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Re: Stuff...

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I have not been able to post much, I read all the post. I find one or two that I eally need to reply to. I am sorry if I do not get my 2 cents in all the time. I basicly post from the heart now as I need to express somehow, I feel so helpless with that if I can give someone the strength or a word of encouragement I will do that gladly,

had his defib shut off Wed, The fear that it would go off was really starting to bring on the phantoms like you would not believe. Wed was the first good night sleep in weeks. He is on pain management due to the blockages in his legs. He has a lot of edima in his legs. He has gone down to 180 pounds. His breathing is getting bad. I take his BP 3 to 4 times a day and check his urine 3 times a day as he has become prone to urinaey infections. I got his latest print out and find he has had "ATR" runs for up to 9 minutes. His pulse has been up to 178 but he has never charged or fired. Some days the episodes are 30 times. He sleeps about 17 hours a day. We have found a couple other problems that nothing can be done for, so we take it one day at a time.

Last week he had me go out and make his final arrangements. He told me what he wanted and they have been done.

At this time I want to say thank you to all the caregivers who have stuck by their mates. I have read on several BBS's where the mates could not handle things. You are a rare breed of people and you deserve the thanks once in a while.

Excuse me if I seem to be rambling, just very tired.

Duf, when I get my head back on straight and have had some good sleep I am working on something for you.


Stuff... Thanks Turk, Stacie, Wild Bill (and anyone I missed) for "speaking mymind" on that matter of political and religious postings not relatedto life with an ICD. You guys know me like an often illegible book! I sent Hank (kg6ee) a personal note, expressing the same thing younoted in your public postings. I also mentioned the other No-No issueof relaying NON BBC email addresses... subjecting the unwilling tounwanted e-trash! Ouch.FYI... I do not even have time to look in my SpamArrest inboxanymore... getting more than 2,000 naughtygrams a day now. If someonesends me something without answering the challenge email... I justnever get what they sent. HATE those email address harvestingspammers! May they all suffer from an S-T-D in the eyes and nose andother vital organs.I may have launched this service a dozen years ago... but YOU are theblood that pumps this heart. Without you, Guin and Gail, and a dozenother coreZapFolks... this would be nothing. Thanks to all of youdear guardian angels.With my health getting better all the time, I am actually doing moreand more of a professional (income generating) nature. So you guyskeeping this ship on course is SO appreciated. Thank you. Thank you.Thank you all a million times.Love always,DuffeyPlease visit the Zapper homepage athttp://www.ZapLife.org

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Gail, my prayers are with you & .

Although I don’t post often—I do

read the mails & know the 2 of you have been doing this a very long time.

Do you have hospice in there yet? —they

can offer quite a bit of assist & support from chaplain to home health aid,

nursing support

They can do the medical things—you can

again be more his spouse. Having been a hospice nurse years ago- I hated to hear—“why

didn’t anyone tell me this months ago? I could have really had more

quality time w/ hm/her”

Bless the 2 of you.


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Hospice around here is mainly for cancer patients. My daughter comes once or twice a week so I can get out and do things. We have the VNA in 2 x's a wk. One calls during the week or weekend to just "check in") She is great. The VNA has set up a "nurse pronounce". I have lots of help from the neighbors (sometimes to much). I did this work for years before he got sick, then took care of my dad. I would rather do this myself knowing that one day he will just go to sleep. He is doing so much better on the pain patch, he can walk! It has been so long since he has been able to walk just out to the picnic table. The Priest was in 2 weeks ago with instructions not to be afraid to call at any time if we need him.

Last night my daughter was here with all the kids and her hubby. Two of the kids (8 and 5) wanted me to go lay down and watch a movie with them. The 8 yr old asked some questions, which I answered truthfully and he just said "grandpa is so sick, maybe the angles can help him". Kids are so great. So inocent. But I must go, housework, which never ends.


RE: Stuff...

Gail, my prayers are with you & .

