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a and : Below is an excerpt of an email that came to me. Have you heard

anything about what is mentioned? It seems to be an interesting concept.

I've gone to several websites on this condition. There is research in the

process. The last info I had was that there could be a connection between the

Herpes 6 virus. This is not the herpes they talk about that is a VD. It's a

common world wide virus just about everyone has been exposed to. Anyway they

surmise that for some reason those who develop CFS, FMS, possibly MS have

susceptible immune systems to it. It is a virus that attacks nerves, muscle

fascia and can cause it to deteriorate. They haven't figured out why we are

susceptible. Could be genetics, could be stress which lowers the immune system.

Lupus and Rheumatoid arthritis has been considered in this group too.

This was in reference to FM and CFS. What do you think?

Jan in CA +/:=)


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I have read that herpes of all forms can trigger autoimmune diseases. HHV 6

can be found in over 90% of the population, infecting us most of the time

before the age of 2. Because HHV 6 invokes an immune response in MS

patients, they are looking at this as a trigger. I¹ll keep my eyes open for

any updates. My opinion is that any virus, bacteria or anything that the

body perceives as foreign, can cause an immune response leading to

autoimmune disease. I hope the mystery is solved soon so all of our

suffering will come to an end.




> a and : Below is an excerpt of an email that came to me. Have you

> heard anything about what is mentioned? It seems to be an interesting

> concept.


> I've gone to several websites on this condition. There is research in the

> process. The last info I had was that there could be a connection between the

> Herpes 6 virus. This is not the herpes they talk about that is a VD. It's a

> common world wide virus just about everyone has been exposed to. Anyway they

> surmise that for some reason those who develop CFS, FMS, possibly MS have

> susceptible immune systems to it. It is a virus that attacks nerves, muscle

> fascia and can cause it to deteriorate. They haven't figured out why we are

> susceptible. Could be genetics, could be stress which lowers the immune

> system. Lupus and Rheumatoid arthritis has been considered in this group too.


> This was in reference to FM and CFS. What do you think?


> Jan in CA +/:=)




> ---------------------------------


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a: Thanks for the information, however(thank goodness, I have enough

without adding herpes or shingles), it was a friend that posed the

question(sounds likely, huh?)and I will be sure to email your answer to her.

Thanks for being able to answer all our questions with an informatiove answer.

I really appreciate you and and all the friends that I have met here.

Everyone brings so much insight and strength to me everyday. Woll close for now

as I have that 4 hour drive ahead of me to my daughrter's house. My grandson,

Richie that lives with me, is having his 8th birthday on Sunday. With love and

prayers and hugs to all of you. Jan in CA +/:=)



I have read that herpes of all forms can trigger autoimmune diseases. HHV 6

can be found in over 90% of the population, infecting us most of the time

before the age of 2. Because HHV 6 invokes an immune response in MS

patients, they are looking at this as a trigger. I¹ll keep my eyes open for

any updates. My opinion is that any virus, bacteria or anything that the

body perceives as foreign, can cause an immune response leading to

autoimmune disease. I hope the mystery is solved soon so all of our

suffering will come to an end.




> a and : Below is an excerpt of an email that came to me. Have you

> heard anything about what is mentioned? It seems to be an interesting

> concept.


> I've gone to several websites on this condition. There is research in the

> process. The last info I had was that there could be a connection between the

> Herpes 6 virus. This is not the herpes they talk about that is a VD. It's a

> common world wide virus just about everyone has been exposed to. Anyway they

> surmise that for some reason those who develop CFS, FMS, possibly MS have

> susceptible immune systems to it. It is a virus that attacks nerves, muscle

> fascia and can cause it to deteriorate. They haven't figured out why we are

> susceptible. Could be genetics, could be stress which lowers the immune

> system. Lupus and Rheumatoid arthritis has been considered in this group too.


> This was in reference to FM and CFS. What do you think?


