Guest guest Posted August 17, 2007 Report Share Posted August 17, 2007 , I just Love you and your Wisdom, your special ways of viewing things that open so many doors for me and countless others no doubt. *warm familial hug to my Brother* Thank you for sharing this and all your offerings! My Love to T, too! Infinitely and Eternally in Love for you and yours...and ALL our Family here, ~Ali~ <knightsintention@...> wrote: I've reprinted a letter or two before with responses to email I receive, and do so, I think because, it turns into more than a simple reply. There's some deeper "thing" that needs to be shared...maybe someone else needing the same answers, to the same questions. I've stripped the personal info of course...and hope, that I am not speaking from ego by doing so...I've worn alot of masks in my life, mostly as survival tools...I contend with ego.....the devil on the shoulder, that constantly nags at my insistence to go deeper... It's when questions are asked of us that, it comes time to reflect on what it is we think we have learned so far...maybe it is a testing from the universe, a refinement.... I've lost my train of thought again.....train....of thought.......ahahahahahahahahha. Straigtening up now. ========= .:*******:.'s Comment: "Well I see "One" "Unity" and "Divinty" a lot to describe the Indigo children, I am one by the way. I am very confused, don't you think that we pro-peacers are the ones sucking in the new world order "one" world government, "one" world religion, "one" world bank. I think it's satanism, the illuminati believes in this bullshit. I refuse to accept this, believing you are your own God is satanism. I will not let the world get down to 500,000 people. If I am wrong with what I am trying to explain, message me back and "enlighten" me please. thanks." ==================== Good morning ********, Thank you for the reply...I had to sit with it for a few minutes and absorb. First, you are not ever wrong in explaining anything. We, such as Indigo's, or anyone for that matter, see and feel on so many levels, that when we go to explain it, to others, much less to our own selves, the explaining can tend to frustrate us....we, usually see the problem and the solutions so clearly within. Don't we?! I think, and this is me, my perception; have ran across, uncovered, dug deeper, cross referenced, put thoughts and ideas on our "back burners", pulled them off again, and mixed and matched so many things...we can SEE the over all picture of things on a lot of levels; a lot of things anyway. As an example, we might see a problem, especially when it effects us personally, and we are ready to attack and subdue it. This, I think, is ego acting. When a [more] "inner" place of reacting dictates that...the "thing" which has caused our attention and reaction, is really not the "THING" at all. There is a root to it, a deeper, broader thing taking place. Let's just use war as a reference for extending this... Regardless of the reasons we direct our attention towards it, and in doing "something", to bring about sanity; solution..we react...with judgements, fears, anger, frustration, and everything else that it "attracts" to it. We MUST DO SOMETHING. Our inner state of being calls us to do... There are those who call attention to the things it involves..they march, write, form groups, whatever comes to mind...some even take the thought so deep that they create in the mind all the things they would do to those responible for "the mess". Attack against attack. War against Warring. It can be never ending. It's the snake chasing it's tail. We see the problems, we see, at least some of the solutions, and we find it hard to understand why anyone else is not seeing it too. We get frustrated in our ability (indigos) to express in some way what is taking place, so others can understand it too...and us all reach the solution. The world is crumbling and something "within" us is attention. I, like maybe you, see all the root causes, or, a lot of them...WHO is doing WHAT, and when they started doing it, and, any reasons to why, and how. We see the problem, and keep drilling down to find the SEED, the we know, little is accomplished by whacking at the leaves, when the branches are still intact, and deeper still, while the tree is still the foundation for it, and deeper still, to the "root CAUSE". I have seemed to see that there is a MIRROR to all have light, the mirror is dark... We hear of the n w o and all of it's involvements, plans, actions...and we have a grand distaste for such insanity...even the names and words can sicken because of all that's attached to it, yet... What is the "coming together" as ONE [?], whether or not some believe in a heaven or simply a oneness in soul and spirit, in LOVE. This is but, in the grandest sense, a new way, yet it is the oldest way. Those in their assumed status and roles, the leaders, if that's what they could even be called, is a mirror of that perception. There is a call to the NEW WAY ORDER, but it's been mirrored. The New Way (the oldest way) is unbounded and unlimited...the mirror of this is, well, you already see that.....control. You can have LIGHT and no dark exist....but you can NEVER have "dark", without light in it. It may be dark on the exterior, but somewhere within, light exist. I personally have decided there are no demons, devils, and related "spirits"...that's just me and what I've come to know, so far. But there is Dark Thought. Everything boils down to a thought; everything is thought...all things are created out of it. So yes, there can be many kinds of thought, both lighter and darker. And since all thoughts attract "like thoughts", it seems to take on a power that overwhelms...and that goes both ways... thoughts create after themselves...with the power to recreate, and bring to themselves what is needed. WE have "free will", regardless of anything that wishes we do not. Many, empaths especially, but everyone, has "thoughts come into" themselves. Everyone has said, "hey, that's not me; that's not a thought I would have; where did that come from". Or, you've had an idea for something, didn't pursue it fully, and 6 months later, your idea is in full bloom, bore out by someone else. Now whether it was more of an orginal thought, or one that dropped in, you passed it on. When a thought drops in, we entertain it, begin attracting related thought, more power to it...or we "let it go". Now, I say that to say this...again, ALL Thoughts are, and become Things. If we become the observer of these things that come to us, they have come for only one be be refined, to be blessed, to be changed into it's True Self....all thought is information, and all information is Light. The more Light that is brought, by us, the more it becomes clear, the deeper form, the seed, the root, is LOVE. If you gather up all the information about a reach a point where, by having this, reflecting on it, a truth will emerge...that the solution, is Love....all information points to it like large signs. In my own process, I am a rebel through and through...don't tell me it can't be done, that I can't do it, or that I'm forbidden....I've reflected and thought own my own, and, at least personally, see a better way. It may not be the only way, and there may be even better ways. But a key here is, any thought we have, or entertains, becomes empowered in what is called the "collective". Like the 100th monkey syndrone...what one learns or thinking and does is picked up by the rest of the group, or collective....thoughts begin to change... I, for one, would not be in a march and carry a sign...I would of been one of those appearing in white Star Wars futurist armour and lazers when protesters were being put down...we'd rise to aid them and counter....the darker elements interferring....or so my fantasies We all do that at some level, become the "hero", or "protector", something. And even that begins to frustrate us, because I'd be one more dead idiot laying in the street. I mean, what I saw was, why go after the counsel, if the state was the real root of the problem, but no, looking deeper, it was the country, no, it was the rulers of the country, well, no, it was the bankers, and no, it was a special class to themselves, somewhere else...and again no, it was deeper still. I could of went on and on and on....some lay it at the feet of a devil and demons. Once again "thought"...what is thought of as those, are but darker thoughts collecting to themselves and seemingly powerful. If the "devil" is in charge and doing this, then, we are really saying, very deep dark thoughts are at work...and to do that, they must find a mind that will "entertain them". Pretty soon, the thoughts and others drawn to them with the same kinds of thoughts seem overwheming. If, a Christ existed, and I think maybe there was one, even a few, whether or not it got off track about that time....and the message was abundantly clear...LOVE. Never once attacking (in thoughts)...but "CHANGING THE THOUGHTS FROM WITHIN". The message meant to delute, begin deluting the power of the darker thinking with the thoughts of = what information reveals = be enlightened is to take on take on the information...THE THOUGHTS... and once we have possession of them (to be possessed)<sp> we then use "loving thoughts" to change them...TO HEAL. We do this by sending and attracting loving thoughts to what comes to our awareness. This is the meaning of the Indigos and comes to SEE and point to the darkness, to bring attention to WHAT IS NOT what is "mis-information, or lack of it. The Crystals do "no-thing" but Love, on every level; to bring the knowing and feeling of it. While we see one kind and then another and then another, it is just to see our own growth and transformation, the process we all go through, at some point...we begin to see, then, feel, then think, then, with this inflow of information (light), we open up, and love starts to flow, from where it's always heaven.....WITHIN. It could be said that, the NEW WAY ORDER, is the return of Eden, or, Heaven On Earth...Jesus said...look not elsewhere, the kingdom, heaven, is "within". What is the one thing "some teachings" DICTATE? Believe this ONE WAY and no other, and don't go looking over there, or under there, or question what we tell you because, there's demons and boogie men and a whole number of things and reasons why to avoid looking within, and over and under and through. Refuse to think and we'll do it for you. But why would any of us do that? If we listen to our own true self...when we go deeper, into our own state of being...we find the answers, not everyone else's, our own...and as each of us goes, we find, nearing the apex, the core, that perhaps, we all are truly ONE BEING, or, ready...ummmhummmm.....GOD. Like a cell in a body, which contains the blueprint and all the things to make up a whole new body, among millions of cells in THE SAME BODY...whether one, or in combination....IT IS ONE. We don't cut off our leg because it's injured....we give it all the love, care and attention we possible know how to give...even if it's only in thoughts to be better, be well, to be HEALED. By attacking what we see as wrong...we are attcking our own selves, for, what are we doing to heal it. Now, don't cross "giving attention to", and attacking it as the same thing....the attention to it has come to us so we can provide the information, the light, LOVE, Healing. If we are still pouring in thoughts that are not based in loving awareness, then we are "feeding" the thoughts that are what we see as dark. Inject them with light at every passing....the more this is done, the more and more the darker becomes deluted with light...the light comes from within that which appears dark, and change happens. Just something to reflect on. I don't have all the answers, hell, I may not have any of them...I'm learning...I'm trying...I do see better ways...and, as rebel as I am...and it's worked in my survival of this life, most of it never is the only thing that appears to me to mend and heal. Never stop looking for the answers...there is never a wrong question. With Love, D~ ----------------- Original Message ----------------- From: <a href=' fuseaction=user.viewprofile & friendid=184979379 & MyToken=4a656ef3-70a3- 445b-95b0-2b45165bb6eb'>.:Roz:.</a> Date: Aug 16, 2007 11:03 PM .:Roz:. has posted a new Journal comment on MySpace! According to your privacy settings, all comments must be approved by you before they appear on your profile. Original Post: "What is an Indigo or Crystal Child or Adult?<br><br>Posted on June 10th, 2007 by Shira79 <br><br><a href=" journey/">SOURCE</a><br><br>How do you know if you, or someone you know, is an Indigo or Crystal Child or Adult?<br><br>We will describe the main features and characteristics of these people. But we want to stress that the Indigo/Crystal phenomenon is the next step in our evolution as a human species. We are all, in some way, becoming more like the Indigo and Crystal people. They are here to show us the way, and so the information can be applied more generally to all of us as we make the transition to the next stage of our growth and evolution.<br><br>The Indigo Children have been incarnating on the Earth for the last 100 years. The early Indigos were pioneers and wayshowers. After World War II, a significant number were born, and these are the Indigo adults of today. However, in the 1970s a major wave of Indigos was born, and so we have a whole generation of Indigos who are now in their late twenties and early thirties who are about to take their place as leaders in the world. Indigos continued to born up to about 2000, with increasing abilities and degrees of technological and creative sophistication.