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Re: Rife vs. Ozone Therapy

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Hi Kay, Rife machine is best for your case, because it take care of Lyme, candida, mold, that CAUSED digestive, food alergy and all of your problems. I saw many people said the

5-$6K machine does wonderful jobs. It sends frequencies to your whole body as the original Rife's machine did. While the lower cost machines, some using computer generated frequencies thru amplifier, but they connect 2 pads to your wrist, or legs to let frequencies to go thru your body. The exposure and effect maybe just local and not that good in my opinion. (But I don't have neither one myself !) After that, you should also take MMS or something to stimulate your immune system so they can go defend your body from future germs.


Subject: Rife vs. Ozone TherapyTo: Rife Date: Tuesday, May 15, 2012, 9:57 AM

I've been waffling between getting a Rife machine or an Ozone sauna for about 6 months and cannot decide which would be better for my condition. Does anyone have an opinion as to which would be better for me? In a nutshell I have digestive issues, mold, candida, Lyme, Mycoplasma, many food and chemical sensitivities, terrible brain fog and fatigue. I am addressing the food issues through diet and avoidance and take a ton of supplements but over the many years I've been sick, nothing has made much of an impact. Any opinions would be welcomed!Thanks,Kay

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Hi Kay, I was in the same position as you not long ago, that is, trying to decide to purchase an ozone machine or a rife machine for my son.  He has very similar symptoms to you with the addition of EMF sensitivity, which I feel sure is aggravated lyme from EMF exposure, not a type of allergic/hypersensitive immediate reaction like he gets due to chemicals, some foods, etc.  I ended up purchasing the ozone sauna including all of the attachments to make ozone water, ear insufflation, etc.  I started with having my son drink the ozone water and doing the ear insufflations, and increasing slowly, which was going well.  A month later, we tried the ozone sauna, and this was a mistake.  The smell of ozone during the sauna was quite strong, no matter how tight I sealed the sauna with towel, opened all windows, etc.  My son also has chemical sensitivities and after 3 sauna treatments, he became unable to tolerate even to the slightest smell of ozone and even started reacting to the other ozone treatments.  AND SO, the ozone equipment is sitting around unused for the moment.  I'm hoping he'll lose the sensitivity if we stay away from it for 6 months or so.  I don't know if you are a member of the ozone yahoo group where Saul Pressman, the ozone guru, helps people with Lyme, etc. with ozone questions, but from what I've read, even he seems to be advising to avoid saunas for quite a while when starting out with ozone.  I am not an expert on this, but based on our experience, I'm not sure the ozone sauna is a good fit for anybody with chemical sensitivities.  I remember two other people mentioning that they became sensitive to the smell of ozone.  I know Dr. Pressman has mentioned that one cannot be allergic to ozone.  Well, that may be.  Nonetheless, my son and others have developed problems from it, call it a hypersensitivity or what you will.  I must say, however, that there are others on that group with Lyme who say that the ozone saunas, etc, have helped them a great deal.  BTW, 3M makes a mask with filters, and there is a particular filter which filters out ozone.  I purchased this mask and intend on using it many months down the road when we fire-up the ozone generator again.

 The biggest help for my son's digestive system has been Mesosilver.  I am giving him 2 Tablespoons 2X per day and that has helped him greatly with his bacterial overgrowth (and possibly yeast).  He can eat very few foods, and the MesoSilver is allowing him to eat several carbs he couldn't eat before. We are going to increase the dose until it is doubled.  I make sure to give him probiotics because, although I know some say the silver won't kill the good bugs, there have been warnings from others that they created gut problems similar to taking antibiotics and wished they had taken probiotics.

 We did Klinghardt's HPU/KPU protocol with great success.  Our LLMD just prescribed some anti-parasite drugs and we are looking into purchasing a rife machine.  Son did the Salt/C up to 7 grams each (son is 120 lbs) and herxed at beginning, but going from 5 to 6 to 7 grams per day seemed not to affect him much at all and had continuing symptoms.  So, doing 3g salt/c per day now while increasing silver and addressing parasites.  Then will see about salt/c and rifing.

