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Re: Re: Raw milk $

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I agree! I sell meat goats and people stop by asking my prices and when I tell them, they ask why I'm so much more expensive than the sale. Our sale generally only sells sickly goats so if you want to eat a diseased animal then by all means...Buy at the sale.

And THAT is what gets me so riled my veins pop out on my neck!

Everything we sell should be cheaper than Wal-Mart. When I ask $2.25

for eggs they tell me how this "fella" down the road has them for $1.

Well what the heck are you asking me for if this "fella" has such darn

good eggs! Same goes for our meat/animals. Ahhh I could go on about

this for some time.


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We had a 100% naturally raised steer for sale last year. Had a woman call saying she could only eat natural/organic and that she wanted to buy the steer. When we told her the price (which was way less than if you went to a health food store) she said, very dramatically, she couldn't possibly afford that much. Ugh!!! We did sell it for exactly what we were asking so there are still some people out there willing to pay for quality.

I completely agree here! One lady just asked me if I would give her a $.50 price break on each doz. eggs if she recycled egg cartons. gee, let me think, NO. I have more people lined up to buy my free ranged eggs than I have eggs to sell! More people need to be producing real food. I am NOT making money here, I am breaking even.

I could no more live without my raw milk than live without any of my good food. Homemade breads, fresh fruits and veggies from my garden, farm raised, by me, meat. It is not the price, it's that people want other things instead. I'll bet that many of those same people complaining about the high price of their real milk, drive nicer cars than their farmer and live in Mc Mansions, have fancy clothes and think nothing of eating out at expensive restaurants. It's just a choice. I don't shop at Wal-Mart. Quality vs. quantity is something to consider when talking about food.

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I completely agree here! One lady just asked me if I would give her a $.50 price break on each doz. eggs if she recycled egg cartons. gee, let me think, NO. I have more people lined up to buy my free ranged eggs than I have eggs to sell! More people need to be producing real food. I am NOT making money here, I am breaking even.

I could no more live without my raw milk than live without any of my good food. Homemade breads, fresh fruits and veggies from my garden, farm raised, by me, meat. It is not the price, it's that people want other things instead. I'll bet that many of those same people complaining about the high price of their real milk, drive nicer cars than their farmer and live in Mc Mansions, have fancy clothes and think nothing of eating out at expensive restaurants. It's just a choice. I don't shop at Wal-Mart. Quality vs. quantity is something to consider when talking about food.


Re: Raw milk $

And THAT is what gets me so riled my veins pop out on my neck!Everything we sell should be cheaper than Wal-Mart. When I ask $2.25for eggs they tell me how this "fella" down the road has them for $1.Well what the heck are you asking me for if this "fella" has such darngood eggs! Same goes for our meat/animals. Ahhh I could go on aboutthis for some time.Belinda>> Jeff,> > There will always be agriculture wherever people...> I am surprised how little the masses care about what> they eat. We often have folks who think ,my son> should sell his milk for less than the BOX STORE.> > Robie

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People also don’t

look at the big picture. They see the bulk price for a quarter,half,whole, and don’t

relate it to the $12-15 hey pay for a quality piece meat at Whole foods.

www.Majesty Farm.com

" Never doubt that a small group of

thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the

only thing that ever has. "

-Margaret Mead

From: RawDairy [mailto:RawDairy ] On Behalf Of FourtsRanch05@...

Sent: Wednesday, December 17, 2008

9:52 AM

To: RawDairy

Subject: Re: Re: Raw

milk $

We had a 100% naturally raised steer for sale last year.

Had a woman call saying she could only eat natural/organic and that she

wanted to buy the steer. When we told her the price (which was way less

than if you went to a health food store) she said, very dramatically, she

couldn't possibly afford that much. Ugh!!! We did sell it for

exactly what we were asking so there are still some people out there willing to

pay for quality.

I completely agree here! One lady just asked me if I

would give her a $.50 price break on each doz. eggs if she recycled egg

cartons. gee, let me think, NO. I have more people lined up to buy

my free ranged eggs than I have eggs to sell! More people need to be

producing real food. I am NOT making money here, I am breaking even.

I could no more live without my raw milk than live without any of my good food.

Homemade breads, fresh fruits and veggies from my garden, farm raised, by

me, meat. It is not the price, it's that people want other things

instead. I'll bet that many of those same people complaining about the

high price of their real milk, drive nicer cars than their farmer and live in

Mc Mansions, have fancy clothes and think nothing of eating out at expensive

restaurants. It's just a choice. I don't shop at Wal-Mart.

Quality vs. quantity is something to consider when talking about food.