<br><br>The Crystal Children began to appear on the planet from about 2000, although some date them slightly earlier. These are extremely powerful children, whose main purpose is to take us to the next level in our evolution, and reveal to us our inner power and divinity. They function as a group consciousness rather than as individuals, and they live by the" Law of One" or Unity Consciousness. They are a powerful force for love and peace on the planet.<br><br>The Indigo and Crystal Adults are composed of two groups. Firstly, there are those who were born as Indigos and are now making the transition to Crystal. This means they undergo a spiritual and physical transformation that awakens their "Christ" or "Crystal" consciousness and links them with the Crystal children as part of the evolutionary wave of change. The second group is those who were born without these qualities, but have aquired or are in the process of aquiring them through their own hard work and the diligent following of a spiritual path. Yes, this means that all of us have the potential to be part of the emerging group of "human angels".<br><br>The following extract describes the difference between Indigo and Crystal Children. It is from Doreen Virtue's article Indigo and Crystal Children:<br><br>The first thing most people notice about Crystal Children is their eyes, large, penetrating, and wise beyond their years. Their eyes lock on and hypnotize you, while you realize your soul is being laid bare for the child to see. Perhaps you've noticed this special new "breed" of children rapidly populating our planet. They are happy, delightful and forgiving. This generation of new lightworkers, roughly ages 0 through 7, are like no previous generation. Ideal in many ways, they are the pointers for where humanity is headed … and its a good direction!<br><br>The older children (approximately age 7 through 25), called "indigo Children", share some characteristics with the Crystal Children. Both generations are highly sensitive and psychic, and have important life purposes. The main difference is their temperament. Indigos have a warrior spirit, because their collective purpose is to mash down old systems that no longer serve us. They are here to quash government, educational, and legal systems that lack integrity. To accomplish this end, they need tempers and fiery determination.<br><br>Those adults who resist change and who value conformity may misunderstand the Indigos. They are often mislabeled with psychiatric diagnoses of Attention Deficit with Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) or Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD). Sadly, when they are medicated, the Indigos often lose their beautiful sensitivity, spiritual gifts and warrior energy……….In contrast, the Crystal Children are blissful and even-tempered. Sure, they may have tantrums occasionally, but these children are largely forgiving and easy- going. The Crystals are the generation who benefit from the Indigos trailblazing. First, the Indigo Children lead with a machete, cutting down anything that lacks integrity. Then the Crystal Children follow the cleared path, into a safer and more secure world.<br><br>The terms "Indigo" and "Crystal" were given to these two generations because they most accurately describe their aura colours and energy patterns. Indigo children have a lot of indigo blue in their auras. This is the colour of the "third eye chakra", which is the energy center inside the head located between the two eyebrows. This chakra regulates clairvoyance, or the ability to see energy, visions, and spirits. Many of the Indigo children are clairvoyant<br><br>The Crystal Children have opalescent auras, with beautiful multi-colours in pastel hues. This generation also shows a fascination for crystals and rocks……<br><br>Indigo Children can sense dishonesty, like a dog can sense fear. Indigos know when they're being lied to, patronized, or manipulated. And since their collective purpose is to usher us into a new world of integrity, the Indigos inner lie-detectors are integral. As mentioned before, this warrior spirit is threatening to some adults. And the Indigos are unable to conform to dysfunctional situations at home, work, or school. They don't have the ability to dissociate from their feelings and pretend like everything's okay … unless they are medicated or sedated.<br><br>Crystal Children's innate spiritual gifts are also misunderstood. Specifically, their telepathic abilities which lead them to talk later in life.<br><br>In the new world which the Indigos are ushering in, we will all be much more aware of our intuitive thoughts and feelings. We won't rely so much upon the spoken or written word. Communication will be faster, more direct, and more honest, because it will be mind to mind. Already, increasing numbers of us are getting in touch with our psychic abilities. Our interest in the paranormal is at an all-time high, accompanied by books, television shows, and movies on the topic.<br><br>So, it's not surprising that the generation following the Indigos are incredibly telepathic. Many of the Crystal Children have delayed speech patterns, and its not uncommon for them to wait until they're 3 or 4 years old to begin speaking. But parents tell me they have no trouble communicating with their silent children. Far from it! The parents engage in mind-to-mind communication with their Crystal Children. And the Crystals use a combination of telepathy, self-fashioned sign language, and sounds (including song) to get their point across.<br><br>The trouble comes about when the Crystals are judged by medical and educational personnel as having "abnormal" speaking patterns. It's no coincidence that as the number of Crystals are born, that the number of diagnoses for autism is at a record high.<br><br>It's true that the Crystal Children are different from other generations. But why do we need to pathologize these differences? If the children are successfully communicating at home, and the parents are'nt reporting any problems… then why try to make a problem? The diagnostic criteria for autism is quite clear. It states that the autistic person lives in his or her own world, and is disconnected from other people. The autistic person doesn't talk because of an indifference to communicating with others.<br><br>Crystal Children are quite the opposite. They are among the most connected, communicative, caring and cuddly of any generation. They are also quite philosophical and spiritually gifted. And they display an unprecedented level of kindness and sensitivity to this world. Crystal Children spontaneously hug and care for people in need. An autistic person wouldn't do that!<br><br>In my book "The Care and Feeding of Indigo Children", I wrote that ADHD should stand for Attention Dialed into a Higher Dimension. This would more accurately describe that generation. In the same vein, Crystal Children don't warrant a label of autiem. They aren't autistic! They're AWE-tistic!<br><br>These children are worthy of awe, not labels of dysfunction. If anyone is dysfunctional, it's the systems that aren't accommodating the continuing evolution of the human species. If we shame the children with labels, or medicate them into submission, we will have undermined a heaven-sent gift. We will crush a civilization before its had time to take roots. Fortunately, there are many positive solutions and alternatives. And the same heaven that sent us the Crystal Children can assist those of us who are advocates for the children………<br><br><center><br><object enableJSURL="false" enableHREF="false" saveEmbedTags="true" allowScriptAccess="never" allownetworking="internal" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowScriptAccess="never" allownetworking="internal" height="350" width="425" data=""> <param name="allowScriptAccess" value="never" /> <param name="allowNetworking" value="internal" /> <param name="movie" value="" /> </object></center><br><br><br>The following is an extract from Celia's forthcoming book,"The Indigo-Crystal Adventure". which explains more about the metaphysical aspects of the Indigo-Crystal experience.<br><br>CHAPTER FIVE<br><br>GOLDEN AURAS, HUMAN ANGELS AND MULTI-DIMENSIONAL CONSCIOUSNESS<br><br>The Indigo and Crystal children that come to the planet are known as "starchildren". Often this is because their souls are more at home in the stars, and they have not incarnated on Earth before. They come at this time as a "special assignment" team to assist Earth and her inhabitants with their transition and rebirth as a higher dimensional "New Earth".<br><br>But while these beings appear like ordinary human beings, they do in fact have access to a greater range of human potential. They are more open to who they are, closer to a recognition of their divine origins and essence.<br><br>Indigo children are born onto the Indigo Soul Ray of Incarnation and Evolution. This means they have access to the gifts of clairvoyance and healing. They are also able to access what may be termed the Fourth and Fifth Dimensions of Consciousness, while most humans have access only to the Third and Fourth. This Higher Dimensional access, together with the Indigo Ray soul gifts, means that Indigos are naturally more intelligent, more sensitive and more clairvoyant. They are also creative, and often able to access the left and right brains with ease, making them artistically gifted, but also technologically competent and adventurous.<br><br>The Crystal children, on the other hand, are mostly born into the Gold Ray of Incarnation and Evolution. They are born on the Sixth Dimension of Consciousness, with the potential to open up rapidly to the Ninth Dimensional level of Full Christ Consciousness, and then from there to the Thirteenth Dimension which represents Universal Consciousness.<br><br>With these gifts and abilities, Crystal beings are immensely powerful and creative. Many of them carry the Gold and Magenta Rays, which makes them masters of creation, especially with light and sound. This manifests as artistic and musical creativity on the Earth plane. Those who carry the Indigo- Silver Ray, are also gifted as the "mothers" and "goddesses" of the planet, and carry the feminine vibration of healing and nurturing. Those on the Red-Gold Ray, on the other hand, carry the masculine vibration of manifestation and are often the leaders in the more active sense.<br><br>The Future Crystal child will be known as a "Rainbow Crystal" being. This is the fully developed Thirteen Dimensional Universal Human Being, able to carry and transmit all the Rays of Incarnation and Evolution within their vibrational field. There are Rainbow Crystal beings already on planet Earth, but they are yet to open into their full potential.<br><br>The exciting thing about these evolutionary developments, for ordinary people, is that the Indigo and Crystal beings bring these vibrations to the planet in order to share them with others. By their very presence, they assist others to move into these new vibrations and open up to their full potential as well. The Indigo-crystal gift to the planet is the gift of Evolution and access to our full potential, for every human being on the planet today, if they so choose.<br><br>At this point, many people who are allowing this shift or transition within their own auric fields, have moved from their original Third Dimensional state of awareness into the Indigo and then the Crystal states, with the assistance of the children who hold the vibration. These adults are now able to hold the Gold Ray of Evolution in their Eighth chakras, and are helping to create a matrix for the creation of the New Earth. This pulsating Gold light can be clearly seen in their auras by those with clairvoyance and the ability to perceive auric colours.<br><br>The Human Angel<br><br>One of the gifts of this transitional process, is that Humans are becoming aware of who they truly are: that they are Spirits in Human bodies, and that they are, in other words, Angels in human form.<br><br>We have been aware of our connections to the higher realms for many thousands of years, but have always felt that out "human" and material state somehow "shut" us off from our angelic inheritance. We would speak about our "Higher Self", knowing that we had access to this aspect of ourselves, but somehow it was not quite a part of who we were, and could only be accessed in meditation.<br><br>Part of the reason for this was that our physical forms were locked into the Third Dimension, but our Higher or Angelic self was of a much finer and higher vibration and was more at home in the Higher Dimensions. So there was always a "gap" between the material manifestation of the human body and consciousness and the spiritual reality.<br><br>Now, however, with the vibrational shift that the planet is experiencing, which is aptly called "Ascension", the Earth and her inhabitants have the opportunity to "ascend" from the Third Dimension of consciousness upwards into the Higher Dimensions. As the consciousness ascends higher, the spiritual world comes closer, until there is no longer a "gap" but a continuum that is termed "Multi-Dimensional Consciousness".