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Re: Exercise: Inner Body Cleansing, Removing the Trouble Spots

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Liane, this is such incredibly important information to know! Thank you for thinking to share it my lovely sister!Metta and love,Stefanie>> > > > Exercise:> Inner Body Cleansing, Removing the "Trouble Spots"> Summary:> > > Cleansing Your Inner Bodies of Imperfections-Trouble Spots> > For Quick Access to This Exercise:> > To get to the parts of this exercise you are most interested in> viewing,click on the link below to go there. For best results, read> through the entire exercise at least once.> > Background on This Exercise> Goal of This Exercise> Preparation for This Exercise> How to Do This Exercise> Example of Exercise Results> > Background:> > Your body is a remarkable instrument of God: it truly is the temple> ofthe spirit. Your body allows you to have experiences on many> levels:physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. To support> thismulti-dimensional level of experience, your body exists at> differentlevels (see "Healing the Energy Field").> > Goal:> > This exercisewill help you "burn off" the "imperfections" that you carry> in the manylevels of your body. These "imperfections" (which will be> referred tofrom now on as "trouble spots") are the primary repository of> all your"problems" in life. Since your body exists at many levels, it> requiresroutine cleansing of these "trouble spots" wherever they exist> on anyof these levels.> > Just as you normally bathe your physical bodyto remove the junk it picks> up during the day, this exercise cleansesyour inner bodies of the> "trouble spots" that have been built up withinyour energy field over the> course of time.> > Preparation:> > The FIRST time you do this exercise it will have a very powerful impact> on you.> > Imaginefor a moment an oven that has never been cleaned. The first time> it iscleaned, it is quite a work effort. A lot of junk has to be removed> andthe cleaning process can be quite time consuming and painful. But> oncethe oven is clean, it takes very little effort to keep it clean in> thefuture.> > Cleaning "trouble spots" from your inner bodies is muchthe same process> as cleaning ovens. Loads of junk must be cleaned outthe first time this> exercise is done.> > 1> So the first timeyou do this exercise, do NOT wash away ALL the> trouble spots.Concentrate on washing away small ones. See how this> effects you beforeyou even attempt to remove larger ones.> > 2> Do this exerciseonce a week for 15 minutes. Inner cleansing is VERY> powerful and ittakes time for the work that you have done on the inner> bodies to bereflected in your outer body ("as above, so below").> > 3> Bepatient with yourself. Doing inner cleansing can be quite> disorientinguntil the changes are fully integrated. If you are doing> this processto effect a change, then you should be fully prepared to> expect achange. You know the old saying: "Be careful what you wish for,> youmight get it!"> > How to Do This Exercise:> > 1> Take some deep, refreshing breaths until you are totally relaxed and> comfortablein whatever position you have chosen (it should take you no> more than 3 minutes to get comfortable). You must be in a quiet place> where you will be completely undisturbed for 20 to 30 minutes. It is> best if youare lying down.> > 2> Close your eyes and envision the innerrepresentation of your bodies.> They appear as concentric circles aroundthe central core which is your> physical body and are bound by the outerlayer of your Soul.> > Your outer physical body is in the center and looks like you except that> it is green.> Your inner astral (emotional) body is a layer of red surrounding the> physical body.> Your inner causal (karmic) body is a layer of orange surrounding the> astral body.> Your inner mental (thought) body is a layer of blue surrounding the> causal body.> Your inner etheric (intuitive) body is a layer of purple surrounding the> mental body.> Your inner Soul is a layer of white gold, the outer skin holding> everything together.> > 3> To heal your physical body:> > a>Focus your attention on your green physical body. The trouble spots> are energy blockages that will appear as spots of black or white (as> youprefer) on it. You will know that you are seeing the inner image> ofyour physical body correctly because the spots should be appearing> inareas in which you have had trouble over time. For example,> spotsappear wherever you were injured or ill or in pain.> > b> Selecta "trouble spot" that you wish to remove. Focus your attention> on it asif you were a surgeon using a laser beam to remove a wart or> some otherunwanted item. Cut around the trouble spot and then see the> laser beamerasing it from your physical body until it has been> completely removed.> > c>To seal the effected area in your physical body after the spot> isremoved, imagine that you are filling in the hole with green. Say> "Ihave released this trouble spot from my body and return it to> theuniverse with love. I fill this spot on my physical body with> healing,wholeness, and love." Then chant the tone which will stimulate> healingof your physical body which is Alayi.> > 4> To heal your astral (emotional) body:> > a>Focus your attention on your red astral body. The trouble spots> areenergy blockages that will appear as spots of black or white (as> youprefer) on it. You will know that you are seeing the inner image> ofyour astral body correctly because the spots should be appearing> nearthe physical areas or energy chakras which have given you trouble> overtime. For example, during a divorce, the related issues appear as> spotsnear the heart chakra located in the center of the chest.