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Menstruation (second monthly periods)

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Hi Susie,

I hope that your daughter, even though she is only in her twenties, has

already had all the children she wants to have, because two periods in a

month doesn't sound good!!

Here are some key words to punch into your computer for online

searches: " Premature ovarian failure " , " Luteal phase defect " , " Early

menopause " , " Annovulatory cycles " , " Annovulatory periods " , " Annovulatory

menstruation " .

My six-month-old daughter is my miracle baby after my having been

infertile for a very long time, more than a decade!! So I know a lot

about this stuff, certainly more than the average lay person. I ran a

support group (in-person, not online) for infertile people for three


Have your daughter see her gynecologist to have her irregular bleeding

checked. SHE NEEDS A PELVIC ULTRASOUND. Perhaps it's something relatively

trivial and treatable, like a cyst on her ovary, that is making her

hormones go haywire. But what concerns me is that you said that YOU

experienced those same " two periods " a month just before your own


Write back and let me know what you find. If you want a referral to a

doctor who deals with this sort of thing in your part of the country,

wherever that may be, write back to me. I'll try to help you find



" Greetings little earthling buddy. " --- Ringenberg

On 16 Aug 2002 wrote:

> Message: 11

> Date: Fri, 16 Aug 2002 10:59:10 -0400

> From: susan headley <sheadley@...>

> Subject: menstration~ " second " monthly periods


> Does anyone know what would cause someone under age 30 to begin having 2

> periods monthly? Say...every 14 days instead of 28? Have been trying to

> put this into a concise " search pattern " on Internet, and can find

> nothing so far. Don't know exactly how to " word it " , as to what I am

> looking for.

> Anyone out there who can help me find info?

> I did this prior to the arthritis, and Fibromyalgia... and bless pat, my

> younger daughter is now starting this " pattern " . I actually went into

> menopause within 2 years of starting that pattern. " Early Menopause "

> that is. I know that some researchers are pointing to " early menopause "

> as actually being " auto immune " related. But not much info on that topic

> either.

> But back to original question... What is some of the problems that would

> cause 2 periods a month? And what would the " name " of this be called?

> Susie

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