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The Power Hour interviews Dr. Moulden

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Joyce Riley Interviews Dr. Moulden

The Power Hour (8 a.m., - 11 a.m, EST - M-F)

Joyce Riley, Dave Von Kleist, Dr. Moulden & various callers

gcnlive.com, shortwave and satellite on Ku band, Telstar 5.

(http://www.thepowerhour.com )

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

[Joyce] Our guest, today, is Dr. Moulden. This gentleman is very complex

in his interest and in his knowledge and I am so glad he's joining us today

because he is so passionate about what he believes in that he is running for a

member of parliament in Ontario. So those of you in North Bay, Ontario are going

to be very fortunate and I'd like for you if you know someone, those of you that

are listening on international shortwave, your Canadian listeners, please give a

call to anyone in that area so that they will vote-well, first of all, listen to

Dr. Moulden and vote for him. He is in the Canadian Action Party. By the

way, that was formed by Dr. Hellier, I believe back in 1997 and he joins us

today. He is an M.D. and a PhD. His CB, his curriculum.is so long there is no

way that I could possibly tell you about this because he is extremely well

educated. He comes by reference of Dr. Sheri Tenpenny who said, 'you have got to

have Dr. Moulden on your program. He started out with a B.S. in biology and

ended up in a PhD in neurobiology and an M.D. degree. He is president and CEO of

a medical device corporation and I want to say thank you very much, Dr.

Moulden for joining us on the Power Hour, today.

[Dr. Moulden] Thank you very much for having me on your show. It's a pleasure

to be here.

[Joyce] Well, it's a pleasure to have you doing what you're doing out there on

the subject of vaccines because-now, you come from a most educated perspective.

You have been scientifically educated. You've been educated in the belly of the

beast, if you will, in allopathic medicine and yet you're taking a particular

stand on vaccines. Now, where did this epiphany come in your life, sir?

[Dr. Moulden] Well, when you spend 21 years being indoctrinated into the

Western medical model unfortunately you can over-learn yourself and sort of kick

yourself outside the box and then you look back and see everything that you're

doing wrong but with doing a biological psychology bachelors, a master's degree

in child development and language development children then on to a PhD in

clinical neuropsychology, seeing patients and then doing a thesis in functional

brain imaging and a comprehensive exam in acquired brain injuries and then

medical school, then going into residency in psychiatry and neuropsychiatry you

get to the point where you can almost start seeing how the brain and behavior

works beyond simply using the technological tools that we have. So in 2001

shortly after coming out of medical school and this is after all these years of

book learning and being a national scholar, a provincial scholar, twenty-seven

scholarships for academic and research excellence, being trained by a

neurologist, neuropsychologist, the best of the best, and really it was just an

academic pursuit. I don't know how I got stuck into it but they were paying me

to do it-why stop it's kind of like a job learning and I love learning and

particularly for some reason the brain really caught my fancy. But in 2001 fresh

out of medical school about six months out I all of a sudden began seeing

patients for the first time with all this book learning knowledge and having

assessed patients pretty much from kindergarten up to grade thirteen and then

immediately within probably about two weeks into a rotation I started seeing

patients and realizing not only with the autistic patients and schizophrenia for

that matter that all of a sudden I could see based on my eclectic training with

the various neuro-diagnostic tools that I had acquired. Now, most

Western-trained physicians won't have my background training because before I

got to medical school I had ten years of straight brain studies from every

perspective we could possibly look at the darned thing. So as soon as I saw

immediately on the patients right before my eyes that I could see with the

tweaks I could do to the standard neurological exams that physicians do but all

of a sudden there it was right before me brain injury in real time and

retrospectively that I could, now, see and I just didn't know how it was

happening. So 2001 was the epiphany and the damage I was seeing was very clear

to me that the only way-there kind of like rules of law we have in

neuro-development and when you understand how the brain is structured and wired

and its blood supply is wired relative to function there are certain rules of

law kind of like gravity that you can only create a specific behavioral pattern

that you see clinically by only doing a certain means of damage to the brain. It

was very clear to me in 2001 that we were giving with micro-vascular strokes-the

only way we could create the behavioral pattern I was seeing in some of the

autistic children as well as the neurological features I was seeing on their

neurological exam and their face, for that matter, was to micro-vascular stroke


[Joyce] Ok, let me stop you right there because micro-vascular stroke doesn't

mean a lot to some people and they would like to know what that means because

you were saying that a lot of the autism and I think you were also going to then

correlate this to other diseases or other problems, secondary to vaccine

injections, is due to the end result which is a micro-vascular stroke. Explain

that in as simplistic terms as you can, please.