> > b>Select a "trouble spot" that you wish to remove. Focus your> attentionon it as if you were a surgeon using a laser beam to remove a> wart orsome other unwanted item. Cut around the trouble spot and then> see thelaser beam erasing it from your astral body until it has> beencompletely removed.> > c> To seal the effected area in yourastral body after the spot is> removed, imagine that you are filling inthe hole with red. Say "I have> released this trouble spot from my bodyand return it to the universe> with love. I fill this spot on my astralbody with healing, wholeness,> and love." Then chant the tone which willstimulate healing of your> astral body which is Kala.> > 5> To heal your causal (karmic) body:> > a>Focus your attention on your orange causal body. The trouble spots> areenergy blockages that will appear as spots of black or white (as> youprefer) on it. You will know that you are seeing the inner image> ofyour causal body correctly because the spots should be appearing> nearthe physical areas or energy chakras which have given you trouble> overtime. For example, I had issues with abuse of power in past lives> whichappeared as black spots that were located in my ankles.> > b>Select a "trouble spot" that you wish to remove. Focus your> attentionon it as if you were a surgeon using a laser beam to remove a> wart orsome other unwanted item. Cut around the trouble spot and then> see thelaser beam erasing it from your causal body until it has> beencompletely removed.> > c> To seal the effected area in yourcausal body after the spot is> removed, imagine that you are filling inthe hole with orange. Say "I> have released this trouble spot from mybody and return it to the> universe with love. I fill this spot on mycausal body with healing,> wholeness, and love." Then chant the tonewhich will stimulate healing of> your causal body which is Mana.> > 6> To heal your mental (thought) body:> > a>Focus your attention on your blue mental body. The trouble spots> areenergy blockages that will appear as spots of black or white (as> youprefer) on it. You will know that you are seeing the inner image> ofyour mental body correctly because the spots should be appearing> nearthe physical areas or energy chakras which have given you trouble> overtime. For example, issues with self esteem will appear as black> spotslocated in the solar plexus - identity - chakra.> > b> Select a"trouble spot" that you wish to remove. Focus your attention> on it asif you were a surgeon using a laser beam to remove a wart or> some otherunwanted item. Cut around the trouble spot and then see the> laser beamerasing it from your mental body until it has been completely> removed.> > c>To seal the effected area in your mental body after the spot> isremoved, imagine that you are filling in the hole with blue. Say> "Ihave released this trouble spot from my body and return it to> theuniverse with love. I fill this spot on my mental body with> healing,wholeness, and love." Then chant the tone which will stimulate> healingof your mental body which is Aum.> > 7> To heal your etheric (intuitive) body:> > a>Focus your attention on your purple etheric body. The trouble spots> areenergy blockages that will appear as spots of black or white (as> youprefer) on it. You will know that you are seeing the inner image> ofyour etheric body correctly because the spots should be appearing> nearthe physical areas or energy chakras which have given you trouble> overtime. For example, issues with expanding your intuition would> belocated in the third eye - intuition - chakra.> > b> Select a"trouble spot" that you wish to remove. Focus your attention> on it asif you were a surgeon using a laser beam to remove a wart or> some otherunwanted item. Cut around the trouble spot and then see the> laser beamerasing it from your etheric body until it has been completely> removed.> > c>To seal the effected area in your etheric body after the spot> isremoved, imagine that you are filling in the hole with purple. Say> "Ihave released this trouble spot from my body and return it to> theuniverse with love. I fill this spot on my etheric body with> healing,wholeness, and love." Then chant the tone which will stimulate> healingof your etheric body which is Baju.> > 8> Immediately after thisexercise is complete drink a full glass of> water, do some goodcleansing (see below), and get as much rest as you> can. This will helpyour body integrate the changes. Good cleansing will> vary depending onif you are an:> > "Air" person, sweating in a sauna or steam room is good cleansing.> "Water" person, taking a long shower is good cleansing.> "Earth" person, taking a mud bath is good cleansing.> "Fire" person, sitting surrounded by lit candles is good cleansing.> ......For a list of recommended cleansing products, click here.> > 9>Over the next 7 days, drink as much water as you can take. This> willhelp your body to flush out the toxins from the "trouble spots"> youreleased.> > Example: The examples are included in "How to Do ThisExercise". If you> like the exercise and want to try others like it,then you might be> interested in "The Spiritual Exercises of ECK: YourDoorway to Wisdom,> Spiritual Freedom, Self Mastery, and Love" by SriHarold Klemp - the> ultimate resource for exercises.> Credits: adapted from an ECKANKAR Spiritual Exercise - www.eckankar.org> <http://www.eckankar.org/>>

