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U.S. Government Ignores Flu Vaccine Death

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U.S. Government Ignores Flu Vaccine Death

U.S. federal health officials gathered to discuss the controversial case of 9-year-old Hannah Poling, who became autistic after receiving numerous vaccinations, but the government has so far kept quiet about a second case that some say is even more disturbing.On January 11, a 6-year-old girl from Colorado received FluMist, a flu vaccine, and about a week later “became weak with multiple episodes of falling to the ground.” The girl grew increasingly weak and feverish, was hospitalized, and underwent surgery. She died on April 5.Both the 9- and 6-year-olds had mitochondrial disorders, a spectrum of genetic diseases that have received almost no attention from federal health officials.The

possibility that mitochondrial disorders could be triggered or worsened by vaccinations, and that the disorders might be linked to autism, prompted the health officials’ meeting. Despite this, when The New York Times contacted the meeting’s presenters, they said they knew nothing of the Colorado case. Sources:

New York Times June 28, 2008

Dr. Mercola's Comments:

Here you had some of what The New York Times called the “world’s leading experts” on mitochondrial disorders and vaccines, all in the same place. But they did not bring up a tragic case of a 6-year-old girl with a mitochondrial disorder who died after receiving a flu vaccine earlier this year?Would this not have been commonsense and, more specifically, necessary clinical information for these experts to consider?I continue to be baffled at how often the U.S. government drops the ball, but I suppose I should be getting used to it by now.Case in point, when Dr. Gerberding, the CDC’s director, was interviewed by CNN she stated that she had not yet reviewed all the files from the Hannah Poling case herself. This was despite the fact that five months had passed since the Poling case was conceded. And also in spite of the fact that Dr. Gerberding had called autism an “urgent” epidemic. Surely reviewing the details of this landmark case should have also been urgent.It would be bad enough if ignoring the flu vaccine death was a matter of true incompetence. But more likely it may have been a matter of protection … for the vaccine makers. After all, why let the cat out of the bag when it’s so much easier to just keep quiet?Vaccine Makers Have ZERO LiabilityMost people don’t realize that over two decades ago the powerful drug lobby carefully manipulated the U.S. Congress to

make it impossible for any U.S. citizen to sue vaccine manufacturers. The only option they have is to use National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, which is notoriously difficult -- nearly impossible -- to collect on because they rigged the system.However, even with these terrible odds of being awarded a settlement, over $1.5 billion has been awarded to families of injured or killed children.Why Children Should Not Receive Flu VaccinesIt’s the middle of the summer in the United States, and I know the last thing on most people’s mind is flu season. But this tragic story deserves some attention. This child reportedly had a mitochondrial disorder, a condition that may affect up to 1 in 50 children. So it’s not a rare disorder by any means.These disorders are the same ones that the U.S. government conceded may be aggravated by vaccines to the extent that it causes autism.Flu Vaccines Are Recommended EVERY YEARYou might not realize this but these ineffective and potentially life-threatening vaccines are recommended to be given to children and adults not once, not twice, not even three times, but EVERY year. Pure insanity considering they don’t even work. Even if the flu vaccine DID prevent getting the flu, there have been several examples in past

years where government health officials have totally missed choosing the correct influenza strains circulating in the U.S.. In 2004, the National Vaccine Information Center described how CDC officials told everyone to line up for a flu shot that didn't even contain the influenza strain causing most of the flu that year.Flu vaccines, meanwhile, are one of the vaccines that still contain mercury. The majority of flu shots actually contain 25 micrograms of mercury, an amount considered unsafe for anyone weighing less than 550 pounds. By now, most people are well aware that children and fetuses are most at risk of damage from this

neurotoxin, as their brains are still developing. Yet, the CDC recommends that children over 6 months and pregnant women receive the vaccine each year. Clearly, something doesn’t add up here.It begins to make a bit more sense when you consider that a Dr. Jay Lieberman, who made a presentation for the CDC regarding the suspect recommendation, ignored the bulk of peer-reviewed research, and instead focused on a small number of highly criticized and flawed studies that have found no harmful associations.Not to mention that Dr. Lieberman has been a consultant to Merck, GlaxoKline, and Sanofi-Pasteur, all of which currently use thimerosal (the mercury preservative) in their products.Who Can You Trust?My main point in sharing this information with you is to make you think twice before accepting any information about your health, even when it comes from “the

experts.”There are so many political and monetary motives at play that, sadly, what’s best for your health is often no longer the top priority of federal officials. The only person who can really look out for your, and your child’s, health is you.

Related Articles:

Flu Vaccine may Lead to Asthma in Infants Risks of FluMist Vaccine Girl’s Flu Death Happened Within


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Please read link on the Amish and pass it on. It should enlighten all who give

thought to its content.

Vaccines and the Amish?