[Dr. Moulden] Excellent. The bottom line is that infectious diseases or for

that matter the vaccines that we give everybody from the Gulf War vets to

mandatory in children and, now, unfortunately Gardasil, all these foreign

substances that we place under the skin, when you have a rash, swelling, pain at

the site of injection then we see these are normal things to experience and

everybody experiences it. Well, the reason why you're having pain at the

injection site is because the foreign substances are stuck into your skin create

an immune reaction which is non-specific to the bug, just a general response

that the white blood cells which respond to anything foreign in your body when

they come flying into the area they block off the small blood vessels and

there's a lack of oxygen to the tissue in the area and that causes pain at the

injection site. The sad part is that for certain individuals for specific

reasons several of which we now know this same process systemically happens

throughout the body and many of the small blood vessels in the body they are too

small to allow the white blood cells to go down and when they're stimulated the

wrong way or hyper-stimulated these white blood cells block off these small

blood vessels and those small blood vessels can't get oxygen down there in any

tissues past that ends up having a stroke and the stroke is basically lack of

oxygen to tissues much like you have a heart attack, you can have a brain

attack, you can have a liver attack, you can have a kidney attack when there's

not oxygen being delivered to the area, that's a stroke.

[Joyce] So, these micro-vascular strokes, then, are what brings the common

denominator with Gulf War Illness I think you said earlier or you said last

night to me about polio, any of the other vaccines it's a micro-vascular stroke

that appears to be the problematic area?

[Dr. Moulden] It is a very profound discovery. Now, having..back in 2001 and

getting to where we are today, it would have made no sense back in 2001,

especially since my colleagues around the world including Dr. Wakefield

were being decimated by the public health departments and medical councils so I

was speaking with Bernard Remlin back in about 2002 and informed him what I had

and he was quite excited but I asked him not to speak publicly about it until I

actually had the whole thing locked down. So, now, we've actually invented a new

imaging technology that we can actually do our imaging for neurological damage,

catch these strokes on doing a fancy neurological exam on nothing more than

photographs and video so a thirty second video of an individual before and after

vaccine we now find and this is probably the most profound thing that's ever

been reported in the history of medicine since the dawn of medicine considering

this huge massive global silent epidemic we've created with these

one-size-fits-all vaccinations is that we have now found that irrespective of

the bug whether it is Anthrax, whether it's measles, mumps, rubella, it doesn't

matter, diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis or gardasil and for that matter before

the vaccines came on line whether a person had polio or had congenital rubella

syndrome which is German measles or, for that matter, they died of measles or

small pox we now find with our enhanced video imaging that we've kind of

invented a means to put the Hubble space telescope to the standard neurological

exam looking at facial features. We now show the exact same neurological

deficits that are hard neurological problems that can be only caused in the

human brain by micro-vascular small blood vessel blockages of oxygen delivery

and we're recording these within hours and days after vaccination in all these

individuals who are now diagnosed with Gulf War syndrome died after gardasil.

Some of the girls who had the gardasil vaccines who had adverse reactions, we

pick it up there as well. We find the same thing in children who are losing the

breathing and before they go into sudden infant death. We find the same thing in

children within hours after a vaccination. We can tell which children are going

to go on to develop autism and the sad part is that even children with specific

learning disabilities, attention deficit disorder are in the same category.

[Joyce] Let me again stop you and I do apologize for this but just so that

people can understand. How does a stroke differ from a micro-vascular stroke?

[Dr. Moulden] Well, they don't differ at all, actually, so a stroke by

definition, like a heart attack is a stroke. A stroke by definition is a lack of

oxygen delivery to an area tissue. In essence the demand from the tissue exceeds

the supply. In the case of a heart attack the blood vessels to the heart are a

bit blocked by hardening of the arteries so when the heart's working very fast

it can't get enough oxygen per unit of time and we call it stroke. In the brain

when you have a clot going up there to one of the large pipes, one of the large

blood vessels in the brain, it creates a stroke and you'd be paralyzed or lose

your language.

[Joyce] We got a four-minute break; we're going to be right back with Dr.

Moulden. You don't want to miss this. Where is this going; I'll tell you

what, he's linking it all together. Back in four.

{break} Dave's Song: .bureaucrats, all have their schemes and can't see

past their moneyed dreams and want-to-be's do legislate laws that force your

kids to vaccinate..

