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A Letter To A Mother

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It is advisable to tell people who are still in the physical how you

feel about them. Often we see people beating themselves up when

someone has passed on, regretting not having verbalized their

thoughts and feelings, while the other person was " alive " on the

physical earth plane.

The Channel on GuideSpeak.com, following our guidance, wrote a

heartfelt letter to his mother in November 2001. Five years later,

his mother passed on, on the 20th December 2006, and this letter was

found amongst her valued possessions, with an inscription in her hand-

writing on the envelope, which said, " Do not throw away. Keep

forever " .

Never be afraid to express your love for another. In the physical

earth plane, tomorrow is promised to no one.

My Darling Mother,

I spend my days and nights reading books, listening to tapes, going

to lectures, having discussions about one topic - to understand the

journey of the Soul, to have clarity of the relationship of the Soul

and its relationship to perfection - the image of God. I now know

that we are all Souls in human bodies. All of us Souls on earth and

all of the Souls in Spirit are all part of one Soul - One Spirit -

the perfection we call God.

I see a glimpse of this perfection and aim my life at improving my

imperfections. I attempt to improve, make some progress, stumble,

pick myself up, attempt again and continue the process until I see

some progress. Feeling encouraged, I continue attempting, stumbling,

and progressing. The reward is in the journey because the destination

of perfection will take thousands of lifetimes.

In this lifetime, I have been blind for over 49 years. I have had to

read, listen and discuss this concept but my eyes have been shut, my

ears blocked, my tongue stuck to the roof of my mouth. I have prayed,

by asking God, for a glimpse of perfection but I was blind and deaf

to it.

You, my darling mother, are this glimpse of perfection. You are

humility with no need for ego. You are strength without a need for

power. You are totally selfless in serving others. You listen without

a need to speak. Your guidance is so subtle that hardly a ripple is

noticeable. You are at peace with no need for anything. You are

wealthy beyond measure because you never needed anything before you

got it.

You bore 50 years of marriage, as a saint, more than half of which

was spent nursing Dad, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, with total love

and devotion. You had little, if any, pleasures of a physical nature.

You were deprived of the time to make and nurture friends, to have a

hobby or participate in a sport or go to a concert or play for your

needs. However, you never complained, you never expressed

frustration. You just kept on, in love, showering your blessings on

Dad and on us all.

When you lost your other son, tragically, you bore the loss, burying

your hurt so you could help Dad handle the loss he felt. I believe

that your Soul knew that your son would not be seen again in the

physical world but was with you in the spiritual world, so

instinctively you could handle the loss easier than Dad could.

There can be very few people in the world who have lived to nearly 80

and who do not have an enemy or even someone who has carried a small

grievance of annoyance about them. I cannot think of the one person

who could say anything negative about you. You have not harmed anyone

either with your words or actions. You have lived the credo you

always instilled in us, " If you can't say anything nice, don't say

anything at all. "

You and Dad always struggled financially, but you were never poor.

You always knew, instinctively, that the Universe will provide for

your needs. You never demanded anything, you always placed Dad and

your children's needs way above your own. You have chosen a path on

this life on earth to be one of selfless love and devotion.

You have done a wonderful job of it. You are a wonderful, wonderful

human being and a marvelous, glorious spiritual being. Thank you for

allowing me to choose you as my mother, to show me a glimpse of

perfection, which perfection is God.

I love you Mom, you are my heroine forever.

Eternally yours.

All my love,

Your Son

--- GuideSpeak --- Submitted by Lind --- South Africa


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