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By Joyce Sequichie Hifler

There seems to be two important things to do in times of difficulty.

One is to pray and the other is to keep our sense of humor. The first

is essential to make the basic correction and the other is necessary

to balance the human spirit while things work out.

Without a sense of humor, we tend to become too serious about the

personal self. It becomes all too important, too self-righteous, and

far too self-centered.

At the first signs of trouble, we may want to find someone wiser in

whom to confide and ask questions. And their advice may be most

helpful, but it is still our own responsibility to get off our backs

and do it with dignity and self-respect that will not lower our

standards not cause us embarrassment. And humor can help us do it.

There is humor in every situation if we can detach ourselves from the

seriousness of it long enough to look for it. Abraham Lincoln knew

the importance of his sense of humor and said, " With the fearful

strain that is on me night and day, if I did not laugh I should die. "

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  • 2 years later...

THINK ON THESE THINGS By Joyce Sequichie Hifler What would the old Indians have thought about the time we are living in? Some would only grunt but their thoughts would have been profound. They had ways of "hearing through the bushes", meaning they could hear the signs of the times -- yes, they had ways we do not understand with all our electronic equipment. When we stopped believing in the supernatural we gave up our sensitive understanding, our ability to hear through the bushes. When we were very young we had no TV, no radio, no cell phones or taped music. Our perception was very sharp, and though our mother tried to put a lid on mine, I would say it all anyway. Children without cartoons are more "knowing" than those whose minds are being entertained but not particularly taught. Never feel bad because of what was not available. Be glad that you can think and be richly blessed, and don't be surprised when you can "hear through the bushes."

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  • 4 weeks later...

Yes, I'm a firm believer in affirmations, as I said. How do you think I've grown to just think I'm gorgeous...affirmations my love, okay, the jokes on me, ha ha ha

But really, I do believe...I had a book with affirmations in it that all one did was change the wording to fit whatever it was. Truly worked for me, but I loaned it to a friend and never got it back. It was a great book and I don't even remember the name of it any more.

I'm still trying to get you Carlene, but it won't work when I click on the tlick to email you personally. When I click it all it does is keep thinking but nothing happens. I'll keep trying. Hugs

From: Carlene <carlene.grimshaw@...>Subject: Re: THINK ON THESE THINGS Date: Saturday, January 30, 2010, 12:46 AM

You have much to deal with and it can't be easy at times. You musthave a strong constitution. Like you, I'm also a big believer inaffirmations. Said frequently with emotion and deep belief it ispossible to heal negative conditions. Affirmations work when we put thework into them. An affirmation is mind-power in action. Thanks forthese positive words of encouragement.hugs Carlene> > >> > >> > > From: Carlene carlene.grimshaw@ ...> > > Subject: Re: THINK ON THESE THINGS> > > >

> > Date: Friday, January 29, 2010, 7:40 PM> > >> > >> > > Â> > >> > >> > >> > >> > > Hi - Have you thought of seeing a sleep specialist. They may> be> > > able to help you sort out the underlying problem of why you arenot> > able> > > to sleep naturally... or even with the sleep medications. My own> > sleeping> > > patterns have improved a great deal in recent times. I have had to> > truly> > > experiment with natural ways to get balanced sleep. As you knowthe> > > other night I had zero sleep due to various things. Thenthankfully> > 9hrs> > > straight sleep the next night. Last night I got 5hrs but that was> due> > to> > > sinus blockage problems.> >

>> > > I still have to invest in a Neti pot I think Cyn called it to help> > clear> > > the nasal passages. So normally I average around 7hrs sleep anight.> > > That's a great improvement on the 3 - 4hrs sleep (then the 4 -5hrs> > > sleep) I used to average. More hours of sleep does make you feel> > better> > > or increase energey. It takes time but there are ways to encouragea> > > better sleeping pattern. So there is hope!> > >> > > BTW I haven't received the email you are talking about. Take care.> > >> > > hugs Carlene> >>

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Hadn't thought about that, good idea, Thanks

From: Carlene <carlene.grimshaw@...>Subject: Re: THINK ON THESE THINGS Date: Saturday, January 30, 2010, 1:06 AM

Hey, , that's a beautiful kind of affirmation that makes you thinkthat you're gorgeous. I might have to try that one. lolI hate it when you can't remember the title of a book. There's a book Iwould like to get again but the title's slipped my memory. What if yougo to Amazon under books and key in affirmations. Maybe if you scrolledthrough the various titles you might recall the book. Maybe itwould work- maybe not.Hope you work out the email problem. Can be frustrating when thathappens. hugs Carlene >> Yes, I'm a firm believer in affirmations, as I said. How do youthink I've grown to just think I'm gorgeous...affirmat ions my

love,okay, the jokes on me, ha ha ha> Â> But really, I do believe...I had a book with affirmations in it thatall one did was change the wording to fit whatever it was. Trulyworked for me, but I loaned it to a friend and never got it back. It was a great book and I don't even remember the name of it any more.> Â> I'm still trying to get you Carlene, but it won't work when I click onthe tlick to email you personally. When I click it all it does iskeep thinking but nothing happens. I'll keep trying. Hugs

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You're so welcome! Hugs

From: Carlene <carlene.grimshaw@...>Subject: Re: THINK ON THESE THINGS Date: Saturday, January 30, 2010, 12:46 AM

You have much to deal with and it can't be easy at times. You musthave a strong constitution. Like you, I'm also a big believer inaffirmations. Said frequently with emotion and deep belief it ispossible to heal negative conditions. Affirmations work when we put thework into them. An affirmation is mind-power in action. Thanks forthese positive words of encouragement.hugs Carlene> > >> > >> > > From: Carlene carlene.grimshaw@ ...> > > Subject: Re: THINK ON THESE THINGS> > > >

> > Date: Friday, January 29, 2010, 7:40 PM> > >> > >> > > Â> > >> > >> > >> > >> > > Hi - Have you thought of seeing a sleep specialist. They may> be> > > able to help you sort out the underlying problem of why you arenot> > able> > > to sleep naturally... or even with the sleep medications. My own> > sleeping> > > patterns have improved a great deal in recent times. I have had to> > truly> > > experiment with natural ways to get balanced sleep. As you knowthe> > > other night I had zero sleep due to various things. Thenthankfully> > 9hrs> > > straight sleep the next night. Last night I got 5hrs but that was> due> > to> > > sinus blockage problems.> >

>> > > I still have to invest in a Neti pot I think Cyn called it to help> > clear> > > the nasal passages. So normally I average around 7hrs sleep anight.> > > That's a great improvement on the 3 - 4hrs sleep (then the 4 -5hrs> > > sleep) I used to average. More hours of sleep does make you feel> > better> > > or increase energey. It takes time but there are ways to encouragea> > > better sleeping pattern. So there is hope!> > >> > > BTW I haven't received the email you are talking about. Take care.> > >> > > hugs Carlene> >>

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