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Re: Back from Ortho-Surgery

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deb'ssorry to hear you in so much pain. have they researched the remicade

issue?? i really started having problems after my surgeries. (infections,

mostly) you need to let him know of your troubles and concerns. otherwize he

will think you are in sleepyby dreamland. kathy in il

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Deb, sorry to hear of these problems.

And I was upset that they wouldn't opperate on my knee.

The remicade did the trick.

Hopefully things will start to improve soon.

You are in my prayers as are all our ra buddies.

Judy in Indy

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Hi Debs, I'm fairly new to the group and I've been following a bit

the problems you have had w/your knee. I can only imagine the pain

you are having. You mentioned you are worried about your kids..how

old are they? Regardless, if you have lived with this for awhile I am

sure they have learned to adjust. My girls are 3 and 6 and they know

that their dad (my husband) has good days and bad days and they have

learned at their young age to accept and adjust. Yours will be there

for you I am sure.

As far as whether the problem is a hematoma or and artery that needed

to be stitched, I can't believe that your Doc. didn't check it out

further. If it's an artery bleeding like that it will eventually make

your heart work harder. Don't wait until Monday if the pain persists.

I know this has to be hard for you but don't quit taking care of

yourself. Be in charge of yourself and your body. Keep in mind that

if you hadn't taken the steps you had in the past to make yourself

better then you could be worse. My thoughts have been with you since

I seen your postings and they will continue to be with you.

Keri (kapzu)

> Well,


> Just made my last trip to the OR. He reopened the incision where

it was

> hemorrhaging and drained a huge hematoma. It drained for several


> Once it was drained, the swelling was gone and the knee looked

normal. He

> then put some xerofoam on it and put several stitches in it and

then bandaged

> it.


> We have been home for a little while now and I have already removed

the one

> ACE bandage because the pressure was so severe and the swelling is

back as

> bad as it was last night. I have ice on it right now and haven't

had this

> much pain since I had the surgery last Thursday. He is not sure if


> entire problem is the hematoma or if it is an artery that needs to


> stitched. At least he saw the hemorrhaging in action and was able

to try to

> get it while it was in action. As he was stitching it, Ron said

that it

> continued to bleed. Maybe it is just the local wearing off right

now, but

> the pain is almost unbearable. He had given me dilaudid which has


> absolutely no effect on it at all. He says that he will see me

again on

> Monday unless I have problems, then it is back on Friday. The

bleeding has

> subsided a little bit from the outside, but the swelling is what

has me in a

> concern.


> I spent most of the morning crying because of the pain, the sleep


> and some from just frustration. Something inside me tells me that

this is

> not the whole problem. I am starting to have some chest pains so I

will sign

> off for now. I am supposed to have my Remicade and iron IV


> tomorrow. I hope that I will be up to it.


> Gentle, tender, angel hugs,


> Deb in FL

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I am so sorry. It sounded like things were getting better when I read

the first paragraph.

Is there something you can take besides the didaudid? I wouldn't wait

until Monday, or even Friday if the pain is severe. Nobody should

have to endure that.

I pray that the pain goes away and will have you in my thoughts and


All my best,

Al in IL

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Debs, this is horrible. I wouldn't wait. Please call now for something

else for the pain. At the same time, explain that the severe swelling

has returned.

If you can't get anywhere with Ortho Man, please go to the ER.

Very worried,

[ ] Back from Ortho-Surgery

> Well,


> Just made my last trip to the OR. He reopened the incision where it


> hemorrhaging and drained a huge hematoma. It drained for several


> Once it was drained, the swelling was gone and the knee looked normal.


> then put some xerofoam on it and put several stitches in it and then


> it.