Although I don’t post often—I do read the mails & know the 2 of you have been doing this a very long time.

Do you have hospice in there yet? —they can offer quite a bit of assist & support from chaplain to home health aid, nursing support

They can do the medical things—you can again be more his spouse. Having been a hospice nurse years ago- I hated to hear—“why didn’t anyone tell me this months ago? I could have really had more quality time w/ hm/her”

Bless the 2 of you.


Please visit the Zapper homepage athttp://www.ZapLife.org

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Hospice around here is mainly for cancer patients. My daughter comes once or twice a week so I can get out and do things. We have the VNA in 2 x's a wk. One calls during the week or weekend to just "check in") She is great. The VNA has set up a "nurse pronounce". I have lots of help from the neighbors (sometimes to much). I did this work for years before he got sick, then took care of my dad. I would rather do this myself knowing that one day he will just go to sleep. He is doing so much better on the pain patch, he can walk! It has been so long since he has been able to walk just out to the picnic table. The Priest was in 2 weeks ago with instructions not to be afraid to call at any time if we need him.

Last night my daughter was here with all the kids and her hubby. Two of the kids (8 and 5) wanted me to go lay down and watch a movie with them. The 8 yr old asked some questions, which I answered truthfully and he just said "grandpa is so sick, maybe the angles can help him". Kids are so great. So inocent. But I must go, housework, which never ends.


RE: Stuff...

Gail, my prayers are with you & .

Although I don’t post often—I do read the mails & know the 2 of you have been doing this a very long time.

Do you have hospice in there yet? —they can offer quite a bit of assist & support from chaplain to home health aid, nursing support

They can do the medical things—you can again be more his spouse. Having been a hospice nurse years ago- I hated to hear—“why didn’t anyone tell me this months ago? I could have really had more quality time w/ hm/her”

Bless the 2 of you.


Please visit the Zapper homepage athttp://www.ZapLife.org

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We Love you too Duff. I feel I owe you my life. If it was not for this place and you and these wonderful folks who helped me tremendously I would not be here today. Here i am My doc is telling me that I am in better health then he has ever seen so Thank you thank you and thank you. TURKJon Duffey <duffey@...> wrote: Thanks Turk, Stacie, Wild Bill (and anyone I missed) for "speaking mymind" on that matter of political and religious postings not relatedto life with an ICD. You guys know me like an often illegible book! I sent Hank (kg6ee) a personal note, expressing the same thing younoted in your public postings. I also mentioned the other No-No issueof relaying NON BBC email addresses... subjecting the unwilling tounwanted e-trash! Ouch.FYI... I do not even have time to look in my

SpamArrest inboxanymore... getting more than 2,000 naughtygrams a day now. If someonesends me something without answering the challenge email... I justnever get what they sent. HATE those email address harvestingspammers! May they all suffer from an S-T-D in the eyes and nose andother vital organs.I may have launched this service a dozen years ago... but YOU are theblood that pumps this heart. Without you, Guin and Gail, and a dozenother coreZapFolks... this would be nothing. Thanks to all of youdear guardian angels.With my health getting better all the time, I am actually doing moreand more of a professional (income generating) nature. So you guyskeeping this ship on course is SO appreciated. Thank you. Thank you.Thank you all a million times.Love always,Duffey

Talk is cheap. Use Messenger to make PC-to-Phone calls. Great rates starting at 1¢/min.

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  • 1 year later...

DEREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERK. Just turn off the computer and turn back on

and before it reboots, go into safe mode.. I think it is F5.. and you

will be able to reset your computer to a date back before things got

screwed up.. I can't remember what it is called.. Daaa.. but you can

set the date of when or before it got coookooo.. Really! It's that easy..

Love you

--- In , " " <knightsintention@...>



> Ok, new attempt at writing from the big ole monster computer in the

> backroom. Now this this is like 900 years old...it runs on the " Merlin

> Operating System " . And I'm pretty sure it's got " Dragon Inside "

> processing. If it thinks too hard about something, this thing breathes

> fire....I've seen it.