<br><br>In this state, the human being is able to access both the material and spiritual realms with ease. There is no longer any need for intense meditation, since the access to the spirit realm is immediate and evident. People in the Multi- Dimensional state have accessed their Angelic presence or state, and recognise themselves as Spirit beings or Angels who also have a human body and are able to function in the material plane as material beings.<br><br>At this point, the Higher Self and the Lower self can be said to have blended, and the Human being is now a Human Angel.<br><br>The Human Angel is constantly aware of themselves as Angelic and as Powerful and Creative. They have no time or need for things such as fear and victim dramas. Their time is better spent in creating the kind of reality in which they would be happy and content.<br><br>Many Indigo and crystal children are already almost at this point of awareness, if not fully within it. As are many of the Indigo-Crystal adults who have made the transition to this state. It is these new beings, able to claim both their human and angelic inheritances, who will create the New Earth.<br><br>It is important to state, at this point, that it is imperative that those who make the transition into awareness of their angelic selves, be also aware of how important it is to be human and to be well grounded in the material dimensions or planes. The whole point of the Transition is to bring "Heaven" to "Earth", and not to drift away into some ungrounded paradise state.<br><br>For Human Angels there is work to do. Creating a New Earth that will bring Heaven to Earth. And since "heaven" is not so much a place as a state of consciousness, these Human Angels must work to bring the higher dimensional states of consciousness to the Earth plane. Once this is achieved, then a planetary culture will be birthed that will respect all beings as manifestations of the Divine Essence. And this culture will reflect that respect in its peace, harmony and creativity.<br><br>The Nature of Multi-Dimensionality<br><br>Until fairly recently, all humans born on Earth were born as Third Dimensional beings. This means that they were fully in the material plane or realm, and their consciousness was "locked" into the Third Dimension. They functioned on the first three chakras, the material, the emotional and the mental. Where there was spirituality, it was usually seen as something outside or other than normal every day functioning.<br><br>The Third Dimensional being is aware of him or herself as a separate and unique individual. There is no real sense of the unity or oneness of consciousness that is a factor of higher dimensional consciousness. Because of this sense of separation, humans have built a society that has very little awareness of the interconnectedness of beings and actions. And because of this lack of awareness, humans have created a planet of sorrow and suffering, where individuals see no need to be responsible for their thoughts, feelings and actions. Fear of not surviving on the individual level, because of lack of resources, has led to greed and imbalances that need to be addressed in order to create a stable planetary home for all humans.<br><br>The Indigo children arrived with the key to multi-dimensionality. They were born into Third Dimensional bodies, but their consciousness was effectively in the Fourth Dimension and capable of moving into the Fifth. When this "wave" of Indigo consciousness arrived on the planet in the early 1970s, the way was opened for all humans and the planet itself to shift into the Fourth Dimension.<br><br>At the Fourth Dimensional level of Consciousness, humans become aware of the Universal Law of One, otherwise known as "Unity Consciousness". This Law states that we are all One, we are all connected and that whatever affects one of us affects all of us. Indigo children carry this awareness in their consciousness, and it leads them to be warriors for many causes that will heal the Earth and stop humans from destroying and polluting their environment and harming other humans.<br><br>The Law of One also fosters the understanding in Indigo beings that we are all equal, and that no one is greater than any other. This group consciousness and group awareness is the path to the future for humans. We will learn to function co-operatively and for the good of all if we are to create the New Earth that we desire.<br><br>Indigos respect the talents and abilities of each individual, but these talents do not make any one greater than anyone else. The play of ego and self-importance has no real place in the life of an Indigo.<br><br>When an Indigo awareness opens into the Fifth Dimension, it becomes aware of itself as a Creator. Fifth Dimensional awareness loves to create. All the religious belief systems and the economic systems on Earth today are Fifth Dimensional Though Form creations that we hold in place by our continued support of these thought forms. They form a Fifth Dimensional grid around the Earth. Most lower- dimensional beings are completely unaware that their thoughts and behaviour patterns are being controlled from this level.<br><br>When the Indigo awareness opens to this level, there is often a rejection of all belief systems and a consciousness of the freedom to create new and alternative ways of thinking and being. The Indigo person takes on the planetary mission of creating and bringing in new ways of thinking and being for Planet Earth. But, at this level the consciousness is still concerned with dualities of "good" and "bad", that determine what kind of system is best for Earth. The next step in consciousness is to move beyond duality and into a realm where all is seen as part of the greater good and for the good of the greater whole.<br><br>This advanced state is known as Sixth Dimensional Consciousness, and is the realm of the Christed Child or Magical Child. All Crystal children are born into this level of awareness. They have immediate access to the magical and spiritual aspects of who they are, and are able to blend imagination and creation in fantastic and joyous ways. If they were left to their own devices, they would immediately create a magical planet. But, they still have to deal with a largely Third Dimensional consciousness, and they struggle with the patterns and behaviours that they find here.<br><br>When an adult Indigo consciousness makes the shift into the Crystal state or awareness, they enter into Sixth Dimensional awareness and the Christ Consciousness seed. They are rebirthed, in consciousness, as a Christed or Magical child. With this comes an awareness of the playfulness of life, and the play of Spirit through human beings on this planet. Then all life is seen as magical and blessed, and all life is directed and advanced through the work of spirit. At this point, the being understands the principle of surrender to the flow of the greater evolutionary wave, while still exercising the right to be a creator on the individual level.<br><br>The Crystal consciousness, when it has matured enough at this level, can then move into the Seventh Dimensional level, where awareness opens onto the nature of the spiritual mission of the being. A Crystal or Christed adult at this level is ready to take on a planetary mission as a carrier of higher dimensional consciousness to others. The work may involve teaching and healing on a grand scale, or it may simply be to carry the energy in the auric field so that others may access the higher vibrations in their own upwards ascension path.<br><br>The Crystal child and adult now carry the potential to open fully to the Ninth level or Full Christ Consciousness. This incorporates the Eighth level, or Archetypal level, where the being has full control over the "story" of their life on earth, and the Ninth level, where the being assumes full responsibility for stewardship of the Planet.<br><br>The potential then exists for the being to continue on the journey to the Tenth level, where the being accesses his or her Solar System responsibilities; the Eleventh level, where the Galactic level of consciousness is accessed and finally the Twelfth level, where the Gold Ray of Universal Consciousness inaugurates the being as a Full Universal Being. The Thirteenth level represents the Master, who enters into the Divine Mystery as a fully conscious spark of the Divine Creative Essence.<br><br>An Evolutionary Leap<br><br>As can be seen from the above discussion, the Indigo-Crystal adventure represents a huge evolutionary leap for the human species. This is initially a huge leap in consciousness, reflected in the auric colours and the access to multi-dimensional layers of awareness in an individual.<br><br>But, what is manifest in the subtle or spiritual bodies must eventually make itself manifest in the physical or Earth plane body of each individual. And eventually, in the physical body of the Planet itself. Indigo and Crystal children and adults are an integral and dynamic part of the evolutionary leap into a new and Golden future.<br><br>Higher levels of consciousness, awareness of the interconnectedness of all things and a desire for an empowered and creative life will soon become the characteristics of all humans on Planet Earth.<br><br>Related Posts:<br>Children of the New Earth: Crystal Children<br><br><br><br><br>Children of the New Earth: Crystal Children<br>Posted on May 16th, 2007 by Shira79 <br>Channeled by Steve Rother for The Group<br><br>From Steve:<br><br>The Group has been talking recently about the return of the Crystal children. These are the children that are our next level of human evolution. The Indigo's have been changing the paradigms and our structures to make space for us to evolve. They have entered, moving a little faster than most of us, and have had great difficulties as they stretched our belief systems and the way we interact with children. Their higher purpose, according to the Group, is to make room for our next stage of evolution. The Group labeled this next step the 'Children of Crystal Vibration'. At the beginning of these messages in 1996 the Group said 'if' you can make the planet safe for their return they will come. In October of 2000 they said for the first time that it is no longer 'if' but now a question of 'when' this special level of humans would start filtering into our reality. Only recently did the Group say that now the Crystal kids are starting to enter. What happened to set the stage for this? In a time when humanity has seemed to take a step backwards, why are these kids now entering? Good question. . .<br><br><br><br>Greetings from Home.<br><br>The events on Planet Earth have led you to a special place, dear ones. What lies before you at this very moment is a possibility for humanity to move into a level of vibration that was not thought to be possible. Please understand that what you see as road blocks now before you are truly opportunities to clear the way for your own evolution.<br><br>Those that you call the Indigo children have already shifted the focus of humanity. Because of their work and sacrifice you are learning to make space in your reality for empowered humans. They have done well and will now begin to move into adulthood. As they do, they will shift the paradigms of all that is to follow. The Indigo children have begun the change of your systems that relate to children. Now watch the miracles that take place as they move into adulthood and change those systems as well. Imagine what the world will be like as the first Indigo world leaders take their place. As this unfolds, the New Earth will become firmly rooted in the balanced Crystal energy. You will see space created for empowered humans on Earth no matter their beliefs, sex, or origins. The work of those you call Indigo will be know forever as the great shift. They have come into a harsh world, shaken it up, and are making you re-think everything. These beautiful beings are direct and therefore may have appeared to you as abrasive. Enduring boredom is their greatest challenge. Blessed be the Indigo children for they are opening the door. Now let us tell you more of what is behind the door.<br><br>The Children of Crystal vibration are what you would consider to be the magical children with abilities that you have yet to understand. The attributes of Crystal Children are simply two- fold, they are extremely powerful and yet extremely vulnerable. They are highly evolved beings and have an understanding of what simple energy really is. Feats that you would think impossible may seem like child's play to humans carrying the Crystal Vibration. You will begin to see magical abilities in human children that you have never seen before. Their basic understanding of energy will make it possible to manipulate energy in new ways.