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Re: Disappointed

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Hang in there. I completely understand. I've been there. The time will fly by with the holidays though and before you know it, you will be getting your answers.

To: infantile_scoliosis Sent: Wednesday, December 10, 2008 2:12:36 PMSubject: Disappointed

I just got a call from ish Rite in Dallas and they are pushingback our initial consultation visit to the 31st from the 17th. So nowinstead of only having to wait ONE more week to get some answers, wehave to wait THREE. I was really hoping that after talking to theorthopedist and getting an idea of what we were looking at, I would beable to stop worrying for a while and just enjoy Christmas. I knowthis isn't the worst news in the world, and I'm sure I'm overreacting,but I just keep tearing up when I think of how much longer we have towait. I know, it's not THAT long. But I am so impatient to hear whatthey have to say and to get the ball rolling on SOMETHING. I hatejust waiting. I can deal with whatever comes our way, but just giveme something to deal WITH, already!Anyway, this was more of a vent than anything. Thanks for


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Hang in there. I completely understand. I've been there. The time will fly by with the holidays though and before you know it, you will be getting your answers.

To: infantile_scoliosis Sent: Wednesday, December 10, 2008 2:12:36 PMSubject: Disappointed

I just got a call from ish Rite in Dallas and they are pushingback our initial consultation visit to the 31st from the 17th. So nowinstead of only having to wait ONE more week to get some answers, wehave to wait THREE. I was really hoping that after talking to theorthopedist and getting an idea of what we were looking at, I would beable to stop worrying for a while and just enjoy Christmas. I knowthis isn't the worst news in the world, and I'm sure I'm overreacting,but I just keep tearing up when I think of how much longer we have towait. I know, it's not THAT long. But I am so impatient to hear whatthey have to say and to get the ball rolling on SOMETHING. I hatejust waiting. I can deal with whatever comes our way, but just giveme something to deal WITH, already!Anyway, this was more of a vent than anything. Thanks for


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Hugs ......I am so sorry you guys will have to wait, but like said, with the holidays you will be distracted. I know your disappointment, but try not to let it get you down.Enjoy your Christmas holidays and do some fun stuff! Smiles and hugs coming your way.TashaMommy of twin boys- and 3 1/2 years oldFort Worth, Texas is currently in a brace at night.Casting 14 months.Subject: DisappointedTo: infantile_scoliosis Date: Wednesday, December

10, 2008, 1:12 PM

I just got a call from ish Rite in Dallas and they are pushing

back our initial consultation visit to the 31st from the 17th. So now

instead of only having to wait ONE more week to get some answers, we

have to wait THREE. I was really hoping that after talking to the

orthopedist and getting an idea of what we were looking at, I would be

able to stop worrying for a while and just enjoy Christmas. I know

this isn't the worst news in the world, and I'm sure I'm overreacting,

but I just keep tearing up when I think of how much longer we have to

wait. I know, it's not THAT long. But I am so impatient to hear what

they have to say and to get the ball rolling on SOMETHING. I hate

just waiting. I can deal with whatever comes our way, but just give

me something to deal WITH, already!

Anyway, this was more of a vent than anything. Thanks for reading!

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