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Debs...I think that the chubby men in funny hats need

to have nose hair and combovers...yum. Listen, you

make sure that those marines leave before the cabana

boys get back because you know that they could never

be loyal enough to our cause because they are always

getting shipped out. The hell with beer...men in

short skirts...awwwwwwright!

I am so sorry that this knee saga is still not drawing

close to its final chapter. I hope you can get to the

bottom of it today. Remember...take the marines with

you! Let us know when you get home. Hugs...Iris

--- Auntblabbie2000@... wrote:

> ((((((((Iris))))))))))))))


> PLEASE send the Marines (tall, good looking, young,

> virile) got the picture.


> Do you have any access to any of our other armed

> forces?????We could become

> very, very good friends. Put a man in uniform and I

> stand at attention!


> Check out my idea for Oktoberfest! How do chubby

> men in short shorts and

> little funny hats turn you on? Great food,

> danceable music, men....well?????

> (can't have everything). Think about it, it could

> be fun. Still a man in

> uniform!


> I think we will be calling Dr Bones in the am as my

> knee is completely filled

> up with blood but now it has no where to go and is

> so swollen and painful.

> Now after Dr Bones gets me back together in one

> piece, HE WILL BE #1 in the

> dunking booth and if I think about too long, I may

> not let him up!!!!!!LOL.

> Oh well, I can dream!


> Gentle, tender, German angel hugs,


> Debs in FL



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Just a bit to lighten the mood. You refer to Dr. Bones. And on that

topic-he must be crazy letting your knee get that bad. But years ago when

he was about 8, it was discovered that my nephew had fused bones in his

ankle. The orthopedic surgeon who did the surgery to correct it really is

named Dr. Bone.


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Debs: Just read your post about your high pulse. A few years ago, mine went up

to the 120's at rest and into the 140's when I walked even short distances, like

down a hall. They did a full cardio work-up and came up with nothing. After

several months of this, my then doctor put me on Atenolol (even though my blood

pressure is extremly low. When I went to my new doctor, one of the things she

pointed out was that I was taking Elavil and the high pulse is a side affect. I

have been off of it for about 3 weeks now and my pulse for the past week has

been dipping into the 80's from the 90's the Atenolol had brought me down to.

Hopefully, I will be getting down further and be able to give up the Atenolol.

Are you taking Elavil or someother medicine that could cause the high pulse. It

would be worth it to check with your doctor on that possiblity. Hang in there.

You are strong and it will work out. We will all keep you in our prayers.

Hugs and love, Jan in CA +/:=)


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Debs...You gave me a full belly laugh. Your household

sounds a lot like mine. My daughter, Lauryn is 15

going on 21. I don't know if I am going to be alive

in three years when she goes off to college. Two of

the squatters left...23 and 21 year olds. Yeah! By

the time I am able to walk around the house naked,

I'll have to take down all mirrors! I do think that

we have a lot of material that I could write a soap

opera from. Have a good day! Iris

> > Hi Iris,

> >

> > Yep, my house is definitely different! My

> youngest

> > is 14, I may let

> > her be 15 in November. She came with me to the ER

> a

> > few nights ago and I was

> > so upset over the trauma I caused her. Phooey!!!!


> > She said our family is

> > UNIQUE! and in our house UNIQUE is good! So I

> guess

> > that I am not causing

> > too much trauma to my family.

> >

> > As far as Vickie's boyfriend is concerned. He is

> 23

> > and should be used to

> > natural disasters. I guess that it could have

> been

> > worse.....skinny dipping

> > in the pool, catching Ron and I doing the

> horizontal

> > polka, getting hair

> > color put on at the shop or how about that

> Brazilian

> > wax???? Yes, the list

> > just goes on and on. I still think my first

> option

> > is the best.........get

> > rid of them all! My sister's second husband

> caught

> > the same view and we was

> > FORCED to marry her also! He has stuck around for

> > 10 years now.

> >

> > I think I am going to submit my family to one of

> > those stations that let you

> > have cameras put in your house and then you have a

> > hit TV series!

> >

> > Ward and June Cleaver we are NOT!

> >

> > Debs

> >



> __________________________________________________


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Hi Lucy,

Geez, I'm having an awful day! Fred left this morning, so unfortunately I

didn't get the chance to snuggle with him after all. My chest is killing

me, and now most of my other joints are extremely painful as well. They

weren't too bad earlier today. Have you ever had a bad time after an

infusion? I was flaring yesterday, so it's probably just more of the same.

I'm even having trouble typing.

I really love your idea about the personal pages. It's great to read about

other people's experiences, and like you said it's therapeutic to share your

experience as well.

I'll be looking for you later!

Love and hugs,


Re: [ ] Carol

Hi Ethel,

Glad to see that you are home safely.

I hope that you won't read this post until later this evening because you


cuddling with Fred!

How is your chest feeling? I hope a little bit better today! I loved your

Remicade journal and I have written a that we can set something up that

we can all write a little something about our journey, treatment or feelings

about this disease. I saw it one of the other boards I belong to and it is

really therapeutic. So all we need is some kind of a format and then we can

all (or those who wish to)put down our feelings and link it to the

information page that a has set up. See what you started!!!!!

Enjoy your snuggle time with Fred and we will talk later tonight!

