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OK if we have to deal with OK, you gotta deal with Lucy and Ethel will be

following shortly!

What a crowd!

I am in so much pain tonight, I thought I would try to catch up on some of my

e-mail. Boy the old box sure does fill up fast!

Kathi, I agree that we MUST find a man for Tess!! She has to be as

miserable as the rest of us. Remember, if one feels lousy, we all must feel

lousy! LOL.

Now, I have been taking a survey of my dear under worked cabana boys and the

decision is:::::::Greek is good, but next month is Oktoberfest!!!!!!, beer,

hot dogs, beer, sauer kraut, beer, funnel cakes, beer, chubby ladies dancing

in short skirts, beer, men wearing funny hats, beer, wiener schnitzel, beer,

hot potato salad, beer. Do you see any pattern here????? Now the way that I

figure it, we will need a central location to " tap our keg " . Now that should

fall on one of our Illinoisian neighbors (did I see raise her hand or

was that Big Al volunteering Mom's house?) Don't be shy folks, we will have

plenty for all to do! I will need someone to lead the conga line and then

start off the limbo. Now those of you who don't have artificial joints, this

would be a perfect opportunity for you! We will also be doing the " Chicken

Dance " and we will need volunteers for that also. I think we could also get

up a great B-I-N-G-0 game going using our old out dated prescriptions as

markers. And then back by popular demand, the " Dunk your Doctor Booth " .

Funny, how we never run out of volunteers for that game!!!! LOL. And our

doctors are SUCH GOOD sports about that!! Actually some of them look better

with their goofy faces on the bucket than in OR scrubs! We will also need a

bakery booth, Ms a, maybe you could handle that with your " fresh homemade

healthy " treats. AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH, I can hear the Oommpapa already in the

air! Just let me know which weekend is good for y'all. Now if you want to

swing the party a little South, to my joint, still not a problem. My pool is

open 24/7 and all games, foods, etc. are portable!!!!!! I also only live

less than a mile from our local police station (something Al would be

interested in-only for bail purposes).

OK, People, there we are! Our entertainment for the month of September. We

need to finalize the location so that we can that keg ordered! Tap! Tap!

Tap! Tap! YEAH...........

Remember, whoever hosts this party, must provide ample parking for orthopedic

devices, wheel chairs and handicapped parking, etc. I myself already have my

parking attendant outfit being cleaned just in case! I always like to be


My Samsonite is being dusted off as we speak! Looking for my suspenders for

German skirt and how to get pigtails out of short,short hair! Oh well, I

have a few weeks to work on that!

Gentle, tender, Oktoberfest angel hugs,

Debs in FL

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Howdy! When you say " I'm Back " , is it in that scary

voice? Missed you! Orange is a very good color with

purple or lime green. I'll have the clown university

send you a fall catalog. Tell those drs to get you

some medication for iddduhknow disease. Losing bone

sounds serious, I hope they come up with some answers

for you. Hate it when you go away and I can't image

you without humor. Sweet dreams. Iris

--- iamladybird <iamladybird@...> wrote:

> Bet you thought your email load was going to get

> lighter...but IM BACK


> Welcome to all the new members: I think you will

> find this group

> loving, compassionate,knowledgeable...and funny


> Al: After reading your posts I called my daughter

> the registered resp.

> tech...I explained all your pulmonary test came back

> normal...she said

> in early stages they dont always show anything...she

> also said that

> lots of times if you are having problems breathing

> the body

> overcompensates and starts making you work over time

> to get a good

> breath therefore the chest muscles are working

> overtime therefore

> chest pain....then you try to take smaller breaths

> because of the pain

> and a visciuos cycle starts...anyways another

> opinion....I hope you

> take the advice of the group and seek help if it

> gets worss....hoping

> you find a resolution....BTW is a closet Ninja

> so better

> listen....


> Debs: As always you have my hugs and prayers...

