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Re: Hello Intro

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Hi, I am not . I am from Northern MN. My daughter in law works in Ann

Arbor. Arline


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Hello intro

> - welcome to the group, its nice to have another person from


> We may have a soap gathering yet here in Michigan.

> This is a wonderful sharing group and its great to have you aboard. It

> sounds like you have lots to tell us about. Do you mind sharing where you

> are located in Michigan? I am in Ann Arbor, Carol A2




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> - welcome to the group, its nice to have another person from


> We may have a soap gathering yet here in Michigan.

> This is a wonderful sharing group and its great to have you

aboard. It

> sounds like you have lots to tell us about. Do you mind sharing

where you

> are located in Michigan? I am in Ann Arbor, Carol A2

Thank you for the nice welcome. I am from a little village called

Lake Odessa. I believe there is a spring soap conference planned in

Saganaw for April 27th and last I knew there were 90 seats yet left.

I want to go but am not sure I can get my $15. in on time to reserve

a seat. There will be a HP demo, gel (candle) making demo and they

are trying to get a liquid soap one going too. There will be venders

there as well. So nice meeting you.


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  • 6 months later...

[ ] Hello Intro

To All:

I joined a few days back and I see the support and information that

you give each other. I hope I can help someone but for now I am in

the confused stage. My Story:

For a least two years I have been telling the docs that I hurt,

muscle aches and join hurts. The fatigue was something that I was

not dealing with..I could do no more than go to work and come home

and try to re-group for the next day. At any point of speaking of

the pains and fatigue I was told it was depression and handed a

script for an anti-depressant. No med ever helped..I was still in a

fog and hurt. With all this I was having heavy weight gain. In

March of this yeat I was at my GP for a horrible bladder problem and

I explain to her I thought I was developing a bit of carpal

tunnel...she gave me some meds and they did help for about a

week..two weeks later all meds for the bladder infection gone and

still fighting this infection I told her of the return of my pain and

the fact that it was moving more to my shoulder. She again told me I

just need to excersie more and get out of my depression. I try to

expalin I hurt...my family and duagher just told me it was in my

head. I hurt more because of this. I have always been a doer an now

I could not do. So I was labeled lazy depressed.

In April I saw my GYN I was still have major problems getting my

hormone under check after a hysteroctomy 4 years before. I am major

estrogen minus after I think high doses of oral meds. I asked him if

he could recommend an orthopedic. He checked my should and thought

it was a good idea.

Upon my first visit with dx of impengment with rotator cuff problems

doc placed a steroid injection in joint. No pain from the shot the

next day the swelling and pain were more intence. Bextra, Ultra and

Lortabs did nothing for the pain. Physical therapy brought no

relief..so artho surgery was schedule. During the surgery he found

massive inflamation of the synovitis tissue. He recomened a

rheumatolgist. Swelling in should still much pain...swelling in

feel, neck and hands. Rheumatologist took blood and ex-rays and upon

all this she told me the blood work was not conslusive for RA I did

test positive for Lupus. Regarding her work up my history and the

pain her dx was RA. She gave no regards to the lupus. I know there

are many things here and for now I understand why she is saying

this. I know I will undergo more blood work. She did think it was

important to start the predisone 5 mgs a day plaquenil 2 times a

day..bextra and loratabs. The meds were just started so I will have

a time before I know anything.

My pain is still there...the swelling in legs and feet have increased

this could be due to the start of the meds. I am overwhelmed with

the tought of work tomorrow...I do so much better if I just do...and

rest. I have no help or support on a daily basic so I just do what I

can. For now I need your opinions...how to do....make it through the

day...is the doc on the right track....is the meds a good choice....

and hugs are accepted.

Thank you for your time and I look forward to your replys.


Atlanta,GA 50

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(((((((((((((Myra))))))))))))) ----an extra big hug

Welcome to our group! I'm so sorry you have had to endure such skepticism

on the part of your MD and your family. Like said, it is pretty

common. Your symptoms certainly sound like RA to me, and it sounds like

your rheumatologist is on the right track. Like you, I have a positive ANA

rather than a positive RF, but my diagnosis is RA. The diagnosis of RA is

based on certain specific symptoms, visible inflammation in joints, and the

blood tests. It's not uncommon to have a positive ANA with RA, so don't

worry that you might have Lupus. I worried about that for a while, too.

