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Heal Whole Love

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The thing about sitting down and writing about your life, even parts

of it is, remembering what isn't so. Huh?

Regardless of the life I think I lived and recall, and honestly don't

spend a lot of time on doing so, I am not " there " , none of us

are " there " ...frankly, " none of us " were ever really " there " at

all. Double huh?

On one level, let's call it the " human level " ...this is " my life " and

this is what's hapening " now " , [and what happened " then " ?....we can

not be any of the things we " were " , because our bodies have " totally

replaced " themselves, cell by cell, including brain cells...memory


We've " renewed ourselves " hundreds of times, of course, though it may

be, I've been getting used parts, damned sure older ones.

On the next level, the " state of being " level, the " spiritual level " ,

we've also " changed, but let me say " expanded " , and it's been " moment

by moment " . I would not make the same mistakes " now " , as " then " .

I wouldn't even have considered certain things " then " , as " now " .

What bothered you " before " , may not bother you now. What bothers you

now, may not bother you tomorrow. And it wasn't your concern


Could be that I, might possibly, be " lots " of " different people " ,

in " this present moment " , as " it " repeats itself, over and over? I'm

not the " same person " or " spirit " , as I was in " the moment "

before " this one " .

It's the same moment and I'm IN IT...two different states of

being...and this " next " moment, I'm the sum total of all prior

moments... " renewed " !

It is said we are the " sum total " of all that we have ever thought.

The sum total of all that we have ever lived and experienced.

The sum total of all the lives we might have ever lived.

I go on to say, we are the sum total of all of those, and of " each

other " ; that's where we are in our constantly changing " state " of

becoming brighter and brighter, until the light explodes into every

direction " at once " , " fully whole " , fully " ONE " . Perfect " light " .

Spirit Becomes enLightened, remembers!

Now, we understand that LIGHT, is in fact " information " ...that is,


And we understand [KNOW], that LOVE, is in fact " ALL THERE IS " .

So, by becoming, " coming to KNOW " [know thyself], that we have

learned [coming to know], that LOVE, is the " sum total " of LIGHT. " In

ONE Spirit " .


No matter how you slice up the above statement, read as a " whole

statement " [get it? whole statement...the whole statement " IS THE

ANSWER " ] the answer to EVERY QUESTION you've been asking.

No matter how you slice it...read as only a TWO word sentence, IT'S

STILL A STATEMENT, and your answer. [notice I said " two " ? I crack

myself up, this stuff is just flowing tonight...woeeeee, oh,


[TWO.... " if any two gather in " my name " ....here I go again, cracking

myself up....lol; uhhh, now what's " in his name " ?...well...,

GATHER, " to come together " ...to join, as ONE. To... " gather in my

name " ...again: The coming together, of Spirit, creates LIGHT...and

the name of light is:

LOVE!!!!....[You knew that didn't ya? -----I'm sure of it.]

Now, once again...no matter how you slice it,;read " by three " words,

it still makes a statement...and gives the answer.

Now, [let's see if I can do this again...hummm..ok, ]even if you read

it backwards... " it's still the answer " , and it's stated. " Us

Becomes " Knowing " Ours. Translated:|||| {We " Become " [by Knowing]

Each Other}||||...no matter how you read it, now backwards, it still

gives you the answer.

We Come Together, As One, By Knowing Each Other. And to know each

other, we have to come to that PLACE, where we have learned, and

KNOW, that only LOVE, is what " we are " . " To Love Is To Heal " , and

Healing Is Getting To Know:

" " WHAT -

" WE ARE " -

" RIGHT -NOW " -,

" THIS MOMENT " " ...We Are But ONE SPIRIT, Whole, Complete


HEALING then, is:

You and I Together In This Moment, Completely Knowing, We Are One In


Therefore, " My Love " For You, Makes US WHOLE...That IS Healing...that

is the very nature (spirit of) of WHOLENESS.

So to heal I shall say, " Know Myself As WHOLE " ...Healed...Complete.


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