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What is intuition? Why do we have it? What does it do?

How can we use it to help ourselves? How do we tap into it?

How do we even know if we really have it? We hear the word

intuition bandied about quite a lot these days, particularly in the New Age or

Metaphysical circles. But have you really given much thought to this

amazing part of

your being? Everyone possess the gift of intuition, just

not everyone relies as heavily upon it, or trusts it as implicitly as others;

some totally balk at the idea of trusting this blessed trait. So, the

purpose of this offering is to discuss the role of intuition as it pertains to

healing, living well and more fully.

Let's begin with what intuition is. Intuition, according

to the Merriam-Webster's dictionary, is: "quick and ready insight; immediate

apprehension or cognition; knowledge or conviction gained from within; the

power or faculty of attaining direct knowledge or cognition without evident

rational thought and inference". That's a mouthful! What does all

that really mean? In my estimation those defining characteristics listed

above speak directly to all human beings who hold within themselves a certain

sense of "knowing" or perceiving (sentience) without understanding how we came

about said knowledge - that knowledge is present, in my opinion, to help direct

or guide us when we are faced with a situation or circumstance we're not sure

how to react in; a place where logic and rationale don't hold seat as dictator.

To me, there is an implication of a level of wisdom being

present as well, especially pointed out by the appearance of the word "insight"

found within the text book definition. So, in short, I see intuition as

being that voice from within that comes from an unknown source which is a simple

sentience and/or cognition of things, places or people overlaid with a sense of

wisdom which we can tap into and consequently improve our lives. That

voice can guide us and, sometimes, listening to that voice can actually save

our lives.

All humans possess the ability or gift of intuition.

Yep, you "heard" that correctly. Every single human being has the

gift of being intuitive - it is only the degrees by which we develop, listen

to, or use this sense that creates the variance between individuals. (It

is very important to clarify that men, as well as women, possess this

remarkable trait; often

only women are credited with it, which is completely

false.) Some have referred to intuition as the "6th Sense", which may be

because the gift of intuiting is often associated with the 6th chakra - also

called the "third eye" or "brow chakra" since it is located between the eyes

and slightly above the bridge of the nose on the forehead. (For those

unfamiliar with the term "chakra", the definition is translated from ancient

Sanskrit as "spinning wheel or vortex of

energy".) The 6th chakra is present in every human

being, therefore it stands to reason that every person has the

capability to be intuitive, doesn't it? (Yes, I am aware that I am now

using logic to make a case in favor of intuition, and the irony isn't lost upon

me. *grin*)

Earlier I asserted that listening to intuition can actually

save our lives. You may be dubious about that statement, yet I ask you to

please consider the vast number of reports from people all around the globe who

come from varied backgrounds and belief systems who have said things like, "I

don't really know why I didn't get on board the plane that

crashed; something just felt wrong to me so I didn't get on at

the last minute." There are similar reports of people who had unexplained

illogical moments that determined their course of action causing them to avert

a fatal accident by taking an alternate route they had never taken before on

their way to whatever destination they may have been headed.

Another example, framed within a less dire context, is to

examine the question of whether you have ever just inexplicably "known" you

needed to wait 5 more minutes before leaving the house, only to discover the

phone is ringing with some kind of important news you would surely have missed

otherwise or not received in a timely manner. Have you ever known who was

calling before you answered the phone - and not because it fit a particular


Maybe that call was from a friend you hadn't spoken to in

years, but only moments before you'd been thinking of them for some unknown

reason and then the phone rang?

I have yet to meet a person who hasn't had some kind of

remarkable episode where intuition played a part in their lives. I have,

however, met people who have chosen to label it in another way they are more

comfortable with; something less precise or mystical sounding. It truly

doesn't matter what you call it, that unreasonable, irrational sense of simply

"knowing" (a.k.a. intuition) is present in us all.

Some people I know have said, "I had this gut feeling that…"

Gut feelings are real and are now functionally correlated to intuition.