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Dear Lianeqrz_Legey,

Thank You so much for this Info.

Peace and Love,






> Exercise:

> Inner Body Cleansing, Removing the " Trouble Spots "

> Summary:



> Cleansing Your Inner Bodies of Imperfections-Trouble Spots


> For Quick Access to This Exercise:


> To get to the parts of this exercise you are most interested in

> viewing,click on the link below to go there. For best results, read

> through the entire exercise at least once.


> Background on This Exercise

> Goal of This Exercise

> Preparation for This Exercise

> How to Do This Exercise

> Example of Exercise Results


> Background:


> Your body is a remarkable instrument of God: it truly is the temple

> ofthe spirit. Your body allows you to have experiences on many

> levels:physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. To


> thismulti-dimensional level of experience, your body exists at

> differentlevels (see " Healing the Energy Field " ).


> Goal:


> This exercisewill help you " burn off " the " imperfections " that you


> in the manylevels of your body. These " imperfections " (which will be

> referred tofrom now on as " trouble spots " ) are the primary

repository of

> all your " problems " in life. Since your body exists at many levels,


> requiresroutine cleansing of these " trouble spots " wherever they


> on anyof these levels.


> Just as you normally bathe your physical bodyto remove the junk it


> up during the day, this exercise cleansesyour inner bodies of the

> " trouble spots " that have been built up withinyour energy field

over the

> course of time.


> Preparation:


> The FIRST time you do this exercise it will have a very powerful


> on you.


> Imaginefor a moment an oven that has never been cleaned. The first


> it iscleaned, it is quite a work effort. A lot of junk has to be


> andthe cleaning process can be quite time consuming and painful. But

> oncethe oven is clean, it takes very little effort to keep it clean


> thefuture.


> Cleaning " trouble spots " from your inner bodies is muchthe same


> as cleaning ovens. Loads of junk must be cleaned outthe first time


> exercise is done.


> 1> So the first timeyou do this exercise, do NOT wash away ALL the

> trouble spots.Concentrate on washing away small ones. See how this

> effects you beforeyou even attempt to remove larger ones.


> 2> Do this exerciseonce a week for 15 minutes. Inner cleansing is


> powerful and ittakes time for the work that you have done on the


> bodies to bereflected in your outer body ( " as above, so below " ).


> 3> Bepatient with yourself. Doing inner cleansing can be quite

> disorientinguntil the changes are fully integrated. If you are doing

> this processto effect a change, then you should be fully prepared to

> expect achange. You know the old saying: " Be careful what you wish


> youmight get it! "


> How to Do This Exercise:


> 1> Take some deep, refreshing breaths until you are totally

relaxed and

> comfortablein whatever position you have chosen (it should take you


> more than 3 minutes to get comfortable). You must be in a quiet


> where you will be completely undisturbed for 20 to 30 minutes. It is

> best if youare lying down.