> To everyone else ..hoping you are having some pain

> free or less pain

> days


> Me I have been playing the MRI game....cervical

> spine ...lumbar spine

> and both knees....got lucky and they skipped the

> brain this time

> guess they were surprised last time as it confirmed

> there was

> one...which was reasuring...have had a problems with

> the spine all

> along...refused surgery by 3 different surgeons

> because of discs

> involved in cervical spine the are afraid of

> collapse if they do

> surgery....that was last year...anyway they decided

> to update and add

> some new places...seems

> that something is chomping away at my bones...they

> have the I dunno

> look on their faces...gave lots of hugs and just

> have me basically

> totally confused...as Scleroderma doesnt eat

> bone...lupus doesnt eat

> bone....fibro doesnt eat bone....osteo degenarates

> bone but doesnt eat

> it and they say it appears as the spine and areas of

> bone in the knee

> are hollow...so I have the I dunno also...Im just

> the patient what do

> I know....theory...I do have... as SD is vascular

> can deprivation of

> blood to the bone cause this and I get I dunno....so

> I guess I have I

> dunnoitis....I am back to being the purple people

> eater I am the most

> beautiful shade of purple.....am having a hard time

> coordinating

> clothing choices as purple is a hard shade to

> coordinate...anyway as I

> have been such a bundle of fun to be around have

> retreated for awhile

> into myself....trying to find the humor ....usually

> gets me through

> and when I cant... go into myself as dont want to

> lay it on others....


> OK Im done...Iris have been looking for good TX

> jokes..Tess....we must

> find you A MAN....Carol ..hope you are having a

> blast with the

> family..Kathe : You are a very encouraging person

> and maybe if we get

> the Enbrel go news at the same time we can have an

> Enbrel party....

> and a as always thanks for the great

> links...I must read the

> links a sent on bone building...Judy the floor

> story was tooo

> cute...I know geez..you said you were done...anyways

> hugs to all and

> night for now....Kathi in OK.......PS Where is Gail?

> Is she still

> here?





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Oh Debs ...will that be viesen beer(wheat beer) for

the natural junkies.....LOL Kathi in

OK....bratwurst...and cordon blau...here I go to the

fridge again....

--- Auntblabbie2000@... wrote:

> OK if we have to deal with OK, you gotta deal with

> Lucy and Ethel will be

> following shortly!


> What a crowd!


> I am in so much pain tonight, I thought I would try

> to catch up on some of my

> e-mail. Boy the old box sure does fill up fast!


> Kathi, I agree that we MUST find a man for Tess!!

> She has to be as

> miserable as the rest of us. Remember, if one feels

> lousy, we all must feel

> lousy! LOL.


> Now, I have been taking a survey of my dear under

> worked cabana boys and the

> decision is:::::::Greek is good, but next month is

> Oktoberfest!!!!!!, beer,

> hot dogs, beer, sauer kraut, beer, funnel cakes,

> beer, chubby ladies dancing

> in short skirts, beer, men wearing funny hats, beer,

> wiener schnitzel, beer,

> hot potato salad, beer. Do you see any pattern

> here????? Now the way that I

> figure it, we will need a central location to " tap

> our keg " . Now that should

> fall on one of our Illinoisian neighbors (did I see

> raise her hand or

> was that Big Al volunteering Mom's house?) Don't be

> shy folks, we will have

> plenty for all to do! I will need someone to lead

> the conga line and then

> start off the limbo. Now those of you who don't

> have artificial joints, this

> would be a perfect opportunity for you! We will

> also be doing the " Chicken

> Dance " and we will need volunteers for that also. I

> think we could also get

> up a great B-I-N-G-0 game going using our old out

> dated prescriptions as

> markers. And then back by popular demand, the " Dunk

> your Doctor Booth " .

> Funny, how we never run out of volunteers for that

> game!!!! LOL. And our

> doctors are SUCH GOOD sports about that!! Actually

> some of them look better

> with their goofy faces on the bucket than in OR

> scrubs! We will also need a

> bakery booth, Ms a, maybe you could handle that

> with your " fresh homemade

> healthy " treats. AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH, I can hear the

> Oommpapa already in the

> air! Just let me know which weekend is good for

> y'all. Now if you want to

> swing the party a little South, to my joint, still

> not a problem. My pool is

> open 24/7 and all games, foods, etc. are

> portable!!!!!! I also only live

> less than a mile from our local police station

> (something Al would be

> interested in-only for bail purposes).