[Dave] Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen, to the Tuesday edition of the

Power Hour. Take that big vaccine and stick it in your own butt. This is Dave.

[Joyce] And Joyce and thank you for joining us on the Power Hour today.

Our guest, today, is Dr. Moulden and he is an expert in psychiatry,

neuro-psychiatry, a specialization in behavioral neurology. He has a CV or a

resume that is incredibly long and he is very well educated in the areas in

which he speaks and that's why we have him here today. And they are going to be

doing a seminar coming up December first. Dr. Sherri Tenpenny will be a speaker

there. He will be there and I hope that you can attend. If you're in Canada go

to www.justgetusin.com , that's the website. The campaign manager and all of us

want you to vote for Dr. Moulden. He is running for a member of

parliament. www.justgetusin.com is the website, you can see all about it. He is

fighting that horrific C51, he is wanting to educate the people about the truth

about vaccines which he's doing, here today, with us and we're going to get back

to that subject and also the subject of autism, Gulf War illness, he's very well

educated in those areas also. Dr. Moulden joins us from Canada, today,

and again, www.justgetusin.com is the website. Go to today's guest, click on it,

it'll take you right there. How about that, a song about vaccines for you there,

Dr. Moulden.

[Dr. Moulden] Lovely.

[Joyce] Yes, we need to educate the people, don't we, because this is a


[Dr. Moulden] This is a global phenomenon; it's the most heinous act mankind

has ever done to mankind in the history of history and we've done it for profit.

Sadly, our ideas were wrong from the very get-go with all these vaccinations

going back in time of Jenner and here is the big mistake that physicians

and science has made that the last two hundred years has just been profiting no

one but the pharmicide interests around the world who've profited off of

antibiotics and vaccines. The very simple problem we missed, here, is that

everybody-no one knew how small pox killed or how measles killed or how polio

caused paralysis or how tetanus caused the jaw to lock up and, for that matter,

how anthrax and all these other bugs killed. You can ask any physician or even

scientists and they don't know. But we assumed with imperfect knowledge that if

we inject a weakened or attenuated or a killed version of this bug into the body

that the body will create antibodies that those antibodies will be around if the

individual ever sees that again the antibodies will coat it and the body will

kill it right away. So this has worked to a certain extent to take away the

classic features of measles and rubella, German measles and polio and diphtheria

and tetanus and whooping cough and anthrax to a certain extent but what we did

not realize is that these bugs had a two-pronged approach. One was damage to the

body coming from the detrimental effects of the bug, itself, but the second

part, the generic non-specific part, was our own body's own non-specific immune

response which are white blood cells-which is the same cells that when you get a

zit on your face and you squeeze it for those teenagers who still have this

problem-the white pus that comes out is white blood cells. These guys respond to

everything and whether it's a splinter in your finger or a foreign substance in

your body or adjuvants that are placed in the vaccines these white blood cells

when hyper-stimulated are doing something we've now learned in microbiology that

we never knew before and in essence they are clogging up all the small blood

vessels in many parts of the body and unfortunately because the brain and the

small, small blood vessels can only go four minutes without oxygen that as soon

as these areas get blocked off either immediately after vaccines and

unfortunately this can be delayed by several weeks to several months then the

areas of the brain that are being choked off, it's kind of like strangling

yourself but at the very, very small blood vessels, an analogy to a river

tributary system, you're strangling off the areas that are at the very end,

smallest little trickling streams coming off the main river, and those areas are

being impaired which is causing all the neurological features we, now, can scan

for with our new brain guard technologies so it's sad and it's there for

everybody and always was, always will be, and we made a huge mistake.

[Joyce] We're talking about vaccines, blending, perhaps, Alzheimer's, Gulf

War illness along with autism, how sad it is, and even polio. We're going to be

right back after this three-minute break. Stay tuned to the Power Hour with Dr.

Moulden. We'll take your phone calls, . Back in three; stay

tuned with Joyce and Dave.

{break] Dave's song: Well, the programs were started taking drugs out of

the school but the pharma manufacturers are exempt from any rules. They're

raking in the dollars and making billions every year. They only want your money,

they don't care about your tears. Almost every single killing that you're

hearing on the news has a psycho-drug connection but they're keeping that from

you. Let's bring them down, yeah, let's bring them down. We'll screw them right

in the ground, yeah, let's bring them down. Hey, Eli Lilly, GC Searle, Bristol

Myers and Bayer too, Glaxo, and Kline, Squibb and Pfizer, sucking money

out of you. Let's bring them down.

