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Thinking you're sick when you're not? Plus an update

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Hi all,

Well, I thought we had a miracle cure with Celexa - I had my son back for almost

a full week. Then he started backsliding and we're right back where we started.

(I think several of you have had the same experience with this?) We've upped the

dosage of the Celexa and things were a little better. Then we tried to lower

the dose of the Abilify to wean him off of it but he got worse quickly so we're

back where we were on that. Our house is full of yelling and anger and

meltdowns again and I don't know how much more I can take. I honestly don't

think I have the energy anymore.

Some new issues have come up that I wanted to ask you all about. Here is a look

inside a typical morning in our house:

He woke up saying that his stomach hurt. Last night it was his throat. He also

woke up in the middle of the night to tell us that he didn¢t feel well and that

he peed in his pants (He is 7, this has happened in the past but has gone away

until recently). I ended up giving him Tylenol just to get him to think that I

believed him that he was really not feeling well. He wanted us to take his

temperature, again. We refused. This morning he asked again. I gave in thinking

it might make him forget about it when he saw that he didn¢t have a temperature.

It was 98.4 - " there, you¢re not sick, " I told him. He said that his teachers

said that just because you don¢t have a fever doesn¢t mean you¢re not sick. I

told him if he kept on feeling sick that he wasn¢t going to be allowed to play

outside this week or with any friends. He said okay. I also said that I¢d have

to take him to the doctor, he said he didn¢t want to go but he would. It seemed


was calling my bluff this morning. I gave him every opportunity to tell me that

he was making this up, that he just didn¢t want to go to school but he swore he

didn¢t feel well. Afterall, we have been playing this game for over a week now.

Fast forward, time to get ready for school. He took forever, getting preoccupied

several times until we were really running late. I ended up yelling at him and

he said I was the meanest mommy. He insisted on trying his slip on shoes again,

and of course, ten minutes later, he realized that they weren¢t going to work.

Switch to tie shoes, another five minutes there and oh, that¢s right, he

suddenly needs a bandaid on his thumb again. I didn¢t have time to feed the

twins their breakfast and they ended up in their chairs, ignored while I spent

all my time giving my ds negative attention. We were late for school which meant

I had to park and walk him in, AGAIN. I was so angry so I told him that and that

he was also grounded. I barely had enough energy to tell him goodbye and that I

loved him. The last thing I saw was him looking at me with those sad eyes before

he turned to walk to his classroom.

Sometimes I feel like the worst mom in the world. I love him so much yet I feel

like I don¢t have the energy or what it takes to be his mommy anymore. I lose my

temper, say things I shouldn¢t more and more frequently these days. I wish all

the time that these babies are nothing like him when they grow up. It looks like

this is the start of another bad day and all I can do is regret my time with him

this morning and cry. I hope he faired better than I did and is okay at school.

He says that he has been telling his teachers that he doesn¢t feel well at

school and they tell him that he should have stayed home. I need to talk to them

about this. I¢m starting to think that he really believes that he doesn¢t feel


Anyone else have any similar experience for me to draw from here? I just feel

so alone and out of ideas.

Donna Henry

Tastefully Simple Independent Consultant

Gourmet food and gifts



Re: Re: voices

my dd is fixing to be 13. the voices were there before the meds. she;s on

prozac, topomax, seroquel. also diamox for the pressure on her brain. the

pressure has a whole set of problems in itself. The first time i heard her talk

about the voices, she had a meltdown at the doctors' office where she gets

infusions, she ran into a corner, screaming, begging no needles. they think she

also has post tramatic stress syndrom. she had a benign tumor on the back of her

head when she was born. till she was three she had to be sedated for mri every

three months. it got hard to get vein. she finally lost it. i have told her

there are others that hear voices, i feel she doesn't believe me. thanks for the


<@ hotmail.com> wrote: Awww, Lynne, that has to be scary

for her! How old is she? Is she

on medication?

Was wondering if on medication, did voice begin after or always been

there, so on any med to try to stop voice?

Does she know that others also hear " things " and know she's not the

only one? Just thought that might comfort her, much as she can be

with going through this.

She's doing a great job, though I know it's upsetting, telling voice

to " bug off. " Having worked as office support at our county mental

health (small, rural type county, no big city in our county), it was

surprising to me how many people hear voices (some also have

visual). Meds help a lot with stopping them; but the few who meds

didn't help, distraction, not listening was important.

My uncle had paranoid schizophrenia and apparently heard voices (he

lived in another state). (Voices do not mean schizo, just telling

you about him). He was one who felt government was spying on him,

even through the television, that type thing. So way on into/past

middle age he had health problems and had to go to the hospital.

Doctors put him on medication there and, " surprise " , voices stopped;

family felt it was a miracle. I really have no clue why they never

had him on medication before; perhaps he refused, who knows. But I

remember my mom telling me how excited family was about it. From

what I have read, elevated dopamine can play a part in this problem



> case in point on dd hearing a voice in her head; today i was

working outside, heard her start screamng her head off, ran in,

she's stanging in the kitchen frozen, screaming and crying. i

couldn't get out of her what it was, then i saw a butter knife on

the counter, she was staring at it. I picked it up, put it in the

sink, she said the guy in her head was saying for her to stab

Love, hugs and kisses

------------ --------- --------- ---

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