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Hershey's TRICK for Your TREAT: Genetically Modified Sugar

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Interesting article if you or your individuals are pretty sensitive to


http://webmail.satx.rr.com/do/mail/message/view?msgId=INBOXDELIM9426 & l=en-US & v=s\


Hershey's TRICK for Your TREAT: Genetically Modified Sugar

Candy giant Hershey's Brazilian subsidiary announced that it will not

use sugar from Genetically Modified (GM) beets. The US division of

Hershey's, however, said on December 4, 2007 that it would use GM

sugar from Monsanto's Genetically Modified Roundup Ready sugar beets.

According to New West News, Kellogs, Hershey's and Crystal Sugar had

all reversed their seven year opposition to GM Sugar because " public

resistance to GM foods seems to have faded. "

But we do oppose genetically modified food.

en Candy is NOT what you want to pass out on Hallowe'en this

year, is it? (And I imagine that it's not what you want for your own

treats, is it?) It certainly is not what I have in mind for the tykes

who innocently come to my door asking for a ritual treat.

Click here

(http://www.newwest.net/topic/article/gm_beet_goes_on/C520/L40/) to

read the interesting and ominous article in New West News on the

impact of GMOs on the West just one year ago and then click here


to email Hershey's and tell them that until they stop using GMO

ingredients, you and everyone you know will not buy their products.

New West News:


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Thank you for posting this and all I can say is-what the hell?!!So infuriating we have allowed our country to be the one all the crappy food is sent to. Sent from my iPhone

Interesting article if you or your individuals are pretty sensitive to


http://webmail.satx.rr.com/do/mail/message/view?msgId=INBOXDELIM9426 & l=en-US & v=standard

Hershey's TRICK for Your TREAT: Genetically Modified Sugar

Candy giant Hershey's Brazilian subsidiary announced that it will not

use sugar from Genetically Modified (GM) beets. The US division of

Hershey's, however, said on December 4, 2007 that it would use GM

sugar from Monsanto's Genetically Modified Roundup Ready sugar beets.

According to New West News, Kellogs, Hershey's and Crystal Sugar had

all reversed their seven year opposition to GM Sugar because "public

resistance to GM foods seems to have faded."

But we do oppose genetically modified food.

en Candy is NOT what you want to pass out on Hallowe'en this

year, is it? (And I imagine that it's not what you want for your own

treats, is it?) It certainly is not what I have in mind for the tykes

who innocently come to my door asking for a ritual treat.

Click here

(http://www.newwest.net/topic/article/gm_beet_goes_on/C520/L40/) to

read the interesting and ominous article in New West News on the

impact of GMOs on the West just one year ago and then click here


to email Hershey's and tell them that until they stop using GMO

ingredients, you and everyone you know will not buy their products.

New West News:


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K, here's another "what?!" for me, and forgive me if I sound totally stupid but what is genetically modified sugar mean?

Re: Hershey's TRICK for Your TREAT: Genetically Modified Sugar

Thank you for posting this and all I can say is-what the hell?!!

So infuriating we have allowed our country to be the one all the crappy food is sent to.

Sent from my iPhone

Interesting article if you or your individuals are pretty sensitive tochemicals. http://webmail. satx.rr.com/ do/mail/message/ view?msgId= INBOXDELIM9426 & l=en-US & v= standardHershey's TRICK for Your TREAT: Genetically Modified SugarCandy giant Hershey's Brazilian subsidiary announced that it will notuse sugar from Genetically Modified (GM) beets. The US division ofHershey's, however, said on December 4, 2007 that it would use GMsugar from Monsanto's Genetically Modified Roundup Ready sugar beets.According to New West News, Kellogs, Hershey's and Crystal Sugar hadall reversed their seven year opposition to GM Sugar because "publicresistance to GM foods seems to have faded."But we do oppose

genetically modified food. en Candy is NOT what you want to pass out on Hallowe'en thisyear, is it? (And I imagine that it's not what you want for your owntreats, is it?) It certainly is not what I have in mind for the tykeswho innocently come to my door asking for a ritual treat.Click here(http://www.newwest. net/topic/ article/gm_ beet_goes_ on/C520/L40/) toread the interesting and ominous article in New West News on theimpact of GMOs on the West just one year ago and then click here(http://salsa. democracyinactio n.org/o/568/ campaign. jsp?campaign_ KEY=26087)to email

Hershey's and tell them that until they stop using GMOingredients, you and everyone you know will not buy their products.New West News:http://www.newwest. net/topic/ article/gm_ beet_goes_ on/C520/L40/

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> K, here's another " what?! " for me, and forgive me if I sound totally

stupid but what is genetically modified sugar mean?


> �


Please, never stupid, just learning together on what is going on.

We just go with the flow day to day.

GMO could be pretty overwhelming with the information out and about on

what FDA approves.

GMO crops in US, which accounts for nearly two-thirds of all

biotechnology crops planted globally. Crops were GM to quickly produce

new varieties of plants and to introduce qualities such at the ability

to tolerate herbicides, resist pests and produce higher yields

unattainable through traditional farming techniques.