>From: Viviane Lerner <vivlerner@...>

>Date: 2008/07/16 Wed AM 04:43:25 EDT

>NO FORCED VACCINATION <no-forced-vaccination >

>Cc: AHRP <veracare@...>, ALTERNET <joshua.holland@...>,

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>Subject: U.S. Government Ignores Flu Vaccine Death



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> <p>


href= " http://snipurl.com/2zev3 " >http://snipurl.<wbr>com/2zev3</a>  [www_nytime\

s_<wbr>com] </div><div><font face= " Georgia " size= " 4 " style= " font: 13.0px

Georgia; " ><b>June 28, 2008</b></font></div><div><br></div><p><font

face= " Georgia " size= " 6 " style= " font: 24.0px Georgia; " >Experts to Discuss One

Puzzling Autism Case, as a Second Case Has Arisen</font></p><div><font

face= " Arial " size= " 3 " color= " #808080 " style= " font: 11.0px Arial;color:

#808080; " >By <font color= " #000d60 " style= " color: #000d60; " ><u><a

href= " http://topics.nytimes.com/top/reference/timestopics/people/h/gardiner_harr\

is/index.html?inline=nyt-per " >GARDINER

HARRIS</a></u></font></font></div><div><font class= " Apple-style-span "

color= " #000D60 " face= " Arial " size= " 3 " ><span class= " Apple-style-span "

style= " font-size: 11px;text-decoration:

underline; " ><br></span></font></div><p><font face= " Georgia " size= " 5 "

color= " #333333 " style= " font: 16.0px Georgia;color: #333333; " >Federal health

officials on Sunday will call together some of the world’s leading experts on

an obscure disease to discuss the controversial case of a 9-year-old girl from

Athens, Ga., who became <a

href= " http://health.nytimes.com/health/guides/disease/autism/overview.html?inlin\

e=nyt-classifier " ><font color= " #000d60 " style= " color:

#000d60; " ><u>autistic</u></font></a> after receiving numerous <a

href= " http://health.nytimes.com/health/guides/specialtopic/immunizations-general\

-overview/overview.html?inline=nyt-classifier " ><font color= " #000d60 "

style= " color: #000d60; " ><u>vaccinations</u></font></a>.</font></p><p><font

face= " Georgia " size= " 5 " color= " #333333 " style= " font: 16.0px Georgia;color:

#333333; " >But the government has so far kept quiet a second case that some say

is more disturbing and more relevant to the meeting.</font></p><p><font

face= " Georgia " size= " 5 " color= " #333333 " style= " font: 16.0px Georgia;color:

#333333; " >On Jan. 11, a 6-year-old girl from <a

href= " http://topics.nytimes.com/top/news/national/usstatesterritoriesandpossessi\

ons/colorado/index.html?inline=nyt-geo " ><font color= " #000d60 " style= " color:

#000d60; " ><u>Colorado</u></font></a> received FluMist, a <a

href= " http://health.nytimes.com/health/guides/specialtopic/influenza-vaccine/ove\

rview.html?inline=nyt-classifier " ><font color= " #000d60 " style= " color:

#000d60; " ><u>flu vaccine</u></font></a>, and about a week later “became weak

with multiple episodes of falling to ground†and “difficulty walking,â€

according to a case report filed with federal health officials and obtained by

The New York Times.</font></p><p><font face= " Georgia " size= " 5 " color= " #333333 "

style= " font: 16.0px Georgia;color: #333333; " >The girl grew increasingly weak and

feverish and “became more limp, appears sleepy, acts as if drunk,†the

report said. She was hospitalized and underwent surgery and was finally

withdrawn from life support. She died on April 5, according to the

report.</font></p><p><font face= " Georgia " size= " 5 " color= " #333333 " style= " font:

16.0px Georgia;color: #333333; " >Both the 9- and 6-year-olds had mitochondrial

disorders, a spectrum of genetic diseases that have received almost no attention

from federal health officials. The 9-year-old, <a

href= " http://topics.nytimes.com/top/reference/timestopics/people/p/hannah_poling\

/index.html?inline=nyt-per " ><font color= " #000d60 " style= " color:

#000d60; " ><u>Hannah Poling</u></font></a>, was 19 months old and developing

normally in 2000 when she received five shots against nine <a

href= " http://health.nytimes.com/health/guides/specialtopic/travelers-guide-to-av\

oiding-infectious-diseases/overview.html?inline=nyt-classifier " ><font

color= " #000d60 " style= " color: #000d60; " ><u>infectious diseases</u></font></a>.