> OK, People, there we are! Our entertainment for the

> month of September. We

> need to finalize the location so that we can that

> keg ordered! Tap! Tap!

> Tap! Tap! YEAH...........


> Remember, whoever hosts this party, must provide

> ample parking for orthopedic

> devices, wheel chairs and handicapped parking, etc.

> I myself already have my

> parking attendant outfit being cleaned just in case!

> I always like to be

> prepared!!!!!


> My Samsonite is being dusted off as we speak!

> Looking for my suspenders for

> German skirt and how to get pigtails out of

> short,short hair! Oh well, I

> have a few weeks to work on that!


> Gentle, tender, Oktoberfest angel hugs,


> Debs in FL



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iris...ill have to try that orange....October is

closing in.....good combo thanks...looking forward to

that catolog.....will be checking the mail


no more meds for the junkie 14 a day is enough....hugs

to you in Texas ....the okie

--- Iris Nosker <inosker@...> wrote:

> Howdy! When you say " I'm Back " , is it in that scary

> voice? Missed you! Orange is a very good color

> with

> purple or lime green. I'll have the clown

> university

> send you a fall catalog. Tell those drs to get you

> some medication for iddduhknow disease. Losing

> bone

> sounds serious, I hope they come up with some

> answers

> for you. Hate it when you go away and I can't image

> you without humor. Sweet dreams. Iris


> --- iamladybird <iamladybird@...> wrote:

> > Bet you thought your email load was going to get

> > lighter...but IM BACK

> >

> > Welcome to all the new members: I think you will

> > find this group

> > loving, compassionate,knowledgeable...and funny

> >

> > Al: After reading your posts I called my daughter

> > the registered resp.

> > tech...I explained all your pulmonary test came

> back

> > normal...she said

> > in early stages they dont always show

> anything...she

> > also said that

> > lots of times if you are having problems breathing

> > the body

> > overcompensates and starts making you work over

> time

> > to get a good

> > breath therefore the chest muscles are working

> > overtime therefore

> > chest pain....then you try to take smaller breaths

> > because of the pain

> > and a visciuos cycle starts...anyways another

> > opinion....I hope you

> > take the advice of the group and seek help if it

> > gets worss....hoping

> > you find a resolution....BTW is a closet

> Ninja

> > so better

> > listen....

> >

> > Debs: As always you have my hugs and prayers...

> > To everyone else ..hoping you are having some pain

> > free or less pain

> > days

> >

> > Me I have been playing the MRI game....cervical

> > spine ...lumbar spine

> > and both knees....got lucky and they skipped the

> > brain this time

> > guess they were surprised last time as it

> confirmed

> > there was

> > one...which was reasuring...have had a problems

> with

> > the spine all

> > along...refused surgery by 3 different surgeons

> > because of discs

> > involved in cervical spine the are afraid of

> > collapse if they do

> > surgery....that was last year...anyway they

> decided

> > to update and add

> > some new places...seems

> > that something is chomping away at my bones...they

> > have the I dunno

> > look on their faces...gave lots of hugs and just

> > have me basically

> > totally confused...as Scleroderma doesnt eat

> > bone...lupus doesnt eat

> > bone....fibro doesnt eat bone....osteo degenarates

> > bone but doesnt eat

> > it and they say it appears as the spine and areas

> of

> > bone in the knee

> > are hollow...so I have the I dunno also...Im just

> > the patient what do

> > I know....theory...I do have... as SD is vascular

> > can deprivation of

> > blood to the bone cause this and I get I

> dunno....so

> > I guess I have I

> > dunnoitis....I am back to being the purple people

> > eater I am the most

> > beautiful shade of purple.....am having a hard

> time

> > coordinating

> > clothing choices as purple is a hard shade to

> > coordinate...anyway as I

> > have been such a bundle of fun to be around have

> > retreated for awhile

> > into myself....trying to find the humor

> ....usually

> > gets me through

> > and when I cant... go into myself as dont want to

> > lay it on others....