<br><br>Certain energy forms that you have adapted for your own use may be a bit difficult for the first Crystals to cope with. Electricity in particular may be awkward for some of the early Crystals as they acclimate. The energetic makeup of these children may cause unusual reactions to electrical devices. They have challenges defining their energetic boundaries and therefore, are empathic to electro magnetic fields. They may have a tendency to reflect back the energy they can not assimilate. It may be quite common for Crystal children to blow out electrical devices until they become accustomed to the energy. You will see children with abilities to physically move objects in ways you do not understand. You may see physical senses develop in some children that have never been part of the human experience prior. Even your sciences will have difficulty explaining what these children will see as simple energy. At first, Crystal Children will tend to gather in groups where they can hold space for each other. They will form groups and grow together supporting each other energetically. They will do it all by themselves so parents of Crystal children will not need not worry about finding the best environment for their children. Expect to see groups of 'magical children' with abilities that exceed far beyond the norm you have known. As time goes on you will see an acclimation of this energy and you will become more accustomed to the odd stories that will circulate about strange new abilities of some children. Watch for these and prepare yourself, for these are the physical signs that the human race is evolving. This is the return of the Children of Crystal vibration.<br><br>You are seeing only the scouts thus far that have begun to enter and test the waters. These are children carrying the very first of the Crystal energy in human form. As powerful as they are, they are carrying only hints of the energy that is to come in the next few years. Thus far, in our speaking to you we have referred to them as the Crystal Children, intimating that they are separate from yourselves. Please understand that they are you in higher vibrational form. We have labeled them the Crystal Children to mark a milestone in your own evolution, yet in time you will call them only 'kids'. There are no special words needed to describe you to you.<br><br>Many of you have great sensitivity to the emotional energy fields of others. This sensitivity is how you so effectively tap into their energy as they come to you for facilitation. This sensitivity may have caused problems as you took on others energy thinking it was your own. Some of you have great difficulty in this area. We also tell you that it is this same attribute that makes you such intuitive healers. As with most of you, when you first began to utilize these attributes they may have seemed magical to those around you. Please understand that the Children of Crystal Vibration have sensitivity beyond your comprehension. They will be inside your head knowing, not only what is in your thoughts, but also what is in your heart. Even now as humanity reaches higher vibrational status we tell you that you are beginning to read each others minds. If you were to see through the eyes of a Crystal Child, you would be saddened to see so many people living their entire lives attached to archaic and outdated beliefs. Having this sight will not be easy for them. In the fifth dimension on the New Planet Earth there will be no more secrets. At first they will feel like they must endure this sensitivity, yet like you, this will also turn out to be their great gift. Unlike the children of Indigo vibration, the Crystal children are so sensitive that they may feel threatened by the harshness of what people are holding in their hearts. Some will find safety in retreating and going within. There are some people who will think this a sign of weakness and may even attempt to exploit these gentle beings. Let us set your mind at ease when we tell you that exploitation will not be possible. The Children of Crystal vibration are powerful beyond your understanding. Even though they may have great difficulty understanding and interacting, they will always know their true power and who they are.<br><br>The biggest challenge that will face the Children of Crystal vibration is that their great sensitivity to energy will also uncover their inability to deal with other peoples fear. Fear is an emotion, opposite of love, based on a belief in lack. The Children of Crystal vibration will enter with a new belief system that will make it difficult for them to have a reference for fear in their reality. Couple this with their energetic sensitivity and you will find that when these higher vibrational humans are surrounded with human fear, they will have a tendency to reflect back that fear, amplifying it in the process. It could be said that the Children of Crystal vibration are allergic to the lower vibrational emotion of fear. As the first of these children enter, they may need help in dealing with the general fear around them. It is here that we challenge you to take steps now in preparation for their return. To make Earth a safe place for your next step in evolution, it will be necessary to drastically reduce fear in your reality in the next few years. Alleviating fear is only possible on a personal basis. If Light is the highest expression of Love and fear is the opposite of Love, then it is easy to see that the real work of Lightworkers is to learn to replace fear with Love in all situations. This is underway now. The emotion of fear is a vacuum that feeds on itself. Fear is only a lack of information. Fill in the vacuum with information and there is no fear. Even if the information is not correct it can still fill the void until the correct information is known. Even in your recent experiences with terrorism, you see that you are no longer afraid of things that terrified you only months ago. As devastating as that was, the potential outcome is known and there is no longer a vacuum. It is hence that one can only be fully human when they are no longer in fear of dying. Take this challenge and move forward into creating your reality with passion and fear not!<br><br>Because of the great work that the Indigo children are now doing and the adjustments you are making to accommodate them, the Children of Crystal vibration have an opportunity to allow your spirits to thrive in this higher energetic structure. For those of you who choose, you may raise your energy to match that of the Crystal children through the process of overlight. The times that lie directly ahead will be filled with wonderment as the Children of the New Earth take control of their reality. To them and to you brave Lightworkers who are making this possible, we proudly say:<br><br>Welcome Home.<br><br>It is with the greatest of love for you that we ask you to treat each other with respect, nurture one another and play well together.<br>. . .the Group<br><br>What are Indigo and Crystal Children and Adults? <br><br>***<br><br>Special Request<br><br>Copyright 2002 Steve Rother.<br><br>This information may be freely disseminated in whole or in part provided there is no charge for the information and that this notice is attached. When using a partial version of this material please clearly state that this is an abridged version and refer the reader to the complete original version at qPublications are encouraged to reprint. Permission is not needed but we request to be notified at PubLightworker Further information from Steve and the Group may be found at: or through Lightworker at (858) 748 5837. Thanks for helping to spread the Light!<br><br><br><a href=" journey/">SOURCE</a><br><br><br><center><br><a href=" fuseaction=user.viewprofile & friendID=106023799"><br><img src=" pg"></a><br></center>" .:*********.'s Comment: "Well I see "One" "Unity" and "Divinty" a lot to describe the Indigo children, I am one by the way. I am very confused, don't you think that we pro-peacers are the ones sucking in the new world order "one" world government, "one" world religion, "one" world bank. I think it's satanism, the illuminati believes in this bullshit. I refuse to accept this, believing you are your own God is satanism. I will not let the world get down to 500,000 people. If I am wrong with what I am trying to explain, message me back and "enlighten" me please. thanks." Please click the link below to approve or deny this comment. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 18, 2007 Report Share Posted August 18, 2007 Hi , Ali and thoughtful sharers on this great subject. Would love to add my 2 cents just to let you know this post was not just briefly read and passed over. There be some SERIOUS , heartfelt thinking goin' on here... ;-) wrote: “There is a call to the NEW WAY ORDER, but it's been mirrored. The New Way (the oldest way) is unbounded and unlimited... the mirror of this is, well, you already see that.....control.” I recently received a new song in a dream that a very old and well known tribal leader asked me to “write” – in the dream the song came with the "New Old Way" being the answer to the “problems” that were represented as being out of balance. Humm... maybe NOW is the answer afterall? tee hee... Then you wisely wrote: “Now, I say that to say this...again, ALL Thoughts are, and become Things. If we become the observer of these things that come to us, they have come for only one be be refined, to be blessed, to be changed into it's True Self....all thought is information, and all information is Light. The more Light that is brought, by us, the more it becomes clear, the deeper form, the seed, the root, is LOVE.” , I believe you have found the heart of this matter in these good words, which I feel you have sent in very good energies - positive - up-building... Quoting again: “If you gather up all the information about a reach a point where, by having this, reflecting on it, a truth will emerge...that the solution, is Love....all information points to it like large signs” The “information” is a left brain thing, the “emerging” comes from a creative, insightful, reflective right brain “ah hah!”. When both sides of the brain work in harmony, balance ensues as a way of natural process. The truth manifests in beauty. , all your writings are SO thoughtful! Thank you so much for openly sharing. I too find myself a rebel, questioning everything to the core – and why not, we have all been lied to by those who chose to leaf in fear, and it turns out they fear most freedom, light, love and the natural ways that operate beyond thier preceived "control". Another song that came to me in a dream called “Treaty” revealed to me the source of all warefare - showing how we each have a gift within which can do away with wars forever (if we would but each take response-ability to practice this in our daily thought processes...) Here are a few excerpts from the lyrics for future ponderings if you like: “Make this treaty with your HEART (interesting that a heart shaped tool is what one digs in the earth with) , dig a whole, in the soil, Make it deep and wide, speak your angry words in there, and bury them deep inside… The earth can take the meanest things that hurt us all so deep, and transfer them to living things that blossom fresh and sweet, but if you hoard resentments, hold them tightly in your heart, they will poison you with heartache pain and that’s where all wars start.. so , Dig a hole in the soil… …In war and anger life is lost. In Conflict something dies. Why not fill graves with angry words, instead of precious lives. Don’t carry things of pain around, don’t hold on to their hurt. Just let them go yes, bury them and cover them with dirt, yes, dig a whole, in the soil, Make it deep and wide, speak your angry words in there, and bury them deep inside… Make this Treaty with your HEART.” (all the lyrics from “Treaty” song at and music clips on the music page, if you want to hear part of it sung)… also wrote: If we are still pouring in thoughts that are not based in loving awareness, then we are "feeding" the thoughts that are what we see as dark. Inject them with light at every passing....the more this is done, the more and more the darker becomes deluted with light...the light comes from within that which appears dark, and change happens. How, true YES! We have been brought up in a culture that thinks of everything as good OR bad, right OR wrong. This is Iktomi thinking (in Lakota culture the Iktomi is a trickster, does everything out of balance and backwards – all the ways things don’t work out !) The reality is that those under Iktomi’s controlling ways are victims, and forever bound together with Iktomi – one feeds on the other. Healthy ways of living in balance (out of Iktomi’s dillusions) is to realize life is ROUND, and what goes around comes around (the theme of another song I have yet to record) – thus day is not bad, neither is night, but both part and partial of the whole of the process of life. When we realize our questionings are part of the answer, the whole process becomes balancing and harmonious instead of frustrating… "Never stop looking for the answers...there is never a wrong question." Thanks for these thoughts, reminders, musings. Again, , just wanted to send some sisterly loving thoughts your way, so that you know that I too have traveled this road of thought, and appreciate your many steps upon this path also! Mitakuye Oyasin, Peaceable Looking for a deal? Find great prices on flights and hotels with FareChase. 