I started out with Plaquenil, and then my rheumatologist added Methotrexate.

I just started on Remicade a couple of weeks ago, and until today I've been

feeling really good from it. The most important things with RA are to

arrest the joint damage, and to decrease pain. The DMARDS (like Plaquenil

and Methotrexate) help stop joint damage and help pain. Then, of course, I

use Ultram or Lortab for remaining pain.

I can relate to not wanting to go do things because of the pain. I'm

fortunate in that I work from home, and I thank the Lord daily for that

blessing. With the Remicade I've been able to accomplish so much more, and

I really overdid it. Many rheumys want to start out slow, but when you're

having that much trouble functioning and your livelihood depends on working,

you should make that very clear to your rheumatologist. You're probably

better off if she is aggressive, to help you function better. I'm sure you'

re scared and overwhelmed. You'll be in my prayers.

You'll find a lot of caring friends in this group, and as I'm sure you've

figured out, great RA information from and a. We all understand

first hand what you're going through, and we're glad to be here for you.

Love and hugs,


Sent: Sunday, August 18, 2002 11:41 AM

Subject: [ ] Hello Intro

To All:

I joined a few days back and I see the support and information that

you give each other. I hope I can help someone but for now I am in

the confused stage. My Story:

For a least two years I have been telling the docs that I hurt,

muscle aches and join hurts. The fatigue was something that I was

not dealing with..I could do no more than go to work and come home

and try to re-group for the next day. At any point of speaking of

the pains and fatigue I was told it was depression and handed a

script for an anti-depressant. No med ever helped..I was still in a

fog and hurt. With all this I was having heavy weight gain. In

March of this yeat I was at my GP for a horrible bladder problem and

I explain to her I thought I was developing a bit of carpal

tunnel...she gave me some meds and they did help for about a

week..two weeks later all meds for the bladder infection gone and

still fighting this infection I told her of the return of my pain and

the fact that it was moving more to my shoulder. She again told me I

just need to excersie more and get out of my depression. I try to

expalin I hurt...my family and duagher just told me it was in my

head. I hurt more because of this. I have always been a doer an now

I could not do. So I was labeled lazy depressed.

In April I saw my GYN I was still have major problems getting my

hormone under check after a hysteroctomy 4 years before. I am major

estrogen minus after I think high doses of oral meds. I asked him if

he could recommend an orthopedic. He checked my should and thought

it was a good idea.

Upon my first visit with dx of impengment with rotator cuff problems

doc placed a steroid injection in joint. No pain from the shot the

next day the swelling and pain were more intence. Bextra, Ultra and

Lortabs did nothing for the pain. Physical therapy brought no

relief..so artho surgery was schedule. During the surgery he found

massive inflamation of the synovitis tissue. He recomened a

rheumatolgist. Swelling in should still much pain...swelling in

feel, neck and hands. Rheumatologist took blood and ex-rays and upon

all this she told me the blood work was not conslusive for RA I did

test positive for Lupus. Regarding her work up my history and the

pain her dx was RA. She gave no regards to the lupus. I know there

are many things here and for now I understand why she is saying

this. I know I will undergo more blood work. She did think it was

important to start the predisone 5 mgs a day plaquenil 2 times a

day..bextra and loratabs. The meds were just started so I will have

a time before I know anything.

My pain is still there...the swelling in legs and feet have increased

this could be due to the start of the meds. I am overwhelmed with

the tought of work tomorrow...I do so much better if I just do...and

rest. I have no help or support on a daily basic so I just do what I

can. For now I need your opinions...how to do....make it through the

day...is the doc on the right track....is the meds a good choice....

and hugs are accepted.

Thank you for your time and I look forward to your replys.


Atlanta,GA 50

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Hi Myra,

Welcome to the group! I'm in much the same place you are right now,

so I understand where you're coming from. Just know there are people

here who understand, and hugs are always available (just don't

squeeze too hard!)