 Hope you find what works for you. Warmly, 


I've been waffling between getting a Rife machine or an Ozone sauna for about 6 months and cannot decide which would be better for my condition. Does anyone have an opinion as to which would be better for me? In a nutshell I have digestive issues, mold, candida, Lyme, Mycoplasma, many food and chemical sensitivities, terrible brain fog and fatigue. I am addressing the food issues through diet and avoidance and take a ton of supplements but over the many years I've been sick, nothing has made much of an impact. Any opinions would be welcomed!



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Hi Kay,Read the following. Would be interesting and no money involved.http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2012/05/12/dr-campbell-mcbride-on-gaps.aspxAimoTo: Rife From: kayhutch4@...Date: Tue, 15 May 2012 16:57:19 +0000Subject: Rife vs. Ozone Therapy

I've been waffling between getting a Rife machine or an Ozone sauna for about 6 months and cannot decide which would be better for my condition. Does anyone have an opinion as to which would be better for me? In a nutshell I have digestive issues, mold, candida, Lyme, Mycoplasma, many food and chemical sensitivities, terrible brain fog and fatigue. I am addressing the food issues through diet and avoidance and take a ton of supplements but over the many years I've been sick, nothing has made much of an impact. Any opinions would be welcomed!



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IMO after buying a multitude of machines.. I favor the MWO. It

provides both multiple frequencies AND ozone. fro the money it packs

a whole lotta bang.


Subject: Rife vs. Ozone Therapy

To: Rife

Date: Tuesday, May 15, 2012, 9:57 AM

I've been waffling between getting a Rife

machine or an Ozone sauna for about 6 months and

cannot decide which would be better for my

condition. Does anyone have an opinion as to

which would be better for me? In a nutshell I

have digestive issues, mold, candida, Lyme,

Mycoplasma, many food and chemical

sensitivities, terrible brain fog and fatigue. I

am addressing the food issues through diet and

avoidance and take a ton of supplements but over

the many years I've been sick, nothing has made

much of an impact. Any opinions would be




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loops...CORRECTION.... it took 2T Mesosilver 4X per day to reduce Bacterial overgrowth and we plan to double that amount.  Thanks,

Hi Kay, I was in the same position as you not long ago, that is, trying to decide to purchase an ozone machine or a rife machine for my son.  He has very similar symptoms to you with the addition of EMF sensitivity, which I feel sure is aggravated lyme from EMF exposure, not a type of allergic/hypersensitive immediate reaction like he gets due to chemicals, some foods, etc.  I ended up purchasing the ozone sauna including all of the attachments to make ozone water, ear insufflation, etc.  I started with having my son drink the ozone water and doing the ear insufflations, and increasing slowly, which was going well.  A month later, we tried the ozone sauna, and this was a mistake.  The smell of ozone during the sauna was quite strong, no matter how tight I sealed the sauna with towel, opened all windows, etc.  My son also has chemical sensitivities and after 3 sauna treatments, he became unable to tolerate even to the slightest smell of ozone and even started reacting to the other ozone treatments.  AND SO, the ozone equipment is sitting around unused for the moment.  I'm hoping he'll lose the sensitivity if we stay away from it for 6 months or so.  I don't know if you are a member of the ozone yahoo group where Saul Pressman, the ozone guru, helps people with Lyme, etc. with ozone questions, but from what I've read, even he seems to be advising to avoid saunas for quite a while when starting out with ozone.  I am not an expert on this, but based on our experience, I'm not sure the ozone sauna is a good fit for anybody with chemical sensitivities.  I remember two other people mentioning that they became sensitive to the smell of ozone.  I know Dr. Pressman has mentioned that one cannot be allergic to ozone.  Well, that may be.  Nonetheless, my son and others have developed problems from it, call it a hypersensitivity or what you will.  I must say, however, that there are others on that group with Lyme who say that the ozone saunas, etc, have helped them a great deal.  BTW, 3M makes a mask with filters, and there is a particular filter which filters out ozone.  I purchased this mask and intend on using it many months down the road when we fire-up the ozone generator again.

 The biggest help for my son's digestive system has been Mesosilver.  I am giving him 2 Tablespoons 2X per day and that has helped him greatly with his bacterial overgrowth (and possibly yeast).  He can eat very few foods, and the MesoSilver is allowing him to eat several carbs he couldn't eat before. We are going to increase the dose until it is doubled.  I make sure to give him probiotics because, although I know some say the silver won't kill the good bugs, there have been warnings from others that they created gut problems similar to taking antibiotics and wished they had taken probiotics.

