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Re: Reply to Al and a little introspection

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Thanks Al...I have always had the most wonderful,

caring techs do all of the tests I have ever had. I

guess it is that they truly love what they do. I'm

glad to hear that it is not bad but I'll know to go to

the drug store for the other problem if it occurs.

Hearing you talk about the benefits that your illness

has allowed, reminded me to take every day and look at

what makes the glass half full. My ex was never home

with the children when they were young because he was

climbing the career ladder so I really understand what

you mean when you say that you actually have more time

with your children. What a wonderful side effect. It

also sounds as though you are married to your best

friend. That's how I feel about my husband and

sometimes I have to remember to make time for my

friends because I like to spend all my time with him.

He is so loving and supportative. Even though we have

these diseases we do have many blessings that others

are not fortunate enough to have...we just have to

remember to keep it all in perspective.

Finding this group has meant so much to

me...especially because we all have been in the same

place and it doesn't take any explanation. It is very

different for me to be so open with a group of people

that I didn't get to know...the way you normally

would. I have always hung back and checked out the

lay of the land before jumping in...I guess it is a

defensive mechanism that I developed along the way of

having my heart broken year after year for nineteen

years before I was strong enough to do what I needed

to do. But I wouldn't change it because I am a great

believer in life's lessons being necessary to get to

another level. I am a very straight forward person

and if I ever unknowingly upset anyone I would hope

that they could tell me so I could make amends.

Anyway...I better get out of this introspective mood

before I start boohooing. You all have really added

to the quality of my life. Love and thanks. I am

wishing a rainbow to bring you all some your favorite things...Iris


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