[Dave] Scum sucking leaches is what they are, folks, they don't want you

to be healthy and no, no, no. There's no profit in your being well. Wellness

really sucks to them. Welcome back to The Power Hour, Tuesday edition; this is


[Joyce] Joyce and I think this is probably where I should give my

disclaimer that the opinions that Dave and I express are not necessarily those

of Moulden. No, he is just trying to help us understand the problem with

the vascular strokes, not with the pharmaceutical companies. That's not his

enemy, that's not his concern. So, I just want to give that disclaimer there.

Our guest, today, is Dr. Moulden and he is wanting to look at the

problems of vaccines. He's wanting to look at what is that one thing that they

all have in common. Now, when I talked with you last night you mentioned that

you had seen the movie, Beyond Treason, so you're aware of the Gulf War Illness

issues, obviously; I mean, you don't have to see Beyond Treason to be aware of

that but you blend that with Alzheimer's also with autism, with polio. Now, what

is the common denominator here and what do they all have as possible causation,


[Dr. Moulden] They're all having strokes, it's quite simple, actually. It's

pretty humbling to be able to see it and image it now. The basic common

mechanism is this. Anything foreign in your body that your body cannot

immediately get rid of whether it is aluminum, whether it is mercury, whether it

is a foreign protein sequence from an infectious disease, once it's in your body

and it's in places that your body cannot get rid of it chronically stimulates

your immune system, non-specifically, to come into that area and try and get rid

of it. Unfortunately, over time your body loses tolerance to that particular

stimulus and the white blood cells, the immune cells that are basically

scavengers that will clean up garbage start, unfortunately, walling the areas

off and they're causing collapse of the small blood vessels to these areas where

these foreign things are. This also will create Parkinson's disease and

unfortunately when it does that you're slowly strangulating out the tissue in

that area and it starts to go away because it's basically losing oxygen and not

getting the nutrients it needs to survive. So in the brain we can call that a

whole range of symptoms and signs. Alzheimer's would be an end result which is

unfortunately a reality that even in the Alzheimer's patients we find that at

the core of the plaques and tangles by which we diagnose these illnesses with we

find aluminum. Well, it's just perhaps coincidental that aluminum's in all these

vaccines that everyone's getting but the most powerful thing that we have and

this is where we have proof of causation and this is now in the United States

Federal Circuit Courts challenging Public Health Law 66990, the National

Childhood Vaccination Injury Act, it's within about four weeks ago the

neuro-diagnostic imaging we've created and it's available giving explanation and

even tissue slides for all this stuff I'm talking about is on our

www.brainguardmd.com website. There'll be another video up there explaining it

all very simplistically for everybody.

[Joyce] Ok, that's www.brainguardmd.com ?

[Dr. Moulden] We actually have 600,000 ads going out throughout Northeastern

United States. Today, basically we're just coming on-line, now, to give it to

the world and this is the end. We're going to go sue these guys to the hilt and

take everything back from these individuals to a certain extent, Joyce. The sad

reality, I've been to the CDC in Richmond, California and just outside of San

Francisco because they had a young boy there who died within days after

receiving DTP, MMR, and I even went to the Orange County coroner's office and

they let me have access to the tissue and we look at it our way and he looked at

the child under imaging and said, 'wait a minute, here, you guys have no cause

of death. 'We have cause of death.' And I even called up Dr. Carol Bleser who is

the expert pediatrician and an infectious disease expert at the California

Encephalitis Project which is a division of public health and CDC and we called

her up and told her we have this and we understand she had over a hundred other

dead babies from across the state there with no cause of death. And we told her,

'we've got it all solved.' So we went up there, Joyce, and this is the sad

reality. She called me up the night before; she was in Los Angelis on her cell

phone all excited. She said, ', we have people in here from the CDC,

Atlanta, from Germany, a neuro-pathology team and we haven't been able to figure

out what's going on for the last year. I said, 'well, don't worry, we've solved

it and we're going to come up there and give it to you freely.' So we got a

flight up there the next day and arrived there at three o'clock. Now, we

expected to be treated like royal kings because here we are, I arrived with a

microbiologist, we have a solution for a worldwide problem that's decimating the

children across California and we expected to be treated like kings. Well, we

didn't expect that, we were just looking forward to provide our information and

science freely for them. Well, the security guard-the place was like Fort Knox,

razor wire around the whole complex-and the security post guy said, 'wait a

minute, they're coming down for you.' So, down came a security hands on gun

said, 'Dr. Moulden, we have a facility-wide orange alert, you're not allowed

anywhere on the property, back up your vehicle immediately.