 We did Klinghardt's HPU/KPU protocol with great success.  Our LLMD just prescribed some anti-parasite drugs and we are looking into purchasing a rife machine.  Son did the Salt/C up to 7 grams each (son is 120 lbs) and herxed at beginning, but going from 5 to 6 to 7 grams per day seemed not to affect him much at all and had continuing symptoms.  So, doing 3g salt/c per day now while increasing silver and addressing parasites.  Then will see about salt/c and rifing.

 Hope you find what works for you. Warmly, 


I've been waffling between getting a Rife machine or an Ozone sauna for about 6 months and cannot decide which would be better for my condition. Does anyone have an opinion as to which would be better for me? In a nutshell I have digestive issues, mold, candida, Lyme, Mycoplasma, many food and chemical sensitivities, terrible brain fog and fatigue. I am addressing the food issues through diet and avoidance and take a ton of supplements but over the many years I've been sick, nothing has made much of an impact. Any opinions would be welcomed!



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Hi MedusaWhat is IMO? I have read about MWOs before, any idea why they aren't as popular as rife machines?Thank youKaySent from my iPad

IMO after buying a multitude of machines.. I favor the MWO. It

provides both multiple frequencies AND ozone. fro the money it packs

a whole lotta bang.


Subject: Rife vs. Ozone Therapy

To: Rife

Date: Tuesday, May 15, 2012, 9:57 AM

I've been waffling between getting a Rife

machine or an Ozone sauna for about 6 months and

cannot decide which would be better for my

condition. Does anyone have an opinion as to

which would be better for me? In a nutshell I

have digestive issues, mold, candida, Lyme,

Mycoplasma, many food and chemical

sensitivities, terrible brain fog and fatigue. I

am addressing the food issues through diet and

avoidance and take a ton of supplements but over

the many years I've been sick, nothing has made

much of an impact. Any opinions would be




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Hi ,Thank you for writing to me about your story. It's disappointing that your son cannot handle the ozone. I did take an ozone sauna in NYC a few weeks ago when I was visiting and was surprised at how strongly the odor was. They did have a fan right on my face which helped.

My son has a lot of the same issues too and he and I both wear a Q-Link to protect against EMFs. I bought 5 different ones and took them to my kinesiologist who tested them. The only one that made me strong while holding a cell phone was the Q-Link. They are about $100.

Also, we are seeing an allergist who uses a method called Advanced Allergy Therapeutics to remediate immune responses to foods, pollen etc. In a nutshell, the computer sends frequencies to a cuff that you wear with the frequency of the offending food and then he stimulates accupuncture points on your spine and voila, you no longer are allergic to that substance. Read about it online. My friend took her 16 year daughter last week who couldn't eat out and had chronic severe headaches. After the allergist fixed her " internals " like mucous, enzymes etc. her headaches were completely gone and haven't returned. He also desensitized her to corn which put her in bed, now she can eat it. It hasn't worked so well for me, but I continue to drive 4 hours away to see him in hope he can figure out the problem.

Best of luckKay


Hi Kay, I was in the same position as you not long ago, that is, trying to decide to purchase an ozone machine or a rife machine for my son.  He has very similar symptoms to you with the addition of EMF sensitivity, which I feel sure is aggravated lyme from EMF exposure, not a type of allergic/hypersensitive immediate reaction like he gets due to chemicals, some foods, etc.  I ended up purchasing the ozone sauna including all of the attachments to make ozone water, ear insufflation, etc.  I started with having my son drink the ozone water and doing the ear insufflations, and increasing slowly, which was going well.  A month later, we tried the ozone sauna, and this was a mistake.  The smell of ozone during the sauna was quite strong, no matter how tight I sealed the sauna with towel, opened all windows, etc.  My son also has chemical sensitivities and after 3 sauna treatments, he became unable to tolerate even to the slightest smell of ozone and even started reacting to the other ozone treatments.  AND SO, the ozone equipment is sitting around unused for the moment.  I'm hoping he'll lose the sensitivity if we stay away from it for 6 months or so.  I don't know if you are a member of the ozone yahoo group where Saul Pressman, the ozone guru, helps people with Lyme, etc. with ozone questions, but from what I've read, even he seems to be advising to avoid saunas for quite a while when starting out with ozone.  I am not an expert on this, but based on our experience, I'm not sure the ozone sauna is a good fit for anybody with chemical sensitivities.  I remember two other people mentioning that they became sensitive to the smell of ozone.  I know Dr. Pressman has mentioned that one cannot be allergic to ozone.  Well, that may be.  Nonetheless, my son and others have developed problems from it, call it a hypersensitivity or what you will.  I must say, however, that there are others on that group with Lyme who say that the ozone saunas, etc, have helped them a great deal.  BTW, 3M makes a mask with filters, and there is a particular filter which filters out ozone.  I purchased this mask and intend on using it many months down the road when we fire-up the ozone generator again.