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Guest guest Posted August 18, 2007 Report Share Posted August 18, 2007 I am speechless.....utterly. I've sat here for, what seems like hours, but minutes at least. " Feeling " that pull to respond, and have no clue how to. Like the pull to answer the orginal letter, with more than the typical courtesy remark, I simply answered with " what came out " . I certainly don't set out to answer, even to write, just one more set of ideas; it doesn't happen that's as if I'm pulled into the other, and in that, I feel so humbled, so....someplace within another's place of's more as if I " feel " the words onto the paper. I am humbled still, in the responses to this post. Part of me stares blankly into space and is puzzled completely...your thoughts were both inspiring and in depth....time spent in reflection of are very thoughtful and caring.....thank you. I sometimes hesitate to give answers but it seems the universe doesn't settle for what we has greater things in " mind " , and I am but a small part of you all are. What blows me away even more is, the I don't seem to pay so much attention to what I put out there, althought I feel it into being....I was giving little credit to how it would serve, just that it felt like it was serving....someone. Give me a beer before I shed a tear, was an older motto, well, before came along...and taught me " feeling " was something you do " to the outside " so the inside could freely flow. I sit with mailboxes full of replies, questions; people asking, and searching, and hoping....I sit......and..... I sit and....I, I can not see the keyboaeds or the eyes, heart.....burst open and my.......soul pours nose runs...I feel, so, human, so.....spirited. Here I am, half full of.....something, or have been a lot....half joking, half serious...half....seeking wholeness with the universe...and before I can carry even this thought forward.... I see into the void....a see that....I walk over to this man sitting there...he's homeless...alone....scared, not showing it, gruff, battered, toughtened by wear...lines in his face...the trace of tears long run dry...shattered, not yet quiet given up, but no where to look " up " ...scared, worn, tired....and... I " touch " him on the shoulder...somehow, he slowly looks up, almost afraid to look at me, I sit down slowly...hand still on his shoulder.... " tell me, please...please tell me about you. Your story is why I have come; would you mind " ? And out of this man, starts to flow the most wonderful story I've ever heard...the universe, I'm sure, speaking through him, in his version of things that can't even be imagined until heard in " this way " . I am left stunned, and honored, and my own story seems lacking. I don't know what this writing means now...that's what has come out. Perhaps, the meaning is that.....regardless of the packaging...a story emerges that has not been yet told, at least in such a is when we are able to inspire another, hand on shoulder, to feel free to let it flow to the outside, that the gifts of the within start to flow freely, abuntantly....beautifully. You (ALL) inspire with your words and caring....your sharing, your " hands on the shoulders ", bring the inside out....where light overwhelms so lovingly....... Thank You~ > If we are still pouring in thoughts that are not based in loving > awareness, then we are " feeding " the thoughts that are what we see as > dark. Inject them with light at every passing....the more this is > done, the more and more the darker becomes deluted with light...the > light comes from within that which appears dark, and change happens. > > How, true YES! We have been brought up in a culture that thinks of everything as good OR bad, right OR wrong. This is Iktomi thinking (in Lakota culture the Iktomi is a trickster, does everything out of balance and backwards – all the ways things don't work out !) The reality is that those under Iktomi's controlling ways are victims, and forever bound together with Iktomi – one feeds on the other. Healthy ways of living in balance (out of Iktomi's dillusions) is to realize life is ROUND, and what goes around comes around (the theme of another song I have yet to record) – thus day is not bad, neither is night, but both part and partial of the whole of the process of life. When we realize our questionings are part of the answer, the whole process becomes balancing and harmonious instead of frustrating… > > " Never stop looking for the answers...there is never a wrong question. " > > Thanks for these thoughts, reminders, musings. Again, , just wanted to send some sisterly loving thoughts your way, so that you know that I too have traveled this road of thought, and appreciate your many steps upon this path also! > > Mitakuye Oyasin, > > Peaceable > > --------------------------------- > Looking for a deal? Find great prices on flights and hotels with FareChase. > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 19, 2007 Report Share Posted August 19, 2007 Dear , You are a powerful soul Peace and Love, Lynn > > I've reprinted a letter or two before with responses to email I > receive, and do so, I think because, it turns into more than a simple > reply. There's some deeper " thing " that needs to be shared...maybe > someone else needing the same answers, to the same questions. > > I've stripped the personal info of course...and hope, that I am not > speaking from ego by doing so...I've worn alot of masks in my life, > mostly as survival tools...I contend with ego.....the devil on the > shoulder, that constantly nags at my insistence to go deeper... > > It's when questions are asked of us that, it comes time to reflect on > what it is we think we have learned so far...maybe it is a testing > from the universe, a refinement.... > > I've lost my train of thought again.....train....of > thought.......ahahahahahahahahha. Straigtening up now. > > > ========= > > > .:*******:.'s Comment: > > " Well I see " One " " Unity " and " Divinty " a lot to describe the Indigo > children, I am one by the way. I am very confused, don't you think > that we pro-peacers are the ones sucking in the new world order " one " > world government, " one " world religion, " one " world bank. I think > it's satanism, the illuminati believes in this bullshit. I refuse to > accept this, believing you are your own God is satanism. I will not > let the world get down to 500,000 people. If I am wrong with what I > am trying to explain, message me back and " enlighten " me please. > thanks. " > ==================== > Good morning ********, > > Thank you for the reply...I had to sit with it for a few minutes and > absorb. > > First, you are not ever wrong in explaining anything. We, such as > Indigo's, or anyone for that matter, see and feel on so many levels, > that when we go to explain it, to others, much less to our own > selves, the explaining can tend to frustrate us....we, usually see > the problem and the solutions so clearly within. Don't we?! > > I think, and this is me, my perception; have ran across, uncovered, > dug deeper, cross referenced, put thoughts and ideas on our " back > burners " , pulled them off again, and mixed and matched so many > things...we can SEE the over all picture of things on a lot of > levels; a lot of things anyway. > > As an example, we might see a problem, especially when it effects us > personally, and we are ready to attack and subdue it. This, I think, > is ego acting. When a [more] " inner " place of reacting dictates > that...the " thing " which has caused our attention and reaction, is > really not the " THING " at all. There is a root to it, a deeper, > broader thing taking place. > > Let's just use war as a reference for extending this... > > Regardless of the reasons we direct our attention towards it, and in > doing " something " , to bring about sanity; solution..we react...with > judgements, fears, anger, frustration, and everything else that > it " attracts " to it. We MUST DO SOMETHING. Our inner state of being > calls us to do... > > There are those who call attention to the things it involves..they > march, write, form groups, whatever comes to mind...some even take > the thought so deep that they create in the mind all the things they > would do to those responible for " the mess " . Attack against attack. > War against Warring. It can be never ending. It's the snake chasing > it's tail. > > We see the problems, we see, at least some of the solutions, and we > find it hard to understand why anyone else is not seeing it too. We > get frustrated in our ability (indigos) to express in some way what > is taking place, so others can understand it too...and us all reach > the solution. The world is crumbling and something " within " us is > attention. > > I, like maybe you, see all the root causes, or, a lot of them...WHO > is doing WHAT, and when they started doing it, and, any reasons to > why, and how. We see the problem, and keep drilling down to find the > SEED, the we know, little is accomplished by whacking at > the leaves, when the branches are still intact, and deeper still, > while the tree is still the foundation for it, and deeper still, to > the " root CAUSE " . > > I have seemed to see that there is a MIRROR to all have > light, the mirror is dark... > > We hear of the n w o and all of it's involvements, plans, > actions...and we have a grand distaste for such insanity...even the > names and words can sicken because of all that's attached to it, > yet... > > What is the " coming together " as ONE [?], whether or not some believe > in a heaven or simply a oneness in soul and spirit, in LOVE. This is > but, in the grandest sense, a new way, yet it is the oldest way. > Those in their assumed status and roles, the leaders, if that's what > they could even be called, is a mirror of that perception. There is a > call to the NEW WAY ORDER, but it's been mirrored. The New Way (the > oldest way) is unbounded and unlimited...the mirror of this is, well, > you already see that.....control. > > You can have LIGHT and no dark exist....but you can NEVER > have " dark " , without light in it. It may be dark on the exterior, but > somewhere within, light exist. > > I personally have decided there are no demons, devils, and > related " spirits " ...that's just me and what I've come to know, so > far. But there is Dark Thought. Everything boils down to a thought; > everything is thought...all things are created out of it. So yes, > there can be many kinds of thought, both lighter and darker. And > since all thoughts attract " like thoughts " , it seems to take on a > power that overwhelms...and that goes both ways... thoughts create > after themselves...with the power to recreate, and bring to > themselves what is needed. > > WE have " free will " , regardless of anything that wishes we do not. > > Many, empaths especially, but everyone, has " thoughts come into " > themselves. Everyone has said, " hey, that's not me; that's not a > thought I would have; where did that come from " . Or, you've had an > idea for something, didn't pursue it fully, and 6 months later, your > idea is in full bloom, bore out by someone else. Now whether it was > more of an orginal thought, or one that dropped in, you passed it on. > > When a thought drops in, we entertain it, begin attracting related > thought, more power to it...or we " let it go " . > > Now, I say that to say this...again, ALL Thoughts are, and become > Things. If we become the observer of these things that come to us, > they have come for only one be be refined, to > be blessed, to be changed into it's True Self....all thought is > information, and all information is Light. The more Light that is > brought, by us, the more it becomes clear, the deeper form, the seed, > the root, is LOVE. > > If you gather up all the information about a reach a > point where, by having this, reflecting on it, a truth will > emerge...that the solution, is Love....all information points to it > like large signs. > > In my own process, I am a rebel through and through...don't tell me > it can't be done, that I can't do it, or that I'm forbidden....I've > reflected and thought own my own, and, at least personally, see a > better way. It may not be the only way, and there may be even better > ways. But a key here is, any thought we have, or entertains, becomes > empowered in what is called the " collective " . Like the 100th monkey > syndrone...what one learns or thinking and does is picked up by the > rest of the group, or collective....thoughts begin to change... > > I, for one, would not be in a march and carry a sign...I would of > been one of those appearing in white Star Wars futurist armour and > lazers when protesters were being put down...we'd rise to aid them > and counter....the darker elements interferring....or so my fantasies > We all do that at some level, become the " hero " , > or " protector " , something. And even that begins to frustrate us, > because I'd be one more dead idiot laying in the street. > > I mean, what I saw was, why go after the counsel, if the state was > the real root of the problem, but no, looking deeper, it was the > country, no, it was the rulers of the country, well, no, it was the > bankers, and no, it was a special class to themselves, somewhere > else...and again no, it was deeper still. I could of went on and on > and on....some lay it at the feet of a devil and demons. Once > again " thought " ...what is thought of as those, are but darker > thoughts collecting to themselves and seemingly powerful. > > If the " devil " is in charge and doing this, then, we are really > saying, very deep dark thoughts are at work...and to do that, they > must find a mind that will " entertain them " . Pretty soon, the > thoughts and others drawn to them with the same kinds of thoughts > seem overwheming. > > If, a Christ existed, and I think maybe there was one, even a few, > whether or not it got off track about that time....and the message > was abundantly clear...LOVE. > > Never once attacking (in thoughts)...but " CHANGING THE THOUGHTS FROM > WITHIN " . The message meant to delute, begin deluting the power of the > darker thinking with the thoughts of = what information > reveals = be enlightened is to take on take on > the information...THE THOUGHTS... and once we have possession of them > (to be possessed)<sp> we then use " loving thoughts " to change > them...TO HEAL. We do this by sending and attracting loving thoughts > to what comes to our awareness. > > This is the meaning of the Indigos and comes to SEE > and point to the darkness, to bring attention to WHAT IS NOT > what is " mis-information, or lack of it. The Crystals > do " no-thing " but Love, on every level; to bring the knowing and > feeling of it. > > While we see one kind and then another and then another, it is just > to see our own growth and transformation, the process we all go > through, at some point...we begin to see, then, feel, then think, > then, with this inflow of information (light), we open up, and love > starts to flow, from where it's always heaven.....WITHIN. > > It could be said that, the NEW WAY ORDER, is the return of Eden, or, > Heaven On Earth...Jesus said...look not elsewhere, the kingdom, > heaven, is " within " . > > What is the one thing " some teachings " DICTATE? > > Believe this ONE WAY and no other, and don't go looking over there, > or under there, or question what we tell you because, there's demons > and boogie men and a whole number of things and reasons why to avoid > looking within, and over and under and through. Refuse to think and > we'll do it for you. > > But why would any of us do that? > > If we listen to our own true self...when we go deeper, into our own > state of being...we find the answers, not everyone else's, our > own...and as each of us goes, we find, nearing the apex, the core, > that perhaps, we all are truly ONE BEING, or, > ready...ummmhummmm.....GOD. > > Like a cell in a body, which contains the blueprint and all the > things to make up a whole new body, among millions of cells in THE > SAME BODY...whether one, or in combination....IT IS ONE. > > We don't cut off our leg because it's injured....we give it all the > love, care and attention we possible know how to give...even if it's > only in thoughts to be better, be well, to be HEALED. > > By attacking what we see as wrong...we are attcking our own selves, > for, what are we doing to heal it. Now, don't cross " giving attention > to " , and attacking it as the same thing....the attention to it has > come to us so we can provide the information, the light, LOVE, > Healing. > > If we are still pouring in thoughts that are not based in loving > awareness, then we are " feeding " the thoughts that are what we see as > dark. Inject them with light at every passing....the more this is > done, the more and more the darker becomes deluted with light...the > light comes from within that which appears dark, and change happens. > > Just something to reflect on. I don't have all the answers, hell, I > may not have any of them...I'm learning...I'm trying...I do see > better ways...and, as rebel as I am...and it's worked in my survival > of this life, most of it never is the only thing that > appears to me to mend and heal. > > Never stop looking for the answers...there is never a wrong question. > > With Love, > D~ > > > > ----------------- Original Message ----------------- > From: <a href=' > fuseaction=user.viewprofile & friendid=184979379 & MyToken=4a656ef3- 70a3- > 445b-95b0-2b45165bb6eb'>.:Roz:.</a> > Date: Aug 16, 2007 11:03 PM > > > .:Roz:. has posted a new Journal comment on MySpace! > > According to your privacy settings, all comments must be approved by > you before they appear on your profile. > > Original Post: > " What is an Indigo or Crystal Child or Adult?<br><br>Posted on June > 10th, 2007 by Shira79 <br><br><a > href= " > journey/ " >SOURCE</a><br><br>How do you know if you, or someone you > know, is an Indigo or Crystal Child or Adult?<br><br>We will describe > the main features and characteristics of these people. But we want to > stress that the Indigo/Crystal phenomenon is the next step in our > evolution as a human species. We are all, in some way, becoming more > like the Indigo and Crystal people. They are here to show us the way, > and so the information can be applied more generally to all of us as > we make the transition to the next stage of our growth and > evolution.<br><br>The Indigo Children have been incarnating on the > Earth for the last 100 years. The early Indigos were pioneers and > wayshowers. After World War II, a significant number were born, and > these are the Indigo adults of today. However, in the 1970s a major > wave of Indigos was born, and so we have a whole generation of > Indigos who are now in their late twenties and early thirties who are > about to take their place as leaders in the world. Indigos continued > to born up to about 2000, with increasing abilities and degrees of > technological and creative sophistication.<br><br>The Crystal > Children began to appear on the planet from about 2000, although some > date them slightly earlier. These are extremely powerful children, > whose main purpose is to take us to the next level in our evolution, > and reveal to us our inner power and divinity. They function as a > group consciousness rather than as individuals, and they live by the " > Law of One " or Unity Consciousness. They are a powerful force for > love and peace on the planet.<br><br>The Indigo and Crystal Adults > are composed of two groups. Firstly, there are those who were born as > Indigos and are now making the transition to Crystal. This means they > undergo a spiritual and physical transformation that awakens > their " Christ " or " Crystal " consciousness and links them with the > Crystal children as part of the evolutionary wave of change. The > second group is those who were born without these qualities, but have > aquired or are in the process of aquiring them through their own hard > work and the diligent following of a spiritual path. Yes, this means > that all of us have the potential to be part of the emerging group > of " human angels " .<br><br>The following extract describes the > difference between Indigo and Crystal Children. It is from Doreen > Virtue's article Indigo and Crystal Children:<br><br>The first thing > most people notice about Crystal Children is their eyes, large, > penetrating, and wise beyond their years. Their eyes lock on and > hypnotize you, while you realize your soul is being laid bare for the > child to see. Perhaps you've noticed this special new " breed " of > children rapidly populating our planet. They are happy, delightful > and forgiving. This generation of new lightworkers, roughly ages 0 > through 7, are like no previous generation. Ideal in many ways, they > are the pointers for where humanity is headed … and its a good > direction!<br><br>The older children (approximately age 7 through > 25), called " indigo Children " , share some characteristics with the > Crystal Children. Both generations are highly sensitive and psychic, > and have important life purposes. The main difference is their > temperament. Indigos have a warrior spirit, because their collective > purpose is to mash down old systems that no longer serve us. They are > here to quash government, educational, and legal systems that lack > integrity. To accomplish this end, they need tempers and fiery > determination.<br><br>Those adults who resist change and who value > conformity may misunderstand the Indigos. They are often mislabeled > with psychiatric diagnoses of Attention Deficit with Hyperactivity > Disorder (ADHD) or Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD). Sadly, when they > are medicated, the Indigos often lose their beautiful sensitivity, > spiritual gifts and warrior energy……….In contrast, the Crystal > Children are blissful and even-tempered. Sure, they may have tantrums > occasionally, but these children are largely forgiving and easy- > going. The Crystals are the generation who benefit from the Indigos > trailblazing. First, the Indigo Children lead with a machete, cutting > down anything that lacks integrity. Then the Crystal Children follow > the cleared path, into a safer and more secure world.<br><br>The > terms " Indigo " and " Crystal " were given to these two generations > because they most accurately describe their aura colours and energy > patterns. Indigo children have a lot of indigo blue in their auras. > This is the colour of the " third eye chakra " , which is the energy > center inside the head located between the two eyebrows. This chakra > regulates clairvoyance, or the ability to see energy, visions, and > spirits. Many of the Indigo children are clairvoyant<br><br>The > Crystal Children have opalescent auras, with beautiful multi- colours > in pastel hues. This generation also shows a fascination for crystals > and rocks……<br><br>Indigo Children can sense dishonesty, like a dog > can sense fear. Indigos know when they're being lied to, patronized, > or manipulated. And since their collective purpose is to usher us > into a new world of integrity, the Indigos inner lie-detectors are > integral. As mentioned before, this warrior spirit is threatening to > some adults. And the Indigos are unable to conform to dysfunctional > situations at home, work, or school. They don't have the ability to > dissociate from their feelings and pretend like everything's okay … > unless they are medicated or sedated.<br><br>Crystal Children's > innate spiritual gifts are also misunderstood. Specifically, their > telepathic abilities which lead them to talk later in life.<br><br>In > the new world which the Indigos are ushering in, we will all be much > more aware of our intuitive thoughts and feelings. We won't rely so > much upon the spoken or written word. Communication will be faster, > more direct, and more honest, because it will be mind to mind. > Already, increasing numbers of us are getting in touch with our > psychic abilities. Our interest in the paranormal is at an all-time > high, accompanied by books, television shows, and movies on the > topic.<br><br>So, it's not surprising that the generation following > the Indigos are incredibly telepathic. Many of the Crystal Children > have delayed speech patterns, and its not uncommon for them to wait > until they're 3 or 4 years old to begin speaking. But parents tell me > they have no trouble communicating with their silent children. Far > from it! The parents engage in mind-to-mind communication with their > Crystal Children. And the Crystals use a combination of telepathy, > self-fashioned sign language, and sounds (including song) to get > their point across.<br><br>The trouble comes about when the Crystals > are judged by medical and educational personnel as having " abnormal " > speaking patterns. It's no coincidence that as the number of Crystals > are born, that the number of diagnoses for autism is at a record > high.<br><br>It's true that the Crystal Children are different from > other generations. But why do we need to pathologize these > differences? If the children are successfully communicating at home, > and the parents are'nt reporting any problems… then why try to make a > problem? The diagnostic criteria for autism is quite clear. It states > that the autistic person lives in his or her own world, and is > disconnected from other people. The autistic person doesn't talk > because of an indifference to communicating with > others.<br><br>Crystal Children are quite the opposite. They are > among the most connected, communicative, caring and cuddly of any > generation. They are also quite philosophical and spiritually gifted. > And they display an unprecedented level of kindness and sensitivity > to this world. Crystal Children spontaneously hug and care for people > in need. An autistic person wouldn't do that!<br><br>In my book " The > Care and Feeding of Indigo Children " , I wrote that ADHD should stand > for Attention Dialed into a Higher Dimension. This would more > accurately describe that generation. In the same vein, Crystal > Children don't warrant a label of autiem. They aren't autistic! > They're AWE-tistic!<br><br>These children are worthy of awe, not > labels of dysfunction. If anyone is dysfunctional, it's the systems > that aren't accommodating the continuing evolution of the human > species. If we shame the children with labels, or medicate them into > submission, we will have undermined a heaven-sent gift. We will crush > a civilization before its had time to take roots. Fortunately, there > are many positive solutions and alternatives. And the same heaven > that sent us the Crystal Children can assist those of us who are > advocates for the children………<br><br><center><br><object > enableJSURL= " false " enableHREF= " false " saveEmbedTags= " true " > allowScriptAccess= " never " allownetworking= " internal " > type= " application/x-shockwave-flash " allowScriptAccess= " never " > allownetworking= " internal " height= " 350 " width= " 425 " > data= " " > > <param name= " allowScriptAccess " value= " never " /> > <param name= " allowNetworking " value= " internal " /> > <param name= " movie " value= " " /> > </object></center><br><br><br>The following is an extract from > Celia's forthcoming book, " The Indigo-Crystal Adventure " . which > explains more about the metaphysical aspects of the Indigo-Crystal > experience.<br><br>CHAPTER FIVE<br><br>GOLDEN AURAS, HUMAN ANGELS AND > MULTI-DIMENSIONAL CONSCIOUSNESS<br><br>The Indigo and Crystal > children that come to the planet are known as " starchildren " . Often > this is because their souls are more at home in the stars, and they > have not incarnated on Earth before. They come at this time as > a " special assignment " team to assist Earth and her inhabitants with > their transition and rebirth as a higher dimensional " New > Earth " .