[Joyce] Whoa!

[Dr. Moulden] We were flabbergasted. We recorded it all and we have even Dr.

Glaser's recorded voice mails to us, as well. So, we said, 'well, we have an

appointment.' So they said, 'you got five seconds to back up your vehicle' and

their hand went on the guns. We backed up and they never called us back. But you

have to understand.

[Joyce] Wait, wait, wait, this was at the CDC in San Francisco?

[Dr. Moulden] This is in Richmond, California. It's the regional encephalitis

project that any person who dies when undiagnosed neurological problem across

the state, all tissue gets sent to these things. Now, this is across every state

in your country because they want to make sure that there's not some silent

epidemic going out there. But we even had the family call them up and ask them

and the family asked-I had them ask specifically why did you guys do this crazy

Cadillac version of tissue samples and analysis on this child who died for

everything from Western Equine Virus to Japanese Encephalitis Virus to things

that this child was not exposed to unless he was in Africa but he didn't test

for DTP, MMR, the things he got within hours of becoming ill and stopping

breathing and dying and they said, 'we don't have funding for that.'

[Joyce] Oh, my goodness. I'll tell you what, hold on one second because I

want everybody to understand the impact of what you just said. Now, this is a

man, valedictorian, magna cum laude, the top of every class that he was in,

practically, and an MD, a PhD; he's got the answer to what's going on with the

vaccine issues and these SIDS deaths and he is told that there is an orange

alert, he is not allowed anywhere near the place and he's to back up his car and

get out of there. Now, that's what you get when you get too close to the answer.

Dr. , in North Carolina, let's go to Dr. in North Carolina; welcome

to the Power Hour, you're on with Dr. Moulden-go ahead, please.

[Dr. ] Oh, thank you, Joyce; I just wanted to add a few quick

comments about what happened here locally. I saw a TV news program saying that

about 1200 kids were not going to be allowed to go to school as sixth graders

because their parents had not got them vaccinated for diphtheria, pertussis and

tetanus. I called up immediately of the local health person at the school

district and I said, first of all, people can be exempt, they can declare a

religious exemption, and then started to explain it, I said, 'what about the

risks of these vaccines; it looks like the pertussis rates have gone up, it

looks like people get seizures, the odds of dying are not even claimed to be 1

in 20,000. The odds of a major seizure by the manufacturers of this vaccine say

it's 1 in 10,000 and I guess.responsible, 'are you a doctor; are you a

physician?' I say, 'no, but I know how to read; I know basic statistics; I know

how to multiply and divide.'

[Joyce] Yes, let me go to our guest, right now, Dr. Moulden, I mean here

you have a college professor who's seen through all of this and they won't even

listen to him.

