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This 'n That some OT (long)

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Greetings Dragon Slayers

It was quite a week last week. I was a hurting thang, and didn't want to go back

on the prednisone. So I tried some NSAIDS, Diclofenac ( suppositories..sorry

lol) usually anti inflamms make my stomach go nuts, but this obviously by-passes

that, and while not perfect they seemed to do the trick for now.

The weather is kicking my butt...very cold for this area for so long!

On Tuesday I told the " landlords girlfriend " that the pipes in the OUTSIDE

laundry had frozen, and that she should get a heater in there! She did, but put

it on top of the washer..yes the pipes were much lower down..lol But it blew a

breaker and she didn't plug it in under the car port..she just left it. Thursday

was a beautiful mild day. I had some errands to run so was out for a couple of

hours. As I pulled in..I saw a lake in the carport! Opened the car door and

could hear rushing water..yes the pipe had burst and it was flooding everything.

I waded through four inches of water got to the laundry and shut off the main

taps. Stopped the water,and sent a wee prayer heavenward " Please don't let it be

in my apt " well when I checked it had seeped under my cupboards and half way out

into the centre of the room. I was terribly upset! I swept the water out of the

carport. Not an easy task since the Landlord had built a hump of concrete to

keep water from

coming INTO the carport. Then I piled up the soaking rugs and called his

girlfriend. She came home from work, and tried the shop vac..didn't do much so I

suggested a steam cleaner..she got one after work, but the space is so small it

was almost impossible to move around! We did the best we could. I had a heater

on the floor trying to dry it out! What a mess!

The next story is pretty funny. I'll have to give you some background. My

previous room mates had a friend who had spent 27 of his 50+ years in jail for

being a bank robber. He was from back east, and the US. He met and they

set up house. He was on probation for two years for the last stint in the

slammer. He said he wasn't going back to jail again!

As part of his parole he wasn't to associate with known criminals. Makes sense

right? He starts spending his time at a restaraunt owned by " The Greeks " a well

known " gang " in the area.They are affiliated to the Mafia.

and attended a New Years bash last year. One of the " greeks " gave

her $400. for a new dress...she took it.Someone saw at the Restaraunt

called it in and voila' was back in the slammer for breaking parole!

He was there for three months. All the time he was there the Greeks paid

several hundred dollars a month while was " away " ...seems that's

what the " family does " ( Shades of the Sopranos)

Whenever came over he was always talking about how much money he was making

at his painting gig, how much money he robbed the banks for etc..always big

time..always bragging ( he's French Canadian so speaks with a heavy accent)How

he was going to make some big money painting commercial buildings and he and

were going to go to Cuba..okay, so you get the picture!

I ran into 's son, asked him how his mom was. He said she wasn't too

happy... was BACK in jail. I said " what for this time? " Bank

robbery......well the week before we had heard of a bank robbery a few miles

down the road, and the robber had been apprehended. Why you might ask..since

this guy is a real experienced bank robber right? WRONG! Seems he left the radio

in his truck playing and it wouldn't start..seems the battery had run

down!!!!!!!!!!!!!ROFWLATIMES. Needless to say he was caught. The police told him

he would've gotten clean away IF his truck had started....so, he's back in jail,

and for armed robbery he'll get 10 years and out in 3 or 4!

I was howling with laughter.... " world's dumbest criminals " No wonder he's spent

so much time in jail!!!

smiles and regards


may the Dragon miss you and

the angels find you!

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