> Jan in CA +/:=)




> ---------------------------------


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If your friend wants more information, just use google.com and there is a

lot of information. I was surprised at what I read about HHV 6. I didn't

realize it was so common. Every time someone asks a question, I learn a

little more.

Enjoy your visit with your daughter. Have a safe trip.




> a: Thanks for the information, however(thank goodness, I have enough

> without adding herpes or shingles), it was a friend that posed the

> question(sounds likely, huh?)and I will be sure to email your answer to her.

> Thanks for being able to answer all our questions with an informatiove answer.

> I really appreciate you and and all the friends that I have met here.

> Everyone brings so much insight and strength to me everyday. Woll close for

> now as I have that 4 hour drive ahead of me to my daughrter's house. My

> grandson, Richie that lives with me, is having his 8th birthday on Sunday.

> With love and prayers and hugs to all of you. Jan in CA +/:=)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Jan...whew a rough week it sounds like...sorry for your struggles.. I am

sorry I don't have the medical answers for you; but I know someone on this

website wll respond with the info you need..I'm wandering around siince 2:30

this a.m. hoping to head for sleepy land soon...I will get a couple hours

in if I can get to bed by 4..that's my goal...trying the warm milk thing

again...have to go in early tomorrow up by 6 a.m. I am glad to hear you

have a great doc..it sure makes a diff...mine is pretty cool..she listens

and gives me direct info that I need to understand what is going on...she

too, is one of the rare listening docs...good luck to you for a restful

night and for your grandson too....sleepless in Michigan, Marge

[ ] a and


> I haven't posted for a while because things have been rough for the past

week or so. My grandson has been battling a virus since last Monday. He

has wakened almost every night in the wee hours of the morning with severe

throat pain and eventually an earache. This last weekend, we both spent

most of it in bed. Mine was mostly exhaustion from 3-4 hours of interruped

sleep every night, trying to catch what he has and a bad flare of extreme

pain. His doctor yesterday evening put him on an antibiotic (he's been on

motrin for the whole week) and it kicked in last night and he got a full

night's sleep and I had a little longer sleep. He went to the first day of

school(I think he willed himself to go as he was excited about going back to

school)but by the time he was out, he was running a 102 degree temp again.

His doctor is having him miss two days of school and go back on Friday if

his temp doesn't shoot up again. Today, he was a 100% better and finally

after 4 days, ate some food. He has been subsiding on fluids.


> Today I went to my doctor. The more I see her, the more I like her. She

went over my test results with me. My LDL(bad cholesterol) is 54 and the

good one(HDL) is 42 and she is very pleased with that. My B-12 level is

192(low normal ranges from 211 to 911 high normal)and she says I have

pernicious anemia and will need lifetime maintaince of B-12 shots. My blood

sugar is 97 and again she feels that is good. However, my sed rate is

51(normal 1-20) and she wants to watch that and is going to do a complete

physical (more than just the routine) next month. She said her feeling is

that I may also have Poly..............(I'm sorry, forgot the name as soon

as I left) which is another auto immune disease along with the FMS. Do you

have any idea what she said to me with clue of Poly....? I'm sure that I

would recognize the name if I heard it again. Another good news is that

I've lost 13 lbs since my visit the end of July. She also told me that I

have IBS and over-active bladder. The latter I knew because at one time I

took Datrol for it for years but was taken off 2 years ago when I had the

blood clot in my lung and I was not put back onto it. Since I gave up the

Elavil in July, I have been troubled by incontinence. Never happened at

work, thank goodness, though the urge was there but has happened at least a

half dozen times since July. During the night, when I wake up and rush to

the bath room or getting out of the car., etc. She gave me a prescription

for Datrol slow release and she feels it will be better that the plain

Datrol. She listens to everything I have to say or ask and acts like I am

her only patient. I have not had a doctor like her for over 20 years and

thought doctors like her died out a long time ago.