[Dr. Moulden] Yeah, well, the bottom line is now that I can see it, now I can

measure it. With my technology, actually, on www.brainguardmd.com it can

actually do before and after vaccination for any child and I can show

immediately the damage is happening but the exciting thing is now that we know

what's going on in the physiology down to the microbiology level I can stop it

in real time when I diagnose the problem. I've labeled it the mass response and

it's kind of a bit of arrogance but 'm' stands for Moulden, 'a' is anoxia, which

is lack of oxygen, spectra syndrome; It's across the board. And seizures come

from the brain when there is lack of oxygen to the brain in various areas. With

the scar area that's formed you have these problems, even adults who have

strokes who go on to develop seizure disorders, 1 in 4 across this planet is

being adversely affected. The number is probably higher; it can be silent to

death. And the reason that they stop breathing and they die is because the small

blood vessels going to the brain stem, the areas that control automatic

respiration, breathe in, breathe out, especially in the first two years of life,

when they are being clogged off the central drive for respiration becomes

blocked and the person dies in their sleep. These infants are 18 months,

sleeping 18 hours a day, and more profoundly than that-and this irritates and

angers me the most-is that we have parents across the United States and Canada

who are in jail accused of shaking baby syndrome when we can now show, we now

know, that part of the pathology after response to these vaccines by blocking

off these small blood vessels you get bleeding in the back of the eyes; we call

it retinal hemorrhages and you can sometimes have bleeding into the brain and we

call that within brain hemorrhages. Now, doctors in medical departments across

the world take those signs as the specific sign that a parent has shaken his

child. It is not true. My colleague, Dr. Mohamed Al Beotti [sp?], a double

major, University of California, , double-majored in microbiology,

toxicology, pathology, he's overturned over 30, 40 cases in courts where people

are being accused of harming children when we can, now, show through

differential diagnostic means that actually it was a vaccine, a pharmaceutical

product that caused this or a doctor's effort but we have taken this one step

further; we've taken out of the scientific realm and we now can show, everyone

can see for themselves with their own eyes with the brain guard md imaging that

here you go, this stuff is causing damage for everybody from attention deficit

disorder to learning disabilities to sudden infant death to autism to Gulf War

syndrome to death after gardasil; it is a generic response. The whole vaccine

industry is awash because it's not doing what it's supposed to do. We've just

changed serious plagues into silent chronic epidemics and any parent in any

community who's being forced against their will to take these vaccination on

their children, it is a fundamental infringement on their charter of rights and

freedoms to determine their freedom for their choices for what goes in their

body and no state in any country has the right to impose its will on the

sanctity of an individual's body and now we will show in court, anybody who

wants to come to us, we'll get the forensic evidence and show them this is what

they're doing to their children and it's got to stop, got to stop now, it's got

to stop yesterday.

[Joyce] Yes.

[Dr. Moulden] .they can't go on.

[Joyce] Are you serving as an expert witness in these vaccine cases that

they try to rule as being homicide cases?

[Dr. Moulden] I finally got to the point where I dumped all my work for the

past several years on the vaccine injury courts about four weeks ago. Now, you

know you have something that is actually frightening to them because if they

figure there's nothing there they just let it go through the courts and they

say, 'ha, you've got nothing.' But when they see you've got evidence that's

going to be harmful to them, well, the lawyers get on the.irrespective of what

the truth is just like the O.J. Simpson trial, they have evidence coming in

that's going to be damning the lawyers do their best to exclude the evidence

from being heard in court.

[Joyce] Right.

[Dr. Moulden] So, this is what just happened last week. The lawyers from the

other side, from Human Health Services Commission and Glaxo Kline is

obviously behind them because this is one of the products we're actually looking

at in this particular case. They're trying to exclude the evidence from coming

into court. So this the same thing as at the CDC in Richmond, California. They

can always deny it if they throw their heads in the sand and pretend it's.that

doesn't exist. But until you get this evidence in court this will not stop

because the only thing these individuals listen to is the mighty pocket book.

And the problems we have going on with all these vaccines is we discovered in

the microbiology it's the same process by which Vioxx from Merck.the

anti-inflammatory, caused heart attack and stroke. We figured out how it was

happening and it's a medical revolution and we can now see it and everyone can

see it themselves using our Brain Guard technologies.

[Joyce] The sad part is that you do have an answer for this and you have

the technology to diagnose it. You have the answer for it and you're being

denied the opportunity to be an expert witness in these trials and as I was

telling you, out of the 600 cases I served as an expert witness on the only two

that I was disallowed the opportunity to testify in were Gulf War illness cases

because, obviously, they don't want that information there. Let me go to Kay in

Kansas and then we're going to talk about your running for a member of

Parliament because we need to support this man and get him in there so he can

tell the whole country of Canada and the world what's really taking place with

vaccines. Kay in Kansas, you're on the air with Dr. Moulden, go ahead please.

[Kay] Good morning, my interest was piqued when you were talking about

strokes. I've been diagnosed with something called fenestrated basilar artery;

are you familiar with that?

[Dr. Moulden] I am, indeed.

[Kay] And would that be caused by a vaccine?

[Dr. Moulden]Well, you see, this is problem that the inside lining of the blood

vessels, in particular the linings of inside all of your blood vessels is very

smooth and inside that is smooth muscle which causes the blood vessels to

contract and expand. But the basilar artery is the main pipe coming up through

the brain stem which can become weakened. Any blood vessel in the body, if it's

being blocked by oxygen can lead to-well you're calling them fenestrations,

these are kind of like little holes-this is something that can be caused by this

but there are multiple reasons why you can have these problems but in particular

from vaccinations. The example I can give very clearly is in an adult. Right

now, today, in emergency medicine in neurology we consider any person adult

having a stroke as a medical emergency so that within three hours of them having

symptoms of paralysis, loss of speech, sensory changes, we want to get them to

hospital immediately because within that three-hour window we can do something

to try to break up a clot if a clot's causing the problem. But after three hours

if we try to treat it there is a big risk of what we call hemorrhagic

transformation, meaning that because the blood vessel walls have been without

oxygen for a period of time that we can actually cause a bleeding into the

tissue by actually doing the powerful interventions that we do. So having a

fenestrated basilar artery, it's quite possible that this is vaccine-related

because these things are toxins, they get in your body, you can get rid of them

unfortunately. That stuff they used as adjuvants for the mercury and aluminum

and the various other formaldehydes and other foreign substances put in your

body, it can cause damage to any individual vessel so the possibility is

there-in your case I can't prove it.