 The biggest help for my son's digestive system has been Mesosilver.  I am giving him 2 Tablespoons 2X per day and that has helped him greatly with his bacterial overgrowth (and possibly yeast).  He can eat very few foods, and the MesoSilver is allowing him to eat several carbs he couldn't eat before. We are going to increase the dose until it is doubled.  I make sure to give him probiotics because, although I know some say the silver won't kill the good bugs, there have been warnings from others that they created gut problems similar to taking antibiotics and wished they had taken probiotics.

 We did Klinghardt's HPU/KPU protocol with great success.  Our LLMD just prescribed some anti-parasite drugs and we are looking into purchasing a rife machine.  Son did the Salt/C up to 7 grams each (son is 120 lbs) and herxed at beginning, but going from 5 to 6 to 7 grams per day seemed not to affect him much at all and had continuing symptoms.  So, doing 3g salt/c per day now while increasing silver and addressing parasites.  Then will see about salt/c and rifing.

 Hope you find what works for you. Warmly, 


I've been waffling between getting a Rife machine or an Ozone sauna for about 6 months and cannot decide which would be better for my condition. Does anyone have an opinion as to which would be better for me? In a nutshell I have digestive issues, mold, candida, Lyme, Mycoplasma, many food and chemical sensitivities, terrible brain fog and fatigue. I am addressing the food issues through diet and avoidance and take a ton of supplements but over the many years I've been sick, nothing has made much of an impact. Any opinions would be welcomed!



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Hi - I am curious as to what diet and avoidance changes have you made. I have

found it critical to success to make lifestyle changes. Not everyone wants to do

this and some do not take it far enough... Blessings, Meo


> I've been waffling between getting a Rife machine or an Ozone sauna for about

6 months and cannot decide which would be better for my condition. Does anyone

have an opinion as to which would be better for me? In a nutshell I have

digestive issues, mold, candida, Lyme, Mycoplasma, many food and chemical

sensitivities, terrible brain fog and fatigue. I am addressing the food issues

through diet and avoidance and take a ton of supplements but over the many years

I've been sick, nothing has made much of an impact. Any opinions would be


> Thanks,

> Kay


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Thanks for sharing this info. I have also been considering an ozone sauna, once I can afford it. A friend with MCS and Lyme got well using one. He never mentioned being able to smell the ozone, although I am also wary of this, knowing how some MCSers react to ozone. It may not be an official “allergic reaction”, because doctors have a very narrow definition of allergy, but it’s a serious reaction just the same. I hope your son is still using the sauna for detoxing, without the ozone, as it could still be enormously helpful to him, especially while killing Lyme bugs and parasites.

