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Re: Re: Obama's Ag pick

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Here is one place where you can sign a

petition against Vilsack:


Also, there is another place you can sign another petition.

Keep going back, though, because I’ve alerted them that they have

a bug in their petition page:

Please sign petition to reject Sec. of Ag. Tom Vilsack

Please sign at http://www.stopvilsack.org

I’m not sure how many of you would agree with me, but after

reading Engdahl’s “Seeds of Destruction” and also

accounts of the destruction of small farm agriculture in many countries traced

back to WTO, CIA, and US corporations, I’m concerned whether we’ll

have any affect.

What is becoming clear is that the PTB are using the destruction of

small farm agriculture throughout the world as a basis to de-stabilize nations

and make people very compliant because they have lost their ability to provide

for themselves. This is a global strategy of the US, and as you can see,

fits well with what’s happening in this country with raw milk, NAIS, GMO’s,


So, we have a huge national problem of our government imperialism that

is driving all this policy. Obama is in over his head, and/or is just

part of the strategy. Another good read is Naomi Wolf’s “End

of America”. We the people may have to take care of this problem.

I also have repeatedly commented to my representatives, senators,

Obama, local papers, etc. Maybe we will achieve a tipping point?



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Here are places where you can sign petitions

against Vilsack:



I’m not sure how many of you would agree with me, but after

reading Engdahl’s “Seeds of Destruction” and also

accounts of the destruction of small farm agriculture in many countries traced

back to WTO, CIA, and US corporations, I’m concerned about how much

effect we’ll have.

What is becoming clear is that the PTB are using the destruction of

small farm agriculture throughout the world as a basis to de-stabilize nations

and make people very compliant because they have lost their ability to provide

for themselves. This is a global strategy of the US, and Obama

is in over his head, and/or is just part of the strategy. Another good

read is Naomi Wolf’s “End of America”.

I also have repeatedly commented to my representatives, senators,

Obama, local papers, etc.

Maybe we will achieve a tipping point?


I am suprised we have not heard more outrage on this? Being

sad ain't going to change anything!

I signed a few petitions to get some real sustainable people

in there, and have not heard anything from these groups!

Are we going to give Obama a pass on all these things?

Sorry, probably not the place to rant about politics

here...but a bit urked because he had campaign promised a focus on sustainable

ag issues....


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No, it is certainly not a good idea to give more power to the FDA or any government agency. My favorite quote, "I'm from Washington and I'm here to help."

Jim Tompkins

And God said. let the earth bring forth grass ... And God made the beast of the earth after his kind, cattle after their kind ... And God saw that it was good.

Genesis 1:11,24 & 25

From: BarbaraJ <jbmckillip@mesanetw orks.net>Subject: Re: Re: Obama's Ag pickTo: RawDairy@yahoogroup s.comDate: Thursday, December 18, 2008, 1:26 PM

He is a major friend of Monsanto, and that should say it all for us. Bummer. More lies, deceit, and cheating, nothing new will happen and possibly at the worse, bad things will happen. I, for one, am not thrilled AT ALL.



Re: Obama's Ag pick

Sounds like he thinks the future of agriculture should be for fuel energy, not for food. E.>> Any commentary on Obama's Ag pick out there?> Rose>

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