<br><br>But while these beings appear like ordinary human > beings, they do in fact have access to a greater range of human > potential. They are more open to who they are, closer to a > recognition of their divine origins and essence.<br><br>Indigo > children are born onto the Indigo Soul Ray of Incarnation and > Evolution. This means they have access to the gifts of clairvoyance > and healing. They are also able to access what may be termed the > Fourth and Fifth Dimensions of Consciousness, while most humans have > access only to the Third and Fourth. This Higher Dimensional access, > together with the Indigo Ray soul gifts, means that Indigos are > naturally more intelligent, more sensitive and more clairvoyant. They > are also creative, and often able to access the left and right brains > with ease, making them artistically gifted, but also technologically > competent and adventurous.<br><br>The Crystal children, on the other > hand, are mostly born into the Gold Ray of Incarnation and Evolution. > They are born on the Sixth Dimension of Consciousness, with the > potential to open up rapidly to the Ninth Dimensional level of Full > Christ Consciousness, and then from there to the Thirteenth Dimension > which represents Universal Consciousness.<br><br>With these gifts and > abilities, Crystal beings are immensely powerful and creative. Many > of them carry the Gold and Magenta Rays, which makes them masters of > creation, especially with light and sound. This manifests as artistic > and musical creativity on the Earth plane. Those who carry the Indigo- > Silver Ray, are also gifted as the " mothers " and " goddesses " of the > planet, and carry the feminine vibration of healing and nurturing. > Those on the Red-Gold Ray, on the other hand, carry the masculine > vibration of manifestation and are often the leaders in the more > active sense.<br><br>The Future Crystal child will be known as > a " Rainbow Crystal " being. This is the fully developed Thirteen > Dimensional Universal Human Being, able to carry and transmit all the > Rays of Incarnation and Evolution within their vibrational field. > There are Rainbow Crystal beings already on planet Earth, but they > are yet to open into their full potential.<br><br>The exciting thing > about these evolutionary developments, for ordinary people, is that > the Indigo and Crystal beings bring these vibrations to the planet in > order to share them with others. By their very presence, they assist > others to move into these new vibrations and open up to their full > potential as well. The Indigo-crystal gift to the planet is the gift > of Evolution and access to our full potential, for every human being > on the planet today, if they so choose.<br><br>At this point, many > people who are allowing this shift or transition within their own > auric fields, have moved from their original Third Dimensional state > of awareness into the Indigo and then the Crystal states, with the > assistance of the children who hold the vibration. These adults are > now able to hold the Gold Ray of Evolution in their Eighth chakras, > and are helping to create a matrix for the creation of the New Earth. > This pulsating Gold light can be clearly seen in their auras by those > with clairvoyance and the ability to perceive auric > colours.<br><br>The Human Angel<br><br>One of the gifts of this > transitional process, is that Humans are becoming aware of who they > truly are: that they are Spirits in Human bodies, and that they are, > in other words, Angels in human form.<br><br>We have been aware of > our connections to the higher realms for many thousands of years, but > have always felt that out " human " and material state somehow " shut " > us off from our angelic inheritance. We would speak about our " Higher > Self " , knowing that we had access to this aspect of ourselves, but > somehow it was not quite a part of who we were, and could only be > accessed in meditation.<br><br>Part of the reason for this was that > our physical forms were locked into the Third Dimension, but our > Higher or Angelic self was of a much finer and higher vibration and > was more at home in the Higher Dimensions. So there was always > a " gap " between the material manifestation of the human body and > consciousness and the spiritual reality.<br><br>Now, however, with > the vibrational shift that the planet is experiencing, which is aptly > called " Ascension " , the Earth and her inhabitants have the > opportunity to " ascend " from the Third Dimension of consciousness > upwards into the Higher Dimensions. As the consciousness ascends > higher, the spiritual world comes closer, until there is no longer > a " gap " but a continuum that is termed " Multi-Dimensional > Consciousness " .<br><br>In this state, the human being is able to > access both the material and spiritual realms with ease. There is no > longer any need for intense meditation, since the access to the > spirit realm is immediate and evident. People in the Multi- > Dimensional state have accessed their Angelic presence or state, and > recognise themselves as Spirit beings or Angels who also have a human > body and are able to function in the material plane as material > beings.<br><br>At this point, the Higher Self and the Lower self can > be said to have blended, and the Human being is now a Human > Angel.<br><br>The Human Angel is constantly aware of themselves as > Angelic and as Powerful and Creative. They have no time or need for > things such as fear and victim dramas. Their time is better spent in > creating the kind of reality in which they would be happy and > content.<br><br>Many Indigo and crystal children are already almost > at this point of awareness, if not fully within it. As are many of > the Indigo-Crystal adults who have made the transition to this state. > It is these new beings, able to claim both their human and angelic > inheritances, who will create the New Earth.<br><br>It is important > to state, at this point, that it is imperative that those who make > the transition into awareness of their angelic selves, be also aware > of how important it is to be human and to be well grounded in the > material dimensions or planes. The whole point of the Transition is > to bring " Heaven " to " Earth " , and not to drift away into some > ungrounded paradise state.<br><br>For Human Angels there is work to > do. Creating a New Earth that will bring Heaven to Earth. And > since " heaven " is not so much a place as a state of consciousness, > these Human Angels must work to bring the higher dimensional states > of consciousness to the Earth plane. Once this is achieved, then a > planetary culture will be birthed that will respect all beings as > manifestations of the Divine Essence. And this culture will reflect > that respect in its peace, harmony and creativity.<br><br>The Nature > of Multi-Dimensionality<br><br>Until fairly recently, all humans born > on Earth were born as Third Dimensional beings. This means that they > were fully in the material plane or realm, and their consciousness > was " locked " into the Third Dimension. They functioned on the first > three chakras, the material, the emotional and the mental. Where > there was spirituality, it was usually seen as something outside or > other than normal every day functioning.<br><br>The Third Dimensional > being is aware of him or herself as a separate and unique individual. > There is no real sense of the unity or oneness of consciousness that > is a factor of higher dimensional consciousness. Because of this > sense of separation, humans have built a society that has very little > awareness of the interconnectedness of beings and actions. And > because of this lack of awareness, humans have created a planet of > sorrow and suffering, where individuals see no need to be responsible > for their thoughts, feelings and actions. Fear of not surviving on > the individual level, because of lack of resources, has led to greed > and imbalances that need to be addressed in order to create a stable > planetary home for all humans.<br><br>The Indigo children arrived > with the key to multi-dimensionality. They were born into Third > Dimensional bodies, but their consciousness was effectively in the > Fourth Dimension and capable of moving into the Fifth. When > this " wave " of Indigo consciousness arrived on the planet in the > early 1970s, the way was opened for all humans and the planet itself > to shift into the Fourth Dimension.<br><br>At the Fourth Dimensional > level of Consciousness, humans become aware of the Universal Law of > One, otherwise known as " Unity Consciousness " . This Law states that > we are all One, we are all connected and that whatever affects one of > us affects all of us. Indigo children carry this awareness in their > consciousness, and it leads them to be warriors for many causes that > will heal the Earth and stop humans from destroying and polluting > their environment and harming other humans.<br><br>The Law of One > also fosters the understanding in Indigo beings that we are all > equal, and that no one is greater than any other. This group > consciousness and group awareness is the path to the future for > humans. We will learn to function co-operatively and for the good of > all if we are to create the New Earth that we desire.<br><br>Indigos > respect the talents and abilities of each individual, but these > talents do not make any one greater than anyone else. The play of ego > and self-importance has no real place in the life of an > Indigo.<br><br>When an Indigo awareness opens into the Fifth > Dimension, it becomes aware of itself as a Creator. Fifth Dimensional > awareness loves to create. All the religious belief systems and the > economic systems on Earth today are Fifth Dimensional Though Form > creations that we hold in place by our continued support of these > thought forms. They form a Fifth Dimensional grid around the Earth. > Most lower- dimensional beings are completely unaware that their > thoughts and behaviour patterns are being controlled from this > level.<br><br>When the Indigo awareness opens to this level, there is > often a rejection of all belief systems and a consciousness of the > freedom to create new and alternative ways of thinking and being. The > Indigo person takes on the planetary mission of creating and bringing > in new ways of thinking and being for Planet Earth. But, at this > level the consciousness is still concerned with dualities of " good " > and " bad " , that determine what kind of system is best for Earth. The > next step in consciousness is to move beyond duality and into a realm > where all is seen as part of the greater good and for the good of the > greater whole.<br><br>This advanced state is known as Sixth > Dimensional Consciousness, and is the realm of the Christed Child or > Magical Child. All Crystal children are born into this level of > awareness. They have immediate access to the magical and spiritual > aspects of who they are, and are able to blend imagination and > creation in fantastic and joyous ways. If they were left to their own > devices, they would immediately create a magical planet. But, they > still have to deal with a largely Third Dimensional consciousness, > and they struggle with the patterns and behaviours that they find > here.<br><br>When an adult Indigo consciousness makes the shift into > the Crystal state or awareness, they enter into Sixth Dimensional > awareness and the Christ Consciousness seed. They are rebirthed, in > consciousness, as a Christed or Magical child. With this comes an > awareness of the playfulness of life, and the play of Spirit through > human beings on this planet. Then all life is seen as magical and > blessed, and all life is directed and advanced through the work of > spirit. At this point, the being understands the principle of > surrender to the flow of the greater evolutionary wave, while still > exercising the right to be a creator on the individual > level.<br><br>The Crystal consciousness, when it has matured enough > at this level, can then move into the Seventh Dimensional level, > where awareness opens onto the nature of the spiritual mission of the > being. A Crystal or Christed adult at this level is ready to take on > a planetary mission as a carrier of higher dimensional consciousness > to others. The work may involve teaching and healing on a grand > scale, or it may simply be to carry the energy in the auric field so > that others may access the higher vibrations in their own upwards > ascension path.<br><br>The Crystal child and adult now carry the > potential to open fully to the Ninth level or Full Christ > Consciousness. This incorporates the Eighth level, or Archetypal > level, where the being has full control over the " story " of their > life on earth, and the Ninth level, where the being assumes full > responsibility for stewardship of the Planet.<br><br>The potential > then exists for the being to continue on the journey to the Tenth > level, where the being accesses his or her Solar System > responsibilities; the Eleventh level, where the Galactic level of > consciousness is accessed and finally the Twelfth level, where the > Gold Ray of Universal Consciousness inaugurates the being as a Full > Universal Being. The Thirteenth level represents the Master, who > enters into the Divine Mystery as a fully conscious spark of the > Divine Creative Essence.