> >

> > OK Im done...Iris have been looking for good TX

> > jokes..Tess....we must

> > find you A MAN....Carol ..hope you are having a

> > blast with the

> > family..Kathe : You are a very encouraging person

> > and maybe if we get

> > the Enbrel go news at the same time we can have an

> > Enbrel party....

> > and a as always thanks for the great

> > links...I must read the

> > links a sent on bone building...Judy the floor

> > story was tooo

> > cute...I know geez..you said you were

> done...anyways

> > hugs to all and

> > night for now....Kathi in OK.......PS Where is

> Gail?

> > Is she still

> > here?

> >

> >

> >



> __________________________________________________


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Did they give you a term for the bone changes that they were seeing on

the MRIs? I'm so sorry that the doctors are scratching their ...

Gail had to leave the group for awhile, but I'm hoping she will return

some day.

I am not a closet ninja - I'm right out there in the open and ready for

my next mission!

PS. Purple is a regal color!


> Bet you thought your email load was going to get lighter...but IM BACK


> Welcome to all the new members: I think you will find this group

> loving, compassionate,knowledgeable...and funny


> Al: After reading your posts I called my daughter the registered resp.

> tech...I explained all your pulmonary test came back normal...she said

> in early stages they dont always show anything...she also said that

> lots of times if you are having problems breathing the body

> overcompensates and starts making you work over time to get a good

> breath therefore the chest muscles are working overtime therefore

> chest pain....then you try to take smaller breaths because of the pain

> and a visciuos cycle starts...anyways another opinion....I hope you

> take the advice of the group and seek help if it gets worss....hoping

> you find a resolution....BTW is a closet Ninja so better

> listen....


> Debs: As always you have my hugs and prayers...

> To everyone else ..hoping you are having some pain free or less pain

> days


> Me I have been playing the MRI game....cervical spine ...lumbar spine

> and both knees....got lucky and they skipped the brain this time

> guess they were surprised last time as it confirmed there was

> one...which was reasuring...have had a problems with the spine all

> along...refused surgery by 3 different surgeons because of discs

> involved in cervical spine the are afraid of collapse if they do

> surgery....that was last year...anyway they decided to update and add

> some new places...seems

> that something is chomping away at my bones...they have the I dunno

> look on their faces...gave lots of hugs and just have me basically

> totally confused...as Scleroderma doesnt eat bone...lupus doesnt eat

> bone....fibro doesnt eat bone....osteo degenarates bone but doesnt eat

> it and they say it appears as the spine and areas of bone in the knee

> are hollow...so I have the I dunno also...Im just the patient what do

> I know....theory...I do have... as SD is vascular can deprivation of

> blood to the bone cause this and I get I dunno....so I guess I have I

> dunnoitis....I am back to being the purple people eater I am the most

> beautiful shade of purple.....am having a hard time coordinating

> clothing choices as purple is a hard shade to coordinate...anyway as I

> have been such a bundle of fun to be around have retreated for awhile

> into myself....trying to find the humor ....usually gets me through

> and when I cant... go into myself as dont want to lay it on others....


> OK Im done...Iris have been looking for good TX jokes..Tess....we must

> find you A MAN....Carol ..hope you are having a blast with the

> family..Kathe : You are a very encouraging person and maybe if we get

> the Enbrel go news at the same time we can have an Enbrel party....

> and a as always thanks for the great links...I must read the

> links a sent on bone building...Judy the floor story was tooo

> cute...I know geez..you said you were done...anyways hugs to all and

> night for now....Kathi in OK.......PS Where is Gail? Is she still

> here?

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uh oh Al...did you get that....shes on the loose...no

terms just alot of blank faces....looking forward to

reading the radiologists report...he came in looked at

the images and shook his head...so the report should

be interesting reading....what is latin for


Kathi in OK

--- <Matsumura_Clan@...> wrote:

> Kathi,


> Did they give you a term for the bone changes that

> they were seeing on

> the MRIs? I'm so sorry that the doctors are

> scratching their ...


> Gail had to leave the group for awhile, but I'm

> hoping she will return

> some day.


> I am not a closet ninja - I'm right out there in the

> open and ready for

> my next mission!




> PS. Purple is a regal color!






