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intro from germany

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I'm a raw foodist from germany, have been vegan for 5 years now I

think.1 week ago I started with raw diary. I have been scared all the

time because I thougth dairy is always so harmfull. But nothing happens,

in fact I feel very good. I do my own yoghurt, also I am going to make

cheese and kefir and butter and cream. Does anybody has a simpel recipe

for making cream and butter?

Is there a limit about how much dairy you should eat per day? I like

yoghurt and cheese so much I could eat it the whole day.

Are there special rules about food combiniing concerning dairy. I like

to eat it with a banana and flaxseed and sprouted sesam seeds.

And are raw dairy alkaline or acid forming?

I am looking forward to learn to know you


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