> I have read all the posts and even made some notes to respond to but I am

just too tired to put them all down tonight. I'm so glad Debs is home from

the hospital and hope the Cabana boys are entertaining her outside her

window. I haven't missed any work but I pay for it in the evenings when I

just vegetate and hope and pray to get sleepy even though I am exhausted

beyond words.


> Will close for now and will post tomorrow or Friday. Thanks for any

information you might find for me. You gals are just awesome. Love to

everyone in my family and others have said it before and I'll say it again -

you are more like family than my own family when it comes to understanding.

Jan in CA +/:=)




> Jan Tully, PO Box 19362, San Diego CA 92159




> ---------------------------------


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Oh Marge, two hours of sleep just isn't enough! Could you go to your doctor

and ask for a different medication to help you sleep? I know for me the

lack of sleep was making my pain that much worse. I would never have asked

for a sleeping med if it weren't for the encouragement of my husband.

You're in my prayers, my friend, and I'm wishing you better nights ahead.

Much love,


Re: [ ] a and

Hi Jan...whew a rough week it sounds like...sorry for your struggles.. I am

sorry I don't have the medical answers for you; but I know someone on this

website wll respond with the info you need..I'm wandering around siince 2:30

this a.m. hoping to head for sleepy land soon...I will get a couple hours

in if I can get to bed by 4..that's my goal...trying the warm milk thing

again...have to go in early tomorrow up by 6 a.m. I am glad to hear you

have a great doc..it sure makes a diff...mine is pretty cool..she listens

and gives me direct info that I need to understand what is going on...she

too, is one of the rare listening docs...good luck to you for a restful

night and for your grandson too....sleepless in Michigan, Marge

[ ] a and


> I haven't posted for a while because things have been rough for the past

week or so. My grandson has been battling a virus since last Monday. He

has wakened almost every night in the wee hours of the morning with severe

throat pain and eventually an earache. This last weekend, we both spent

most of it in bed. Mine was mostly exhaustion from 3-4 hours of interruped

sleep every night, trying to catch what he has and a bad flare of extreme

pain. His doctor yesterday evening put him on an antibiotic (he's been on

motrin for the whole week) and it kicked in last night and he got a full

night's sleep and I had a little longer sleep. He went to the first day of

school(I think he willed himself to go as he was excited about going back to

school)but by the time he was out, he was running a 102 degree temp again.

His doctor is having him miss two days of school and go back on Friday if

his temp doesn't shoot up again. Today, he was a 100% better and finally

after 4 days, ate some food. He has been subsiding on fluids.


> Today I went to my doctor. The more I see her, the more I like her. She

went over my test results with me. My LDL(bad cholesterol) is 54 and the

good one(HDL) is 42 and she is very pleased with that. My B-12 level is

192(low normal ranges from 211 to 911 high normal)and she says I have

pernicious anemia and will need lifetime maintaince of B-12 shots. My blood

sugar is 97 and again she feels that is good. However, my sed rate is

51(normal 1-20) and she wants to watch that and is going to do a complete

physical (more than just the routine) next month. She said her feeling is

that I may also have Poly..............(I'm sorry, forgot the name as soon

as I left) which is another auto immune disease along with the FMS. Do you

have any idea what she said to me with clue of Poly....? I'm sure that I

would recognize the name if I heard it again. Another good news is that

I've lost 13 lbs since my visit the end of July. She also told me that I

have IBS and over-active bladder. The latter I knew because at one time I

took Datrol for it for years but was taken off 2 years ago when I had the

blood clot in my lung and I was not put back onto it. Since I gave up the

Elavil in July, I have been troubled by incontinence. Never happened at

work, thank goodness, though the urge was there but has happened at least a

half dozen times since July. During the night, when I wake up and rush to

the bath room or getting out of the car., etc. She gave me a prescription

for Datrol slow release and she feels it will be better that the plain

Datrol. She listens to everything I have to say or ask and acts like I am

her only patient. I have not had a doctor like her for over 20 years and

thought doctors like her died out a long time ago.