[Joyce] We've got a three minute break; we'll be right back after this

break and to www.brainguardmd.com . He's got the diagnostic tool and the answer

but they won't listen. We'll be right back; stay tuned.

{break} Song: ..take your best vaccine and get out of here..

[Dave] Alright, welcome back, ladies and gentlemen, to the Tuesday edition

of the Power Hour, coming up on fifty-five minutes past the hour. This is Dave.

[Joyce] .Joyce and we got a couple of callers here but a couple things I

want to cover. First of all, you are running for member of Parliament. We need

for people to support you. www.justgetusin.com is the website. The election is

going to be the 14th of October so they don't have much time to get the word

spread that you are the man for the job-correct?

[Dr. Moulden] Correct. Our health Canada system here is corrupt. We even fired

our food and drug administrator, Dr..who's been working there for 40 years and

three of his colleagues who were whistle blowing saying that the science is not

there to support vaccinations, to support silicone breast implants.many

psychiatric drugs. Unfortunately when the corporate system rules our checks and

balances in society in the United States and Canada we don't have safety

anymore. In fact, in the Ministry of Health in China they publicly executed the

food and drug administrator last year for receiving $800,000 in bribes but in

Canada and the United States we promote these guys including Senate majority

leader, Bill Frist.

[Joyce] That's right-absolutely. Hey, by the way, I thought it was

interesting, you said yesterday that when you saw Beyond Treason, I asked you

how you saw it and, by the way, do you have the one with the CD Rom that has all

the thousands of pages of documents on it?

[Dr. Moulden] I do indeed.

[Joyce] Ok, you do? You were shown that by a monk. I found that most

interesting or you were given a copy by a monk.

[Dr. Moulden] I have pretty eclectic colleagues and friends around the world

actually. Here's the reality of this, anybody I show our diagnostics to their

heart sinks and the tears start running down so one of our lawyers, he started

actually dry heaving seeing the split screen of what's happening in the blood

supply in the brain what we can see happening to these children's faces that we

are actually now recording, it's that powerful. So even clergy and lawyers and

judges and waitresses and the average Joe, out there, and even the.of the world

will not be able to deny this forensic evidence. But if they won't open their

eyes and look at it they can keep saying that everyone can receive 10,000

vaccines-well, they're all going to go to jail, I'm afraid, when society comes

back and sees what they've done because they have perverted science.

[Joyce] I love it.

[Dr. Moulden] They lied.

[Joyce] And definitely, we're going to have you back on again so we want

to find out about that movie and find out more about what we can do in

supporting Brain Guard. And by the way, the technology is discussed at

www.brainguardmd.com . Let's go to Fred in Detroit. Fred, you're on the air with

Dr. Moulden-go ahead, please.

[Fred] Yes, first time caller. My daughter was born with autism. Well,

before she started with-well, she wasn't born with it-but before she did that,

my wife said that she was cooing and things like that and two things I want to

ask you. Number one, what can we do to keep these doctors from delivering these

immunizations to our kids and, number two, what can I do to help..because what

your doctor said that it was more like a stroke patient and could I find some

kind of stuff to help the body to get rid of these certain diseases?

[Dr. Moulden] Yeah, so these are excellent questions and so beyond our

www.brainguardmd.com site we have-and if you want more details everything that's

going on and what we can now do, we have another website where we started off

where all the information on several other radio shows that I have been on over

the past several months is called www.amassnetwork.com and now, in the only way,

see, we have discovered in our imaging that there is a common specific and in

medicine we call it a big fancy word, pathoneumonic, meaning it only can be

caused by this particular process and we have a common neurological imaging tool

which we see coming for everybody who's been vaccine injured. So many people

think that-this is profound, as well-many people think that if children were

born autistic that we have also found using our technology that we created that

even mothers who give birth to these later get vaccinated themselves and start

breast feeding, within four hours of breastfeeding their children are starting

to get the autistic features and neurological damage.

