.

During the year other tests are made at regular intervals. Another step to

insure disease-free milk.

Stool specimen is required from each employee bi-annually.

Chest x-ray or skin test for TB required annually.

C. Employee Health Examinations

Examination required at time of employment.

None required.

None required.

None required.

None required.

D. Nutritional Values

Enzymes, catalase, peroxidase and phosphatase are present.

Phosphates is needed to split and assimilate the mineral salts in foods that are

in the form of phytates.

Wulzen Factor (anti-stiffness) available.

X Factor in tissue repair available.

Protein--100% metabolically available; all 22 amino acids, including the 8 that

are essential for the complete metabolism and function of protein.

Vitamins--all 100% available

Vitamin A--fat soluble

Vitamin D--fat soluble

Vitamin E--fat soluble

Vitamin K--fat soluble

Vitamin B--Complex:

Vitamin Bw--Biotin

Vitamin B --Choline

Vitamin Bc --Folic Acid

Vitamin B1 --Thiamine

Vitamin B2 --Inositol

Vitamin B2 --Nicotinic Acid

Vitamin B2 --Riboflavin

Vitamin B2 --Pantothenic Acid

Vitamin B3 --Niacin

Vitamin B6 --Pyridoxine

Vitamin B12--Cyanocobalamin

Vitamin C

Antineuritic vitamin

Minerals--all 100% metabolically available.

Carbohydrates--easily utilized in metabolism. Still associated naturally with

elements (instable).

Fats--all 18 fatty acids metabolically available, both saturated and


D. Nutritional Values

Pasteurization destroys the enzyme phosphatase.

Absence of phosphatase indicate that milk has been pasteurized.

Wulzen Factor destroyed (anti-stiffness nutrition factor lost).

X Factor--No evidence of alternation by pasteurization.

Protein--Digestibility reduced by 4%, biological value reduced by 17%. From the

digestibility and metabolic data it is concluded that the heat damage to lysine

and possibly to histidine and perhaps other amino acids destroys the identity of

these amino acids and partly decreases the absorbability of their nitrogen.


Vitamin A--destroyed

Vitamin D--Not altered

Vitamin E--Not altered

Vitamin K--Not altered

Vitamin B complex--pasteurization of milk destroys about 38% of the vitamin B


Vitamin C is weakened or destroyed by pasteurization. Infants fed pasteurized

milk exclusively will develop scurvy.

Antineuritic vitamin: Testing of pasteurized milk indicates destruction of this


Minerals-- After pasteurization the total of soluble calcium is very much

diminished. The loss of soluble calcium in regards to infants and growing

children must be a very important factor in growth and development, not only in

the formation of bone and teeth, but also in the calcium content of the blood,

the importance of which is now being raised.

Carbohydrates —no evidence of change by pasteurization.

Fats--Pasteurization harms the fat content of milk..

E. Possible Damage to the Health of Consumers from Drinking Pasteurized Milk

Dr. J. C. nd has written a series of articles in which he has advanced the

theory that the increase in the incidence of heart disease was proximately

related to the on set of pasteurization of milk. Different population groups

were studied in various parts of the world. His theory is that the heat process

of pasteurization alters the protein found in milk and as a result heated

protein is responsible for the large increase in the incidence of heart trouble

in citizens of western civilization, during the course of the past generation.

Dr. Kurt A.. Oster has advanced the theory that homogenization of milk is

proximately related to the atherosclerosis which is so prevalent in citizens in

developed countries of the western world. The reduction in the size of the fat

particles caused by homogenization permits them to be assimilated into the

stomach lining in a manner that was not contemplated by nature. When these fat

particles along with xanthine oxidase get into the bloodstream the human system

sets up a defense mechanism which results in the scarring of arteries..

RE: Milk?

Please help me understand,my mom grew up in England during ww2 and only had

access to unpasturized milk.As a result she got TB twice,is this the same

unpasturized milk you are talking about today? I was just curious.I only drink 2

percent milk on cereal once in a great while.I think my mom scared me away from

most dairy with her stories of sanitariums etc!

just curious,Elly

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I know exactly what you mean! One minute this is bad, then we find out it is

actually good. What are we supposed to think? What I've found over the years

is that the holistic nutritional world is way ahead. What they were telling us

years ago is all of the sudden " in " with conventional medicine. It is really

irritating. Dr. Oz is on Oprah talking about how bad hydrogenated oil is and

high fructose corn syrup and all of these companies are going trans-fat free.

