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Hi Kathe,

Geez I know what you mean, I’ve had to explain to my husband numerous times

that I’m not superwoman and can’t keep up with the same lifestyle we had

before, it exhausts me. But he still forgets (I look “fine” after all!) and

can’t understand why I’m like a Zombie when we go out 4 or 5 nights a week

sometimes and I have to beg him to slow down. (Plus I work full time).

Usually if we do this I get a flare and then it forces us to slow down

anyway. He’s been wonderful but the other day we were having an argument

and he blurted out “I’m just sick & tired of being around sick people” (I’m

the only sick one around so……), wow that really hurt (and scared me a lot)

even though he apologized profusely later I know it must be how he feels

deep down and that he gets as frustrated with this disease as I do. The

poor guy is only 27 years old he must also want our old life back.




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If you are looking for antiques, don't look too hard or you may find me in

one of those corners! My kids would do anything to make a buck off of me!

However, I do come as is, NO GUARANTEES!

I love antiques and things that have history. Probably, too much according

to my husband. He says that my whole life is a rerun! Hmmmmmmmmm....I don't

think that was a compliment!

Happy shopping....may that bring a much needed smile and to a very dear

friend! Good luck, Carolyn. Lucy will be holding down the fort at home

looking for a place to display all your finds!

Bye from Lucy,

(Cleaning the house and making a pot roast for Ricky for dinner )

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Iris...I am OK...just staying away....dont want to

bring anyone else to the pit I am in.....keep looking

for the funny and havent got there.....Stacey....I am

sorry you are having such a time...I think you did

what you had to do...but it is unfortunate that kids

have to be exposed to this mess....hug him tight for

us all...I hope your remicade goes GREAT and you feel

like a million bucks.....Carol aka Ethel...you go

girl....that is such a great idea.....Debbie Mc....way

to go....I am so glad it is working for

you....Tess....hugs to you my friend....and I hope

everthing comes out all systems a go....a and

as always thanks for the great links and a I hope

you had a wonderful time on your

sabbatical.......very funny..I am shocked

....just when I had you pegged as the quiet intelligent

one...:D.....to the rest I thank you so much for being

the greatest group....and hello and gentle hugs to all

the new comers...may you find this group as wonderful

as they truly are....tommorow my 23 year old after

working all night has decided her dear old mom needs

to go antique shopping (it is my biggest vice) as she

cant stand me not cuting jokes and being sarcastic as

she puts it....although she is the one that says my

decorating style is early salvation army....so I am

not sure who the sarcastic one is ......hugs to

all...Kathi in OK

--- Iris Nosker <inosker@...> wrote:

> Kathie in OK...where are you and are you ok? Hope

> so.

> Iris


> __________________________________________________


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Dear Kathi...How can you climb out of that pit without

us to throw the ladder down? You know that you can

bring your troubles here as we all have. I hope you

have a blue sky day. Iris

--- Kathi in OK <iamladybird@...> wrote:

> Iris...I am OK...just staying away....dont want to

> bring anyone else to the pit I am in.....keep

> looking

> for the funny and havent got there.....Stacey....I

> am

> sorry you are having such a time...I think you did

> what you had to do...but it is unfortunate that kids

> have to be exposed to this mess....hug him tight for

> us all...I hope your remicade goes GREAT and you

> feel

> like a million bucks.....Carol aka Ethel...you go

> girl....that is such a great idea.....Debbie

> Mc....way

> to go....I am so glad it is working for

> you....Tess....hugs to you my friend....and I hope

> everthing comes out all systems a go....a and


> as always thanks for the great links and a I

> hope

> you had a wonderful time on your

> sabbatical.......very funny..I am shocked

> ...just when I had you pegged as the quiet

> intelligent

> one...:D.....to the rest I thank you so much for

> being

> the greatest group....and hello and gentle hugs to

> all

> the new comers...may you find this group as

> wonderful

> as they truly are....tommorow my 23 year old after

> working all night has decided her dear old mom needs

> to go antique shopping (it is my biggest vice) as

> she

> cant stand me not cuting jokes and being sarcastic

> as

> she puts it....although she is the one that says my

> decorating style is early salvation army....so I am

> not sure who the sarcastic one is ......hugs to

> all...Kathi in OK

> --- Iris Nosker <inosker@...> wrote:

> > Kathie in OK...where are you and are you ok? Hope

> > so.