<I was in the same position as you not long ago, that is, trying to decideto purchase an ozone machine or a rife machine for my son. He has verysimilar symptoms to you with the addition of EMF sensitivity, which I feelsure is aggravated lyme from EMF exposure, not a type ofallergic/hypersensitive immediate reaction like he gets due to chemicals,some foods, etc. I ended up purchasing the ozone sauna including all ofthe attachments to make ozone water, ear insufflation, etc. I started withhaving my son drink the ozone water and doing the ear insufflations, andincreasing slowly, which was going well. A month later, we tried the ozonesauna, and this was a mistake. The smell of ozone during the saunawas quite strong, no matter how tight I sealed the sauna with towel, openedall windows, etc. My son also has chemical sensitivities and after 3sauna treatments, he became unable to tolerate even to the slightest smellof ozone and even started reacting to the other ozone treatments. AND SO,the ozone equipment is sitting around unused for the moment. I'm hopinghe'll lose the sensitivity if we stay away from it for 6 months or so. Idon't know if you are a member of the ozone yahoo group where SaulPressman, the ozone guru, helps people with Lyme, etc. with ozonequestions, but from what I've read, even he seems to be advising to avoidsaunas for quite a while when starting out with ozone. I am not an experton this, but based on our experience, I'm not sure the ozone sauna is agood fit for anybody with chemical sensitivities. I remember two otherpeople mentioning that they became sensitive to the smell of ozone. I knowDr. Pressman has mentioned that one cannot be allergic to ozone. Well,that may be. Nonetheless, my son and others have developed problems fromit, call it a hypersensitivity or what you will. I must say, however, thatthere are others on that group with Lyme who say that the ozone saunas,etc, have helped them a great deal. BTW, 3M makes a mask with filters, andthere is a particular filter which filters out ozone. I purchased thismask and intend on using it many months down the road when we fire-up theozone generator again.The biggest help for my son's digestive system has been Mesosilver. I amgiving him 2 Tablespoons 2X per day and that has helped him greatly withhis bacterial overgrowth (and possibly yeast). He can eat very few foods,and the MesoSilver is allowing him to eat several carbs he couldn't eatbefore. We are going to increase the dose until it is doubled. I make sureto give him probiotics because, although I know some say the silver won'tkill the good bugs, there have been warnings from others that they createdgut problems similar to taking antibiotics and wished they had takenprobiotics.We did Klinghardt's HPU/KPU protocol with great success. Our LLMD justprescribed some anti-parasite drugs and we are looking into purchasing arife machine. Son did the Salt/C up to 7 grams each (son is 120 lbs) andherxed at beginning, but going from 5 to 6 to 7 grams per day seemed not toaffect him much at all and had continuing symptoms. So, doing 3g salt/cper day now while increasing silver and addressing parasites. Then willsee about salt/c and rifing.Hope you find what works for you.Warmly,>

Bonita PoulinCanadian CoordinatorGLOBAL RECOGNITION CAMPAIGNMultiple Chemical Sensitivityand other Chemically Induced Illnesses, Diseases & Injuryaffecting civilians and military personnelwww.mcs-global.org www.mcsglobalawareness.com

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It’s a tough decision! Rife is mostly used to kill things, although stimulating and healing frequencies can also be used. On the other hand, detoxing out all the junk, will allow our immune systems to get strong again, and if things are working properly, the body should be able to take care of any invader. I have heard of people getting well that way.

“The terrain is everything!”

<I've been waffling between getting a Rife machine or an Ozone sauna for about 6 months and cannot decide which would be better for my condition. Does anyone have an opinion as to which would be better for me? In a nutshell I have digestive issues, mold, candida, Lyme, Mycoplasma, many food and chemical sensitivities, terrible brain fog and fatigue. I am addressing the food issues through diet and avoidance and take a ton of supplements but over the many years I've been sick, nothing has made much of an impact. Any opinions would be welcomed!Thanks,Kay>

Bonita PoulinCanadian CoordinatorGLOBAL RECOGNITION CAMPAIGNMultiple Chemical Sensitivityand other Chemically Induced Illnesses, Diseases & Injuryaffecting civilians and military personnelwww.mcs-global.org www.mcsglobalawareness.com

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Well I only eat foods that I've been cleared to eat by my (2) kinesiologists which include lamb chicken eggs wild salmon zucchini yellow squash green beans asparagus brown rice butter flax avos and olive oil. I'm very limited and cannot tolerate anything fermented or probiotics. I'm a nutritionist so I realize I'm missing out on a lot of nutrients. I rotate all of these so I don't have to give them up too. Sent from my iPad

Hi - I am curious as to what diet and avoidance changes have you made. I have found it critical to success to make lifestyle changes. Not everyone wants to do this and some do not take it far enough... Blessings, Meo


> I've been waffling between getting a Rife machine or an Ozone sauna for about 6 months and cannot decide which would be better for my condition. Does anyone have an opinion as to which would be better for me? In a nutshell I have digestive issues, mold, candida, Lyme, Mycoplasma, many food and chemical sensitivities, terrible brain fog and fatigue. I am addressing the food issues through diet and avoidance and take a ton of supplements but over the many years I've been sick, nothing has made much of an impact. Any opinions would be welcomed!