Well, we learned that 15 years ago! But, it has hit mainstream so it is now an

acceptable fact. Where before, I was just a weirdo! And, I'm pretty

straight-laced and boring actually. BTW, 0 trans-fat may not be free of

trans-fats actually. Companies are allowed to say 0 grams if the amount is

small enough. But, they can also make their serving sizes smaller. So, if you

eat 2 servings, you may be over the limit already.

Anyway, don't get me wrong...I think it is great that we as a society are

learning, I just wish we would learn faster and listen. Look at school

lunches...gross! The pamphlet that they have at my daughter's school that is

provided by our govt re: the food pyramid is full of advertisements of " food "

full of sugar. What's that about? Lobbyists. And when I was pregnant, the

dietician was always trying to tell me to eat margarine...yuck! Oh, I have so

much more to say, but I'll get off my soap box.

This book is a great book and has been recommended to me from multiple docs, not

just our favorite holistic guy.

Nourishing Traditions: The Cookbook that Challenges Politically Correct

Nutrition and the Diet Dictocrats, Sally Fallon with Pat Connolly and G

Enig, PhD: Full spectrum nutritional cookbook that dispels many myths about

animal fats and traditional foods.

This is an excerpt from the article from Dr. Mercola from his website. I found

it interesting that he mentioned how it affects the dairy industry.

Less than 1 percent of the milk consumed in America is raw, which is most

unfortunate as raw milk is a highly health-promoting food. Public health

officials warn that raw milk poses the risk of transmitting bacteria such as

listeria, E. coli and salmonella, but pasteurizing the milk kills these bacteria

while extending the milk's shelf life, which also happens to be more profitable

for the dairy industry.

While it is certainly possible to become sick from drinking contaminated raw

milk, it is also possible to become sick from almost any food source. But it

seems that raw milk has been unfairly singled out as a risk, when only a very

small risk exists. This excerpt from the Weston A. Price Foundation Web site

further states my point:

Except for a brief hiatus in 1990, raw milk has always been for sale

commercially in California, usually in health food stores, although I can

remember a period when it was even sold in grocery stores. Millions of people

consumed commercial raw milk during that period and although the health

department kept an eagle eye open for any possible evidence of harm, not a

single incidence was reported. During the same period, there were many instances

of contamination in pasteurized milk, some of which resulted in death.

Anyway, if you're looking for the holistic nutrtional opinion, go to

westonprice.com or mercola.com.

But the end result is...enjoy your life!


Re: RE: Milk?

I don't know the exact procedures but do remember that you could drink

fresh cow milk so long as it was stored chilled and was real fresh. Beyond

that I'd be speculating.

What seems to confuse me are all of the warnings I've seen come & go

during my short lifetime. For a long time, eggs were real bad for you, now

they aren't. For the longest time continual use of salt was bad, but now

with different kinds of salts (such as sea salt) some " cures " require

drinking it in your water. I remember going to mountain springs to get

spring water that was the best water I've ever had (I'm not a huge H2O fan

to begin with) and the state deemed it unsafe as it wasn't tested, and the

people whose land these springs were on all of a sudden were posted.

I've been told that a lot of fiber in the diet is a great thing

(especially when you NEED stool softeners due to your meds) yet I read here

& there that it is no good for you.

I don't know what to think anymore! The Govt can't make up its mind on

safety standards half the time, and the other half of the time they are

influenced by Lobbyists whose clients can be affected either adversely or

positively depending on the outcome of certain studies.

Be like me. I know that one day, I'll die. I certainly don't want it to

be too soon as I want to see my kids grow and would like to see

grandchildren, but if I do something that is going to take a year off of my

life and I enjoy it....I'm going to continue to enjoy it and try to die with

a smile on my face, knowing I had my fun when I was able to. The only rule I

adhere to pretty strictly is the severe restrictions my Dr's have on alcohol

consumption. I think I may have had a six pack over the last 12 months, and

if that's going to kill me...than do it now.

Just a rant....not directed at anyone or any post....just a bunch of

thoughts from this big head of mine.

Adios, Kirk.

On 15/01/2008, elly cudney <ellyandbilltroy@ yahoo.com> wrote:


> Please help me understand,my mom grew up in England during ww2 and only

> had access to unpasturized milk.As a result she got TB twice,is this the

> same unpasturized milk you are talking about today? I was just curious.Ionly

drink 2 percent milk on cereal once in a great

> while.I think my mom scared me away from most dairy with her stories of

> sanitariums etc!

> just curious,Elly


> ------------ --------- --------- ---

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