> We have been home for a little while now and I have already removed

the one

> ACE bandage because the pressure was so severe and the swelling is

back as

> bad as it was last night. I have ice on it right now and haven't had


> much pain since I had the surgery last Thursday. He is not sure if


> entire problem is the hematoma or if it is an artery that needs to be

> stitched. At least he saw the hemorrhaging in action and was able to

try to

> get it while it was in action. As he was stitching it, Ron said that


> continued to bleed. Maybe it is just the local wearing off right now,


> the pain is almost unbearable. He had given me dilaudid which has had

> absolutely no effect on it at all. He says that he will see me again


> Monday unless I have problems, then it is back on Friday. The

bleeding has

> subsided a little bit from the outside, but the swelling is what has

me in a

> concern.


> I spent most of the morning crying because of the pain, the sleep


> and some from just frustration. Something inside me tells me that

this is

> not the whole problem. I am starting to have some chest pains so I

will sign

> off for now. I am supposed to have my Remicade and iron IV infusions

> tomorrow. I hope that I will be up to it.


> Gentle, tender, angel hugs,


> Deb in FL

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Geez, Deb, if that doctor suspected it could be an artery, I wonder why

he let you leave without investigating it further? I sure hope you can

get help soon. I will remember you in my prayers.

Judy - FL

> Well,


> Just made my last trip to the OR. He reopened the incision where it

> was

> hemorrhaging and drained a huge hematoma. It drained for several

> minutes.

> Once it was drained, the swelling was gone and the knee looked

> normal. He

> then put some xerofoam on it and put several stitches in it and then

> bandaged

> it.


> We have been home for a little while now and I have already removed

> the one

> ACE bandage because the pressure was so severe and the swelling is

> back as

> bad as it was last night. I have ice on it right now and haven't

> had this

> much pain since I had the surgery last Thursday. He is not sure if

> the

> entire problem is the hematoma or if it is an artery that needs to

> be

> stitched. At least he saw the hemorrhaging in action and was able

> to try to

> get it while it was in action. As he was stitching it, Ron said

> that it

> continued to bleed. Maybe it is just the local wearing off right

> now, but

> the pain is almost unbearable. He had given me dilaudid which has

> had

> absolutely no effect on it at all. He says that he will see me

> again on

> Monday unless I have problems, then it is back on Friday. The

> bleeding has

> subsided a little bit from the outside, but the swelling is what has

> me in a

> concern.


> I spent most of the morning crying because of the pain, the sleep

> deprivation

> and some from just frustration. Something inside me tells me that

> this is

> not the whole problem. I am starting to have some chest pains so I

> will sign

> off for now. I am supposed to have my Remicade and iron IV

> infusions

> tomorrow. I hope that I will be up to it.


> Gentle, tender, angel hugs,


> Deb in FL



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I hope today you can rest and feel better. I wish there was a way to help

you. You have been through so much. As always my prayers are with you.

Lynn (MeMom)

Auntblabbie2000@... wrote:

> Well,


> Just made my last trip to the OR. He reopened the incision where it was

> hemorrhaging and drained a huge hematoma. It drained for several minutes.

> Once it was drained, the swelling was gone and the knee looked normal. He

> then put some xerofoam on it and put several stitches in it and then bandaged

> it.


> We have been home for a little while now and I have already removed the one

> ACE bandage because the pressure was so severe and the swelling is back as

> bad as it was last night. I have ice on it right now and haven't had this

> much pain since I had the surgery last Thursday. He is not sure if the

> entire problem is the hematoma or if it is an artery that needs to be

> stitched. At least he saw the hemorrhaging in action and was able to try to

> get it while it was in action. As he was stitching it, Ron said that it

> continued to bleed. Maybe it is just the local wearing off right now, but

> the pain is almost unbearable. He had given me dilaudid which has had

> absolutely no effect on it at all. He says that he will see me again on

> Monday unless I have problems, then it is back on Friday. The bleeding has

> subsided a little bit from the outside, but the swelling is what has me in a

> concern.


> I spent most of the morning crying because of the pain, the sleep deprivation

> and some from just frustration. Something inside me tells me that this is

> not the whole problem. I am starting to have some chest pains so I will sign

> off for now. I am supposed to have my Remicade and iron IV infusions

> tomorrow. I hope that I will be up to it.


> Gentle, tender, angel hugs,


> Deb in FL




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