<br><br>An Evolutionary Leap<br><br>As can be > seen from the above discussion, the Indigo-Crystal adventure > represents a huge evolutionary leap for the human species. This is > initially a huge leap in consciousness, reflected in the auric > colours and the access to multi-dimensional layers of awareness in an > individual.<br><br>But, what is manifest in the subtle or spiritual > bodies must eventually make itself manifest in the physical or Earth > plane body of each individual. And eventually, in the physical body > of the Planet itself. Indigo and Crystal children and adults are an > integral and dynamic part of the evolutionary leap into a new and > Golden future.<br><br>Higher levels of consciousness, awareness of > the interconnectedness of all things and a desire for an empowered > and creative life will soon become the characteristics of all humans > on Planet Earth.<br><br>Related Posts:<br>Children of the New Earth: > Crystal Children<br><br><br><br><br>Children of the New Earth: > Crystal Children<br>Posted on May 16th, 2007 by Shira79 <br>Channeled > by Steve Rother for The Group<br><br>From Steve:<br><br>The Group has > been talking recently about the return of the Crystal children. These > are the children that are our next level of human evolution. The > Indigo's have been changing the paradigms and our structures to make > space for us to evolve. They have entered, moving a little faster > than most of us, and have had great difficulties as they stretched > our belief systems and the way we interact with children. Their > higher purpose, according to the Group, is to make room for our next > stage of evolution. The Group labeled this next step the 'Children of > Crystal Vibration'. At the beginning of these messages in 1996 the > Group said 'if' you can make the planet safe for their return they > will come. In October of 2000 they said for the first time that it is > no longer 'if' but now a question of 'when' this special level of > humans would start filtering into our reality. Only recently did the > Group say that now the Crystal kids are starting to enter. What > happened to set the stage for this? In a time when humanity has > seemed to take a step backwards, why are these kids now entering? > Good question. . .<br><br><br><br>Greetings from Home.<br><br>The > events on Planet Earth have led you to a special place, dear ones. > What lies before you at this very moment is a possibility for > humanity to move into a level of vibration that was not thought to be > possible. Please understand that what you see as road blocks now > before you are truly opportunities to clear the way for your own > evolution.<br><br>Those that you call the Indigo children have > already shifted the focus of humanity. Because of their work and > sacrifice you are learning to make space in your reality for > empowered humans. They have done well and will now begin to move into > adulthood. As they do, they will shift the paradigms of all that is > to follow. The Indigo children have begun the change of your systems > that relate to children. Now watch the miracles that take place as > they move into adulthood and change those systems as well. Imagine > what the world will be like as the first Indigo world leaders take > their place. As this unfolds, the New Earth will become firmly rooted > in the balanced Crystal energy. You will see space created for > empowered humans on Earth no matter their beliefs, sex, or origins. > The work of those you call Indigo will be know forever as the great > shift. They have come into a harsh world, shaken it up, and are > making you re-think everything. These beautiful beings are direct and > therefore may have appeared to you as abrasive. Enduring boredom is > their greatest challenge. Blessed be the Indigo children for they are > opening the door. Now let us tell you more of what is behind the > door.<br><br>The Children of Crystal vibration are what you would > consider to be the magical children with abilities that you have yet > to understand. The attributes of Crystal Children are simply two- > fold, they are extremely powerful and yet extremely vulnerable. They > are highly evolved beings and have an understanding of what simple > energy really is. Feats that you would think impossible may seem like > child's play to humans carrying the Crystal Vibration. You will begin > to see magical abilities in human children that you have never seen > before. Their basic understanding of energy will make it possible to > manipulate energy in new ways.<br><br>Certain energy forms that you > have adapted for your own use may be a bit difficult for the first > Crystals to cope with. Electricity in particular may be awkward for > some of the early Crystals as they acclimate. The energetic makeup of > these children may cause unusual reactions to electrical devices. > They have challenges defining their energetic boundaries and > therefore, are empathic to electro magnetic fields. They may have a > tendency to reflect back the energy they can not assimilate. It may > be quite common for Crystal children to blow out electrical devices > until they become accustomed to the energy. You will see children > with abilities to physically move objects in ways you do not > understand. You may see physical senses develop in some children that > have never been part of the human experience prior. Even your > sciences will have difficulty explaining what these children will see > as simple energy. At first, Crystal Children will tend to gather in > groups where they can hold space for each other. They will form > groups and grow together supporting each other energetically. They > will do it all by themselves so parents of Crystal children will not > need not worry about finding the best environment for their children. > Expect to see groups of 'magical children' with abilities that exceed > far beyond the norm you have known. As time goes on you will see an > acclimation of this energy and you will become more accustomed to the > odd stories that will circulate about strange new abilities of some > children. Watch for these and prepare yourself, for these are the > physical signs that the human race is evolving. This is the return of > the Children of Crystal vibration.<br><br>You are seeing only the > scouts thus far that have begun to enter and test the waters. These > are children carrying the very first of the Crystal energy in human > form. As powerful as they are, they are carrying only hints of the > energy that is to come in the next few years. Thus far, in our > speaking to you we have referred to them as the Crystal Children, > intimating that they are separate from yourselves. Please understand > that they are you in higher vibrational form. We have labeled them > the Crystal Children to mark a milestone in your own evolution, yet > in time you will call them only 'kids'. There are no special words > needed to describe you to you.<br><br>Many of you have great > sensitivity to the emotional energy fields of others. This > sensitivity is how you so effectively tap into their energy as they > come to you for facilitation. This sensitivity may have caused > problems as you took on others energy thinking it was your own. Some > of you have great difficulty in this area. We also tell you that it > is this same attribute that makes you such intuitive healers. As with > most of you, when you first began to utilize these attributes they > may have seemed magical to those around you. Please understand that > the Children of Crystal Vibration have sensitivity beyond your > comprehension. They will be inside your head knowing, not only what > is in your thoughts, but also what is in your heart. Even now as > humanity reaches higher vibrational status we tell you that you are > beginning to read each others minds. If you were to see through the > eyes of a Crystal Child, you would be saddened to see so many people > living their entire lives attached to archaic and outdated beliefs. > Having this sight will not be easy for them. In the fifth dimension > on the New Planet Earth there will be no more secrets. At first they > will feel like they must endure this sensitivity, yet like you, this > will also turn out to be their great gift. Unlike the children of > Indigo vibration, the Crystal children are so sensitive that they may > feel threatened by the harshness of what people are holding in their > hearts. Some will find safety in retreating and going within. There > are some people who will think this a sign of weakness and may even > attempt to exploit these gentle beings. Let us set your mind at ease > when we tell you that exploitation will not be possible. The Children > of Crystal vibration are powerful beyond your understanding. Even > though they may have great difficulty understanding and interacting, > they will always know their true power and who they are.<br><br>The > biggest challenge that will face the Children of Crystal vibration is > that their great sensitivity to energy will also uncover their > inability to deal with other peoples fear. Fear is an emotion, > opposite of love, based on a belief in lack. The Children of Crystal > vibration will enter with a new belief system that will make it > difficult for them to have a reference for fear in their reality. > Couple this with their energetic sensitivity and you will find that > when these higher vibrational humans are surrounded with human fear, > they will have a tendency to reflect back that fear, amplifying it in > the process. It could be said that the Children of Crystal vibration > are allergic to the lower vibrational emotion of fear. As the first > of these children enter, they may need help in dealing with the > general fear around them. It is here that we challenge you to take > steps now in preparation for their return. To make Earth a safe place > for your next step in evolution, it will be necessary to drastically > reduce fear in your reality in the next few years. Alleviating fear > is only possible on a personal basis. If Light is the highest > expression of Love and fear is the opposite of Love, then it is easy > to see that the real work of Lightworkers is to learn to replace fear > with Love in all situations. This is underway now. The emotion of > fear is a vacuum that feeds on itself. Fear is only a lack of > information. Fill in the vacuum with information and there is no > fear. Even if the information is not correct it can still fill the > void until the correct information is known. Even in your recent > experiences with terrorism, you see that you are no longer afraid of > things that terrified you only months ago. As devastating as that > was, the potential outcome is known and there is no longer a vacuum. > It is hence that one can only be fully human when they are no longer > in fear of dying. Take this challenge and move forward into creating > your reality with passion and fear not!<br><br>Because of the great > work that the Indigo children are now doing and the adjustments you > are making to accommodate them, the Children of Crystal vibration > have an opportunity to allow your spirits to thrive in this higher > energetic structure. For those of you who choose, you may raise your > energy to match that of the Crystal children through the process of > overlight. The times that lie directly ahead will be filled with > wonderment as the Children of the New Earth take control of their > reality. To them and to you brave Lightworkers who are making this > possible, we proudly say:<br><br>Welcome Home.<br><br>It is with the > greatest of love for you that we ask you to treat each other with > respect, nurture one another and play well together.<br>. . .the > Group<br><br>What are Indigo and Crystal Children and Adults? > <br><br>***<br><br>Special Request<br><br>Copyright 2002 Steve > Rother.<br><br>This information may be freely disseminated in whole > or in part provided there is no charge for the information and that > this notice is attached. When using a partial version of this > material please clearly state that this is an abridged version and > refer the reader to the complete original version at > qPublications are encouraged to > reprint. Permission is not needed but we request to be notified at > Pub@... Further information from Steve and the Group may > be found at: or through Lightworker at > (858) 748 5837. Thanks for helping to spread the Light! <br><br><br><a > href= " > journey/ " >SOURCE</a><br><br><br><center><br><a > href= " > fuseaction=user.viewprofile & friendID=106023799 " ><br><img > src= " > > pg " ></a><br></center> " > > .:*********.'s Comment: > > " Well I see " One " " Unity " and " Divinty " a lot to describe the Indigo > children, I am one by the way. I am very confused, don't you think > that we pro-peacers are the ones sucking in the new world order " one " > world government, " one " world religion, " one " world bank. I think > it's satanism, the illuminati believes in this bullshit. I refuse to > accept this, believing you are your own God is satanism. I will not > let the world get down to 500,000 people. If I am wrong with what I > am trying to explain, message me back and " enlighten " me please. > thanks. " > > > Please click the link below to approve or deny this comment. > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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