Lucy out

(still cooking the pot roast for Ricky)

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Hey Ethel,

I am getting VERY worried about you. You weren't doing too great Tuesday

evening and things don't seem to have gotten ANY better and now you missed

Stan. That can't be good! Can I do anything to help? If I could drive, I

would zip right up there and tend to your every need or at least keep you

company! At least your doctor is aware of the situation, so you are not

really alone. That seems to be one side effect that I have been graciously

spared at this time. I just don't feel any different pre or post Remicade at

this time. I WILL discuss with my traveling rheumy about bumping my dosage

to 5 as soon as his plane lands on terra firma here in South Florida. I see

the ortho on Friday and both Ron and Vickie say that my knee is more swollen

than what it was. Gee I am so happy, NOT. I woke up exactly 4 hours after I

took the percocet with the severe knee pain. My knee is back in the soft

cast with ice on it and I would still like to scream. I guess that would be

inconsiderate to the others living with me. Ah, who cares! If they were in

this kind of pain, You KNOW they would shaking me awake expecting me to do

SOMETHING!!!! Husbands and kids, gotta love em!

Do you think that you will be calling the doc today. It sounds as though he

is really concerned about your well being. Well, Vickie is starting college

this am and she has just gotten up, so my day will begin!

I am sorry that I missed you last night, but my friend called from the local

support group that I used to belong to and she is single and lives with her

Dad and had a lot to get off her chest. So much of my part of the

conversation was just, ah ha, yes, oh really. I don't mind, she is a real

nice lady who never married and just got laid off in February. So she has

that hanging over her head also. She just got her last unemployment check

and had to apply for the extension.

I am praying that the sunshine today reveals that the Remicade has kicked in

and you are feeling a tiny bit better.

If not and you need a cyber hug or cell phone ear, you know where to find me.

I love ya, Ethel and worry about you when you are not well! My tummy has

finally chirped up again and oddly enough, today was my general surgeon

appointment and there is no way that I can get elective surgery right now.

The ONLY way that this can be corrected right now is if I totally obstruct.

Not much of a choice, huh?

OK, kiddo, I have blabbed way too much. I will talk with you later in the

day! Please call the doc if you are not feeling any better!!!!

Love and hugs across the 200 miles,


(still in her curlers and about ready to make Ricky some coffee, yeah right!

BTW, Ricky loved the pot roast that it took Lucy all day to make, again yeah


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Hi Lucy,

Thanks for being there, my friend. I know you're just a call or an email

away if I get worried or just feel down. That's an enormous help! I'm

glad I called my MD; just to make sure what I'm going through is normal.

And if I start to feel worse I will give him a call. Stan will be back this

evening, so I won't be alone tonight.

I feel a slight bit better than I did last night. Hey, I'll take whatever

improvement I can get. LOL Hopefully as the day wears on I'll feel even


I'm anxious to hear what your ortho says about your knee on Friday. I don't

like the fact that it's getting more swollen. That's never a good sign.

Maybe he'll put you on a stronger antibiotic.

It's a big day in you household, with Vicki starting college. What is she

majoring in? Or hasn't she decided yet. Sometimes it's just as good to get

the requirements out of the way, and then decide on a major. I'll bet you'

re feeling like the proud Mom, and you should be proud today.

((((((((((((big hug for doing such a good job with your


I'm going to go back to rest. I'm just exhausted today. I'll see you

online later.

Sending tons of love your way,


Re: [ ] Debs

Hey Ethel,

I am getting VERY worried about you. You weren't doing too great Tuesday

evening and things don't seem to have gotten ANY better and now you missed

Stan. That can't be good! Can I do anything to help? If I could drive, I

would zip right up there and tend to your every need or at least keep you

company! At least your doctor is aware of the situation, so you are not

really alone. That seems to be one side effect that I have been graciously

spared at this time. I just don't feel any different pre or post Remicade


this time. I WILL discuss with my traveling rheumy about bumping my dosage

to 5 as soon as his plane lands on terra firma here in South Florida. I see

the ortho on Friday and both Ron and Vickie say that my knee is more swollen

than what it was. Gee I am so happy, NOT. I woke up exactly 4 hours after


took the percocet with the severe knee pain. My knee is back in the soft

cast with ice on it and I would still like to scream. I guess that would be

inconsiderate to the others living with me. Ah, who cares! If they were in

this kind of pain, You KNOW they would shaking me awake expecting me to do

SOMETHING!!!! Husbands and kids, gotta love em!

Do you think that you will be calling the doc today. It sounds as though he

is really concerned about your well being. Well, Vickie is starting college

this am and she has just gotten up, so my day will begin!

I am sorry that I missed you last night, but my friend called from the local

support group that I used to belong to and she is single and lives with her

Dad and had a lot to get off her chest. So much of my part of the

conversation was just, ah ha, yes, oh really. I don't mind, she is a real

nice lady who never married and just got laid off in February. So she has

that hanging over her head also. She just got her last unemployment check

and had to apply for the extension.

I am praying that the sunshine today reveals that the Remicade has kicked in

and you are feeling a tiny bit better.

If not and you need a cyber hug or cell phone ear, you know where to find


I love ya, Ethel and worry about you when you are not well! My tummy has

finally chirped up again and oddly enough, today was my general surgeon

appointment and there is no way that I can get elective surgery right now.

The ONLY way that this can be corrected right now is if I totally obstruct.

Not much of a choice, huh?

OK, kiddo, I have blabbed way too much. I will talk with you later in the

day! Please call the doc if you are not feeling any better!!!!

Love and hugs across the 200 miles,


(still in her curlers and about ready to make Ricky some coffee, yeah right!

BTW, Ricky loved the pot roast that it took Lucy all day to make, again yeah


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