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Yet another year has passed

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Although my days with the princess are usually measured one at a time, I take

this moment to celebrate the ending of yet another semester.  It began very

poorly, and ended better, and I guess that is all we can hope for.


It occurs to me that we have many avenues to travel down as we try to help our

children.  There are main stream and the temporarily experimental.  There are

behavior based and faith based.  There are common sense and just flying by the

seat of your pants.  We struggle just as hard as they to do what is " right "

because this is all new to both of us.


In the final analysis, perhaps the only thing that we can do for all children;

autistic or not: is to show them that they are loved for what they are.  What a

sad world it would be if any child grew up not knowing this.


Merry Christmas to you all my friends

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Thank u , beautifully stated.

Happy Holidays to all on this list who are so helpful in all their






> Although my days with the princess are usually measured one at a

time, I take this moment to celebrate the ending of yet another

semester.  It began very poorly, and ended better, and I guess that

is all we can hope for.


> It occurs to me that we have many avenues to travel down as we try

to help our children.  There are main stream and the temporarily

experimental.  There are behavior based and faith based.  There are

common sense and just flying by the seat of your pants.  We struggle

just as hard as they to do what is " right " because this is all new to

both of us.


> In the final analysis, perhaps the only thing that we can do for

all children; autistic or not: is to show them that they are loved

for what they are.  What a sad world it would be if any child grew up

not knowing this.


> Merry Christmas to you all my friends






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