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Hi Friends,

I haven't read the posts since last night, but wanted to tell you

what is going on. I saw my rheumy and she also suspects that my

symptoms are heart related. We talked acid reflux, sleep apnea, and

pericarditis but she said we really need more tests to be run and

that I need to see a pulmonologist. Also, in addition to my echo-

cardiogram, I will have a CT scan. She said that it could also be a

side-effect to Enbrel. Because it is so new, so much is unknown. As a

result, I am not going to take it until all of my tests are done. It

scares me bacause the drug really gave me my life back but I

understand her logic.

I am taking 30 mgs of prednisone a day now for 1 week and 20 mgs a

day for the next three after that to get my body to " rebound " . My

rheumy also had blood drawn to have a ESR, RF, ANA, and CBC done. We

talked about my depression and she prescribed 20 mgs of prozac daily.

She also prescribed ambien to help me sleep as needed. She was

extremely concerned about me and worried about the 10 pounds I have

lost. I am really keeping my fingers crossed and will probably lean

on you from time-to-time. So be forewarned...LOL

And Lynn, my rhuemy said there is no ban on prescribing the oxy

drugs. Rheumy's just need to be careful because they are being sold

to addicts.

Thanks again for all of your thoughts and prayers. I means more to be

than you will ever know.

All my love,

Al in IL

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