> Thanks,

> Kay


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Kay, Sorry I can’t provide a direct answer to your question. You should consider joining the Lyme_and_Rife group and the Lyme_Rife group on Yahoo as well. It seems most of those people really like the Doug Coil rife device and the GB-4000 rife device for attacking Lyme. There seems to be a lot of success stories about fighting Lyme and the co-infections with Rife. Of course other rife devices are liked as well. I wish you all the best and look forward to hearing how your decision works out! Bob <I've been waffling between getting a Rife machine or an Ozone sauna for about 6 months and cannot decide which would be better for my condition. Does anyone have an opinion as to which would be better for me? In a nutshell I have digestive issues, mold, candida, Lyme, Mycoplasma, many food and chemical sensitivities, terrible brain fog and fatigue. I am addressing the food issues through diet and avoidance and take a ton of supplements but over the many years I've been sick, nothing has made much of an impact. Any opinions would be welcomed!Thanks,Kay> Wood708 Enterprise Dr.Oakbrook, IL 60523(708)482-7750www.productevaluations.comwww.successmetrix.com

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I used to be very limited by food allergies/sensitivities too. Then I had a bunch of NAET treatments and learned to do a home version. Now I eliminate allergies/sensitivities with a cheap 5 mw green laser pointer. I can eat most food now without problems, although I still avoid gluten and processed foods.

<Well I only eat foods that I've been cleared to eat by my (2) kinesiologists which include lamb chicken eggs wild salmon zucchini yellow squash green beans asparagus brown rice butter flax avos and olive oil. I'm very limited and cannot tolerate anything fermented or probiotics. I'm a nutritionist so I realize I'm missing out on a lot of nutrients. I rotate all of these so I don't have to give them up too.>

Bonita PoulinCanadian CoordinatorGLOBAL RECOGNITION CAMPAIGNMultiple Chemical Sensitivityand other Chemically Induced Illnesses, Diseases & Injuryaffecting civilians and military personnelwww.mcs-global.org www.mcsglobalawareness.com

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Can you explain to me how you use a 5 mw green laser pointer to help with allergies/sensitivities?

Many blessings,

Re: Rife vs. Ozone Therapy

I used to be very limited by food allergies/sensitivities too. Then I had a bunch of NAET treatments and learned to do a home version. Now I eliminate allergies/sensitivities with a cheap 5 mw green laser pointer. I can eat most food now without problems, although I still avoid gluten and processed foods.

<Well I only eat foods that I've been cleared to eat by my (2) kinesiologists which include lamb chicken eggs wild salmon zucchini yellow squash green beans asparagus brown rice butter flax avos and olive oil. I'm very limited and cannot tolerate anything fermented or probiotics. I'm a nutritionist so I realize I'm missing out on a lot of nutrients. I rotate all of these so I don't have to give them up too.>

Bonita PoulinCanadian CoordinatorGLOBAL RECOGNITION CAMPAIGNMultiple Chemical Sensitivityand other Chemically Induced Illnesses, Diseases & Injuryaffecting civilians and military personnelwww.mcs-global.org www.mcsglobalawareness.com

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Hi ,

I will send an email full of info on laser detoxing and laser allergy elimination etc. directly to you, as there are several attachments that may not come through otherwise. I have sent this info out to others, but if anyone missed it and would like it, just contact me and I will send it to you too.

Bonita PoulinCanadian CoordinatorGLOBAL RECOGNITION CAMPAIGNMultiple Chemical Sensitivityand other Chemically Induced Illnesses, Diseases & Injuryaffecting civilians and military personnelwww.mcs-global.org www.mcsglobalawareness.com

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Hi Bonita, I would like the information on the laser detoxing and laser allergy elimination. I must have missed it, somehow. Thank you, Joe Craft craftel@... To: Rife Sent: Sunday, May 20, 2012 12:29 PM Subject: Re: Rife vs. Ozone Therapy

Hi ,

I will send an email full of info on laser detoxing and laser allergy elimination etc. directly to you, as there are several attachments that may not come through otherwise. I have sent this info out to others, but if anyone missed it and would like it, just contact me and I will send it to you too.