> I have read all the posts and even made some notes to respond to but I am

just too tired to put them all down tonight. I'm so glad Debs is home from

the hospital and hope the Cabana boys are entertaining her outside her

window. I haven't missed any work but I pay for it in the evenings when I

just vegetate and hope and pray to get sleepy even though I am exhausted

beyond words.


> Will close for now and will post tomorrow or Friday. Thanks for any

information you might find for me. You gals are just awesome. Love to

everyone in my family and others have said it before and I'll say it again -

you are more like family than my own family when it comes to understanding.

Jan in CA +/:=)




> Jan Tully, PO Box 19362, San Diego CA 92159




> ---------------------------------


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Hi Jan. Your grandson being so sick really took it¹s toll on you. Now that

he is getting better, I hope your sleep improves. I know how bad it makes

you feel when you don¹t get a decent night¹s sleep. Congratulations on your

weight loss. Are you following any special diet or just cutting down?

Your doctor sounds like a gem. Hopefully some of the poly names sent

will ring a bell and we will be able to give you more information.

Wishing you a good night sleep,



> I haven't posted for a while because things have been rough for the past week

> or so. My grandson has been battling a virus since last Monday. He has

> wakened almost every night in the wee hours of the morning with severe throat

> pain and eventually an earache. This last weekend, we both spent most of it

> in bed. Mine was mostly exhaustion from 3-4 hours of interruped sleep every

> night, trying to catch what he has and a bad flare of extreme pain. His

> doctor yesterday evening put him on an antibiotic (he's been on motrin for the

> whole week) and it kicked in last night and he got a full night's sleep and I

> had a little longer sleep. He went to the first day of school(I think he

> willed himself to go as he was excited about going back to school)but by the

> time he was out, he was running a 102 degree temp again. His doctor is having

> him miss two days of school and go back on Friday if his temp doesn't shoot up

> again. Today, he was a 100% better and finally after 4 days

> Today I went to my doctor. The more I see her, the more I like her. She went

> over my test results with me. My LDL(bad cholesterol) is 54 and the good

> one(HDL) is 42 and she is very pleased with that. My B-12 level is 192(low

> normal ranges from 211 to 911 high normal)and she says I have pernicious

> anemia and will need lifetime maintaince of B-12 shots. My blood sugar is 97

> and again she feels that is good. However, my sed rate is 51(normal 1-20) and

> she wants to watch that and is going to do a complete physical (more than just

> the routine) next month. She said her feeling is that I may also have

> Poly..............(I'm sorry, forgot the name as soon as I left) which is

> another auto immune disease along with the FMS. Do you have any idea what she

> said to me with clue of Poly....? I'm sure that I would recognize the name if

> I heard it again. Another good news is that I've lost 13 lbs since my visit

> the end of July. She also told me that I have IB

> I have read all the posts and even made some notes to respond to but I am just

> too tired to put them all down tonight. I'm so glad Debs is home from the

> hospital and hope the Cabana boys are entertaining her outside her window. I

> haven't missed any work but I pay for it in the evenings when I just vegetate

> and hope and pray to get sleepy even though I am exhausted beyond words.


> Will close for now and will post tomorrow or Friday. Thanks for any

> information you might find for me. You gals are just awesome. Love to

> everyone in my family and others have said it before and I'll say it again -

> you are more like family than my own family when it comes to understanding.

> Jan in CA +/:=)




> Jan Tully, PO Box 19362, San Diego CA 92159




> ---------------------------------


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a: I never received the post from . I have had an awful day starting

this morning with bouncing all my groups. I have no idea why this

happened except that it may have been because about a week or so ago I received

an invitation from another auto-immune supprot group to join them and I did.

Right away, I ascertained the group was not like ours. So I followed the

instructions on how to unsubscribe and received their confirmation that it was

unsubcribed. But......I continued to get their emails and they were quite a bit

so I emailed groups help address. Then this morning, every email from my

groups were stopped. I tried everything I could to restart them and even

emailed the help desk again. It must have worked because just about 20 minutes

ago, I started getting the group again. I will probably have to go into the

archives to see what I have missed.