In fact, these "feelings" have been scientifically proven and qualified

by the medical community. The stomach, intestines – the entire

gastric/enteric system – has been referred to as "the second brain". Some


physicians have even begun to prescribe anti-depressants to

their patients with colon or gastric problems. There is evidence which

clearly reveals that there are chemicals released by the gastro-intestinal

region of the human body that mirror those produced within the brain itself.

For those who are more scientifically inclined and wish to investigate

this topic further, here is a website that only begins to touch upon the

"second brain" - http://www.hosppract.

com/issues/1999/07/gershon.htm .

You may be asking yourself now, "How do I tap into this aspect

of myself?" I suggest that you are already tapped in, but what you may

need to do is to sit with that sense, that sensation, and let it "speak" to

you. Intuition can be used to better our lives by helping us to find that

which is more in alignment with our "true selves", but it cannot do so without

being listened to, worked with or heeded. If given its

due, you may be surprised at what is revealed to you about yourself - what and

who you really like, what you want out of life or a relationship, and even

more. Each journey is different, but if you don't take the road, whether

more or less traveled, all you'll get is a great postcard from someone

else who is on their journey! *grin*

One way to work with intuition is to meditate – even if that

is only for five minutes a day while in the shower preparing for your work day.

Ask the questions that are really vital in your estimation to your life

that you don't already "know" the answer to. Listen inwardly, quietly and

stay in the moment. For more ways to work with your intuition there are a

great many resources available. Some are wonderful, others not so much.

I have studied some of Lynn 's work and she is a force that is

both reputable and experienced. Here is her website should you choose to

explore it: http://www.lynnrobinson.com.

I am dedicating the last segment of this article to the importance of listening

to your intuition as it relates to your body, your health and overall welfare.

I cite for you an example of what can potentially happen when you lose

touch with that innate lovely softer side that generally speaks to you in a

whisper. The example is profoundly personal, yet I feel it is important

to share what is known and experienced and, since this e-zine is part and

parcel of my personal journey, I gladly and candidly share with you all now

what I have discovered. In my life I have been called a "workaholic".

I have traveled a varied path of employment and always worked extremely

hard – to the point of losing touch with the rest of my life. I always

understood that any job worth doing is worth doing well and to the best of

one's ability, but not to the detriment of self. (I forgot that

last part. *ahem*) Also, I had a vision, a road map if you will, of

what my life was "supposed" to be. I threw myself completely into my work

and, in particular, one highly dysfunctional and, yes, abusive relationship.

(Please note that I do not blame the man with whom I was formerly

involved – I am well aware of the necessity of taking my own responsibilities

there.) At any rate, in living "the map" I had designed I had

gotten completely out of touch with myself. I

began living outside-in (many thanks to the insightful and beautiful Lee Wilcox

Spears for imparting that phrase to me). Had I listened to my inner

voice, my intuition - that whisper that became the shout heard around the world

– had I only halted for a moment to be in stillness I would likely have dodged

the bullet that nearly felled me permanently. The point is not to look

upon me with sadness or kinship. The

point – the exclamation mark – is that I didn't LISTEN to my

inner voice which spoke with perfect clarity -even if it didn't fit with my

"map". As a result I have had a long and arduous journey back

to health and "normalcy", such as it ever is - one I am still traversing day by

precious day. I learned many wonderful lessons and much about myself in

that mini-sidebar trip, but I would not recommend it for anyone! *soft


What I am advocating here is for you all to "listen" to

yourselves. Hear your inner voice and heed it if the feeling is acute and

clear or nagging. You needn't live your entire life by it, because then

you are not always balanced, but understand that this "voice" exists for a

reason – as all things do in my estimation.

Do not go gently, but do go quietly, into this good night and

day so that you may hear the inner wisdom that is your intuition.

Peace to all.

~Alison Kain from my former Alternative

Insights e-Zine 2004~

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