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Bored - [part 2] ...or, If You Were God

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[bored part 2]

Well, I don't suppose I'm really so bored as I am, condemplating...

I envision my " space " ...which I don't have here. I can't call it an

office, or even a studio...my space is one that...ok, picture this...my

bank of 'puters, open to what I'm doing...the camcorder set up and wired

in so it's on stand by for video blogs, or, ready to spring into action

for the next great lunitic's idea to come to life.

In the background I have playing something like smooth jazz, or related,

relaxing streams of energy playing to my ears.

Bookshelves are lined with what inspires me, in the corner flows one of

those gently falling mini waterfalls. There's lots of windows, for the

day time, with lots of views, or at night, a tranquil, and meditative

enviroment....lots of space...and no illusions of time are allowed


My place in the univrse for creating...

I had just finished reading the entire series of the " Living On Love "

books, thinking not only about the content, but about the author who

wrote them...I really love his writing style, his way of " flowing " .

That's how I wanted to write. Who cares about the spelling, or the way

it's typeset...who even cares about the content, as much as how it was

presented...and that way was usually best presented where you lived...in

other words...writing the same way you'd be talking out on the back

patio to friends. It felt more, " living " .

It was about the same time as I was doing some heavy writing in my

notebooks. There must be 100's scattered around here. many contain books

unto themselves....I'd say at least 10-12 books awit new life...to come

forth. However, the thing about me writing, as I'm letting it flow onto

paper is, after I close up the notebook, and come back to it later, some

gremlins got in there and made it so, it takes massive brain power to

read the things...usually.

Anyway...I was writing on the subject of how we were God. I know, I

know, some still have alittle trouble with that concept, but I was

writing from a place of trying to understand it myself.

It was about thoughts and how they create after themselves...look

around, everything you now see, no matter what it is, you created.

Sometimes, I actually do " think " about the words I'm writing, to get to

a truer meaning...to the feeling. Words feel, else their " fill " . So,

thoughts then, have feeling...emotion if you will...for in the emotion,

that is " in-motion " , a thought takes it's form. To be in-motion, is to


Anyway, here I had created many things, and as I looked up, and looked

around, things begin to get real strange.

I was truly beginning to notice, or, " to live " these words coming out.

If you've ever imagined a room " coming to life " in motion all around

you, this was it, literally.

I took " real " notice of everything in my piled up office/den/storage

room. " I drew all this? I created this? Are you nuts? Am I nuts? "

So, I began to look at it with more attention, picking up the things.

It seemed to dawn on me that I was experiencing a whole other level of

understanding something. it wasn't about mere words anymore.

I left the office for the living room and sat for awhile. Almost afraid

to wonder. But I couldn't really sit there for long. The next thing I

knew, I had everything, and i mean everything out of the living room.

Ask , she knows I'm nuts, and now, I was proving it. She asked

what I thought I was doing... " creating " , i said...creating...no, maybe

that's the wrong word...I was, having it dawn on me, in those moments,

the most fantastic thing I'd ever encountered in my thinking and feeling


Do you, can you, imagine, what the feeling is, to begin to see and feel

the awesome, increible revelation, that you are GOD. ???

Ok, it's extreme I know...remember, I'm insane...hehehe, I get alittle

leyway to take you on this trip. [yep, he's trippin alright].

Look, here I am, in the middle of an empty room. The energy is light and

wonderful...so much space...beautiful empty space. Nothing else is


I begin to go into the other room to look over what's piled up there

now, driving herslf insane now. I just chuckle...

As I pick up, those things that seem to " call to me " , that come to my

awareness...something that I created, or drew here, I understood then,

that there was a message...a reminder...everything had it...and I mean


Look, if your God, and your going deep into " an experience " , you send

yourself messages, reminders. It's very easy to get lost, because, well,

the experience...ah, this human experience of " me " , can become so

incredible " real " . So real, that as even God, would forget....not...I

left reminders.

As I touched each thing to bring it back in the room, I gave thanks to

it. I blessed it; I was thankful for it's presense here. That too dawned

on me, each thing had been created by me, and retuened (to my awareness)

now, for blessing, and for me to place it, " in my kingdom " , in a place

where it was " empowered with love " . That's what it sought. It's own gift

was my message to myself.

To experience this, all you have to do is take the time and let it dawn

on you, try it out...it's something you have to see for yourself.

I noticed something else. After I removed everything, energy flowed into

the room with incredible beauty. And as I put things in places, where

" they " seemed to tell me they wanted to be, a wonderful thing

happened...the energy increased even more. The flow of things was

incredible. Each thing I put back had it's proper place to be. Before,

it had been un-noticed, sitting idol...staggnant energy pools, even

draining energy pools.

Nothing went back in the room that didn't " feel " it's way there. I

blessed each item, thanking it for it's return to me, and it's gifts.

Many, many, and many things did not go back in. As I went to the next

room, I continued to do this. You can ask ...she began to worry

about me, half loving what was happening, and worried because, it had

already taken three days and i was still going, taking my time, working

this. I couldn't stop...it was too powerful, to revealing,


The more I did this, I felt less the toll on my body, though there were

some underlyin aches, the energy being released from each item, as I

went through them was increasing to powerful and unlimited porportions.

Again, just something you'd have to experience...and easy enough to do.

You'll discover so many things about yourself, it's not even funny, but

it's fun.

Not everything got to stay...some thing had reached their time to go.

They too had their messages, which I gladly accepted with love and

tears. If you don't want to cry, don't do this. Like I said....this

releases energy, and not just in the space your doing it in...your doing

an outside act, a thing, but the whole process is really " inside " ...and

you'd surprise yourself in the amount of pent up emotion you have

stored...you want refreshing....then try this.

Having your home cleaned deep through, and releasing tons of energy,

changing it into a tranquil beautiful " kingdom " , is just the side

effect. The extra blessing.

I began to see each and every " thing " for so much more. If it came to

me, by whatever means...it had a message, a gift, love, energy, and so

much more....things took on a whole new meaning.

Cutting it alittle short here...but, it might be easier to see from this

point in the experience, how, maybe what we think of, as God, sitting in

his/it's/her space...simply being, and with thoughts, creating,

experiencing each thought, to that what would be " us " , each another

thought, experienced....and in all this...these thoughts returning to

the awtre ness of God, the emotional release so incredible I can't

describe it...can you maybe imagine how " God " might feel to welcome his

" creations " back...the love...the energy...what could be more incredible

than that?

Yep, I'm insane....lololollo, but, even if for myself, in this way, I

got to imagine and pretend, although there was nothing pretending about

it, I got to experience, even if just one way, the possibility of how

God might see and feel and love. And have the unlimited ability and

resources and energy to do so.



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D- Genius! Synchronicity! You just described the "hurricane" - big scrubber in the sky process! Beautiful! Peaceable

Boardwalk for $500? In 2007? Ha! Play Monopoly Here and Now (it's updated for today's economy) at Games.

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