> The latop, sniff, I've ran every scan and fix software ever designed,

> had it in front of two tech's online, and went and " hen pecked " through

> every file Windows decided to create...looking, for that one thing...the

> THING, that would change the state it was in. [sniff]....and everytime I

> came to a block, I'd have to shut down and start all over again.


> It's actually been telling me on each boot up that I had better back

> things up...over and over agin. It started even saying, " we mean

> it " ...and even went so far as to yell to me these last few times, " we

> said back up - failure is eminent " . I kid you not.


> Restoe points don't work, files are corrupted, won't repair...can't burn

> to disk to save at least some of my stuff...and my stuff insofar as the

> laptop goes, has reached over 64 gigs. " No way " ...yes way.


> I've even got a couple mindmapping projects for HH in there somewhere,

> and looks like that's where they will stay.


> Book chapters, articles, links to thousands of resources, website

> productions....you name it...it's there.


> I'm attempted a back up to xdrive online for some of it, but it doesn't

> look good at the moment.


> Go one step further, these newer computers, like the laptop and home

> computer, both don't come with disk to reformat and start over...they

> put that over on d: drive, for some strange reason. I did manage to copy

> the home computer to disk, the d: drive package for later use, 18 disk

> and 7 hours later...I at least have that set. But it does no good for

> the laptop, whole different concept there.


> Will it copy over from D: when I go to redo it? I can't be sure at this

> point...it's wait and see. I can't copy D: to disk...nothing works, and

> what does, takes a longgggggggggg time to do so.


> I can't say I didn't try.....everything...I even made up stuff to

> try...who is tech support to tell me it can't be done...lol.


> Which kind brings me to this...


> " Letting It All Go " . When something happens, that just throws a whole

> big bag of monkey chi~ in your plans...you have to let it go. Well, no,

> you don't have to I suppose. You can try...you can fight it...you can

> rnt and rave...throw something...scream. But, just perhaps, it's better,

> to just laugh your as~ off and " let it all go " . The truth, as I've begun

> to see it is, you can just about expect something BIG is fixing to

> happen....the universe stepped in and cleared your thinking, " your

> stuff " ...so, whatever it is, could come in.


> It may be hard to see when your right in the middle of " your

> stuff " ...all swirling around you like caught in the middle of a tornado,

> trying to grab at it to take back some kind of control. But, maybe, it's

> time, to just let it all go. And in that inflow of the space created,

> your prepared to receive something even better.


> Those people who are or who have experienced the great stroms know this

> all too well... " it was all just stuff anyway " . What mattered

> most....mattered then too...not the rest of it.


> I've hed the experiences of two house fires, where everything was lost.

> I've even walked away from a house full of stuff. It doesn't

> matter....it's all stuff...the material stuff, and the other stuff. What

> matters is sitting in your chair right now....that's it. That and where

> you go with it now.


> [sniff]....but I do miss that little laptop...[sniff]...I'll revive it,

> create new life...springing forth new ideas and possibilities....and

> maybe even, more stuff...




> Love D~

> [sniff]


> if there are mispellings...blame the dragon...


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yep, your right...it is easy.........unlessssssssssssss, your

me....lololol...no, had all sorts of malware/virus/hacker tools get in

from the network breakin....had it in online tech support running

various scans and fixes, and filing reports, to get it cleaned

up....the last program we used, and just before a report was

generated, created a badly corrupted registery, among other

things....and, somehow, the malware cleared all restore points prior

to when we started this clean up, and the few we saved, or the

scanning saved, are now corrupted as well...so won't back up.