> > Iris

> >

> > __________________________________________________

> >

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Thanks for the caring words Iris you are a

sweetie....Kathi in OK

--- Iris Nosker <inosker@...> wrote:

> Dear Kathi...How can you climb out of that pit

> without

> us to throw the ladder down? You know that you can

> bring your troubles here as we all have. I hope you

> have a blue sky day. Iris


> --- Kathi in OK <iamladybird@...> wrote:

> > Iris...I am OK...just staying away....dont want to

> > bring anyone else to the pit I am in.....keep

> > looking

> > for the funny and havent got there.....Stacey....I

> > am

> > sorry you are having such a time...I think you did

> > what you had to do...but it is unfortunate that

> kids

> > have to be exposed to this mess....hug him tight

> for

> > us all...I hope your remicade goes GREAT and you

> > feel

> > like a million bucks.....Carol aka Ethel...you go

> > girl....that is such a great idea.....Debbie

> > Mc....way

> > to go....I am so glad it is working for

> > you....Tess....hugs to you my friend....and I hope

> > everthing comes out all systems a go....a and

> >

> > as always thanks for the great links and a I

> > hope

> > you had a wonderful time on your

> > sabbatical.......very funny..I am shocked

> > ...just when I had you pegged as the quiet

> > intelligent

> > one...:D.....to the rest I thank you so much for

> > being

> > the greatest group....and hello and gentle hugs to

> > all

> > the new comers...may you find this group as

> > wonderful

> > as they truly are....tommorow my 23 year old after

> > working all night has decided her dear old mom

> needs

> > to go antique shopping (it is my biggest vice) as

> > she

> > cant stand me not cuting jokes and being sarcastic

> > as

> > she puts it....although she is the one that says

> my

> > decorating style is early salvation army....so I

> am

> > not sure who the sarcastic one is ......hugs to

> > all...Kathi in OK

> > --- Iris Nosker <inosker@...> wrote:

> > > Kathie in OK...where are you and are you ok?

> Hope

> > > so.

> > > Iris

> > >

> > >

> __________________________________________________

> > >

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Is that the AuntBlabbie dressed or undressed version I

was suppose to be looking for.....and it wouldnt be

any fun with guarantees.....I think we will take you

as is...

it is so more interesting that way...doesnt look like

your grusome twosome buddy is doing to good.....maybe

will have to postpone the beer and men in short

pants....gentle hugs (((((Ethel))))))aka Carol...hope

you get to feeling better...I think the sandal queen

needs help and I believe your name was metioned....LOL

The antiques really helped and for a surprise after

Autumn my daughter set up an appointment with a

hypnotist.....it was amazing .....feel like 50 lbs of

pressure lift....anyway he said when we went home and

laid our heads down on a pillow we would have the best

sleep .....and he wasnt kidding....anyway I could go

on to long on this but it was amazing....to all hope

you have a pain free night......Kathi in OK

--- Auntblabbie2000@... wrote:

> If you are looking for antiques, don't look too hard

> or you may find me in

> one of those corners! My kids would do anything to

> make a buck off of me!

> However, I do come as is, NO GUARANTEES!


> I love antiques and things that have history.

> Probably, too much according

> to my husband. He says that my whole life is a

> rerun! Hmmmmmmmmm....I don't

> think that was a compliment!


> Happy shopping....may that bring a much needed smile

> and to a very dear

> friend! Good luck, Carolyn. Lucy will be holding

> down the fort at home

> looking for a place to display all your finds!


> Bye from Lucy,

> (Cleaning the house and making a pot roast for Ricky

> for dinner )



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If you want to make ANY money on Aunt Blabbie, you better make her dressed!

After all, they want to SELL merchandise, not scare people away! Glad you

had such a wonderful day, you were LONG overdue!

Gentle, tender, antique angel hugs,

Debs in FL

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Hi Kathi,

Thanks for the gentle hugs. They are much needed right now, and very much


The hypnotist sounds interesting. I've been alternately fascinated by the

thought of hypnotism, and frightened. Although I believe it can be

effective for certain things, it's the loss of control and the vulnerability

that frighten me. Are you going back again?

