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messy /disorganized ASD

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my aimee is of this but now at age of 21 she is of beginning to

organize and keep a fair clean home for my grandbaby.

there are still some things i to need to work on such as not leaving

the baby shampoo and bath things down or the babys medicine when she

spikes of those fevers down. when ever i to come I to always baby

proof her home in areas from room to room and tell Aimee I to be of

not help of it because baby proofing has been of a life job for me

for the kids and so now it is of a strong part of my thinking and so

just do it naturally. she has been to turn out to be of a failry good

mom to my grand baby but still needs of supports.

delaney loves ofme much so and runs to me every time she sees of me.

the last time I to took of her and it was of getting close to her

step dad to come and get of her she told of me Nana you know I to not

like of my mom and dad anymore ever...... this was of her way to say

she did not want to leave but stay over night with me so I to called

of her step dad james and asked if could keep of her over night and

so she got of to stay with me over night.

The only one of my kids that is of good like of me to organize and

keep things in the good places and clean well is of my missy. she is

of like me and hates of clutter things. but she is of a bag and box

hoarder and so she will take things and pack them into bags and or

boxes and store then in the closet. and then a few months later will

unpack them and repack other things to them.

I to know of one professional who worked in the areas of autism and

such and was of a neurologist sort of researcher but hims office was

with huge piles all the way to the ceiling of mass and masses of

clutter everywhere but he knew where things were. never did I to see

of one such a mess and yet function well as a professional.

My doctor amigo is of very very neat and organized and this helps me

cope and feel safe and allows me the best ability to function in the

setting of therapy and or group. Hims office is of full of toys and

such and games and such he uses in hims [response-Ability therapy]

approach and it he makes of the environment some how be of full of

things and yet linear and organized. even shelf after shelf is of

full of games and he took of permanent markers and wrote of the age

levels in larger print so that it is of easier to access games for

the age level of the group. I to feel safest ever in life being there

when not in crisis levels.

But when in crisis the whole life of me seems like mass chaos and

clutter and cant enjoy of the toys or things as I to find I to get

easily overloaded and become agitated and cant seem to play as I to

normally play. and so find self making a huge mess in just a few

minutes of pulling things out in a non functional fashions and sort

of just dumping things but not with intent but just because the brain

of me is of so cluttered it cant play and or find a calm to organize/

also if oen cant see of relations to things they are of all

fragmented things and so cant organize because cant sort and such

yet. one can get of sorting sorts of toys and games and work on that

and learn to transfer of that skill to their room of just one sorting

object at a time so if it is of art have a bin with a lid that is of

just for art papers and let that be of the only job to do for now and

then later work into sorting of two things , art papers and then

maybe of dolls on the shelf for example.

When working with my kids I to had to make a list with very clear and

concrete fashioned task

such as

1) take you sheets and blankes off the bed

2) take the dirty blankets and sheets to the laundry area

3) get clean fitted sheet and fit it on you bed

4) get matching sheet and make you bed

5) then get of a clean blanket and fit it on the you bed

this is of a sample and the kids then took of a crayon and marked off

each step as they did of them

my kids though are of aspergers and so they were of able to do this

sort of broken down tasks. some kids might not be of able to do this

task but this is of just a sample things.


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