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Re: Once Upon A Time...

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Dear ,

I can't wait to here the rest of thr Story.

Peace and Love,




> I was born on a mountaintop in Tennessee, the greenest state in the


> of the free, raised in the woods so I knew every tree, kilt me

a 'bar

> when I was only three, Da.......woeeeeeeeee, wait, no, that was Davy

> Crockett.


> I get so confused, still. I grew up trying to be so many other


> trying to do so many things, that it's easy to get lost there


> After all, realities are what you make of them, and mine carried me


> many places...both " real " , and " imagined " to be. Making sense out of

> which might be which, is a whole other story.


> I didn't sit down here to write my life story, though, it's exactly


> I seem to be doing now. It didn't really seem to very important,

and I'd

> been running from " me " most of my life. Maybe, as I think back, I


> running " to me " .


> Let me tell you a little secret, I've lived in the south most of my

> life, raised here, and, as far as most know, a " Rebel " . I was


> in Georgia, but due to a little side trip mom took to my great

> grandmothers, I was actually born, shhhhh, " up north " . Doesn't


> where, so I was a " Yankee " for all of a few weeks, then back south.


> that ever got out, I could be 'kilt deader 'dan ah possum on a


> roode', on a Saderdee nite " . Good " thang " nobody will ever see

> this....whew!


> I grew up with two brothers, both younger than me, let's see, that


> me the oldest. That should of been a clue to many things to come.

It was

> about the time of the birth of my youngest brother that my mom and


> split up, well, he decided it was time to split up. Seems

the " girl " at

> the bar, whose husband had recently died in a motorcycle accident,


> was getting a nice little insurance package, was a better option at


> time. Up until that time, though there were a few other places, we


> in " company housing " for the construction company dad worked for.


> Since there was a split, divorc;, housing became all of a sudden,

> unavailable. But we'll get to that.


> You can imagine having just had a baby, your all of what, 21 now,

with 3

> kids, husbands left, no support, no car to speak of, and doesn't


> anyway, cause you never learned to drive, yet. No education, other


> finishing high school, and now facing where to go.


> Perhaps, I think maybe I see part of the reason why this must be

> written. This woman had the deck stacking against her by the day,

> and...well, you'll see...


> I must add that during this time, I remember watching dad go off to


> in the mornings, and watching for him in the afternoon to return. He

> always had a couple eggs in the morning for breakfast, of which, I

> always got one. I'd spend my days playing, mostly in his old station

> wagon, a 1956 Nomad...remember those? (think Tim / Tool Man /

> Home Improvement show; Jill's car.....ohhhh arrrrrrrr). And to

think now

> my mom had it hauled off before we moved. [sniff]


> I really didn't understand what was taking place, I was about four,


> you know, I had kid things to tend to, playing.... " stuff " .


> We ended up moving to the local " projects " ...opps, sorry, I mean,

> " Public Housing " . You know the places; paper thin walls, bare


> neighbors, who find themselves there, stressed out beyond human


> in a place that leaves so little to hope for, draining you,


> you. I think I used to get beat up about every other day. One more


> those things I should of...


> ....to be continued, 'bout when I feel like it.




> copyright for no good reason 2007guyinthecorner


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