[Joyce] Oh, no. Can you stay with us five more minutes, sir? Can you stay

with us five more minutes, Dr. Moulden?

[Dr. Moulden] Yes, I can.

[Joyce] Ok, we got a one-minute, ten second break, that's all we're going

to be gone. We'll be back and then we'll have five more minutes of Dr.

Moulden. Wow-have we got some more work to do with him. We'll be right back-stay



[Dave] Alright, that makes it official; welcome back to the Power Hour,

third hour now in session. Are you mad yet? It's for the children. Yeah-right.

This is Dave.

[Joyce] .and Joyce and I just want to let you all know that the website

www.amassnetwork.com is where you can go to find out and listen to Dr.

Moulden. And he says on there, 'we can now prove causation of autism, ADD, brain

damage, sudden death, Gulf War syndrome, specific learning disabilities to the

administration of vaccines. Find out why gardasil HPV vaccine is killing our

teenage girls. All of that information www.amassnetwork.com . Maybe Wanda can

put that up on with the guest's name today also. Let's go to Rodney in South

Carolina. Rodney, you're on the air with Dr. Moulden; go ahead, please.

[Rodney] Yes, I was wondering if you studied anything about the origins of

the polio disease and whether the vaccines were the originator of it or to

address the polio disease.

[Joyce] Ok, thank you very much, Rodney, from South Carolina. Causation

of polio, was it the vaccines, sir?

[Dr. Moulden] Well, this is getting into an area that brings you into

conspiratorial area. I've looked at specifically Spanish Flu-unfortunately, that

came from Fort Detrick, but again, I'm a scientist so unfortunately to maintain

my credibility and my empirical steps I can only make claims of things I can

show typically and scientifically. If I deviate there from one degree I'm going

to get decimated so it's an excellent question. Unfortunately, I do not have the

background knowledge to address it appropriately to answer what he's asking.

[Joyce] Or you cannot answer. Do not want to or cannot answer-I get it.

Now, let's, just Gulf War Illness, real quickly, you know that's my hot button

and www.gulfwarvets.com is really a lot of good information, listeners, for

vaccine information. How do you relate Gulf War Illness, Sir?

[Dr. Moulden] Bring them all to me; you have a quarter of a million Gulf War

vets who've been messed up by this stuff. It was not and I can tell you

conclusively it was not the depleted uranium munitions, it was not anything

else, this is vaccine damage because the Gulf War vets-and I say this

conclusively-have the same exact neurological damage in our reconstructions of

the facial architecture that all the children who developed autism do after

vaccinations. Adults who get adverse reactions and demented from Hep A, Hep B as

an adult and children with MMR and children with DTP and sudden infant death,

it's the same generic response. This is a two-pronged hit, one from the bug and

one from the body's non-specific immune response to it. And if you

over-stimulate the immune system you're going to cause these problems. And the

problems lasts for a long time because they've used squalene and they've used

aluminum to prolong the non-specific immune response after the injection is

there which is why these women coming back from the Gulf War are giving birth to

children with no arms and no legs. It's the same effect thalidomide had on

children who were using it to treat morning sickness because these drugs and

these foreign substances in the body interfere with the white blood cells and it

blocks off oxygen delivery and it can interfere with organ development or it can

interfere with organs already in the body, anything from Tourette's syndrome to

cysts on the brain to renal failure to kidney failure to heart failure to brain

damage to the whole gamut because it's a systemic response throughout the body.

[Joyce] There you got it, ladies and gentlemen. Dr. Moulden, I

thank you so much for joining us. I want you to come back on this show. We're

going to go in depth on these vaccine issues because there's so much. Well, you

just glossed over squalene and adjuvants. We need to spend time on that. That's

not to say there's not a depleted uranium problem in the second Gulf War.

[Dr. Moulden] Correct.

[Joyce] .we know that, but we will be back with Dr. Moulden, again.

Thank you, thank you, thank you, sir; we want you to get elected. Help him

out-go to www.justgetusin.com so he can do the right thing, ladies and

gentlemen. We salute you, Dr. Moulden.

[Dr. Moulden] Thank you, very much-pleasure to be on your show.

P.S. A " BIG " Thank You to a very special Power Hour Team Member for transcribing

this program!!!

VIC (Vaccine Injury Coalition)

Autism is 1 in 67 children today and it's impossible to have a genetic epidemic!

Please learn from our mistake and educate BEFORE you vaccinate!

For more information visit www.vacinfo.org or call

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