> > Bet you thought your email load was going to get

> lighter...but IM BACK

> >

> > Welcome to all the new members: I think you will

> find this group

> > loving, compassionate,knowledgeable...and funny

> >

> > Al: After reading your posts I called my daughter

> the registered resp.

> > tech...I explained all your pulmonary test came

> back normal...she said

> > in early stages they dont always show

> anything...she also said that

> > lots of times if you are having problems breathing

> the body

> > overcompensates and starts making you work over

> time to get a good

> > breath therefore the chest muscles are working

> overtime therefore

> > chest pain....then you try to take smaller breaths

> because of the pain

> > and a visciuos cycle starts...anyways another

> opinion....I hope you

> > take the advice of the group and seek help if it

> gets worss....hoping

> > you find a resolution....BTW is a closet

> Ninja so better

> > listen....

> >

> > Debs: As always you have my hugs and prayers...

> > To everyone else ..hoping you are having some pain

> free or less pain

> > days

> >

> > Me I have been playing the MRI game....cervical

> spine ...lumbar spine

> > and both knees....got lucky and they skipped the

> brain this time

> > guess they were surprised last time as it

> confirmed there was

> > one...which was reasuring...have had a problems

> with the spine all

> > along...refused surgery by 3 different surgeons

> because of discs

> > involved in cervical spine the are afraid of

> collapse if they do

> > surgery....that was last year...anyway they

> decided to update and add

> > some new places...seems

> > that something is chomping away at my bones...they

> have the I dunno

> > look on their faces...gave lots of hugs and just

> have me basically

> > totally confused...as Scleroderma doesnt eat

> bone...lupus doesnt eat

> > bone....fibro doesnt eat bone....osteo degenarates

> bone but doesnt eat

> > it and they say it appears as the spine and areas

> of bone in the knee

> > are hollow...so I have the I dunno also...Im just

> the patient what do

> > I know....theory...I do have... as SD is vascular

> can deprivation of

> > blood to the bone cause this and I get I

> dunno....so I guess I have I

> > dunnoitis....I am back to being the purple people

> eater I am the most

> > beautiful shade of purple.....am having a hard

> time coordinating

> > clothing choices as purple is a hard shade to

> coordinate...anyway as I

> > have been such a bundle of fun to be around have

> retreated for awhile

> > into myself....trying to find the humor

> ....usually gets me through

> > and when I cant... go into myself as dont want to

> lay it on others....

> >

> > OK Im done...Iris have been looking for good TX

> jokes..Tess....we must

> > find you A MAN....Carol ..hope you are having a

> blast with the

> > family..Kathe : You are a very encouraging person

> and maybe if we get

> > the Enbrel go news at the same time we can have an

> Enbrel party....

> > and a as always thanks for the great

> links...I must read the

> > links a sent on bone building...Judy the floor

> story was tooo

> > cute...I know geez..you said you were

> done...anyways hugs to all and

> > night for now....Kathi in OK.......PS Where is

> Gail? Is she still

> > here?



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(((((((((((((((Kathi))))))))))))))) I'm so sorry you're having problems of

dunnoitis. ;-) I think not knowing, like with Al also, is sometimes the

hardest part. Are you having a lot of pain in the areas you mentioned? I

can't imagine what would cause that, except osteoporosis, but you said they

ruled that out. I hope they find the answer soon, my friend. I'm saying a

special prayer for you right now as we speak.

I'm having a GREAT time with my family, but I'm really sad that they are

leaving tomorrow night. I thought eight days would be a long time, but it's

flown by. We drove two hours away and stayed in Vero Beach Tuesday night.

We were right on the beach, and enjoyed both the ocean and the pool.

and I used " boogie boards " and surfed the waves. Needless to say, I was

pummeled by the surf and I'm paying the price dearly this morning. I go to

my rheumy today and I wanted to go in and say how good I'm feeling, and now

I'll hobble in. Bummer, but well worth it!

I hope they get to the bottom of this soon.