I hope you're good. Have you heard any more about the bone situation?

Love and hugs,

Ethel ;-)

Re: [ ] Kathe

Is that the AuntBlabbie dressed or undressed version I

was suppose to be looking for.....and it wouldnt be

any fun with guarantees.....I think we will take you

as is...

it is so more interesting that way...doesnt look like

your grusome twosome buddy is doing to good.....maybe

will have to postpone the beer and men in short

pants....gentle hugs (((((Ethel))))))aka Carol...hope

you get to feeling better...I think the sandal queen

needs help and I believe your name was metioned....LOL

The antiques really helped and for a surprise after

Autumn my daughter set up an appointment with a

hypnotist.....it was amazing .....feel like 50 lbs of

pressure lift....anyway he said when we went home and

laid our heads down on a pillow we would have the best

sleep .....and he wasnt kidding....anyway I could go

on to long on this but it was amazing....to all hope

you have a pain free night......Kathi in OK

--- Auntblabbie2000@... wrote:

> If you are looking for antiques, don't look too hard

> or you may find me in

> one of those corners! My kids would do anything to

> make a buck off of me!

> However, I do come as is, NO GUARANTEES!


> I love antiques and things that have history.

> Probably, too much according

> to my husband. He says that my whole life is a

> rerun! Hmmmmmmmmm....I don't

> think that was a compliment!


> Happy shopping....may that bring a much needed smile

> and to a very dear

> friend! Good luck, Carolyn. Lucy will be holding

> down the fort at home

> looking for a place to display all your finds!


> Bye from Lucy,

> (Cleaning the house and making a pot roast for Ricky

> for dinner )



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<< I hope you're good. >>

I meant " I hope you're FEELING good " I suppose I hope you're being good,

too. But not TOO good! ;-)



Re: [ ] Kathe

Is that the AuntBlabbie dressed or undressed version I

was suppose to be looking for.....and it wouldnt be

any fun with guarantees.....I think we will take you

as is...

it is so more interesting that way...doesnt look like

your grusome twosome buddy is doing to good.....maybe

will have to postpone the beer and men in short

pants....gentle hugs (((((Ethel))))))aka Carol...hope

you get to feeling better...I think the sandal queen

needs help and I believe your name was metioned....LOL

The antiques really helped and for a surprise after

Autumn my daughter set up an appointment with a

hypnotist.....it was amazing .....feel like 50 lbs of

pressure lift....anyway he said when we went home and

laid our heads down on a pillow we would have the best

sleep .....and he wasnt kidding....anyway I could go

on to long on this but it was amazing....to all hope

you have a pain free night......Kathi in OK

--- Auntblabbie2000@... wrote:

> If you are looking for antiques, don't look too hard

> or you may find me in

> one of those corners! My kids would do anything to

> make a buck off of me!

> However, I do come as is, NO GUARANTEES!


> I love antiques and things that have history.

> Probably, too much according

> to my husband. He says that my whole life is a

> rerun! Hmmmmmmmmm....I don't

> think that was a compliment!


> Happy shopping....may that bring a much needed smile

> and to a very dear

> friend! Good luck, Carolyn. Lucy will be holding

> down the fort at home

> looking for a place to display all your finds!


> Bye from Lucy,

> (Cleaning the house and making a pot roast for Ricky

> for dinner )



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Carol....any time....yes I believe I will go back...we

kept saying we would hear a certain word and start

clucking like a chicken...etc....I was amazed there is

no loss of control you are very aware of everthing

around you almost super sensitized....you hear

everything being said and you are awake....I believe

it does

matter that you find someone repuatable...this one my

daughter found through the hospital she works at as he

does this for women in labor ...a no pain solution and

apparently there have been great results...bone thing

waiting on MRI appt. for t spine as radiologist

wanted....cant say I have pushed much,,,,hoping you

feel better soon as I believe the pink sandal goddess

has a list of things for you to do......LOL..Kathi in


--- Carol <carol@...> wrote:

> Hi Kathi,


> Thanks for the gentle hugs. They are much needed

> right now, and very much

> appreciated.