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I agree 100%. I'm also having issues with people just wanting to buy raw milk w/o buying a share. They just don't understand legality even when explained to them.

There are more and more people looking for real food. Let the guys like Maple Leaf foods keep poisoning people and the tide will shift. It may sound harsh but that is what it takes to wake people up.

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There are more and more people looking for real food. Let the guys like Maple Leaf foods keep poisoning people and the tide will shift. It may sound harsh but that is what it takes to wake people up.We had a 100% naturally raised steer for sale last year.  Had a woman call saying she could only eat natural/organic and that she wanted to buy the steer.  When we told her the price (which was way less than if you went to a health food store) she said, very dramatically, she couldn't possibly afford that much.  Ugh!!!  We did sell it for exactly what we were asking so there are still some people out there willing to pay for quality.  I completely agree here!  One lady just asked me if I would give her a $.50 price break on each doz. eggs if she recycled egg cartons.  gee, let me think, NO.  I have more people lined up to buy my free ranged eggs than I have eggs to sell!  More people need to be producing real food.  I am NOT making money here, I am breaking even.   I could no more live without my raw milk than live without any of my good food.  Homemade breads, fresh fruits and veggies from my garden, farm raised, by me, meat.  It is not the price, it's that people want other things instead.  I'll bet that many of those same people complaining about the high price of their real milk, drive nicer cars than their farmer and live in Mc Mansions, have fancy clothes and think nothing of eating out at expensive restaurants.  It's just a choice.  I don't shop at Wal-Mart.  Quality vs. quantity is something to consider when talking about food. 

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Eggs just hit $6.25/dozen in the stores for the better ones.On 17-Dec-08, at 9:15 AM-17-Dec-08, Blair McMorran wrote:Belinda,Tell them the going rate for pastured, soy-free in Colorado is$4/dozen, and last month I saw a farm selling them for $6/dozen!I would LEAP at $2.25!!! The egg has been labeled "Nature's perfectfood". I guess we have more educatin' to do. -Blair> >> > Jeff,> > > > There will always be agriculture wherever people...> > I am surprised how little the masses care about what> > they eat. We often have folks who think ,my son> > should sell his milk for less than the BOX STORE.> > > > Robie>

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When I used to sell range free eggs,I only got $2.50

a dozen and the healthfood store gave me only $1.50 dozen wholesale..I'd rather take a basket full

of eggs to the local firehouse then sell to people who would complain about prices.My girlfriend enjoyed going to deliver eggs to the firehouse with

me,so she could meet the cute firemen.. in Ramona,CA...

Re: Re: Raw milk $

There are more and more people looking for real food. Let the guys like Maple Leaf foods keep poisoning people and the tide will shift. It may sound harsh but that is what it takes to wake people up.

On 17-Dec-08, at 6:51 AM-17-Dec-08, FourtsRanch05wmconnect wrote:

We had a 100% naturally raised steer for sale last year. Had a woman call saying she could only eat natural/organic and that she wanted to buy the steer. When we told her the price (which was way less than if you went to a health food store) she said, very dramatically, she couldn't possibly afford that much. Ugh!!! We did sell it for exactly what we were asking so there are still some people out there willing to pay for quality.

I completely agree here! One lady just asked me if I would give her a $.50 price break on each doz. eggs if she recycled egg cartons. gee, let me think, NO. I have more people lined up to buy my free ranged eggs than I have eggs to sell! More people need to be producing real food. I am NOT making money here, I am breaking even. I could no more live without my raw milk than live without any of my good food. Homemade breads, fresh fruits and veggies from my garden, farm raised, by me, meat. It is not the price, it's that people want other things instead. I'll bet that many of those same people complaining about the high price of their real milk, drive nicer cars than their farmer and live in Mc Mansions, have fancy clothes and think nothing of eating out at expensive restaurants. It's just a choice. I don't shop at Wal-Mart. Quality vs. quantity is something to consider when talking about food.

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I personally, do not complain about prices because I'm sure there is a ton of work going into the good, quality foods you people who are blessed to be able to have farms, produce. I truly appreciate anyone who is able to raise their own food & would love it if we could! However, my family is very poor (actually on food stamps) & we are one income, but we still want to eat as healthfully as we can. I am very thankful for our farmer where we are able to get raw milk from. He has truly helped us in time of need (like when my husband lost his job). I am sure there are some people who might take advantage of you but there are some who truly can't afford the extra expense of quality food (sadly). Since learning about true quality food I have made it a priority to buy the best that we are able. We don't eat as much of a variety now, but I still feel like I'm feeding my family well when I know the food I'm putting on the table is truly healthful & not just something to fill their bellies.