Pretty much have little control of the system or files....been through

this before with other computers, so knew what to do to get to some

fixes....this new one though...whewwww.....I've done almost everything

but write the windows code myself, or rewrite it rather....loll..I did

find a little known thing I might be able to do in an obsure forum in

rgard to getting the start up disk off the d-drive and converting it

back to c....but requires actually taking it half apart and performing

surgery.....hehehehe.... " I ain't beat yet " , said the madman...

:) By the time I'm done I'm gonna be tech certified without the glory

or pay....ahahahahahahaha...


> >

> > Ok, new attempt at writing from the big ole monster computer in the

> > backroom. Now this this is like 900 years old...it runs on the " Merlin

> > Operating System " . And I'm pretty sure it's got " Dragon Inside "

> > processing. If it thinks too hard about something, this thing breathes

> > fire....I've seen it.

> >

> > The latop, sniff, I've ran every scan and fix software ever designed,

> > had it in front of two tech's online, and went and " hen pecked "


> > every file Windows decided to create...looking, for that one


> > THING, that would change the state it was in. [sniff]....and

everytime I

> > came to a block, I'd have to shut down and start all over again.

> >

> > It's actually been telling me on each boot up that I had better back

> > things up...over and over agin. It started even saying, " we mean

> > it " ...and even went so far as to yell to me these last few times, " we

> > said back up - failure is eminent " . I kid you not.

> >

> > Restoe points don't work, files are corrupted, won't

repair...can't burn

> > to disk to save at least some of my stuff...and my stuff insofar

as the

> > laptop goes, has reached over 64 gigs. " No way " ...yes way.

> >

> > I've even got a couple mindmapping projects for HH in there somewhere,

> > and looks like that's where they will stay.

> >

> > Book chapters, articles, links to thousands of resources, website

> > productions....you name it...it's there.

> >

> > I'm attempted a back up to xdrive online for some of it, but it


> > look good at the moment.

> >

> > Go one step further, these newer computers, like the laptop and home

> > computer, both don't come with disk to reformat and start over...they

> > put that over on d: drive, for some strange reason. I did manage

to copy

> > the home computer to disk, the d: drive package for later use, 18 disk

> > and 7 hours later...I at least have that set. But it does no good for

> > the laptop, whole different concept there.

> >

> > Will it copy over from D: when I go to redo it? I can't be sure at


> > point...it's wait and see. I can't copy D: to disk...nothing

works, and

> > what does, takes a longgggggggggg time to do so.

> >

> > I can't say I didn't try.....everything...I even made up stuff to

> > try...who is tech support to tell me it can't be done...lol.

> >

> > Which kind brings me to this...

> >

> > " Letting It All Go " . When something happens, that just throws a whole

> > big bag of monkey chi~ in your plans...you have to let it go.

Well, no,

> > you don't have to I suppose. You can try...you can fight it...you can

> > rnt and rave...throw something...scream. But, just perhaps, it's


> > to just laugh your as~ off and " let it all go " . The truth, as I've


> > to see it is, you can just about expect something BIG is fixing to

> > happen....the universe stepped in and cleared your thinking, " your

> > stuff " ...so, whatever it is, could come in.

> >

> > It may be hard to see when your right in the middle of " your

> > stuff " ...all swirling around you like caught in the middle of a


> > trying to grab at it to take back some kind of control. But,

maybe, it's

> > time, to just let it all go. And in that inflow of the space created,

> > your prepared to receive something even better.

> >

> > Those people who are or who have experienced the great stroms know


> > all too well... " it was all just stuff anyway " . What mattered

> > most....mattered then too...not the rest of it.

> >

> > I've hed the experiences of two house fires, where everything was


> > I've even walked away from a house full of stuff. It doesn't

> > matter....it's all stuff...the material stuff, and the other

stuff. What

> > matters is sitting in your chair right now....that's it. That and


> > you go with it now.

> >

> > [sniff]....but I do miss that little laptop...[sniff]...I'll

revive it,

> > create new life...springing forth new ideas and possibilities....and

> > maybe even, more stuff...