> 2> Close your eyes and envision the innerrepresentation of your


> They appear as concentric circles aroundthe central core which is


> physical body and are bound by the outerlayer of your Soul.


> Your outer physical body is in the center and looks like you except


> it is green.

> Your inner astral (emotional) body is a layer of red surrounding the

> physical body.

> Your inner causal (karmic) body is a layer of orange surrounding the

> astral body.

> Your inner mental (thought) body is a layer of blue surrounding the

> causal body.

> Your inner etheric (intuitive) body is a layer of purple

surrounding the

> mental body.

> Your inner Soul is a layer of white gold, the outer skin holding

> everything together.


> 3> To heal your physical body:


> a>Focus your attention on your green physical body. The trouble


> are energy blockages that will appear as spots of black or white (as

> youprefer) on it. You will know that you are seeing the inner image

> ofyour physical body correctly because the spots should be appearing

> inareas in which you have had trouble over time. For example,

> spotsappear wherever you were injured or ill or in pain.


> b> Selecta " trouble spot " that you wish to remove. Focus your


> on it asif you were a surgeon using a laser beam to remove a wart or

> some otherunwanted item. Cut around the trouble spot and then see


> laser beamerasing it from your physical body until it has been

> completely removed.


> c>To seal the effected area in your physical body after the spot

> isremoved, imagine that you are filling in the hole with green. Say

> " Ihave released this trouble spot from my body and return it to

> theuniverse with love. I fill this spot on my physical body with

> healing,wholeness, and love. " Then chant the tone which will


> healingof your physical body which is Alayi.


> 4> To heal your astral (emotional) body:


> a>Focus your attention on your red astral body. The trouble spots

> areenergy blockages that will appear as spots of black or white (as

> youprefer) on it. You will know that you are seeing the inner image

> ofyour astral body correctly because the spots should be appearing

> nearthe physical areas or energy chakras which have given you


> overtime. For example, during a divorce, the related issues appear


> spotsnear the heart chakra located in the center of the chest.


> b>Select a " trouble spot " that you wish to remove. Focus your

> attentionon it as if you were a surgeon using a laser beam to

remove a

> wart orsome other unwanted item. Cut around the trouble spot and


> see thelaser beam erasing it from your astral body until it has

> beencompletely removed.


> c> To seal the effected area in yourastral body after the spot is

> removed, imagine that you are filling inthe hole with red. Say " I


> released this trouble spot from my bodyand return it to the universe

> with love. I fill this spot on my astralbody with healing,


> and love. " Then chant the tone which willstimulate healing of your

> astral body which is Kala.


> 5> To heal your causal (karmic) body:


> a>Focus your attention on your orange causal body. The trouble spots

> areenergy blockages that will appear as spots of black or white (as

> youprefer) on it. You will know that you are seeing the inner image

> ofyour causal body correctly because the spots should be appearing

> nearthe physical areas or energy chakras which have given you


> overtime. For example, I had issues with abuse of power in past


> whichappeared as black spots that were located in my ankles.


> b>Select a " trouble spot " that you wish to remove. Focus your

> attentionon it as if you were a surgeon using a laser beam to

remove a

> wart orsome other unwanted item. Cut around the trouble spot and


> see thelaser beam erasing it from your causal body until it has

> beencompletely removed.


> c> To seal the effected area in yourcausal body after the spot is

> removed, imagine that you are filling inthe hole with orange. Say " I

> have released this trouble spot from mybody and return it to the

> universe with love. I fill this spot on mycausal body with healing,

> wholeness, and love. " Then chant the tonewhich will stimulate

healing of

> your causal body which is Mana.


> 6> To heal your mental (thought) body:


> a>Focus your attention on your blue mental body. The trouble spots

> areenergy blockages that will appear as spots of black or white (as

> youprefer) on it. You will know that you are seeing the inner image

> ofyour mental body correctly because the spots should be appearing

> nearthe physical areas or energy chakras which have given you


> overtime. For example, issues with self esteem will appear as black

> spotslocated in the solar plexus - identity - chakra.