When I used to sell range free eggs,I only got $2.50

a dozen and the healthfood store gave me only $1.50 dozen wholesale..I'd rather take a basket full

of eggs to the local firehouse then sell to people who would complain about prices.My girlfriend enjoyed going to deliver eggs to the firehouse with

me,so she could meet the cute firemen.. in Ramona,CA...

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Considering that pound for pound you are getting at least twice the nutrients out of QUALITY food, what you are doing is far better. As to the rest ... That is what neighbors and community is all about. When we decide to get back to a system of barter, fair exchange and sharing, the whole of our society will benefit greatly.By buying quality we nourish ourselves and families rather than filling up on useless bulk.KurtisI personally, do not complain about prices because I'm sure there is a ton of work going into the good, quality foods you people who are blessed to be able to have farms, produce.  I truly appreciate anyone who is able to raise their own food & would love it if we could! However, my family is very poor (actually on food stamps) & we are one income, but we still want to eat as healthfully as we can.  I am very thankful for our farmer where we are able to get raw milk from.  He has truly helped us in time of need (like when my husband lost his job).  I am sure there are some people who might take advantage of you but there are some who truly can't afford the extra expense of quality food (sadly). Since learning about true quality food I have made it a priority to buy the best that we are able.  We don't eat as much of a variety now, but I still feel like I'm feeding my family well when I know the food I'm putting on the table is truly healthful & not just something to fill their bellies. On Wed, Dec 17, 2008 at 5:46 PM, J.Pannill- <gardenbuff>wrote:When I used to sell range free eggs,I only got $2.50a dozen and the healthfood store gave me only $1.50 dozen wholesale..I'd rather take a basket fullof eggs to the local firehouse then sell to people who would complain about prices.My girlfriend enjoyed going to deliver eggs to the firehouse withme,so she could meet the cute firemen.. in Ramona,CA... 

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Thanks for your story. I am glad your milk provider has been able to help you in your time of need. There is an awesome advantage to direct marketing when the producer and consumer get to know each other. The consumers who are financially able, recognize the producer needs a fair price for his product and if a consumer is in a bind , the producer may be able to help, but when there is a middle man, he usually gets most or all of the profit and there is a disconnect between producer and consumer.

Have a blessed Christmas!


Re: Re: Raw milk $

I personally, do not complain about prices because I'm sure there is a ton of work going into the good, quality foods you people who are blessed to be able to have farms, produce. I truly appreciate anyone who is able to raise their own food & would love it if we could! However, my family is very poor (actually on food stamps) & we are one income, but we still want to eat as healthfully as we can. I am very thankful for our farmer where we are able to get raw milk from. He has truly helped us in time of need (like when my husband lost his job). I am sure there are some people who might take advantage of you but there are some who truly can't afford the extra expense of quality food (sadly). Since learning about true quality food I have made it a priority to buy the best that we are able. We don't eat as much of a variety now, but I still feel like I'm feeding my family well when I know the food I'm putting on the table is truly healthful & not just something to fill their bellies.

On Wed, Dec 17, 2008 at 5:46 PM, J.Pannill- <gardenbuff> wrote:

When I used to sell range free eggs,I only got $2.50

a dozen and the healthfood store gave me only $1.50 dozen wholesale..I'd rather take a basket full

of eggs to the local firehouse then sell to people who would complain about prices.My girlfriend enjoyed going to deliver eggs to the firehouse with

me,so she could meet the cute firemen.. in Ramona,CA...

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We have never had an issue explaining the cow share system and why. Have been very lucky there. I wonder what all these people are going to do when the market really crumbles and import food decreases? The stores could get very bare very quickly. With a continued shift to bio fuel production we are slicing our own throats. Yes we end up with more fuel, but we can't feed ourselves.I agree 100%.  I'm also having issues with people just wanting to buy raw milk w/o buying a share.  They just don't understand legality even when explained to them.  There are more and more people looking for real food. Let the guys like Maple Leaf foods keep poisoning people and the tide will shift. It may sound harsh but that is what it takes to wake people up. 

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You would think they would look ahead and see how much worse it's going to get and guarantee them the ability to participate in a share program. They just see it as unecessary money spent when they can buy crap milk for under $3 in the store. They don't put it all together even when you explain it to them just how bad it is buying from the stores. I've been told that I am just speaking against store bought milk because I'm trying to sell my raw milk. LOL...ok, go on thinking that.

We have never had an issue explaining the cow share system and why. Have been very lucky there. I wonder what all these people are going to do when the market really crumbles and import food decreases? The stores could get very bare very quickly. With a continued shift to bio fuel production we are slicing our own throats. Yes we end up with more fuel, but we can't feed ourselves.

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