God bless,

Judi in IN

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Hi Myra and Welcome:

Glad you found our little group here - I think you

will find it very informative and supportive. We all

really do understand what you are going through - we,

too, have at times had difficulty making people, even

our loved ones, understand this disease. It's a tough

one to diagnosis, treat and live with. It sure sounds

like you have RA - all the symptoms are so familiar,

especially the darn fatigue.

Your doctor is prescribing the same medication I was

placed on 3 years ago when first diagnosed. The

prednisone should help you a lot with the pain and

inflammation pretty quicky, although some of its' side

effects can be yucky. When I take it, I make sure to

take it in the morning, because if you take it later

in the day it can interfere with sleep. You may feel

the urge to eat everything in site too! But I usually

can feel the effects quickly - it's the med we all

love but hate too. The Plaquenil will take about 4

months usually to reach a therapeutic level in your

blood - it worked well for me and I was on it for

almost 2 1/2 years until the RA became aggressive and

was then switched to Methotrexate and Arava; I also

take Bextra.

When I was first diagnosed by my doctor she told me

the good news is that you don't have lupus, the bad

news is you have RA. Lupus and RA are very similar

with the symptoms but blood work should tell. The

moderators of this group are wonderful and I am sure

they will be able to direct you to sites that can give

you more information about RA - knowledge of the

disease is very important to help you take charge of

your life and be proactive in treating RA.

It may take a while for your family to come around -

it's a hard disease to really understand unless you

have it - and they too may be scared of the unknown

involved in RA - will it get worse, how bad will it

get, will she be crippled, how will it change our

lives, etc? Maybe get a couple of books about RA from

the library or book store for yourself and maybe share

with your family pertinent parts or leave them around

and they might be just pick them up and read some

themselves. That's what I did - even emailed my

husband good articles on RA (even though he was only

in the next room, somehow reading the articles was

easier than my trying to sit and explain it to him).

My husband is understanding as are my kids but it sure

helps to come to this group and talk with people who

really get it!

Well, I am long winded today, sorry! Good luck with

your medication - be patient, I know it is hard when

you are in such pain, but it does take the meds a bit

to kick in. Maybe you would be able to take some time

off work until you are feeling better - stress is a

really bad thing with RA as it does aggravate the

symptoms so if you can reduce any stress it would be

for the best. Please let us know how you are doing -

big cyber hug ((((((((((((((myra))))))))))

for you!

Kathe in CA


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<< That's what I did - even emailed my

husband good articles on RA (even though he was only

in the next room, somehow reading the articles was

easier than my trying to sit and explain it to him).>>

Kathy, that's what I do with my husband too! It's much easier than trying

to explain certain things.

Hope you're having a good Sunday!

Love and hugs,


RE: [ ] Hello Intro

Hi Myra and Welcome:

Glad you found our little group here - I think you

will find it very informative and supportive. We all

really do understand what you are going through - we,

too, have at times had difficulty making people, even

our loved ones, understand this disease. It's a tough

one to diagnosis, treat and live with. It sure sounds

like you have RA - all the symptoms are so familiar,

especially the darn fatigue.

Your doctor is prescribing the same medication I was

placed on 3 years ago when first diagnosed. The

prednisone should help you a lot with the pain and

inflammation pretty quicky, although some of its' side

effects can be yucky. When I take it, I make sure to

take it in the morning, because if you take it later

in the day it can interfere with sleep. You may feel

the urge to eat everything in site too! But I usually

can feel the effects quickly - it's the med we all

love but hate too. The Plaquenil will take about 4

months usually to reach a therapeutic level in your

blood - it worked well for me and I was on it for

almost 2 1/2 years until the RA became aggressive and

was then switched to Methotrexate and Arava; I also

take Bextra.

When I was first diagnosed by my doctor she told me

the good news is that you don't have lupus, the bad

news is you have RA. Lupus and RA are very similar

with the symptoms but blood work should tell. The

moderators of this group are wonderful and I am sure

they will be able to direct you to sites that can give

you more information about RA - knowledge of the

disease is very important to help you take charge of

your life and be proactive in treating RA.