Bonita PoulinCanadian CoordinatorGLOBAL RECOGNITION CAMPAIGNMultiple Chemical Sensitivityand other Chemically Induced Illnesses, Diseases & Injuryaffecting civilians and military personnelwww.mcs-global.org www.mcsglobalawareness.com

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Hi Bonita, I would like the information on the laser detoxing and laser allergy elimination. I must have missed it, somehow. Thank you, Joe Craft craftel@... To: Rife Sent: Sunday, May 20, 2012 12:29 PM Subject: Re: Rife vs. Ozone Therapy

Hi ,

I will send an email full of info on laser detoxing and laser allergy elimination etc. directly to you, as there are several attachments that may not come through otherwise. I have sent this info out to others, but if anyone missed it and would like it, just contact me and I will send it to you too.

Bonita PoulinCanadian CoordinatorGLOBAL RECOGNITION CAMPAIGNMultiple Chemical Sensitivityand other Chemically Induced Illnesses, Diseases & Injuryaffecting civilians and military personnelwww.mcs-global.org www.mcsglobalawareness.com

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get a good rife maching costs a lot but the good ones aren`t cheap and they do a lot.Where do you live. Maybe I can helpgary To: Rife Sent: Wednesday, May 16, 2012 1:01 PM Subject: Re:

Rife vs. Ozone Therapy

It’s a tough decision! Rife is mostly used to kill things, although stimulating and healing frequencies can also be used. On the other hand, detoxing out all the junk, will allow our immune systems to get strong again, and if things are working properly, the body should be able to take care of any invader. I have heard of people getting well that way.

“The terrain is everything!â€

<I've been waffling between getting a Rife machine or an Ozone sauna for about 6 months and cannot decide which would be better for my condition. Does anyone have an opinion as to which would be better for me? In a nutshell I have digestive issues, mold, candida, Lyme, Mycoplasma, many food and chemical sensitivities, terrible brain fog and fatigue. I am addressing the food issues through diet and avoidance and take a ton of supplements but over the many years I've been sick, nothing has made much of an impact. Any opinions would be welcomed!Thanks,Kay>

Bonita PoulinCanadian CoordinatorGLOBAL RECOGNITION CAMPAIGNMultiple Chemical Sensitivityand other Chemically Induced Illnesses, Diseases & Injuryaffecting civilians and military personnelwww.mcs-global.org www.mcsglobalawareness.com

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get a good rife maching costs a lot but the good ones aren`t cheap and they do a lot.Where do you live. Maybe I can helpgary To: Rife Sent: Wednesday, May 16, 2012 1:01 PM Subject: Re:

Rife vs. Ozone Therapy

It’s a tough decision! Rife is mostly used to kill things, although stimulating and healing frequencies can also be used. On the other hand, detoxing out all the junk, will allow our immune systems to get strong again, and if things are working properly, the body should be able to take care of any invader. I have heard of people getting well that way.

“The terrain is everything!â€

<I've been waffling between getting a Rife machine or an Ozone sauna for about 6 months and cannot decide which would be better for my condition. Does anyone have an opinion as to which would be better for me? In a nutshell I have digestive issues, mold, candida, Lyme, Mycoplasma, many food and chemical sensitivities, terrible brain fog and fatigue. I am addressing the food issues through diet and avoidance and take a ton of supplements but over the many years I've been sick, nothing has made much of an impact. Any opinions would be welcomed!Thanks,Kay>

Bonita PoulinCanadian CoordinatorGLOBAL RECOGNITION CAMPAIGNMultiple Chemical Sensitivityand other Chemically Induced Illnesses, Diseases & Injuryaffecting civilians and military personnelwww.mcs-global.org www.mcsglobalawareness.com

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I have an MWO called the Body Enahancer if any one needs help.




> Hi Bonita,

> I have a 5 mm green laser for getting static off of the body. Could you

> please forward the attachments to me too? Do you know anything abou

> Multiwave oscillators? I'm looking into those for balancing my cells.

> Thanks so much,

> Kay

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Guest guest

I have an MWO called the Body Enahancer if any one needs help.




> Hi Bonita,

> I have a 5 mm green laser for getting static off of the body. Could you

> please forward the attachments to me too? Do you know anything abou

> Multiwave oscillators? I'm looking into those for balancing my cells.

> Thanks so much,

> Kay

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Guest guest

Hi Medusa, Can I have the info how to get one ? Thanks. Hung>>> Hi Bonita,> I have a 5 mm green laser for getting static off of the body. Could you> please forward the attachments to me too? Do you know anything abou> Multiwave oscillators? I'm looking into those for balancing my cells.> Thanks so much,> Kay

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