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Greetings on a much looked forward to....Friday

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Debs.......Your are right! Uniforms are a definite turn-on. Bring on the


....I like your idea for 9/11 except I have this terrible habit of not

turning off my lights when I drive with them on after I have parked. (can't tell

you how many calls I have made to AAA over the years to bail me out) I will

have to come up with a way to reminding myself on that day. Any suggestions? I

have been getting a number of emails suggesting that we wear red, white, and

blue on that day and no matter what time zone we are in, at 12 noon, stop, place

our hand over our hear and say the Pledge of Allegance. Anyone else have any

ideas for the day? We need to show the world that our colors don't run.

..I have a better week than I have had in the few before it. A little less sleep

maybe, and I have to rest, read, or do nothing in the evening but this week has

been good(as good goes). I found I could walk just a little further without

huffing and puffing or having to stop and rest. I was not as stiff and could

get up and down much easier. I have a handicap placard but do not use it unless

I can not force myself to walk the distance. Here at work, I have never used

the handicapped spots and park by the street. Some mornings, it is a real chore

to walk in because of the pain and stiffness. Today, I get my first B-12 shot.

Hey, Al isn't our only cabana boy. Didn't we have another one just a couple of

weeks ago? We haven't heard from him recently. If you are out there, give us a

holler and let us know you are ok. In the meantime, Al, don't let the strain of

all these women get you down. We depend on you. Your wife must be a saint to

put with all of us that put demands on you in our Whine sessions. We love

having you in the group.

Tess, I don't know what we would do without you. You have so much spirit even

on your down days. I gather a lot of strength from you.

To everyone I haven't mentioned by name, I wish all of you a happy, painfree,

day. I read or try to read the posts every day but do not get to answer

everyone like I wish I could. By the time, I am through reading if I haven't

remember ed to make a note to myself, I forget what I want to say. Fybro-Fog?

My thoughts and prayers are with you even though I do not post to you regularly.

Love, prayers, and hugs, Jan in CA +/:=)


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> Hey, Al isn't our only cabana boy. Didn't we have another one just

a couple of weeks ago? We haven't heard from him recently. If you

are out there, give us a holler and let us know you are ok. In the

meantime, Al, don't let the strain of all these women get you down.

We depend on you. Your wife must be a saint to put with all of us

that put demands on you in our Whine sessions. We love having you in

the group.

Hi Jan,

Don't worry about me. You're not a strain at all. Yes, my wife is a

saint for many reasons. And don't think for a minute I don't love

being in this group. I do.



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