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Re: Rife] emergency ! Need help with serious herx reaction & Edema / Swel

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There are no credentials for what I know. There are no schools who have the

knowledge that I have in their data bases. I have been collecting and reading

antique medical text and I have a massive collection mostly based upon the

energy methods that were utilized in medicine in the past.

Several doctors wrote books based upon their many years of experience and it was

common knowledge back then that disease proliferates in an alkaline environment,

not in acids. Anaerobic digestion which is the basis for modern sewage treatment

requires the pleomorphic transformation of bacteria into yeasts and fungi in

order to break down organic materials and this is also the process of cancer,

all of which can only function in hyperalkalinity.

I have not communicated with R.O. Young. He offered to Tweet or something like

that but I refuse to me a member of any social networking group. This is the

only format in which I am willing to share my thoughts and I discourage private

communications as I don't have the time nor am I willing to get set up for

giving medical advice. ly I'm fed up with patients and I will never be

directly involved in treating them again. Doc was kind enough to permit me to

work as a PA in his clinic while I was perusing a Naturopathic degree and that

experience convinced me that I don't have the tolerance to deal with

non-compliant patients who made up the majority of his practice. How he puts up

with it astounds me. Not my cup of tea. I'll stick with research...

The text regarding alkalosis in tissue is well-documented in my new book which

is the reason I mentioned and then got pounced upon for discussing it. There are

a lot of people alive today who wouldn't be if it hadn't been for my suggestions

over the years.

Today I removed myself from the Rife Forum and I am inclined to do so from this

group should I be again accused of some nefarious activity. I offer my

suggestions without requiring consideration. My mentioning the book wasn't to

promote it, it was just a reference that more info will be forthcoming and I not

going to post 40 pages or so out of my book just to quell such criticism. There

would be no point in arguing with Dr. Young, all of what I have said was written

by others who were well-qualified to make their statements, I'm just the

messenger. Caveat Emptor! Carmi Hazen

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I knew this was going to be difficult to convey because so many have The

ultra-simplistic view that cancer thrives in an acid environment. This is

perfectly understandable and I sympathize with the confusion that my latest

statements bring to the table.

I have stated that I do not object to altering alkalinity towards a higher pH to

eradicate cancer and, yes, this approach is successful. H.E. Sartori and A.

Brewer proved this out. I have said that I agree in principal to Dr.

Young's protocols and I don't discourage anyone from following his advice.

This may sound contradictory to my statements but it isn't. If one looks at the

table drafted by Gaston Naessens (still living as of last Xmas) he clearly shows

the mycelial stages as being fertile ground for the development of the yeasts

and fungi that we call malignancy. This area is in the alkaline range. By

additional alkalinity the pH is driven higher and this higher level is lethal to

cancer. It is far easier to add more alkalinity to the already alkaline state as

you don't have too far to go to kill the fungi. The opposite is, however, also

true. By adding acids, the pH can be brought downwards to a point where all

biological activity halts. Little oxygen is to be found in high acid states and

practically all human biological activity and the organisms that constitute

disease are stopped. Thus cancer can be rectified by larger swings of pH than

resides in the range where the condition flourishes.

The problem is, however that the excretory fluids differ in pH from the lymph

and blood. To further complicate the matter, if the pH of the blood of a cancer

patient be taken it would register acidic. This is why the pundits make their

unsubstantiated statements about acidic environments being the problem. They are


Not all acid is the same. The body, in an attempt to maintain an acid-base

balance will retain waste acids such as acetic, uric, carbolic and lactic as a

means to balance alkalinity which is what they are actually fighting and all of

this is due to the lack of good ol' stomach acid aka hydrochlorine ie.

hydrochloric. Hydrogen chlorides to be more precise. Once the HCL stasis is

restored, the toxic waste acids are eliminated and when the blood is free of

these contaminants, it now reveals that an excessive alkaline state exists when

its pH is once again measured.

Those 'experts' that you folks are quoting are wrong. Its that simple.

I'm not going to discuss the book any further. it is weeks away from publication

and in it are direct transcriptions of what I have said here.

I see HCL as Therapia Sterilisans Magna. There is nothing more potent in the

universe that can systemically restore the pH balance of the body more that the

only acid that is a normal constituent of the body by Grand Design. The bulk of

all disease has a single common denominator and that is a chronic lack of

hydrochloric acid.

Caveat Emptor! Carmi Hazen

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>I would never trust someone who has zero tolerance or empathy for the


A non-compliant patient is a stupid patient. Those who are unwilling to be

helped have mental problems and have an apparent death wish. They came to the

clinic for help and then refused it. They wasted my time when I could have been

helping someone else who wanted to get better.

We ran a free diabetes clinical trial with 7 people with type II. Of the seven,

two were completely cured because they followed our instructions to the letter.

The other six all improved and a few dramatically but they were unwilling to

make the life style changes that were required. One has since died but we don't

know why.

We had a woman who called her daughter and asked her to come and get her as she

wanted to die in her own bed having spent a week in a hospice. They saw Doc's

new sign and came in. She was strapped into a wheel chair with bungi cords as

she didn't have the strength to hold herself up. She underwent our treatments

and two years later she was working again. She kept leaving Doc's care as she

wasn't satisfied that we could only keep her at maintenance levels because her

immune system had been so badly damaged by chemo. She would leave Doc's care and

go to other practitioners who would mess her up. Each time she would come back

in a very poor condition and Doc would build her back up again. The third time

she came back she was too far gone and died within a week or so.

Many people don't want to be cured for reasons beyond my comprehension. Perhaps

its Nature's way of thinning out the herd. In any event, I resent non-compliant

patients and as far as trust is concerned, you wouldn't have the time to think

about it, I would discharge you at the first sign of stupidity. Caveat Emptor!

Carmi Hazen

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