> b> Select a " trouble spot " that you wish to remove. Focus your


> on it asif you were a surgeon using a laser beam to remove a wart or

> some otherunwanted item. Cut around the trouble spot and then see


> laser beamerasing it from your mental body until it has been


> removed.


> c>To seal the effected area in your mental body after the spot

> isremoved, imagine that you are filling in the hole with blue. Say

> " Ihave released this trouble spot from my body and return it to

> theuniverse with love. I fill this spot on my mental body with

> healing,wholeness, and love. " Then chant the tone which will


> healingof your mental body which is Aum.


> 7> To heal your etheric (intuitive) body:


> a>Focus your attention on your purple etheric body. The trouble


> areenergy blockages that will appear as spots of black or white (as

> youprefer) on it. You will know that you are seeing the inner image

> ofyour etheric body correctly because the spots should be appearing

> nearthe physical areas or energy chakras which have given you


> overtime. For example, issues with expanding your intuition would

> belocated in the third eye - intuition - chakra.


> b> Select a " trouble spot " that you wish to remove. Focus your


> on it asif you were a surgeon using a laser beam to remove a wart or

> some otherunwanted item. Cut around the trouble spot and then see


> laser beamerasing it from your etheric body until it has been


> removed.


> c>To seal the effected area in your etheric body after the spot

> isremoved, imagine that you are filling in the hole with purple. Say

> " Ihave released this trouble spot from my body and return it to

> theuniverse with love. I fill this spot on my etheric body with

> healing,wholeness, and love. " Then chant the tone which will


> healingof your etheric body which is Baju.


> 8> Immediately after thisexercise is complete drink a full glass of

> water, do some goodcleansing (see below), and get as much rest as


> can. This will helpyour body integrate the changes. Good cleansing


> vary depending onif you are an:


> " Air " person, sweating in a sauna or steam room is good cleansing.

> " Water " person, taking a long shower is good cleansing.

> " Earth " person, taking a mud bath is good cleansing.

> " Fire " person, sitting surrounded by lit candles is good cleansing.

> ......For a list of recommended cleansing products, click here.


> 9>Over the next 7 days, drink as much water as you can take. This

> willhelp your body to flush out the toxins from the " trouble spots "

> youreleased.


> Example: The examples are included in " How to Do ThisExercise " . If


> like the exercise and want to try others like it,then you might be

> interested in " The Spiritual Exercises of ECK: YourDoorway to


> Spiritual Freedom, Self Mastery, and Love " by SriHarold Klemp - the

> ultimate resource for exercises.

> Credits: adapted from an ECKANKAR Spiritual Exercise -


> <http://www.eckankar.org/>


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Dearest Liane,

Honestly, all I can say is, Oh, how awesome is this post

too!! You really have a way of great timing! I love this message

and I am saving it for further use! Thank you from the bottom of my

heart for your love and caring! Namaste, LUNA





> Exercise:

> Inner Body Cleansing, Removing the " Trouble Spots "

> Summary:



> Cleansing Your Inner Bodies of Imperfections-Trouble Spots


> For Quick Access to This Exercise:


> To get to the parts of this exercise you are most interested in

> viewing,click on the link below to go there. For best results, read

> through the entire exercise at least once.


> Background on This Exercise

> Goal of This Exercise

> Preparation for This Exercise

> How to Do This Exercise

> Example of Exercise Results


> Background:


> Your body is a remarkable instrument of God: it truly is the temple

> ofthe spirit. Your body allows you to have experiences on many

> levels:physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. To


> thismulti-dimensional level of experience, your body exists at

> differentlevels (see " Healing the Energy Field " ).


> Goal:


> This exercisewill help you " burn off " the " imperfections " that you


> in the manylevels of your body. These " imperfections " (which will be

> referred tofrom now on as " trouble spots " ) are the primary

repository of

> all your " problems " in life. Since your body exists at many levels,


> requiresroutine cleansing of these " trouble spots " wherever they


> on anyof these levels.


> Just as you normally bathe your physical bodyto remove the junk it


> up during the day, this exercise cleansesyour inner bodies of the

> " trouble spots " that have been built up withinyour energy field

over the

> course of time.


