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Sr Re: Hard time dealing with daughters aggression

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How on earth did you find a behaviorist who would consider the " why

bother " of the behavior without just barrelling in and trying to

extinguish it? I don't know how many times I tried to explain why I

thought my child was exhibiting a behavior, only to be told, " we don't

care WHY " . I can give quite a few examples of times when someone posted

on a local internet chat group about a behavior the behaviorists were

trying to extinguish -- swishing spit and spitting is one that is common

that comes to mind--and the behaviorists never considered a medical

reason, like a sore throat, and went about the business of putting it

" on extinction " without even wanting to know the " why bother " .

That frustrates me so!


I stayed there for a

> few hours playing with my girls and by the time I was going to leave

> the behaviorist showed me a simple technique I had never thought of.

> To get my sons attention he would gently push onto his chin..and Mikey

> would grab his arm and push it in more or push it away - then they got

> down to business.

> E. , Sr.

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