A friend of mine that does transcribing just told me that the sed rate and how

high it is probably means RA but of course she is not a dr. so it will remain to

be seen when my dr runs more tests.

Thanks for responding to my post. I will probably post more either tonight or

tomorrow. Love, hugs, and prayers.



Jan in CA +/:=)Hi Jan. Your grandson being so sick really took it¹s toll on

you. Now that

he is getting better, I hope your sleep improves. I know how bad it makes

you feel when you don¹t get a decent night¹s sleep. Congratulations on your

weight loss. Are you following any special diet or just cutting down?

Your doctor sounds like a gem. Hopefully some of the poly names sent

will ring a bell and we will be able to give you more information.

Wishing you a good night sleep,



> I haven't posted for a while because things have been rough for the past week

> or so. My grandson has been battling a virus since last Monday. He has

> wakened almost every night in the wee hours of the morning with severe throat

> pain and eventually an earache. This last weekend, we both spent most of it

> in bed. Mine was mostly exhaustion from 3-4 hours of interruped sleep every

> night, trying to catch what he has and a bad flare of extreme pain. His

> doctor yesterday evening put him on an antibiotic (he's been on motrin for the

> whole week) and it kicked in last night and he got a full night's sleep and I

> had a little longer sleep. He went to the first day of school(I think he

> willed himself to go as he was excited about going back to school)but by the

> time he was out, he was running a 102 degree temp again. His doctor is having

> him miss two days of school and go back on Friday if his temp doesn't shoot up

> again. Today, he was a 100% better and finally after 4 days

> Today I went to my doctor. The more I see her, the more I like her. She went

> over my test results with me. My LDL(bad cholesterol) is 54 and the good

> one(HDL) is 42 and she is very pleased with that. My B-12 level is 192(low

> normal ranges from 211 to 911 high normal)and she says I have pernicious

> anemia and will need lifetime maintaince of B-12 shots. My blood sugar is 97

> and again she feels that is good. However, my sed rate is 51(normal 1-20) and

> she wants to watch that and is going to do a complete physical (more than just

> the routine) next month. She said her feeling is that I may also have

> Poly..............(I'm sorry, forgot the name as soon as I left) which is

> another auto immune disease along with the FMS. Do you have any idea what she

> said to me with clue of Poly....? I'm sure that I would recognize the name if

> I heard it again. Another good news is that I've lost 13 lbs since my visit

> the end of July. She also told me that I have IB

> I have read all the posts and even made some notes to respond to but I am just

> too tired to put them all down tonight. I'm so glad Debs is home from the

> hospital and hope the Cabana boys are entertaining her outside her window. I

> haven't missed any work but I pay for it in the evenings when I just vegetate

> and hope and pray to get sleepy even though I am exhausted beyond words.


> Will close for now and will post tomorrow or Friday. Thanks for any

> information you might find for me. You gals are just awesome. Love to

> everyone in my family and others have said it before and I'll say it again -

> you are more like family than my own family when it comes to understanding.

> Jan in CA +/:=)




> Jan Tully, PO Box 19362, San Diego CA 92159




> ---------------------------------


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I am having a lot of trouble with getting messages too. Very few are coming

through. I can't blame it on since email I send myself isn't getting

to me. But selective mail is coming through. My ISP is going nuts trying

to figure out what is going on and so am I. Many time I don't get email but

see a post attached to someone else's response. I guess I should use the

website more and read the messages online.

I hope you got your problems straight. It's so annoying.

Here is 's post to you:


You have a lot going on. I hope Richie is doing much better today and

that you both can get better sleep now.

Your doctor sounds marvelous. I believe there are others out there like

her, but you really have to search. Lucky you!

I'm glad she is going to investigate your case further.