> >

> >

> >

> > Love D~

> > [sniff]

> >

> > if there are mispellings...blame the dragon...

> >


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Dear ,

I apologize on being a bit slow in getting back to your post,

and I cannot blame it on a dragon, been having many things bombard me

at once lately. I read this and I must say, you are just

hilarious! I am in no way saying the issues with your pc and your

laptop are funny, oh, goodness NO! It is just the funny way you

describe an issue, the dragon, the fire coming from the pc, and the

all your whitty comments! You truly made my day, just by being YOU

and sharing such insight. It is so true, material things, BLAH, it

is where we are as you said so eloquently! Thank you for this, you

are wonderful! Namaste, LUNA


> Ok, new attempt at writing from the big ole monster computer in the

> backroom. Now this this is like 900 years old...it runs on

the " Merlin

> Operating System " . And I'm pretty sure it's got " Dragon Inside "

> processing. If it thinks too hard about something, this thing


> fire....I've seen it.


> The latop, sniff, I've ran every scan and fix software ever


> had it in front of two tech's online, and went and " hen pecked "


> every file Windows decided to create...looking, for that one


> THING, that would change the state it was in. [sniff]....and

everytime I

> came to a block, I'd have to shut down and start all over again.


> It's actually been telling me on each boot up that I had better back

> things up...over and over agin. It started even saying, " we mean

> it " ...and even went so far as to yell to me these last few

times, " we

> said back up - failure is eminent " . I kid you not.


> Restoe points don't work, files are corrupted, won't repair...can't


> to disk to save at least some of my stuff...and my stuff insofar as


> laptop goes, has reached over 64 gigs. " No way " ...yes way.


> I've even got a couple mindmapping projects for HH in there


> and looks like that's where they will stay.


> Book chapters, articles, links to thousands of resources, website

> productions....you name it...it's there.


> I'm attempted a back up to xdrive online for some of it, but it


> look good at the moment.


> Go one step further, these newer computers, like the laptop and home

> computer, both don't come with disk to reformat and start


> put that over on d: drive, for some strange reason. I did manage to


> the home computer to disk, the d: drive package for later use, 18


> and 7 hours later...I at least have that set. But it does no good


> the laptop, whole different concept there.


> Will it copy over from D: when I go to redo it? I can't be sure at


> point...it's wait and see. I can't copy D: to disk...nothing works,


> what does, takes a longgggggggggg time to do so.


> I can't say I didn't try.....everything...I even made up stuff to

> try...who is tech support to tell me it can't be done...lol.


> Which kind brings me to this...


> " Letting It All Go " . When something happens, that just throws a


> big bag of monkey chi~ in your plans...you have to let it go. Well,


> you don't have to I suppose. You can try...you can fight it...you


> rnt and rave...throw something...scream. But, just perhaps, it's


> to just laugh your as~ off and " let it all go " . The truth, as I've


> to see it is, you can just about expect something BIG is fixing to

> happen....the universe stepped in and cleared your thinking, " your

> stuff " ...so, whatever it is, could come in.


> It may be hard to see when your right in the middle of " your

> stuff " ...all swirling around you like caught in the middle of a


> trying to grab at it to take back some kind of control. But, maybe,


> time, to just let it all go. And in that inflow of the space


> your prepared to receive something even better.


> Those people who are or who have experienced the great stroms know


> all too well... " it was all just stuff anyway " . What mattered

> most....mattered then too...not the rest of it.


> I've hed the experiences of two house fires, where everything was


> I've even walked away from a house full of stuff. It doesn't

> matter....it's all stuff...the material stuff, and the other stuff.


> matters is sitting in your chair right now....that's it. That and


> you go with it now.


> [sniff]....but I do miss that little laptop...[sniff]...I'll revive


> create new life...springing forth new ideas and possibilities....and

> maybe even, more stuff...




> Love D~

> [sniff]


> if there are mispellings...blame the dragon...


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