Love and hugs,



Bet you thought your email load was going to get lighter...but IM BACK

Welcome to all the new members: I think you will find this group

loving, compassionate,knowledgeable...and funny

Al: After reading your posts I called my daughter the registered resp.

tech...I explained all your pulmonary test came back normal...she said

in early stages they dont always show anything...she also said that

lots of times if you are having problems breathing the body

overcompensates and starts making you work over time to get a good

breath therefore the chest muscles are working overtime therefore

chest pain....then you try to take smaller breaths because of the pain

and a visciuos cycle starts...anyways another opinion....I hope you

take the advice of the group and seek help if it gets worss....hoping

you find a resolution....BTW is a closet Ninja so better


Debs: As always you have my hugs and prayers...

To everyone else ..hoping you are having some pain free or less pain


Me I have been playing the MRI game....cervical spine ...lumbar spine

and both knees....got lucky and they skipped the brain this time

guess they were surprised last time as it confirmed there was

one...which was reasuring...have had a problems with the spine all

along...refused surgery by 3 different surgeons because of discs

involved in cervical spine the are afraid of collapse if they do

surgery....that was last year...anyway they decided to update and add

some new places...seems

that something is chomping away at my bones...they have the I dunno

look on their faces...gave lots of hugs and just have me basically

totally confused...as Scleroderma doesnt eat bone...lupus doesnt eat

bone....fibro doesnt eat bone....osteo degenarates bone but doesnt eat

it and they say it appears as the spine and areas of bone in the knee

are hollow...so I have the I dunno also...Im just the patient what do

I know....theory...I do have... as SD is vascular can deprivation of

blood to the bone cause this and I get I dunno....so I guess I have I

dunnoitis....I am back to being the purple people eater I am the most

beautiful shade of purple.....am having a hard time coordinating

clothing choices as purple is a hard shade to coordinate...anyway as I

have been such a bundle of fun to be around have retreated for awhile

into myself....trying to find the humor ....usually gets me through

and when I cant... go into myself as dont want to lay it on others....

OK Im done...Iris have been looking for good TX jokes..Tess....we must

find you A MAN....Carol ..hope you are having a blast with the

family..Kathe : You are a very encouraging person and maybe if we get

the Enbrel go news at the same time we can have an Enbrel party....

and a as always thanks for the great links...I must read the

links a sent on bone building...Judy the floor story was tooo

cute...I know geez..you said you were done...anyways hugs to all and

night for now....Kathi in OK.......PS Where is Gail? Is she still


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Lucy!!!!!!!! It's so good to have you back! I'm kind of half-back

(half-baked, too!) until my family leaves tomorrow night (half-baked being

permanent though, sorry to say). I'm so worried about you, but it makes me

feel good to know you're back posting. It seems like a sign that the worst

might be over. I certainly hope so.

You know you can count me in for Oktoberfest. In spite of the RA, I'm

always ready for a vacation (and a party). And having it at your house

would be awesome. I'd offer mine, but I don't have a pool, so what's the

sense? It's just not a party without a pool. And, where would the cabana

boys lounge? (oh, not to forget Al's cabana girl) I can help a with the

healthy baked goods.

Sending love and hugs and prayers for a speedy recovery,

Ethel (for the newbies, Carol)


OK if we have to deal with OK, you gotta deal with Lucy and Ethel will be

following shortly!

What a crowd!

I am in so much pain tonight, I thought I would try to catch up on some of


e-mail. Boy the old box sure does fill up fast!

Kathi, I agree that we MUST find a man for Tess!! She has to be as

miserable as the rest of us. Remember, if one feels lousy, we all must feel

lousy! LOL.

Now, I have been taking a survey of my dear under worked cabana boys and the

decision is:::::::Greek is good, but next month is Oktoberfest!!!!!!, beer,

hot dogs, beer, sauer kraut, beer, funnel cakes, beer, chubby ladies dancing

in short skirts, beer, men wearing funny hats, beer, wiener schnitzel, beer,

hot potato salad, beer. Do you see any pattern here????? Now the way that


figure it, we will need a central location to " tap our keg " . Now that


fall on one of our Illinoisian neighbors (did I see raise her hand or

was that Big Al volunteering Mom's house?) Don't be shy folks, we will have

plenty for all to do! I will need someone to lead the conga line and then

start off the limbo. Now those of you who don't have artificial joints,


would be a perfect opportunity for you! We will also be doing the " Chicken

Dance " and we will need volunteers for that also. I think we could also get

up a great B-I-N-G-0 game going using our old out dated prescriptions as

markers. And then back by popular demand, the " Dunk your Doctor Booth " .