As for the " poly " mystery, here are some choices for you (there are more

" poly " terms that may be related to what your doctor has in mind, but

they are more general - polyarthralgia, polyarthritis, polyarthropathy,

polyarticular joint disease):

polyarteritis nodosa (PAN)

polychondritis, relapsing (RP)

polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR)

polymyositis (PM)

Do any of those ring a bell?

Have a much better end of the week!

Do these names ring a bell? My sed rate runs high. Once in the last 5

years it was normal, but the average is between 50 - 85. For some reason my

rhuemy hasn't tested it the last few blood draws, so I don't know what it

is. You have some inflammation going on that hopefully will go away with

meds that work.




> a: I never received the post from . I have had an awful day starting

> this morning with bouncing all my groups. I have no idea why this

> happened except that it may have been because about a week or so ago I

> received an invitation from another auto-immune supprot group to join them and

> I did. Right away, I ascertained the group was not like ours. So I followed

> the instructions on how to unsubscribe and received their confirmation

> that it was unsubcribed. But......I continued to get their emails and they

> were quite a bit so I emailed groups help address. Then this morning,

> every email from my groups were stopped. I tried everything I could to

> restart them and even emailed the help desk again. It must have worked

> because just about 20 minutes ago, I started getting the group again. I will

> probably have to go into the archives to see what I have missed.

> A friend of mine that does transcribing just told me that the sed rate and how

> high it is probably means RA but of course she is not a dr. so it will remain

> to be seen when my dr runs more tests.

> Thanks for responding to my post. I will probably post more either tonight or

> tomorrow. Love, hugs, and prayers.

> a54

> wrote:


> Jan in CA +/:=)Hi Jan. Your grandson being so sick really took it¹s toll on

> you. Now that

> he is getting better, I hope your sleep improves. I know how bad it makes

> you feel when you don¹t get a decent night¹s sleep. Congratulations on your

> weight loss. Are you following any special diet or just cutting down?

> Your doctor sounds like a gem. Hopefully some of the poly names sent

> will ring a bell and we will be able to give you more information.

> Wishing you a good night sleep,

> a




>> I haven't posted for a while because things have been rough for the past week

>> or so. My grandson has been battling a virus since last Monday. He has

>> wakened almost every night in the wee hours of the morning with severe throat

>> pain and eventually an earache. This last weekend, we both spent most of it

>> in bed. Mine was mostly exhaustion from 3-4 hours of interruped sleep every

>> night, trying to catch what he has and a bad flare of extreme pain. His

>> doctor yesterday evening put him on an antibiotic (he's been on motrin for

>> the

>> whole week) and it kicked in last night and he got a full night's sleep and I

>> had a little longer sleep. He went to the first day of school(I think he

>> willed himself to go as he was excited about going back to school)but by the

>> time he was out, he was running a 102 degree temp again. His doctor is

>> having

>> him miss two days of school and go back on Friday if his temp doesn't shoot

>> up

>> again. Today, he was a 100% better and finally after 4 days

>> Today I went to my doctor. The more I see her, the more I like her. She

>> went

>> over my test results with me. My LDL(bad cholesterol) is 54 and the good

>> one(HDL) is 42 and she is very pleased with that. My B-12 level is 192(low

>> normal ranges from 211 to 911 high normal)and she says I have pernicious

>> anemia and will need lifetime maintaince of B-12 shots. My blood sugar is 97

>> and again she feels that is good. However, my sed rate is 51(normal 1-20)

>> and

>> she wants to watch that and is going to do a complete physical (more than

>> just

>> the routine) next month. She said her feeling is that I may also have

>> Poly..............(I'm sorry, forgot the name as soon as I left) which is

>> another auto immune disease along with the FMS. Do you have any idea what

>> she

>> said to me with clue of Poly....? I'm sure that I would recognize the name

>> if

>> I heard it again. Another good news is that I've lost 13 lbs since my visit

>> the end of July. She also told me that I have IB

>> I have read all the posts and even made some notes to respond to but I am

>> just

>> too tired to put them all down tonight. I'm so glad Debs is home from the

>> hospital and hope the Cabana boys are entertaining her outside her window. I

>> haven't missed any work but I pay for it in the evenings when I just vegetate

>> and hope and pray to get sleepy even though I am exhausted beyond words.


