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UNT Insider special announcement: UNT to invest millions in research collaborations

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Special Announcement

September 2008

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UNT to invest millions in multi-disciplinary research collaborations


Gretchen M. Bataille


President Gretchen M. Bataille spoke to nearly 650 UNT faculty and staff

members during the annual Fall Convocation Sept. 9.

Dear Kimberley,

Our university took an important step forward today and I wanted to be sure

you were among the first to know. This morning, during our annual Fall

Convocation, it was my privilege to officially and publicly announce UNT's

plan to invest at least $25 million to support multi-disciplinary

collaborative research efforts.

Our plan is to recruit world-renowned faculty to expand our research

contributions in fields in which we already have a proven nucleus of

established excellence. Simultaneously we will improve the infrastructure to

support more cutting-edge research by developing our available space and

providing the equipment needed for the research initiatives.

We will begin this year with the development of six research clusters that

capitalize on the expertise and reputations of current UNT faculty members.

By investing in known areas of excellence, we will use our strongest

existing research efforts to stimulate growth in complementary areas. Our

goal is to tackle some of society's biggest challenges today.

The work of our clusters include the discovery of more effective ways to

treat conditions such as autism, cancer and heart disease; the development

of more durable jet engines and better materials for an array of uses; the

investigation of molecular plant signals that could lead to innovations

across the scientific spectrum; and the exploration of new ways to support

sustainable environments.

UNT's first six clusters will align common research efforts in several broad


* Bio/Nano-Photonics

* Computational Modeling and Simulation of Materials

* Developmental Physiology and Genetics

* Signaling Mechanisms in Plants

* Autism Spectrum Disorders

* Advanced Research in Technology and the Arts

This initiative builds on our previous significant investments to support

cutting-edge research. In 2004 we opened a new 105,000 square-foot Chemistry

Building and this year we are beginning construction on a new

81,000-square-foot Life Sciences Complex. We also are continuing to expand

Discovery Park, our nearly 290-acre research park that was acquired in 2001.

I invite you to <http://web3.unt.edu/news/story.cfm?story=11146> learn more

about our research clusters, and hope you are all as excited about this new

initiative as I am.

With green pride,

Gretchen M. Bataille



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