Funny, how we never run out of volunteers for that game!!!! LOL. And our

doctors are SUCH GOOD sports about that!! Actually some of them look better

with their goofy faces on the bucket than in OR scrubs! We will also need a

bakery booth, Ms a, maybe you could handle that with your " fresh


healthy " treats. AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH, I can hear the Oommpapa already in the

air! Just let me know which weekend is good for y'all. Now if you want to

swing the party a little South, to my joint, still not a problem. My pool


open 24/7 and all games, foods, etc. are portable!!!!!! I also only live

less than a mile from our local police station (something Al would be

interested in-only for bail purposes).

OK, People, there we are! Our entertainment for the month of September. We

need to finalize the location so that we can that keg ordered! Tap! Tap!

Tap! Tap! YEAH...........

Remember, whoever hosts this party, must provide ample parking for


devices, wheel chairs and handicapped parking, etc. I myself already have


parking attendant outfit being cleaned just in case! I always like to be


My Samsonite is being dusted off as we speak! Looking for my suspenders for

German skirt and how to get pigtails out of short,short hair! Oh well, I

have a few weeks to work on that!

Gentle, tender, Oktoberfest angel hugs,

Debs in FL

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Carol: I am so glad yu are having a good time with the

family...the one thing I miss about home is the

ocean...being in a land locked state I miss it so

much...just sitting and taking in the smell and sound

of the ocean makes the troubles ease away....so you

brought it back to me......we sometimes go down to the

state below us...you know that big one ....ummmmm you

know that big one where everything is supposedly

bigger and better ;)(Iris).......and I am sure they

will come up with something they always do.....thanks

for the prayers.....:P.....Kathi in OK

--- Carol <carol@...> wrote:

> (((((((((((((((Kathi))))))))))))))) I'm so sorry

> you're having problems of

> dunnoitis. ;-) I think not knowing, like with Al

> also, is sometimes the

> hardest part. Are you having a lot of pain in the

> areas you mentioned? I

> can't imagine what would cause that, except

> osteoporosis, but you said they

> ruled that out. I hope they find the answer soon,

> my friend. I'm saying a

> special prayer for you right now as we speak.


> I'm having a GREAT time with my family, but I'm

> really sad that they are

> leaving tomorrow night. I thought eight days would

> be a long time, but it's

> flown by. We drove two hours away and stayed in

> Vero Beach Tuesday night.

> We were right on the beach, and enjoyed both the

> ocean and the pool.

> and I used " boogie boards " and surfed the waves.

> Needless to say, I was

> pummeled by the surf and I'm paying the price dearly

> this morning. I go to

> my rheumy today and I wanted to go in and say how

> good I'm feeling, and now

> I'll hobble in. Bummer, but well worth it!


> I hope they get to the bottom of this soon.


> Love and hugs,

> Carol



> Bet you thought your email load was going to get

> lighter...but IM BACK


> Welcome to all the new members: I think you will

> find this group

> loving, compassionate,knowledgeable...and funny


> Al: After reading your posts I called my daughter

> the registered resp.

> tech...I explained all your pulmonary test came back

> normal...she said

> in early stages they dont always show anything...she

> also said that

> lots of times if you are having problems breathing

> the body

> overcompensates and starts making you work over time

> to get a good

> breath therefore the chest muscles are working

> overtime therefore

> chest pain....then you try to take smaller breaths

> because of the pain

> and a visciuos cycle starts...anyways another

> opinion....I hope you

> take the advice of the group and seek help if it

> gets worss....hoping

> you find a resolution....BTW is a closet Ninja

> so better

> listen....


> Debs: As always you have my hugs and prayers...