>> Will close for now and will post tomorrow or Friday. Thanks for any

>> information you might find for me. You gals are just awesome. Love to

>> everyone in my family and others have said it before and I'll say it again -

>> you are more like family than my own family when it comes to understanding.

>> Jan in CA +/:=)




>> Jan Tully, PO Box 19362, San Diego CA 92159




>> ---------------------------------


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This is the 3rd sleeping pill I have tried...I can't believe the warm milk

is helping....butit does seem to help...it sure doesn't help with the

fatigue if I don't sleep...marge

[ ] a and



> >

> > I haven't posted for a while because things have been rough for the past

> week or so. My grandson has been battling a virus since last Monday. He

> has wakened almost every night in the wee hours of the morning with severe

> throat pain and eventually an earache. This last weekend, we both spent

> most of it in bed. Mine was mostly exhaustion from 3-4 hours of


> sleep every night, trying to catch what he has and a bad flare of extreme

> pain. His doctor yesterday evening put him on an antibiotic (he's been on

> motrin for the whole week) and it kicked in last night and he got a full

> night's sleep and I had a little longer sleep. He went to the first day


> school(I think he willed himself to go as he was excited about going back


> school)but by the time he was out, he was running a 102 degree temp again.

> His doctor is having him miss two days of school and go back on Friday if

> his temp doesn't shoot up again. Today, he was a 100% better and finally

> after 4 days, ate some food. He has been subsiding on fluids.

> >

> > Today I went to my doctor. The more I see her, the more I like her.


> went over my test results with me. My LDL(bad cholesterol) is 54 and the

> good one(HDL) is 42 and she is very pleased with that. My B-12 level is

> 192(low normal ranges from 211 to 911 high normal)and she says I have

> pernicious anemia and will need lifetime maintaince of B-12 shots. My


> sugar is 97 and again she feels that is good. However, my sed rate is

> 51(normal 1-20) and she wants to watch that and is going to do a complete

> physical (more than just the routine) next month. She said her feeling is

> that I may also have Poly..............(I'm sorry, forgot the name as soon

> as I left) which is another auto immune disease along with the FMS. Do


> have any idea what she said to me with clue of Poly....? I'm sure that I

> would recognize the name if I heard it again. Another good news is that

> I've lost 13 lbs since my visit the end of July. She also told me that I

> have IBS and over-active bladder. The latter I knew because at one time I

> took Datrol for it for years but was taken off 2 years ago when I had the

> blood clot in my lung and I was not put back onto it. Since I gave up the

> Elavil in July, I have been troubled by incontinence. Never happened at

> work, thank goodness, though the urge was there but has happened at least


> half dozen times since July. During the night, when I wake up and rush to

> the bath room or getting out of the car., etc. She gave me a prescription

> for Datrol slow release and she feels it will be better that the plain

> Datrol. She listens to everything I have to say or ask and acts like I am

> her only patient. I have not had a doctor like her for over 20 years and

> thought doctors like her died out a long time ago.

> >

> > I have read all the posts and even made some notes to respond to but I


> just too tired to put them all down tonight. I'm so glad Debs is home


> the hospital and hope the Cabana boys are entertaining her outside her

> window. I haven't missed any work but I pay for it in the evenings when I

> just vegetate and hope and pray to get sleepy even though I am exhausted

> beyond words.

> >

> > Will close for now and will post tomorrow or Friday. Thanks for any

> information you might find for me. You gals are just awesome. Love to

> everyone in my family and others have said it before and I'll say it

again -

> you are more like family than my own family when it comes to


> Jan in CA +/:=)

> >

> >

> >

> > Jan Tully, PO Box 19362, San Diego CA 92159

> >

> >

> >

> > ---------------------------------

> >

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