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Suzanne - colon cleansing

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Very interesting, Suzanne. I hope you continue to feel good, too!

Whenever anyone mentions colon cleansing, Eddie 's " The Nutty

Professor " and that crazy dinner scene come to mind, LOL!

Re: [ ] Recent testing

> Hi Iris,


> What an interesting story!


> You have a very thorough knowledge of how one tests the colon and


> (LOL). Somehow I suspect it did not come without a cost... You've


> told me far more than I ever wanted to know :-) . I hung on every word

> though. These many days later (10 days?) I still don't have a report


> the GI doctor. I called my pcp Friday to see if they had received a


> yet. The receptionist suggested I call the GI doctor's office, which I


> It appears the GI doctor is waiting for a report from a pathologist


> he writes his report.


> Is it customary for someone doing a colonoscopy to take a biopsy?


> My medical friend is having a fit. She swears I am never having


> test/surgery in my town, but going to her town where she insists the


> care is better. I do have to admit I sometimes thinks she is right.


> Your observation of the potential physician's nails is interesting.

When I

> went to a surgeon several years ago before some thyroid surgery, I

took my

> medical friend with me. She commented after the visit that she liked


> hands, they were small and he wouldn't have to make a large incision.


> would have never thought to look at something like that!


> There's something quite repellent about a surgeon having dirty


> in an office environment. I wonder what his patients' level of


> are after surgery?


> I'm sure you know how lucky you are to have such an honest and caring

> physician looking after you.


> Here's an interesting side effect after the colonoscopy: most of my

> arthritis pain abated! Weird, huh? I thought it might be because of


> demerol. Breaking the chain of pain or something. My rheumy thinks it


> be because of the colon cleanse. He said colon cleanses are an


> arthritis treatment. Whatever the reason, 10 or so days later I still


> much improved. I haven't needed to supplement the mtx and Vioxx with


> arthritis strength Tylenol. I run up and down the stairs without much

> thought (well, maybe not run, but you know what I mean.) and the pain

in my

> right shoulder is down to mostly a twinge. Consequently, my next appt


> him is not for 3 months. Hope I keep feeling this good!


> Suzanne

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Dear Suzanne,

I am so glad that you are feeling so much better and I

hope that it continues. I hope that they get your

results to you because waiting is very hard. To you it

is very personal but to them, we are a name on a file.

I do believe that they would certainly take a biopsy

if they saw anything suspicious but that never came up

with me. Yes, you are right - it was hard earned

experience. I was so sick for several years before I

had my colon surgery and I never realized how sick

until I was feeling better. What my dr said about the

other surgeon was just that I had probably saved my

life by not using this surgeon and just alluded to

surgical mishaps. Now, if I get a creepy feeling from

a dr, I don't go back.

About colon cleansing...I know a lot of people swear

by it but after having all those tests and surgery, I

don't want to even consider it.

Let us know what your results show. Have a good one.


> Re: [ ] Recent testing



> > Hi Iris,

> >

> > What an interesting story!

> >

> > You have a very thorough knowledge of how one

> tests the colon and

> stomach.

> > (LOL). Somehow I suspect it did not come without a

> cost... You've

> actually

> > told me far more than I ever wanted to know :-) .

> I hung on every word

> > though. These many days later (10 days?) I still

> don't have a report

> from

> > the GI doctor. I called my pcp Friday to see if

> they had received a

> report

> > yet. The receptionist suggested I call the GI

> doctor's office, which I

> did.

> > It appears the GI doctor is waiting for a report

> from a pathologist

> before

> > he writes his report.

> >

> > Is it customary for someone doing a colonoscopy to

> take a biopsy?

> >

> > My medical friend is having a fit. She swears I am

> never having

> another

> > test/surgery in my town, but going to her town

> where she insists the

> medical

> > care is better. I do have to admit I sometimes

> thinks she is right.

> >

> > Your observation of the potential physician's

> nails is interesting.

> When I

> > went to a surgeon several years ago before some

> thyroid surgery, I

> took my

> > medical friend with me. She commented after the

> visit that she liked

> his

> > hands, they were small and he wouldn't have to

> make a large incision.

> I

> > would have never thought to look at something like

> that!

> >

> > There's something quite repellent about a surgeon

> having dirty

> fingernails

> > in an office environment. I wonder what his

> patients' level of

> complications

> > are after surgery?

> >

> > I'm sure you know how lucky you are to have such

> an honest and caring

> > physician looking after you.

> >

> > Here's an interesting side effect after the

> colonoscopy: most of my

> > arthritis pain abated! Weird, huh? I thought it

> might be because of

> the

> > demerol. Breaking the chain of pain or something.

> My rheumy thinks it

> might

> > be because of the colon cleanse. He said colon

> cleanses are an

> old-timey

> > arthritis treatment. Whatever the reason, 10 or

> so days later I still

> feel

> > much improved. I haven't needed to supplement the

> mtx and Vioxx with

> any

> > arthritis strength Tylenol. I run up and down the

> stairs without much

> > thought (well, maybe not run, but you know what I

> mean.) and the pain

> in my

> > right shoulder is down to mostly a twinge.

> Consequently, my next appt

> with

> > him is not for 3 months. Hope I keep feeling this

> good!

> >

> > Suzanne




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