> To everyone else ..hoping you are having some pain

> free or less pain

> days


> Me I have been playing the MRI game....cervical

> spine ...lumbar spine

> and both knees....got lucky and they skipped the

> brain this time

> guess they were surprised last time as it confirmed

> there was

> one...which was reasuring...have had a problems with

> the spine all

> along...refused surgery by 3 different surgeons

> because of discs

> involved in cervical spine the are afraid of

> collapse if they do

> surgery....that was last year...anyway they decided

> to update and add

> some new places...seems

> that something is chomping away at my bones...they

> have the I dunno

> look on their faces...gave lots of hugs and just

> have me basically

> totally confused...as Scleroderma doesnt eat

> bone...lupus doesnt eat

> bone....fibro doesnt eat bone....osteo degenarates

> bone but doesnt eat

> it and they say it appears as the spine and areas of

> bone in the knee

> are hollow...so I have the I dunno also...Im just

> the patient what do

> I know....theory...I do have... as SD is vascular

> can deprivation of

> blood to the bone cause this and I get I dunno....so

> I guess I have I

> dunnoitis....I am back to being the purple people

> eater I am the most

> beautiful shade of purple.....am having a hard time

> coordinating

> clothing choices as purple is a hard shade to

> coordinate...anyway as I

> have been such a bundle of fun to be around have

> retreated for awhile

> into myself....trying to find the humor ....usually

> gets me through

> and when I cant... go into myself as dont want to

> lay it on others....


> OK Im done...Iris have been looking for good TX

> jokes..Tess....we must

> find you A MAN....Carol ..hope you are having a

> blast with the

> family..Kathe : You are a very encouraging person

> and maybe if we get

> the Enbrel go news at the same time we can have an

> Enbrel party....

> and a as always thanks for the great

> links...I must read the

> links a sent on bone building...Judy the floor

> story was tooo

> cute...I know geez..you said you were done...anyways

> hugs to all and

> night for now....Kathi in OK.......PS Where is Gail?

> Is she still

> here?







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OK I am on the floor rolling.......I will have to

remember that line......to you my friend...@>--:--


--- Auntblabbie2000@... wrote:

> Bratwurst, how could I have forgotten that?


> Yes, doctor, I AM sure it your medication that is

> making me gain weight!


> Debs in fridge with little man with light!



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Hi Kathi:

Glad to see you are back posting - sorry to hear that

you are on that medical merry-go-round of the whatisit

and gotnoidea dilemma. Hope they get to the bottom of

it soon. Yes, definately will have that Embrel party

-we can synchonize our watches and shoot up at the

same time!

Kathe in CA


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alright...sounds good to me.....that really is sad

though sounds like my idea of a good time....Kathi in


--- Kathe Sabetzadeh <lv2ryd@...> wrote:

> Hi Kathi:


> Glad to see you are back posting - sorry to hear

> that

> you are on that medical merry-go-round of the

> whatisit

> and gotnoidea dilemma. Hope they get to the bottom

> of

> it soon. Yes, definately will have that Embrel

> party

> -we can synchonize our watches and shoot up at the

> same time!


> Kathe in CA


> __________________________________________________


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on 8/15/02 12:21 AM, iamladybird at iamladybird@... wrote:

>I am back to being the purple people eater I am the most

> beautiful shade of purple.....am having a hard time coordinating

> clothing choices as purple is a hard shade to coordinate...

If you have to turn a color, purple is not a bad choice. In fact, it's my

favorite color. I could send you lots of purple clothes so you could

coordinate better. I have scads of purple earrings, too.

Sue in NC

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Sue...thanks so much for your kind offer...but being a

redhead purple makes me look awful....although I might

borrow those purple earings.......love earings....are

they long and dangly?....LOL Kathi in OK :*

--- Sue Plaster2 <splaster@...> wrote:

> on 8/15/02 12:21 AM, iamladybird at

> iamladybird@... wrote:


> >I am back to being the purple people eater I am the

> most

> > beautiful shade of purple.....am having a hard

> time coordinating

> > clothing choices as purple is a hard shade to

> coordinate...


> If you have to turn a color, purple is not a bad

> choice. In fact, it's my

> favorite color. I could send you lots of purple

> clothes so you could

> coordinate better. I have scads of purple earrings,

> too.


> Sue in NC





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