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Re: Re: Bones -

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I can speak with my story on this one...I have Osteoporosis of my spine

after dealing with Steroids for 4 short years, and for the vast majority of

the time my dose was 20mg/day or less. Of course there were higher dosages,

but for short amounts of time, and mainly while in the resorts as they found

that was about the only way to get me too feel good enough to release me and

get me out of their hair....so what if I lied in total ******* agony for the

next 10-14 days...I was out of their hair!!!!

I was on Fosomax from the time they started me on prednisone. After about

two & a half years of that, combined with all of the ibuprofen they were

ramming down my throat torched my stomach to the point where I can't take

any ibuprofen or fosomax at all, even Prilosec does me little to no good.

They killed my " rock gut " , the one that could eat raw jalepenos by the

fistful and never regret it...I still enjoy Jalepenos, but they bother my

stomach a bit where as prior to this nightmare I used to eat 4-5 gallons of

them per year. Now a qt. jar will last me most of the year, I throw them

onto my cheese steaks and such, and LOVE them with rare Prime Rib!!! Awesome

dish there......Jalepenos & Rare Prime rib!! Try it..it's great!

After having this disease I had my 1st bone density test done about a

year after this started, and it showed significant bone loss, again the next

year to where I had Osteopenia.....and now, after a quick 4 years I have

full blown Osteoporosis in my spine. My hips haven't shown any damage yet,

but they do hurt like hell after being up on my feet for a time, and my

forearms actually gained bone density somehow.

I now am on Forteo, which took a bit as I couldn't afford it but finally

got prescription assistance. My RD was covering me with samples so that now

I'm 4 months into it. You can only use Forteo for 2 years MAX....so my RD

has me on it for 18 months, that way I will still have 6 months left down

the road to use this stuff should I need it.

In my opinion....Fosomax and drugs like it are a total joke, and waste of

money. They did nothing positive for me, and caused my stomach some real

agony that I doubt will ever go back to normal. I don't know anyone on

Fosomax that has no trouble with their stomachs, and trust me...I would

drink glass upon glass of water with that stuff as it just never felt right

after taking it.

For those of you who haven't had a bone density test done and you've

been on any kind of med like Prednisone (or Medrol?) get on your Dr's back

and get one done. No sense winding up with a broken back or something along

those lines.

Hope this helps someone.....Kirk

PS...I haven't been on much....my knees have been hurting like they've never

hurt before and my head is...well you know about that......making me wish I

owned a .44 Magnum and didn't have kids.



> :


> As a matter of fact, prednisone does weaken the bones. I've tried

> taking Fizomax and some of the other calcium/bone strenthening drugs

> and products and will tell you that my last bone density test was

> still showing a weakening of the bones. I've been taking prednisone

> off and on for 13 years, more on than off this last year because of

> work. Once exposed to weakening bones I would imagine it might be

> tough to fix that.


> Please wear sneakers and supportive shoes (no heals if you can help

> it) and don't forget socks (they help). Believe it or not, the trend

> down here in FLorida is no socks with sneakers but socks with sandals

> for some reason. I can't figure out where that fashion faux paux

> came from.


> Take care and be well.


> Ellen





Everything in life sucks except things that should!

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