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I did receive an update from Change.org, on the pole status of all of my supported initiatives but failed to note the changed category for raw milk.I might have to suggest we pose the same issue to other categories perhaps??

Carolyn called me this morning to let me know that Legalize Milk had been moved to the Other Category. This was done without my knowledge or consent. I asked her to inform you of that fact. After speaking to her, I decided I had to look at my own email account to see if I could get any more information on this. Legalize Milk had been moved to Others and then to Agricultural Policy. I checked to see if I had any email to explain this. I found none, not even from the organizers of Change.org. I reread the rules to see if I had somehow unintentionally violated some rule. As far as I can tell, I have not. Since I have received no email from the organizers of Change.org, I assume my account has been hacked. I moved Legalize Milk back to Health Care since I believe prevention must be the foundation of any Health Care reform. If it is moved again, it is done so without my knowledge or consent. My promise to move Legalize Milk to Ag Policy if National Health Care drops to the 4th position in Health Care is still in effect. If that happens, I will inform you through our yahoo groups, and it will only take place later in the evening on the 31st. Charlie PS: For those of you who have asked how to change categories after the original post: log in , go to the idea, click on edit idea; scroll down to the category drop down menu, make the change, then click on the edit button at the bottom of the page. Also. I do not have a lap top computer even though some truck stops have Wi Fi. None have public computers. So today, on my government mandated day off (34 hour restart), I got the local bus here in Klamath Falls, Or, and went to use the computer at the public Library. THANKS AGAIN TO EVERYONE FOR YOUR VOTES AND COMMENTS, I am looking forward to round two starting on January 1.-- Wise men ask questions, fools remain forever condemned, afraid of knowledge.The eyes see only what the mind is prepared to comprehend.

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