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OT Battle of Ideas between government and market forces to control, economies and chronicles their conflict in the 20th Century.

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On Monday November 24th through Wednesday the 26th, from 9PM to 11 PM,

each night a very timely showing of " Commanding Heights " -- " The

Battle of Ideas " (2003) Part 1 of 6 defines the " Battle of Ideas "

between government and market forces to control, economies and

chronicles their conflict in the 20th Century. Each evenings two hour

period shows two episodes.

This is being presented by the Knowledge Network [Channel 5 here

in much of the lower mainland of British Columbia cable servers]

located here in Burnaby B.C. which is the home of many locally produced

and informative programs.

For British Columbians I would also mention; Our current Premier

along with the Premier of Alberta are the sole supporters of TIMLA at

present as far as I know, The Ex-Premier of Alberta

Lougheed, having been a Bilderberger, explains the much of the

philosophical bent of both provincial governments. [Views shared by

both parties in the USA today]

Quebec may yet prove to be the salvation of Canada as their refusal to

join the herd in TIMLA could potentially derail these efforts at some

future point the Conservative [ A blasphemous term more fittingly

equated with Quisling traitors] share the goals of the Financial

Oligarchy of a " One World, New World Order " -- fascist regime to

annihilate the greater percentage of the world population,

exterminating the " Useless Eaters " -- The once in a century events

ascribed by some are actually 76 year cycles of intentional collapse,

designed to enslave the majority of the world's population to a life as

less worthy than cattle.

Under TILMA, the governments of Alberta and British Columbia will be:streamlining business registration and reporting requirementseliminating residency requirements

removing duplicate requirements for vehicle registration and permits for transporting goodsmaking it easier for workers to have their qualifications recognizedlowering the thresholds for non-discrimination in government procurement

enacting strict, enforceable subsidy rulesTREATIES ARE

LAWS BY STEALTH: Rules and regulations no sane individual would espouse

to accept, except in ignorance, of both reality and history brought

about to pursue a race to the bottom of the heap.

If you like myself have ever had cause to ponder; That is a ridiculous

policy more likely to cause more harm than good? - You are not alone! -

The only fact escaping your comprehension is - Who profits? - unless

the answer is everyone, rest assured it is most assuredly for the

benefit of a very few, I now tend to think more in terms of native born

individuals than of Citizens, I hope you will be inquisitive enough to

watch the series of programs mentioned, and to look deeper into TIMLA,

also to see why you might choose like me to prefer the term native born

individual to citizen when describing yourself.

If you the choose to disagree at least you will have made an honest

effort to understand how your grandchildren came to be surfs in a new

dark age.

Sincerely, Rick-- Wise men ask questions, fools remain forever condemned, afraid of knowledge.The eyes see only what the mind is prepared to comprehend.

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