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Ok, this entry is for no other reason than to " take up space " .

I'm not sitting down here to teach, or preach, or tell a story...well,

not anything exciting I don't think. I'm bored, so, I'm going to inflict

my boredom on you as well....deal with it.

I don't even know what I'm going to say, but then, when did I ever.

I'm on 's computer, well, no, I take that back...it's

's...she'll be in here directly, with things to DO in conquering

the world at large, and anything I'm doing will certainly come second to


Here, at home, we have a network, with four computers. My original big

massive old man, who works when he wakes up ever so often. His many

children are all stacked in the back room in various states of " don't

ask me to do another da--ed thing " states. They only hope that " parts "

of themselves can go on to better things.

Of course, there's this one, newer, fast...usually. My laptop...who

knows where words hit me in the back of the head these days; and still

another one in the bedroom, 's, which is mostly family tree,

cookbook collections, pictures and scrape booking. (how the , how do you

do scrape booking on a computer?).[hey, this computer has spell


Anyway, a few months ago, more or less, someone broke into this network,

somehow, and wrecked havoc. It came to pass they had even got into the

bank and PayPal and started having a ball. I say started, they were

stopped on the third transaction of $1,400.00 . You'd think that if your

going to do all that, and obtain information to use, that you wouldn't

over look the fact the account didn't have that much, wouldn't you?

At any rate, it was stopped and taken care of. Of course, about that

time...my " enlightened ways " weren't exactly....shining. This ole boy

done went and blown all the fuses over that. grrrrrr

It's got to be things like that, somehow drawn to me, to refine the

kinds of " light bulbs " I'm using...so, after I " reset the breakers " ....I

" let it go " . It worked itself out.

However, the network and the computers on it were infected with all

kinds of stuff...most was sealed off, and I went to town on it, one by


I'm no computer expert...from html to .php, from dealing with home

computers, to dealing with internet servers and sites...I learned that

step by step...no schooling. Kind of the way I've learned

everything...by doing.

The thing about doing is, you typically learn the fastest by what you

learn " not to do " . You don't stick an over sized screwdriver to a

motherboard....they don't like that. You don't add hardware while the

thing is plugged in. You don't sit your coffee on top of the tower while

messing with cd-rom. You don't create a space in .php code, thinking

it's like html. And in html, if you open a line of code, you must close

it too. Otherwise, you've learned nothing. I'll spare you the extended

list of " do 's " and " don't s.

Back to " pull my hair out " senerio ...

I ran ever, " find that pesky thing " software, to editing windows files

like a mad scientist. You should see it when or walks into

the room and I look up, fingers on the keyboards, the next line of code

coming, in exact order, and I end up writing down what they just

said....ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Wait, maybe that's what happened,

somewhere in the code I left one of those remarks..... " are you done

yet " . To a computer, that could get very confusing.

After exhausting every known way of getting everything back to order, I

still run short. So I send it over to " tech support " online. Which, by

the way...if you run into problems you just can't solve...head over to

[techsupportforums.com]. They have been there for years, and they will

help you every step of the way....and offer many options for scanning

and fixing things, you might not be presently aware of.

So I'm there now, both the laptop in a thread, and this big one. I'm

half way through the laptop procedures, and wiped tons of stuff clear,

only now.....ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...that stopped last night...on the last

report generation, of the last scan, in this round, I get a pop up

window telling me to insert my windows disk.


My what? Both of these new computers don't come with disk...many don't

anymore. They stick it on the D: drive for recovery. Only, I get no

option to point to the D: drive, so a couple of windows files can be

copied for the corrupt ones found. No sooner than I'm off to locate an

older xp disk from another computer, to see if that will work, the

window disappears, shuts down, and when it comes back...the desktop

looks like somebody used an IED on it. What's surprising is the wireless

and the browsers work...everything else: error, you have been

f.....errrrrrrrrr, I mean :Error, file locked - update missing .dll's.

Ok, wait, no Start button, nothing appears on the bottom. Ah ha, my

trusty Windows Explorer link on the desktop...my only way in at this

time...ok, files, ah, errrrr, duhhhhhh, sh--! For the few files that are

showing up, they are dancing....really, dancing, blinking on and

off...like their OD'ing.

So, my next entry to Tech is

" ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh " .

Well, very close anyway. Don't believe me.....go check it out. lololol

Not too many years ago, that laptop would have hit the wall and be

" loose change " about now...that's another thing I learned, that goes in

the " don't do " list. Seems even tech support will find it hard to get it

running again.

But, I sit here, peacefully...almost....happily. Cause, ya know

what....in the scheme of things...it doesn't really matter. This time

tomorrow, or next week, and next year....these things will mostly likely

be sitting in that stack in the back room, and a " new way " , a new

sysyem...will be here, working on an even different level. As will I.

I think I should have a part 2, cause this could get long...I sat down

here to not write something else.....what a day.


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