> The hypnotist sounds interesting. I've been

> alternately fascinated by the

> thought of hypnotism, and frightened. Although I

> believe it can be

> effective for certain things, it's the loss of

> control and the vulnerability

> that frighten me. Are you going back again?


> I hope you're good. Have you heard any more about

> the bone situation?


> Love and hugs,

> Ethel ;-)




> Re: [ ] Kathe


> Is that the AuntBlabbie dressed or undressed version

> I

> was suppose to be looking for.....and it wouldnt be

> any fun with guarantees.....I think we will take you

> as is...

> it is so more interesting that way...doesnt look

> like

> your grusome twosome buddy is doing to

> good.....maybe

> will have to postpone the beer and men in short

> pants....gentle hugs (((((Ethel))))))aka

> Carol...hope

> you get to feeling better...I think the sandal queen

> needs help and I believe your name was

> metioned....LOL

> The antiques really helped and for a surprise after

> Autumn my daughter set up an appointment with a

> hypnotist.....it was amazing .....feel like 50 lbs

> of

> pressure lift....anyway he said when we went home

> and

> laid our heads down on a pillow we would have the

> best

> sleep .....and he wasnt kidding....anyway I could go

> on to long on this but it was amazing....to all hope

> you have a pain free night......Kathi in OK


> --- Auntblabbie2000@... wrote:

> > If you are looking for antiques, don't look too

> hard

> > or you may find me in

> > one of those corners! My kids would do anything

> to

> > make a buck off of me!

> > However, I do come as is, NO GUARANTEES!

> >

> > I love antiques and things that have history.

> > Probably, too much according

> > to my husband. He says that my whole life is a

> > rerun! Hmmmmmmmmm....I don't

> > think that was a compliment!

> >

> > Happy shopping....may that bring a much needed

> smile

> > and to a very dear

> > friend! Good luck, Carolyn. Lucy will be holding

> > down the fort at home

> > looking for a place to display all your finds!

> >

> > Bye from Lucy,

> > (Cleaning the house and making a pot roast for

> Ricky

> > for dinner )

> >



> __________________________________________________


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:D...it all depends on who you ask at any given

moment.....LOL Kathi in OK

--- Carol <carol@...> wrote:

> << I hope you're good. >>


> I meant " I hope you're FEELING good " I suppose I

> hope you're being good,

> too. But not TOO good! ;-)


> Blushing,

> Carol


> Re: [ ] Kathe


> Is that the AuntBlabbie dressed or undressed version

> I

> was suppose to be looking for.....and it wouldnt be

> any fun with guarantees.....I think we will take you

> as is...

> it is so more interesting that way...doesnt look

> like

> your grusome twosome buddy is doing to

> good.....maybe

> will have to postpone the beer and men in short

> pants....gentle hugs (((((Ethel))))))aka

> Carol...hope

> you get to feeling better...I think the sandal queen

> needs help and I believe your name was

> metioned....LOL

> The antiques really helped and for a surprise after

> Autumn my daughter set up an appointment with a

> hypnotist.....it was amazing .....feel like 50 lbs

> of

> pressure lift....anyway he said when we went home

> and

> laid our heads down on a pillow we would have the

> best

> sleep .....and he wasnt kidding....anyway I could go

> on to long on this but it was amazing....to all hope

> you have a pain free night......Kathi in OK


> --- Auntblabbie2000@... wrote:

> > If you are looking for antiques, don't look too

> hard

> > or you may find me in

> > one of those corners! My kids would do anything

> to

> > make a buck off of me!

> > However, I do come as is, NO GUARANTEES!

> >

> > I love antiques and things that have history.

> > Probably, too much according

> > to my husband. He says that my whole life is a

> > rerun! Hmmmmmmmmm....I don't

> > think that was a compliment!

> >

> > Happy shopping....may that bring a much needed

> smile

> > and to a very dear

> > friend! Good luck, Carolyn. Lucy will be holding

> > down the fort at home

> > looking for a place to display all your finds!

> >

> > Bye from Lucy,

> > (Cleaning the house and making a pot roast for

> Ricky

> > for dinner )

> >



> __________________________________________________


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