It may take a while for your family to come around -

it's a hard disease to really understand unless you

have it - and they too may be scared of the unknown

involved in RA - will it get worse, how bad will it

get, will she be crippled, how will it change our

lives, etc? Maybe get a couple of books about RA from

the library or book store for yourself and maybe share

with your family pertinent parts or leave them around

and they might be just pick them up and read some

themselves. That's what I did - even emailed my

husband good articles on RA (even though he was only

in the next room, somehow reading the articles was

easier than my trying to sit and explain it to him).

My husband is understanding as are my kids but it sure

helps to come to this group and talk with people who

really get it!

Well, I am long winded today, sorry! Good luck with

your medication - be patient, I know it is hard when

you are in such pain, but it does take the meds a bit

to kick in. Maybe you would be able to take some time

off work until you are feeling better - stress is a

really bad thing with RA as it does aggravate the

symptoms so if you can reduce any stress it would be

for the best. Please let us know how you are doing -

big cyber hug ((((((((((((((myra))))))))))

for you!

Kathe in CA


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Dear , Kath, Carol and Judi,

Thank you so much for the welcome. I have many thoughts but for now

it seems everything is in such a jumble. I will work through this.

What choice do I have and it looks like I have some freinds that I

can come to for a shoulder and information.

I do wish I could get some of the pain under control. I have hurt so

long. The predisone is already keeping me up at night and I do take

it first thing. The weekend has been wonderful I have been able to

take a much needed nap and with out guilt...I say now I NEED IT. This

is much to myself since I live alone.

My daughter move in April and I know that this has been hard on me

emotionally we had been going though some tough times. Before she

made her plans to move I told her I hurt and was scared and I need

her she told me she had her life. This is true non the less it

hurt. She is my only child her father left with no word when she was

8 she was my devotion she was a bit rebillious and selfish as many

children are. My parents are older 74 and the are angry that I have

not been there as I have in the past...so I feel guilt here. Sorry

just some personal things.

Any advice on how I need to address my work situation, how do I talk

to my doctor...when do I need to take firm steps.

I am looking at website now to send information to my daugter she

does not have a clue what RA is. She is a total blonde so it needs

to be short, sweet and simple. Am I asking to much.

Thank you again,


> Hi Myra,


> Welcome to the group! I'm in much the same place you are right


> so I understand where you're coming from. Just know there are


> here who understand, and hugs are always available (just don't

> squeeze too hard!)


> God bless,

> Judi in IN

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Hi Myra,

I too have SLE, Luckily mine went into remission after trying to kill

me a couple of times. Unfortunately the fatigue remains, Of course

many here fight the continual fatigue from day to day. I believe its

linked to most all of the immune diseases. Best of luck on your

diagnosis, Hopefully they can bring it under control.



> To All:

> I joined a few days back and I see the support and information that

> you give each other. I hope I can help someone but for now I am in

> the confused stage. My Story:


> For a least two years I have been telling the docs that I hurt,

> muscle aches and join hurts. The fatigue was something that I was

> not dealing with..I could do no more than go to work and come home

> and try to re-group for the next day. At any point of speaking of

> the pains and fatigue I was told it was depression and handed a

> script for an anti-depressant. No med ever helped..I was still in


> fog and hurt. With all this I was having heavy weight gain. In

> March of this yeat I was at my GP for a horrible bladder problem


> I explain to her I thought I was developing a bit of carpal

> tunnel...she gave me some meds and they did help for about a

> week..two weeks later all meds for the bladder infection gone and

> still fighting this infection I told her of the return of my pain


> the fact that it was moving more to my shoulder. She again told me


> just need to excersie more and get out of my depression. I try to

> expalin I hurt...my family and duagher just told me it was in my

> head. I hurt more because of this. I have always been a doer an


> I could not do. So I was labeled lazy depressed.


> In April I saw my GYN I was still have major problems getting my

> hormone under check after a hysteroctomy 4 years before. I am


> estrogen minus after I think high doses of oral meds. I asked him


> he could recommend an orthopedic. He checked my should and thought

> it was a good idea.