> Preparation:


> The FIRST time you do this exercise it will have a very powerful


> on you.


> Imaginefor a moment an oven that has never been cleaned. The first


> it iscleaned, it is quite a work effort. A lot of junk has to be


> andthe cleaning process can be quite time consuming and painful. But

> oncethe oven is clean, it takes very little effort to keep it clean


> thefuture.


> Cleaning " trouble spots " from your inner bodies is muchthe same


> as cleaning ovens. Loads of junk must be cleaned outthe first time


> exercise is done.


> 1> So the first timeyou do this exercise, do NOT wash away ALL the

> trouble spots.Concentrate on washing away small ones. See how this

> effects you beforeyou even attempt to remove larger ones.


> 2> Do this exerciseonce a week for 15 minutes. Inner cleansing is


> powerful and ittakes time for the work that you have done on the


> bodies to bereflected in your outer body ( " as above, so below " ).


> 3> Bepatient with yourself. Doing inner cleansing can be quite

> disorientinguntil the changes are fully integrated. If you are doing

> this processto effect a change, then you should be fully prepared to

> expect achange. You know the old saying: " Be careful what you wish


> youmight get it! "


> How to Do This Exercise:


> 1> Take some deep, refreshing breaths until you are totally

relaxed and

> comfortablein whatever position you have chosen (it should take you


> more than 3 minutes to get comfortable). You must be in a quiet


> where you will be completely undisturbed for 20 to 30 minutes. It is

> best if youare lying down.


> 2> Close your eyes and envision the innerrepresentation of your


> They appear as concentric circles aroundthe central core which is


> physical body and are bound by the outerlayer of your Soul.


> Your outer physical body is in the center and looks like you except


> it is green.

> Your inner astral (emotional) body is a layer of red surrounding the

> physical body.

> Your inner causal (karmic) body is a layer of orange surrounding the

> astral body.

> Your inner mental (thought) body is a layer of blue surrounding the

> causal body.

> Your inner etheric (intuitive) body is a layer of purple

surrounding the

> mental body.

> Your inner Soul is a layer of white gold, the outer skin holding

> everything together.


> 3> To heal your physical body:


> a>Focus your attention on your green physical body. The trouble


> are energy blockages that will appear as spots of black or white (as

> youprefer) on it. You will know that you are seeing the inner image

> ofyour physical body correctly because the spots should be appearing

> inareas in which you have had trouble over time. For example,

> spotsappear wherever you were injured or ill or in pain.


> b> Selecta " trouble spot " that you wish to remove. Focus your


> on it asif you were a surgeon using a laser beam to remove a wart or

> some otherunwanted item. Cut around the trouble spot and then see


> laser beamerasing it from your physical body until it has been

> completely removed.


> c>To seal the effected area in your physical body after the spot

> isremoved, imagine that you are filling in the hole with green. Say

> " Ihave released this trouble spot from my body and return it to

> theuniverse with love. I fill this spot on my physical body with

> healing,wholeness, and love. " Then chant the tone which will


> healingof your physical body which is Alayi.


> 4> To heal your astral (emotional) body:


> a>Focus your attention on your red astral body. The trouble spots

> areenergy blockages that will appear as spots of black or white (as

> youprefer) on it. You will know that you are seeing the inner image

> ofyour astral body correctly because the spots should be appearing

> nearthe physical areas or energy chakras which have given you


> overtime. For example, during a divorce, the related issues appear


> spotsnear the heart chakra located in the center of the chest.


> b>Select a " trouble spot " that you wish to remove. Focus your

> attentionon it as if you were a surgeon using a laser beam to

remove a

> wart orsome other unwanted item. Cut around the trouble spot and


> see thelaser beam erasing it from your astral body until it has

> beencompletely removed.


> c> To seal the effected area in yourastral body after the spot is

> removed, imagine that you are filling inthe hole with red. Say " I


> released this trouble spot from my bodyand return it to the universe

> with love. I fill this spot on my astralbody with healing,


> and love. " Then chant the tone which willstimulate healing of your

> astral body which is Kala.