Consider the increase of food intolerances and gut problems since

introducing genetic engineering into the American diet. Organic foods

are never GM.

This is just a piece of info, copyright 2006. The Pew Inititative on

Food and Biotechnology. A project of the University of Richmond

supported by a grant from the Pew Charitable Trusts......

Thought I share a more visual aspect.

Food Matters Official Trailer


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[mailto:Texas-Autism-Advocacy ] On Behalf Of mum592001

Sent: Wednesday, October 15, 2008 12:10 AM

To: Texas-Autism-Advocacy

Subject: Hershey's TRICK for Your TREAT:

Genetically Modified Sugar

Interesting article if you or your individuals

are pretty sensitive to


http://webmail.satx.rr.com/do/mail/message/view?msgId=INBOXDELIM9426 & l=en-US & v=standard

Hershey's TRICK for Your TREAT: Genetically Modified Sugar

Candy giant Hershey's Brazilian subsidiary announced that it will not

use sugar from Genetically Modified (GM) beets. The US division of

Hershey's, however, said on December 4, 2007 that it would use GM

sugar from Monsanto's Genetically Modified Roundup Ready sugar beets.

According to New West News, Kellogs, Hershey's and Crystal Sugar had

all reversed their seven year opposition to GM Sugar because " public

resistance to GM foods seems to have faded. "

But we do oppose genetically modified food.

en Candy is NOT what you want to pass out on Hallowe'en this

year, is it? (And I imagine that it's not what you want for your own

treats, is it?) It certainly is not what I have in mind for the tykes

who innocently come to my door asking for a ritual treat.

Click here



read the interesting and ominous article in New West News on the

impact of GMOs on the West just one year ago and then click here


to email Hershey's and tell them that until they stop using GMO

ingredients, you and everyone you know will not buy their products.

New West News:


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This is happening with a lot of our food supply! We are

farmers and my husband was talking about this the other night. He said a

geneticist have told him that by 2010 (I think) that corn with have “15-18

stacked genes”. This could be something similar to round-up ready

cotton or something else. Farmers are not too happy about this

either. Sure it produces a copy you can spray for weeds instead of

hoeing, but it is also driving folks out of the business with the

cost. The guy told my husband that by the time they get all those genes

in the corn, it will be $800 for a 50 pound bag of seed!!



Texas-Autism-Advocacy [mailto:Texas-Autism-Advocacy ]

On Behalf Of mum592001

Sent: Wednesday, October 15, 2008 12:10 AM

To: Texas-Autism-Advocacy

Subject: Hershey's TRICK for Your TREAT:

Genetically Modified Sugar

Interesting article if you or your individuals

are pretty sensitive to


http://webmail.satx.rr.com/do/mail/message/view?msgId=INBOXDELIM9426 & l=en-US & v=standard

Hershey's TRICK for Your TREAT: Genetically Modified Sugar

Candy giant Hershey's Brazilian subsidiary announced that it will not

use sugar from Genetically Modified (GM) beets. The US division of

Hershey's, however, said on December 4, 2007 that it would use GM

sugar from Monsanto's Genetically Modified Roundup Ready sugar beets.

According to New West News, Kellogs, Hershey's and Crystal Sugar had

all reversed their seven year opposition to GM Sugar because " public

resistance to GM foods seems to have faded. "

But we do oppose genetically modified food.

en Candy is NOT what you want to pass out on Hallowe'en this

year, is it? (And I imagine that it's not what you want for your own

treats, is it?) It certainly is not what I have in mind for the tykes

who innocently come to my door asking for a ritual treat.

Click here



read the interesting and ominous article in New West News on the

impact of GMOs on the West just one year ago and then click here


to email Hershey's and tell them that until they stop using GMO

ingredients, you and everyone you know will not buy their products.

New West News:


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I have been wanting to ask about your input on this since I remember

you had mentioned about the farming.

Thank you for sharing on what you did as this must be such a headache

with all of this going on.

So when farming acres of produce, what does one do?

I have seen how the Amish lives this past July out in Indiana, it was

my first time to visit one of their communities.

I am not aware how they go about it but was pretty impressed with

observing everything going on.

My son is one who suffers from so much, corn is one of the top list of

his allergies, told it was GM, could try an Organic corn on the cob.

I was reading on an Oxidizing machine where one can soak their

vegetables and fruits. After all, this is what my son benefits from

when he receives Ozone treatments.

Still doing some homework here before purchasing one.

How does one save the farming industry with all of this going on?

This is not good when economics goes down hill.

Hope there are some solutions because there is always a missing piece

to everything, farmers are needed as part of the circle of survival.



> This is happening with a lot of our food supply! We are farmers and my

> husband was talking about this the other night. He said a

geneticist have

> told him that by 2010 (I think) that corn with have " 15-18 stacked

genes " .

> This could be something similar to round-up ready cotton or

something else.

> Farmers are not too happy about this either. Sure it produces a

copy you

> can spray for weeds instead of hoeing, but it is also driving folks

out of

> the business with the cost. The guy told my husband that by the

time they

> get all those genes in the corn, it will be $800 for a 50 pound bag of

> seed!!




> Tonya

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