> Upon my first visit with dx of impengment with rotator cuff


> doc placed a steroid injection in joint. No pain from the shot the

> next day the swelling and pain were more intence. Bextra, Ultra


> Lortabs did nothing for the pain. Physical therapy brought no

> relief..so artho surgery was schedule. During the surgery he found

> massive inflamation of the synovitis tissue. He recomened a

> rheumatolgist. Swelling in should still much pain...swelling in

> feel, neck and hands. Rheumatologist took blood and ex-rays and


> all this she told me the blood work was not conslusive for RA I did

> test positive for Lupus. Regarding her work up my history and the

> pain her dx was RA. She gave no regards to the lupus. I know


> are many things here and for now I understand why she is saying

> this. I know I will undergo more blood work. She did think it was

> important to start the predisone 5 mgs a day plaquenil 2 times a

> day..bextra and loratabs. The meds were just started so I will


> a time before I know anything.


> My pain is still there...the swelling in legs and feet have


> this could be due to the start of the meds. I am overwhelmed with

> the tought of work tomorrow...I do so much better if I just


> rest. I have no help or support on a daily basic so I just do what


> can. For now I need your opinions...how to do....make it through


> day...is the doc on the right track....is the meds a good


> and hugs are accepted.


> Thank you for your time and I look forward to your replys.

> Myra

> Atlanta,GA 50

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<< She is a total blonde so it needs

to be short, sweet and simple. Am I asking to much.>>

Myra, you are a funny lady. We LOVE people with a good sense of humor in

this group.

The arthritis foundation has a nice summary of RA:


I'll bet will come up with a good link. It's amazing the way she finds

the best information on the net.

Love and hugs,


[ ] Re: Hello Intro

Dear , Kath, Carol and Judi,

Thank you so much for the welcome. I have many thoughts but for now

it seems everything is in such a jumble. I will work through this.

What choice do I have and it looks like I have some freinds that I

can come to for a shoulder and information.

I do wish I could get some of the pain under control. I have hurt so

long. The predisone is already keeping me up at night and I do take

it first thing. The weekend has been wonderful I have been able to

take a much needed nap and with out guilt...I say now I NEED IT. This

is much to myself since I live alone.

My daughter move in April and I know that this has been hard on me

emotionally we had been going though some tough times. Before she

made her plans to move I told her I hurt and was scared and I need

her she told me she had her life. This is true non the less it

hurt. She is my only child her father left with no word when she was

8 she was my devotion she was a bit rebillious and selfish as many

children are. My parents are older 74 and the are angry that I have

not been there as I have in the past...so I feel guilt here. Sorry

just some personal things.

Any advice on how I need to address my work situation, how do I talk

to my doctor...when do I need to take firm steps.

I am looking at website now to send information to my daugter she

does not have a clue what RA is. She is a total blonde so it needs

to be short, sweet and simple. Am I asking to much.

Thank you again,


> Hi Myra,


> Welcome to the group! I'm in much the same place you are right


> so I understand where you're coming from. Just know there are


> here who understand, and hugs are always available (just don't

> squeeze too hard!)


> God bless,

> Judi in IN

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Hi Myra,,welcome to this group..I am kind of new to this group but sure have

found lots of info and support from a neat group of people...I have had the

diagnosix of RA for almost two years now....my former doc treated me for

diabetes and told me to exercise and lose weight...for several years I

followed his advise...when my joints were swollen and pain became more than

I thought I could tolerate...i finally went to a new doc who quickly sent me

to a rheummy and i was diag...interestingly enough...the new GP wanted to

know why I was doing daily finger pricks since my sugar blood work was

always normal...it's great to not being doing sugar tests daily and to have

at least the right dx. I take meth, plaq, folic acid duragesic patches and

several other meds...vicodin for pain as needed. I hope your rheummy is

able to do right by you...from reading other posts...i count myself very

lucky to have found a great GP and Rheummy. I have mostly good days, and am

very lucky they believe me when I am in a flare...two years ago when I

barely walked into the new docs office, he sent me out the door with a

walker...many days I couldn't maneuver even with that...today I use it for

trips over 200 feet but am able toget most places I want to go. I asked the

same questions at the beginning that you asked....how to get through the

practical every day life tasks...I use large pens, a grip on my fork and

spoon...and have found pulling myself forward from a chair after scooting to

the edge helps a lot...I don't know how to describe it...it's not really

pulling forward but stabilizing myself on the coffee table...keep asking

questions and don't let your pride get in the way of a chair in the stores

if you need it (I still do big shopping outside of town..see how well I do

with my pride)...hope to hear from you again...this is a great group they

will give you lots of info...as far as the fatigue and not sleeping do to

pain and stiffness....I am still looking for hints....welcome, marge

[ ] Hello Intro

> To All:

> I joined a few days back and I see the support and information that

> you give each other. I hope I can help someone but for now I am in

> the confused stage. My Story:


> For a least two years I have been telling the docs that I hurt,

> muscle aches and join hurts. The fatigue was something that I was

> not dealing with..I could do no more than go to work and come home

> and try to re-group for the next day. At any point of speaking of

> the pains and fatigue I was told it was depression and handed a

> script for an anti-depressant. No med ever helped..I was still in a

> fog and hurt. With all this I was having heavy weight gain. In

> March of this yeat I was at my GP for a horrible bladder problem and

> I explain to her I thought I was developing a bit of carpal

> tunnel...she gave me some meds and they did help for about a

> week..two weeks later all meds for the bladder infection gone and

> still fighting this infection I told her of the return of my pain and

> the fact that it was moving more to my shoulder. She again told me I

> just need to excersie more and get out of my depression. I try to

> expalin I hurt...my family and duagher just told me it was in my

> head. I hurt more because of this. I have always been a doer an now

> I could not do. So I was labeled lazy depressed.


> In April I saw my GYN I was still have major problems getting my

> hormone under check after a hysteroctomy 4 years before. I am major

> estrogen minus after I think high doses of oral meds. I asked him if

> he could recommend an orthopedic. He checked my should and thought

> it was a good idea.


> Upon my first visit with dx of impengment with rotator cuff problems

> doc placed a steroid injection in joint. No pain from the shot the

> next day the swelling and pain were more intence. Bextra, Ultra and

> Lortabs did nothing for the pain. Physical therapy brought no

> relief..so artho surgery was schedule. During the surgery he found

> massive inflamation of the synovitis tissue. He recomened a

> rheumatolgist. Swelling in should still much pain...swelling in

> feel, neck and hands. Rheumatologist took blood and ex-rays and upon

> all this she told me the blood work was not conslusive for RA I did

> test positive for Lupus. Regarding her work up my history and the

> pain her dx was RA. She gave no regards to the lupus. I know there

> are many things here and for now I understand why she is saying

> this. I know I will undergo more blood work. She did think it was

> important to start the predisone 5 mgs a day plaquenil 2 times a

> day..bextra and loratabs. The meds were just started so I will have

> a time before I know anything.


> My pain is still there...the swelling in legs and feet have increased

> this could be due to the start of the meds. I am overwhelmed with

> the tought of work tomorrow...I do so much better if I just do...and

> rest. I have no help or support on a daily basic so I just do what I

> can. For now I need your opinions...how to do....make it through the

> day...is the doc on the right track....is the meds a good choice....

> and hugs are accepted.


> Thank you for your time and I look forward to your replys.

> Myra

> Atlanta,GA 50







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Welcome Myra....you have come to the right place. We can give you the

support you need. I am not an expert on lupus so someone else will have to

handle this one. But I just wanted to say hi and to let you know that people

are here to help.


PS....Just to let you know I am a 24 year old with RA...