> 5> To heal your causal (karmic) body:


> a>Focus your attention on your orange causal body. The trouble spots

> areenergy blockages that will appear as spots of black or white (as

> youprefer) on it. You will know that you are seeing the inner image

> ofyour causal body correctly because the spots should be appearing

> nearthe physical areas or energy chakras which have given you


> overtime. For example, I had issues with abuse of power in past


> whichappeared as black spots that were located in my ankles.


> b>Select a " trouble spot " that you wish to remove. Focus your

> attentionon it as if you were a surgeon using a laser beam to

remove a

> wart orsome other unwanted item. Cut around the trouble spot and


> see thelaser beam erasing it from your causal body until it has

> beencompletely removed.


> c> To seal the effected area in yourcausal body after the spot is

> removed, imagine that you are filling inthe hole with orange. Say " I

> have released this trouble spot from mybody and return it to the

> universe with love. I fill this spot on mycausal body with healing,

> wholeness, and love. " Then chant the tonewhich will stimulate

healing of

> your causal body which is Mana.


> 6> To heal your mental (thought) body:


> a>Focus your attention on your blue mental body. The trouble spots

> areenergy blockages that will appear as spots of black or white (as

> youprefer) on it. You will know that you are seeing the inner image

> ofyour mental body correctly because the spots should be appearing

> nearthe physical areas or energy chakras which have given you


> overtime. For example, issues with self esteem will appear as black

> spotslocated in the solar plexus - identity - chakra.


> b> Select a " trouble spot " that you wish to remove. Focus your


> on it asif you were a surgeon using a laser beam to remove a wart or

> some otherunwanted item. Cut around the trouble spot and then see


> laser beamerasing it from your mental body until it has been


> removed.


> c>To seal the effected area in your mental body after the spot

> isremoved, imagine that you are filling in the hole with blue. Say

> " Ihave released this trouble spot from my body and return it to

> theuniverse with love. I fill this spot on my mental body with

> healing,wholeness, and love. " Then chant the tone which will


> healingof your mental body which is Aum.


> 7> To heal your etheric (intuitive) body:


> a>Focus your attention on your purple etheric body. The trouble


> areenergy blockages that will appear as spots of black or white (as

> youprefer) on it. You will know that you are seeing the inner image

> ofyour etheric body correctly because the spots should be appearing

> nearthe physical areas or energy chakras which have given you


> overtime. For example, issues with expanding your intuition would

> belocated in the third eye - intuition - chakra.


> b> Select a " trouble spot " that you wish to remove. Focus your


> on it asif you were a surgeon using a laser beam to remove a wart or

> some otherunwanted item. Cut around the trouble spot and then see


> laser beamerasing it from your etheric body until it has been


> removed.


> c>To seal the effected area in your etheric body after the spot

> isremoved, imagine that you are filling in the hole with purple. Say

> " Ihave released this trouble spot from my body and return it to

> theuniverse with love. I fill this spot on my etheric body with

> healing,wholeness, and love. " Then chant the tone which will


> healingof your etheric body which is Baju.


> 8> Immediately after thisexercise is complete drink a full glass of

> water, do some goodcleansing (see below), and get as much rest as


> can. This will helpyour body integrate the changes. Good cleansing


> vary depending onif you are an:


> " Air " person, sweating in a sauna or steam room is good cleansing.

> " Water " person, taking a long shower is good cleansing.

> " Earth " person, taking a mud bath is good cleansing.

> " Fire " person, sitting surrounded by lit candles is good cleansing.

> ......For a list of recommended cleansing products, click here.


> 9>Over the next 7 days, drink as much water as you can take. This

> willhelp your body to flush out the toxins from the " trouble spots "

> youreleased.


> Example: The examples are included in " How to Do ThisExercise " . If


> like the exercise and want to try others like it,then you might be

> interested in " The Spiritual Exercises of ECK: YourDoorway to


> Spiritual Freedom, Self Mastery, and Love " by SriHarold Klemp - the

> ultimate resource for exercises.

> Credits: adapted from an ECKANKAR Spiritual Exercise -


> <http://www.eckankar.org/>


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