>From: " tarnishedsilverheart " <tarnishedsilverheart@...>



>Subject: [ ] Hello Intro

>Date: Sun, 18 Aug 2002 15:41:28 -0000


>To All:

>I joined a few days back and I see the support and information that

>you give each other. I hope I can help someone but for now I am in

>the confused stage. My Story:


>For a least two years I have been telling the docs that I hurt,

>muscle aches and join hurts. The fatigue was something that I was

>not dealing with..I could do no more than go to work and come home

>and try to re-group for the next day. At any point of speaking of

>the pains and fatigue I was told it was depression and handed a

>script for an anti-depressant. No med ever helped..I was still in a

>fog and hurt. With all this I was having heavy weight gain. In

>March of this yeat I was at my GP for a horrible bladder problem and

>I explain to her I thought I was developing a bit of carpal

>tunnel...she gave me some meds and they did help for about a

>week..two weeks later all meds for the bladder infection gone and

>still fighting this infection I told her of the return of my pain and

>the fact that it was moving more to my shoulder. She again told me I

>just need to excersie more and get out of my depression. I try to

>expalin I hurt...my family and duagher just told me it was in my

>head. I hurt more because of this. I have always been a doer an now

>I could not do. So I was labeled lazy depressed.


>In April I saw my GYN I was still have major problems getting my

>hormone under check after a hysteroctomy 4 years before. I am major

>estrogen minus after I think high doses of oral meds. I asked him if

>he could recommend an orthopedic. He checked my should and thought

>it was a good idea.


>Upon my first visit with dx of impengment with rotator cuff problems

>doc placed a steroid injection in joint. No pain from the shot the

>next day the swelling and pain were more intence. Bextra, Ultra and

>Lortabs did nothing for the pain. Physical therapy brought no

>relief..so artho surgery was schedule. During the surgery he found

>massive inflamation of the synovitis tissue. He recomened a

>rheumatolgist. Swelling in should still much pain...swelling in

>feel, neck and hands. Rheumatologist took blood and ex-rays and upon

>all this she told me the blood work was not conslusive for RA I did

>test positive for Lupus. Regarding her work up my history and the

>pain her dx was RA. She gave no regards to the lupus. I know there

>are many things here and for now I understand why she is saying

>this. I know I will undergo more blood work. She did think it was

>important to start the predisone 5 mgs a day plaquenil 2 times a

>day..bextra and loratabs. The meds were just started so I will have

>a time before I know anything.


>My pain is still there...the swelling in legs and feet have increased

>this could be due to the start of the meds. I am overwhelmed with

>the tought of work tomorrow...I do so much better if I just do...and

>rest. I have no help or support on a daily basic so I just do what I

>can. For now I need your opinions...how to do....make it through the

>day...is the doc on the right track....is the meds a good choice....

>and hugs are accepted.


>Thank you for your time and I look forward to your replys.


>Atlanta,GA 50





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Myra, I am fairly new to this group myself. I DO NOT have any of the

illnesses that the people in this grgoup have. My husband does. I

became a part of this group because I was frustrated that my husband

has been denying that he has RA for 4 years. I couldn't find a local

group and I came across this one and this group IS WONDERFUL!

If you want to read a GREAT book about RA, I just finished one. It's

called " Rheumatoid Arthritis - Plan To Win " by Cheryl Koehn. This

book is written by someone that has been dealing with RA for at least

10 years. She wrote it with the help of a doctor. It is informative,

in layman's terms and very inspiring. It tells you about EVERYTHING

in this book. I got it from one of my local libraries but I intend to

buy it and make my husband read it.

I wish you all the luck and all of the prayers in the world! It's a

hard illness to live with and I don't even have it!

Keri in MI

> To All:

> I joined a few days back and I see the support and information that

> you give each other. I hope I can help someone but for now I am in

> the confused stage. My Story:


> For a least two years I have been telling the docs that I hurt,

> muscle aches and join hurts. The fatigue was something that I was

> not dealing with..I could do no more than go to work and come home

> and try to re-group for the next day. At any point of speaking of

> the pains and fatigue I was told it was depression and handed a

> script for an anti-depressant. No med ever helped..I was still in


> fog and hurt. With all this I was having heavy weight gain. In

> March of this yeat I was at my GP for a horrible bladder problem


> I explain to her I thought I was developing a bit of carpal

> tunnel...she gave me some meds and they did help for about a

> week..two weeks later all meds for the bladder infection gone and

> still fighting this infection I told her of the return of my pain


> the fact that it was moving more to my shoulder. She again told me


> just need to excersie more and get out of my depression. I try to

> expalin I hurt...my family and duagher just told me it was in my

> head. I hurt more because of this. I have always been a doer an


> I could not do. So I was labeled lazy depressed.


> In April I saw my GYN I was still have major problems getting my

> hormone under check after a hysteroctomy 4 years before. I am


> estrogen minus after I think high doses of oral meds. I asked him


> he could recommend an orthopedic. He checked my should and thought

> it was a good idea.


> Upon my first visit with dx of impengment with rotator cuff


> doc placed a steroid injection in joint. No pain from the shot the

> next day the swelling and pain were more intence. Bextra, Ultra


> Lortabs did nothing for the pain. Physical therapy brought no

> relief..so artho surgery was schedule. During the surgery he found

> massive inflamation of the synovitis tissue. He recomened a

> rheumatolgist. Swelling in should still much pain...swelling in

> feel, neck and hands. Rheumatologist took blood and ex-rays and


> all this she told me the blood work was not conslusive for RA I did

> test positive for Lupus. Regarding her work up my history and the

> pain her dx was RA. She gave no regards to the lupus. I know


> are many things here and for now I understand why she is saying

> this. I know I will undergo more blood work. She did think it was

> important to start the predisone 5 mgs a day plaquenil 2 times a

> day..bextra and loratabs. The meds were just started so I will


> a time before I know anything.


> My pain is still there...the swelling in legs and feet have


> this could be due to the start of the meds. I am overwhelmed with

> the tought of work tomorrow...I do so much better if I just


> rest. I have no help or support on a daily basic so I just do what


> can. For now I need your opinions...how to do....make it through


> day...is the doc on the right track....is the meds a good


> and hugs are accepted.


> Thank you for your time and I look forward to your replys.

> Myra

> Atlanta,GA 50

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Hi Myra,

Welcome to the group. I am so sorry that you have had to go through

so much. Unfortunately, that is something many of us have had to

endure. I have been diganosed with RA, but have had negative ANA and

RF tests. Unfortunately, the disease tends to affect us all


Here, you will find extremely informative moderators and wonderful,

caring individuals. My best to you.


Al in IL

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Hi Myra,

Welcome. I am glad that you have found our little group. I too, had a long

process in getting the right diagnosis. Even then, I doubted it. I couldn't

comprehend that I had this horrible disease. I was diagnosed about 2 1/2

years ago and had to stop working a little over a year ago. I have had a

rough couple of years, but I finally found this wonderful group of people who

give me great support and comfort. Not to mention the fantastic information

to answer any question that I have. I hope that you can find the same great

support here also.

Love and Hugs

Stacey in PA

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Dear Stacey,

I am still in schock with this...I am not sure what to think...I am

searching for answers. I want to be able to have a conversation with

my doc at my next visit. I do need to find one that is a bit more

friendly located.

I have heard that predinose is a course of action in this disease. I

have always had a difficult time in taking this...doc want me to take

at leaset 10 mgs a day...I started with 5 and then cut these in half

so today I just did not take it the swelling in my feet and legs are

as bad as the daily pain..I hope to find some pain free time...

Thank you all for your welcome...I have a feeling I am going to be

needing it.


> Hi Myra,

> Welcome. I am glad that you have found our little group. I too,

had a long

> process in getting the right diagnosis. Even then, I doubted it.

I couldn't

> comprehend that I had this horrible disease. I was diagnosed about

2 1/2

> years ago and had to stop working a little over a year ago. I have

had a

> rough couple of years, but I finally found this wonderful group of

people who

> give me great support and comfort. Not to mention the fantastic


> to answer any question that I have. I hope that you can find the

same great

> support here also.

> Love and Hugs

> Stacey in PA

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> Hi Myra,

> Welcome. I am glad that you have found our little group. I too,

had a long

> process in getting the right diagnosis. Even then, I doubted it.

I couldn't

> comprehend that I had this horrible disease. I was diagnosed about

2 1/2

> years ago and had to stop working a little over a year ago. I have

had a

> rough couple of years, but I finally found this wonderful group of

people who

> give me great support and comfort. Not to mention the fantastic


> to answer any question that I have. I hope that you can find the

same great

> support here also.

> Love and Hugs

> Stacey in PA

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