Two days later, she developed a <a

href= " http://health.nytimes.com/health/guides/symptoms/fever/overview.html?inlin\

e=nyt-classifier " ><font color= " #000d60 " style= " color:

#000d60; " ><u>fever</u></font></a>, cried inconsolably and refused to walk. In

the next seven months, she spiraled downward, and in 2001 doctors diagnosed

autism.</font></p><p><font face= " Georgia " size= " 5 " color= " #333333 " style= " font:

16.0px Georgia;color: #333333; " >No one knows whether vaccinations had anything

to do with the girls’ health problems, and the scientific significance of

individual cases is always difficult to assess. But suggestions that

mitochondrial disorders could be set off or worsened by vaccinations, and that

the disorders might be linked to autism, prompted the meeting on Sunday and has

brought the disorders sudden national attention.</font></p><p><font

face= " Georgia " size= " 5 " color= " #333333 " style= " font: 16.0px Georgia;color:

#333333; " >Those scheduled to present at the meeting who were contacted by The

Times said they knew nothing of the Colorado case.</font></p><p><font

face= " Georgia " size= " 5 " color= " #333333 " style= " font: 16.0px Georgia;color:

#333333; " >“I haven’t heard about this case,†said Dr. R. Insel,

director of the National Institute of Mental Health and the day’s first

speaker.</font></p><p><font face= " Georgia " size= " 5 " color= " #333333 " style= " font:

16.0px Georgia;color: #333333; " >Dr. Iskander, acting director of the

immunization safety office at the <a

href= " http://topics.nytimes.com/top/reference/timestopics/organizations/c/center\

s_for_disease_control_and_prevention/index.html?inline=nyt-org " ><font

color= " #000d60 " style= " color: #000d60; " ><u>Centers for Disease Control and

Prevention</u></font></a>, said his group had studied the Colorado case closely

but did not discuss it with those presenting at the meeting and had no plans to

present the case to the conference, although he and members of his group will

attend.</font></p><p><font face= " Georgia " size= " 5 " color= " #333333 " style= " font:

16.0px Georgia;color: #333333; " >“Part of the consideration is, what was the

best use of that time?†Dr. Iskander said in an interview. “To a large

extent, the judgment of the meeting organizers was to have the experts in these

conditions — which are not vaccine safety experts — to have most of the

agenda.â€</font></p><p><font face= " Georgia " size= " 5 " color= " #333333 "

style= " font: 16.0px Georgia;color: #333333; " >Dr. Iskander said the Clinical

Immunization Safety Assessment Network of the disease agency reviewed the

medical records related to the Colorado and <a

href= " http://topics.nytimes.com/top/news/national/usstatesterritoriesandpossessi\

ons/georgia/index.html?inline=nyt-geo " ><font color= " #000d60 " style= " color:

#000d60; " ><u>Georgia</u></font></a> cases, searched for similar reports and

asked vaccine manufacturers if they knew of similar cases. A spokeswoman for

MedImmune, the maker of FluMist, declined to comment.</font></p><p><font

face= " Georgia " size= " 5 " color= " #333333 " style= " font: 16.0px Georgia;color:

#333333; " >The team noted that the Colorado child had not experienced any

problems with her previous vaccinations and was relatively old at the time of

her diagnosis. Dr. Iskander said the group had concluded “that this is another

case that points to the need of better data on the risks and benefits of

vaccinations in children with these rare disorders.â€</font></p><p><font

face= " Georgia " size= " 5 " color= " #333333 " style= " font: 16.0px Georgia;color:

#333333; " >Study after study has failed to show any link between vaccines and

autism, but many parents of autistic children are convinced that vaccines —

usually given around the time autism becomes apparent — are to

blame.</font></p><p><font face= " Georgia " size= " 5 " color= " #333333 " style= " font:

16.0px Georgia;color: #333333; " >Parents and a small group of doctors have

offered a variety of scientific explanations in recent years to try to explain

why they think vaccines may cause or contribute to autism. Among the first was

that the <a

href= " http://health.nytimes.com/health/guides/specialtopic/mmr-vaccine/overview.\

html?inline=nyt-classifier " ><font color= " #000d60 " style= " color:

#000d60; " ><u>measles vaccine</u></font></a> caused a low-level <a

href= " http://health.nytimes.com/health/guides/disease/measles/overview.html?inli\

ne=nyt-classifier " ><font color= " #000d60 " style= " color:

#000d60; " ><u>measles</u></font></a> infection that affected children’s brains.

The science underlying that theory has since been

discredited.</font></p><p><font face= " Georgia " size= " 5 " color= " #333333 "

style= " font: 16.0px Georgia;color: #333333; " >The next theory was that a

mercury-containing vaccine preservative, thimerosal, poisoned their brains,

causing autism. Multiple studies have failed to find any relationship between

thimerosal exposure and autism, and nearly seven years after the preservative

was removed from childhood vaccines, autism rates seem

unaffected.</font></p><p><font face= " Georgia " size= " 5 " color= " #333333 "

style= " font: 16.0px Georgia;color: #333333; " >The Poling case, however, offered

advocates a new theory: that vaccines may cause or contribute to an underlying

mitochondrial disorder, which in turn causes autism. Although autism is common

among children with mitochondrial disorders, several experts in the disorders

dismissed the notion that vaccines may cause the disease, which is widely

understood to have a genetic origin.</font></p><p><font face= " Georgia " size= " 5 "

color= " #333333 " style= " font: 16.0px Georgia;color: #333333; " >“After caring for

hundreds of children with mitochondrial disease, I can’t recall a single one

that had a complication from vaccination,†said Dr. Darryl De Vivo, a

professor of neurology and <a

href= " http://topics.nytimes.com/top/news/health/diseasesconditionsandhealthtopic\

s/pediatrics/index.html?inline=nyt-classifier " ><font color= " #000d60 "

style= " color: #000d60; " ><u>pediatrics</u></font></a> at <a

href= " http://topics.nytimes.com/top/reference/timestopics/organizations/c/columb\

ia_university/index.html?inline=nyt-org " ><font color= " #000d60 " style= " color:

#000d60; " ><u>Columbia University</u></font></a> who will present at the meeting

on Sunday and is one of the premier experts in the field.</font></p><p><font

face= " Georgia " size= " 5 " color= " #333333 " style= " font: 16.0px Georgia;color:

#333333; " >Mitochondria, which serve as the energy factories of cells, have their

own genetic material that is passed directly from mother to child. Flaws in this

material are relatively common. As those flaws multiply, they interfere with

mitochondrial function.</font></p><p><font face= " Georgia " size= " 5 "

color= " #333333 " style= " font: 16.0px Georgia;color: #333333; " >Dr. De Vivo said as

many as 700,000 people in the United States had flawed mitochondria, and in

roughly 30,000 of them the genetic flaws were expansive enough to cause

disease.</font></p><p><font face= " Georgia " size= " 5 " color= " #333333 " style= " font:

16.0px Georgia;color: #333333; " >Diseased mitochondria may appear in some parts

of the body but not others, making diagnosis difficult and predictions of

symptoms impossible. Infants with the disease may suffer frequent <a

href= " http://health.nytimes.com/health/guides/symptoms/seizures/overview.html?in\

line=nyt-classifier " ><font color= " #000d60 " style= " color:

#000d60; " ><u>seizures</u></font></a> and <a

href= " http://health.nytimes.com/health/guides/symptoms/motormental-retardation/o\

verview.html?inline=nyt-classifier " ><font color= " #000d60 " style= " color:

#000d60; " ><u>delayed motor and mental development</u></font></a>, be short in

stature and have hearing and eye movement problems. But in most sufferers,

symptoms do not become apparent for years and may first present as weak or stiff

muscles, poor coordination or alterations of posture.</font></p><p><font

face= " Georgia " size= " 5 " color= " #333333 " style= " font: 16.0px Georgia;color:

#333333; " >Many experts said infections could be so devastating to those with

mitochondrial disorders that the risks associated with vaccines were far

outweighed by the benefits. Still, none dismissed the notion that a vaccine

could cause a decline in such children.</font></p><p><font face= " Georgia "

size= " 5 " color= " #333333 " style= " font: 16.0px Georgia;color: #333333; " >“Most of

these kids get a <a

href= " http://health.nytimes.com/health/guides/disease/common-cold/overview.html?\

inline=nyt-classifier " ><font color= " #000d60 " style= " color: #000d60; " ><u>common

cold</u></font></a>, and either during the cold or soon after, the parents

notice a drastic deterioration,†said Dr. Bruce H. Cohen, a neurologist at the

Cleveland Clinic.</font></p><p><font face= " Georgia " size= " 5 " color= " #333333 "

style= " font: 16.0px Georgia;color: #333333; " >Margaret Dunkle, a senior fellow at

the Center for Health Services Research and Policy at <a

href= " http://topics.nytimes.com/top/reference/timestopics/organizations/g/george\

_washington_university/index.html?inline=nyt-org " ><font color= " #000d60 "

style= " color: #000d60; " ><u> Washington University</u></font></a> and

great-aunt to Hannah Poling, said she hoped that the researchers on Sunday would

agree on studies that would help “to identify who those children are for whom

vaccination might cause or worsen a mitochondrial dysfunction so that we can

figure out a way to immunize those children safely.â€</font></p><p><font

face= " Georgia " size= " 5 " color= " #333333 " style= " font: 16.0px Georgia;color:

#333333; " >“What’s the schedule and number of vaccines?†Ms. Dunkle asked.

“What’s the content of those vaccines?â€</font></p><p><font face= " Georgia "

size= " 5 " color= " #333333 " style= " font: 16.0px Georgia;color: #333333; " >Dr. Cohen

said answering such questions was all but impossible because of the difficulties

associated with diagnosing mitochondrial disorders.</font></p><p><font

face= " Georgia " size= " 5 " color= " #333333 " style= " font: 16.0px Georgia;color:

#333333; " >“There is no test available right now to screen for mitochondrial

disorders that is anywhere near sensitive or specific,†Dr. Cohen said, “so

the whole concept of screening prior to vaccination is a

fantasy.â€</font></p><p><font face= " Georgia " size= " 5 " color= " #333333 "

style= " font: 16.0px Georgia;color: #333333; " >Still, a discussion about the

possible links between mitochondrial disorders, autism and vaccination is

needed, said Dr. Insel of the <a

href= " http://topics.nytimes.com/top/news/health/diseasesconditionsandhealthtopic\

s/mentalhealthanddisorders/index.html?inline=nyt-classifier " ><font

color= " #000d60 " style= " color: #000d60; " ><u>mental health</u></font></a>

institute.</font></p><p><font face= " Georgia " size= " 5 " color= " #333333 "

style= " font: 16.0px Georgia;color: #333333; " >“We’re talking about two things

we don’t understand very well, mitochondrial disorder and autism, and putting

them together,†Dr. Insel said. “It’s like two drunks holding each other

up.â€</font></p><p><font face= " Georgia " size= " 5 " color= " #333333 " style= " font:

16.0px Georgia;color: #333333; " >The meeting, in Indianapolis, is being sponsored

by the mental health institute, the <a

href= " http://topics.nytimes.com/top/reference/timestopics/organizations/f/food_a\

nd_drug_administration/index.html?inline=nyt-org " ><font color= " #000d60 "

style= " color: #000d60; " ><u>Food and Drug Administration</u></font></a>, the

C.D.C., the <a

href= " http://topics.nytimes.com/top/reference/timestopics/organizations/n/nation\

al_institutes_of_health/index.html?inline=nyt-org " ><font color= " #000d60 "

style= " color: #000d60; " ><u>National Institutes of Health</u></font></a>, the <a

href= " http://topics.nytimes.com/top/reference/timestopics/organizations/h/health\

_and_human_services_department/index.html?inline=nyt-org " ><font color= " #000d60 "

style= " color: #000d60; " ><u>Department of Health and Human

Services</u></font></a> and the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and

Stroke.</font></p><p><font face= " Georgia " size= " 5 " color= " #333333 " style= " font:

16.0px Georgia;color: #333333; " >Whatever the result of the meeting, A.

Mohan Jr., executive director of the United Mitochondrial Disease Foundation, a

nonprofit research and educational group, said he was delighted by the attention

being brought to the disease. Mr. Mohan’s daughter died of the disease when

she was 15 after years of worsening seizures.</font></p><p><font face= " Georgia "

size= " 5 " color= " #333333 " style= " font: 16.0px Georgia;color: #333333; " >“We’re

hoping the result of this meeting is at least the realization that more money is

needed for research to connect these dots,†Mr. Mohan said.</font></p><div>

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Please read link on the Amish and pass it on. It should enlighten all who give

thought to its content.

Vaccines and the Amish?


>From: Viviane Lerner <vivlerner@...>

>Date: 2008/07/16 Wed AM 04:43:25 EDT

>NO FORCED VACCINATION <no-forced-vaccination >

>Cc: AHRP <veracare@...>, ALTERNET <joshua.holland@...>,

NATURAL NEWS <insider@...>, OPED NEWS <rob@...>,

RADTIMES <resist@...>

>Subject: U.S. Government Ignores Flu Vaccine Death



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href= " http://snipurl.com/2zev3 " >http://snipurl.<wbr>com/2zev3</a>  [www_nytime\

s_<wbr>com] </div><div><font face= " Georgia " size= " 4 " style= " font: 13.0px

Georgia; " ><b>June 28, 2008</b></font></div><div><br></div><p><font

face= " Georgia " size= " 6 " style= " font: 24.0px Georgia; " >Experts to Discuss One

Puzzling Autism Case, as a Second Case Has Arisen</font></p><div><font

face= " Arial " size= " 3 " color= " #808080 " style= " font: 11.0px Arial;color:

#808080; " >By <font color= " #000d60 " style= " color: #000d60; " ><u><a

href= " http://topics.nytimes.com/top/reference/timestopics/people/h/gardiner_harr\

is/index.html?inline=nyt-per " >GARDINER

HARRIS</a></u></font></font></div><div><font class= " Apple-style-span "

color= " #000D60 " face= " Arial " size= " 3 " ><span class= " Apple-style-span "

style= " font-size: 11px;text-decoration:

underline; " ><br></span></font></div><p><font face= " Georgia " size= " 5 "

color= " #333333 " style= " font: 16.0px Georgia;color: #333333; " >Federal health

officials on Sunday will call together some of the world’s leading experts on

an obscure disease to discuss the controversial case of a 9-year-old girl from

Athens, Ga., who became <a

href= " http://health.nytimes.com/health/guides/disease/autism/overview.html?inlin\

e=nyt-classifier " ><font color= " #000d60 " style= " color:

#000d60; " ><u>autistic</u></font></a> after receiving numerous <a

href= " http://health.nytimes.com/health/guides/specialtopic/immunizations-general\

-overview/overview.html?inline=nyt-classifier " ><font color= " #000d60 "

style= " color: #000d60; " ><u>vaccinations</u></font></a>.</font></p><p><font

face= " Georgia " size= " 5 " color= " #333333 " style= " font: 16.0px Georgia;color:

#333333; " >But the government has so far kept quiet a second case that some say

is more disturbing and more relevant to the meeting.</font></p><p><font

face= " Georgia " size= " 5 " color= " #333333 " style= " font: 16.0px Georgia;color:

#333333; " >On Jan. 11, a 6-year-old girl from <a

href= " http://topics.nytimes.com/top/news/national/usstatesterritoriesandpossessi\

ons/colorado/index.html?inline=nyt-geo " ><font color= " #000d60 " style= " color:

#000d60; " ><u>Colorado</u></font></a> received FluMist, a <a

href= " http://health.nytimes.com/health/guides/specialtopic/influenza-vaccine/ove\

rview.html?inline=nyt-classifier " ><font color= " #000d60 " style= " color:

#000d60; " ><u>flu vaccine</u></font></a>, and about a week later “became weak

with multiple episodes of falling to ground†and “difficulty walking,â€

according to a case report filed with federal health officials and obtained by

The New York Times.</font></p><p><font face= " Georgia " size= " 5 " color= " #333333 "

style= " font: 16.0px Georgia;color: #333333; " >The girl grew increasingly weak and

feverish and “became more limp, appears sleepy, acts as if drunk,†the

report said. She was hospitalized and underwent surgery and was finally

withdrawn from life support. She died on April 5, according to the

report.</font></p><p><font face= " Georgia " size= " 5 " color= " #333333 " style= " font:

16.0px Georgia;color: #333333; " >Both the 9- and 6-year-olds had mitochondrial

disorders, a spectrum of genetic diseases that have received almost no attention

from federal health officials. The 9-year-old, <a

href= " http://topics.nytimes.com/top/reference/timestopics/people/p/hannah_poling\

/index.html?inline=nyt-per " ><font color= " #000d60 " style= " color:

#000d60; " ><u>Hannah Poling</u></font></a>, was 19 months old and developing

normally in 2000 when she received five shots against nine <a

href= " http://health.nytimes.com/health/guides/specialtopic/travelers-guide-to-av\

oiding-infectious-diseases/overview.html?inline=nyt-classifier " ><font

color= " #000d60 " style= " color: #000d60; " ><u>infectious diseases</u></font></a>.

Two days later, she developed a <a

href= " http://health.nytimes.com/health/guides/symptoms/fever/overview.html?inlin\

e=nyt-classifier " ><font color= " #000d60 " style= " color:

#000d60; " ><u>fever</u></font></a>, cried inconsolably and refused to walk. In

the next seven months, she spiraled downward, and in 2001 doctors diagnosed

autism.</font></p><p><font face= " Georgia " size= " 5 " color= " #333333 " style= " font:

16.0px Georgia;color: #333333; " >No one knows whether vaccinations had anything

to do with the girls’ health problems, and the scientific significance of

individual cases is always difficult to assess. But suggestions that

mitochondrial disorders could be set off or worsened by vaccinations, and that

the disorders might be linked to autism, prompted the meeting on Sunday and has

brought the disorders sudden national attention.</font></p><p><font

face= " Georgia " size= " 5 " color= " #333333 " style= " font: 16.0px Georgia;color:

#333333; " >Those scheduled to present at the meeting who were contacted by The

Times said they knew nothing of the Colorado case.</font></p><p><font

face= " Georgia " size= " 5 " color= " #333333 " style= " font: 16.0px Georgia;color:

#333333; " >“I haven’t heard about this case,†said Dr. R. Insel,

director of the National Institute of Mental Health and the day’s first

speaker.</font></p><p><font face= " Georgia " size= " 5 " color= " #333333 " style= " font:

16.0px Georgia;color: #333333; " >Dr. Iskander, acting director of the

immunization safety office at the <a

href= " http://topics.nytimes.com/top/reference/timestopics/organizations/c/center\

s_for_disease_control_and_prevention/index.html?inline=nyt-org " ><font

color= " #000d60 " style= " color: #000d60; " ><u>Centers for Disease Control and

Prevention</u></font></a>, said his group had studied the Colorado case closely

but did not discuss it with those presenting at the meeting and had no plans to

present the case to the conference, although he and members of his group will

attend.</font></p><p><font face= " Georgia " size= " 5 " color= " #333333 " style= " font:

16.0px Georgia;color: #333333; " >“Part of the consideration is, what was the

best use of that time?†Dr. Iskander said in an interview. “To a large

extent, the judgment of the meeting organizers was to have the experts in these

conditions — which are not vaccine safety experts — to have most of the

agenda.â€</font></p><p><font face= " Georgia " size= " 5 " color= " #333333 "

style= " font: 16.0px Georgia;color: #333333; " >Dr. Iskander said the Clinical

Immunization Safety Assessment Network of the disease agency reviewed the

medical records related to the Colorado and <a

href= " http://topics.nytimes.com/top/news/national/usstatesterritoriesandpossessi\

ons/georgia/index.html?inline=nyt-geo " ><font color= " #000d60 " style= " color:

#000d60; " ><u>Georgia</u></font></a> cases, searched for similar reports and

asked vaccine manufacturers if they knew of similar cases. A spokeswoman for

MedImmune, the maker of FluMist, declined to comment.</font></p><p><font

face= " Georgia " size= " 5 " color= " #333333 " style= " font: 16.0px Georgia;color:

#333333; " >The team noted that the Colorado child had not experienced any

problems with her previous vaccinations and was relatively old at the time of

her diagnosis. Dr. Iskander said the group had concluded “that this is another

case that points to the need of better data on the risks and benefits of

vaccinations in children with these rare disorders.â€</font></p><p><font

face= " Georgia " size= " 5 " color= " #333333 " style= " font: 16.0px Georgia;color:

#333333; " >Study after study has failed to show any link between vaccines and

autism, but many parents of autistic children are convinced that vaccines —

usually given around the time autism becomes apparent — are to

blame.</font></p><p><font face= " Georgia " size= " 5 " color= " #333333 " style= " font:

16.0px Georgia;color: #333333; " >Parents and a small group of doctors have

offered a variety of scientific explanations in recent years to try to explain

why they think vaccines may cause or contribute to autism. Among the first was

that the <a

href= " http://health.nytimes.com/health/guides/specialtopic/mmr-vaccine/overview.\

html?inline=nyt-classifier " ><font color= " #000d60 " style= " color:

#000d60; " ><u>measles vaccine</u></font></a> caused a low-level <a

href= " http://health.nytimes.com/health/guides/disease/measles/overview.html?inli\

ne=nyt-classifier " ><font color= " #000d60 " style= " color:

#000d60; " ><u>measles</u></font></a> infection that affected children’s brains.

The science underlying that theory has since been

discredited.</font></p><p><font face= " Georgia " size= " 5 " color= " #333333 "

style= " font: 16.0px Georgia;color: #333333; " >The next theory was that a

mercury-containing vaccine preservative, thimerosal, poisoned their brains,

causing autism. Multiple studies have failed to find any relationship between

thimerosal exposure and autism, and nearly seven years after the preservative

was removed from childhood vaccines, autism rates seem

unaffected.</font></p><p><font face= " Georgia " size= " 5 " color= " #333333 "

style= " font: 16.0px Georgia;color: #333333; " >The Poling case, however, offered

advocates a new theory: that vaccines may cause or contribute to an underlying

mitochondrial disorder, which in turn causes autism. Although autism is common

among children with mitochondrial disorders, several experts in the disorders

dismissed the notion that vaccines may cause the disease, which is widely

understood to have a genetic origin.</font></p><p><font face= " Georgia " size= " 5 "

color= " #333333 " style= " font: 16.0px Georgia;color: #333333; " >“After caring for

hundreds of children with mitochondrial disease, I can’t recall a single one

that had a complication from vaccination,†said Dr. Darryl De Vivo, a

professor of neurology and <a

href= " http://topics.nytimes.com/top/news/health/diseasesconditionsandhealthtopic\

s/pediatrics/index.html?inline=nyt-classifier " ><font color= " #000d60 "

style= " color: #000d60; " ><u>pediatrics</u></font></a> at <a

href= " http://topics.nytimes.com/top/reference/timestopics/organizations/c/columb\

ia_university/index.html?inline=nyt-org " ><font color= " #000d60 " style= " color:

#000d60; " ><u>Columbia University</u></font></a> who will present at the meeting

on Sunday and is one of the premier experts in the field.</font></p><p><font

face= " Georgia " size= " 5 " color= " #333333 " style= " font: 16.0px Georgia;color:

#333333; " >Mitochondria, which serve as the energy factories of cells, have their

own genetic material that is passed directly from mother to child. Flaws in this

material are relatively common. As those flaws multiply, they interfere with

mitochondrial function.</font></p><p><font face= " Georgia " size= " 5 "

color= " #333333 " style= " font: 16.0px Georgia;color: #333333; " >Dr. De Vivo said as

many as 700,000 people in the United States had flawed mitochondria, and in

roughly 30,000 of them the genetic flaws were expansive enough to cause

disease.</font></p><p><font face= " Georgia " size= " 5 " color= " #333333 " style= " font:

16.0px Georgia;color: #333333; " >Diseased mitochondria may appear in some parts

of the body but not others, making diagnosis difficult and predictions of

symptoms impossible. Infants with the disease may suffer frequent <a

href= " http://health.nytimes.com/health/guides/symptoms/seizures/overview.html?in\

line=nyt-classifier " ><font color= " #000d60 " style= " color:

#000d60; " ><u>seizures</u></font></a> and <a

href= " http://health.nytimes.com/health/guides/symptoms/motormental-retardation/o\

verview.html?inline=nyt-classifier " ><font color= " #000d60 " style= " color:

#000d60; " ><u>delayed motor and mental development</u></font></a>, be short in

stature and have hearing and eye movement problems. But in most sufferers,

symptoms do not become apparent for years and may first present as weak or stiff

muscles, poor coordination or alterations of posture.</font></p><p><font

face= " Georgia " size= " 5 " color= " #333333 " style= " font: 16.0px Georgia;color:

#333333; " >Many experts said infections could be so devastating to those with

mitochondrial disorders that the risks associated with vaccines were far

outweighed by the benefits. Still, none dismissed the notion that a vaccine

could cause a decline in such children.</font></p><p><font face= " Georgia "

size= " 5 " color= " #333333 " style= " font: 16.0px Georgia;color: #333333; " >“Most of

these kids get a <a

href= " http://health.nytimes.com/health/guides/disease/common-cold/overview.html?\

inline=nyt-classifier " ><font color= " #000d60 " style= " color: #000d60; " ><u>common

cold</u></font></a>, and either during the cold or soon after, the parents

notice a drastic deterioration,†said Dr. Bruce H. Cohen, a neurologist at the

Cleveland Clinic.</font></p><p><font face= " Georgia " size= " 5 " color= " #333333 "

style= " font: 16.0px Georgia;color: #333333; " >Margaret Dunkle, a senior fellow at

the Center for Health Services Research and Policy at <a

href= " http://topics.nytimes.com/top/reference/timestopics/organizations/g/george\

_washington_university/index.html?inline=nyt-org " ><font color= " #000d60 "

style= " color: #000d60; " ><u> Washington University</u></font></a> and

great-aunt to Hannah Poling, said she hoped that the researchers on Sunday would

agree on studies that would help “to identify who those children are for whom

vaccination might cause or worsen a mitochondrial dysfunction so that we can

figure out a way to immunize those children safely.â€</font></p><p><font

face= " Georgia " size= " 5 " color= " #333333 " style= " font: 16.0px Georgia;color:

#333333; " >“What’s the schedule and number of vaccines?†Ms. Dunkle asked.

“What’s the content of those vaccines?â€</font></p><p><font face= " Georgia "

size= " 5 " color= " #333333 " style= " font: 16.0px Georgia;color: #333333; " >Dr. Cohen

said answering such questions was all but impossible because of the difficulties

associated with diagnosing mitochondrial disorders.</font></p><p><font

face= " Georgia " size= " 5 " color= " #333333 " style= " font: 16.0px Georgia;color:

#333333; " >“There is no test available right now to screen for mitochondrial

disorders that is anywhere near sensitive or specific,†Dr. Cohen said, “so

the whole concept of screening prior to vaccination is a

fantasy.â€</font></p><p><font face= " Georgia " size= " 5 " color= " #333333 "

style= " font: 16.0px Georgia;color: #333333; " >Still, a discussion about the

possible links between mitochondrial disorders, autism and vaccination is

needed, said Dr. Insel of the <a

href= " http://topics.nytimes.com/top/news/health/diseasesconditionsandhealthtopic\

s/mentalhealthanddisorders/index.html?inline=nyt-classifier " ><font

color= " #000d60 " style= " color: #000d60; " ><u>mental health</u></font></a>

institute.</font></p><p><font face= " Georgia " size= " 5 " color= " #333333 "

style= " font: 16.0px Georgia;color: #333333; " >“We’re talking about two things

we don’t understand very well, mitochondrial disorder and autism, and putting

them together,†Dr. Insel said. “It’s like two drunks holding each other

up.â€</font></p><p><font face= " Georgia " size= " 5 " color= " #333333 " style= " font:

16.0px Georgia;color: #333333; " >The meeting, in Indianapolis, is being sponsored

by the mental health institute, the <a

href= " http://topics.nytimes.com/top/reference/timestopics/organizations/f/food_a\

nd_drug_administration/index.html?inline=nyt-org " ><font color= " #000d60 "

style= " color: #000d60; " ><u>Food and Drug Administration</u></font></a>, the

C.D.C., the <a

href= " http://topics.nytimes.com/top/reference/timestopics/organizations/n/nation\

al_institutes_of_health/index.html?inline=nyt-org " ><font color= " #000d60 "

style= " color: #000d60; " ><u>National Institutes of Health</u></font></a>, the <a

href= " http://topics.nytimes.com/top/reference/timestopics/organizations/h/health\

_and_human_services_department/index.html?inline=nyt-org " ><font color= " #000d60 "

style= " color: #000d60; " ><u>Department of Health and Human

Services</u></font></a> and the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and

Stroke.</font></p><p><font face= " Georgia " size= " 5 " color= " #333333 " style= " font:

16.0px Georgia;color: #333333; " >Whatever the result of the meeting, A.

Mohan Jr., executive director of the United Mitochondrial Disease Foundation, a

nonprofit research and educational group, said he was delighted by the attention

being brought to the disease. Mr. Mohan’s daughter died of the disease when

she was 15 after years of worsening seizures.</font></p><p><font face= " Georgia "

size= " 5 " color= " #333333 " style= " font: 16.0px Georgia;color: #333333; " >“We’re

hoping the result of this meeting is at least the realization that more money is

needed for research to connect these dots,†Mr. Mohan said.</font></p><div>

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Guest guest

Hello ,

Here is some great info that might be of help.




> Thank you for sharing this article. Having a child with a

metabolic disorder that originates in the mitochondria, I pay

special attention to this new topic of discussion. I feel that

vaccination would damage my child and stopped vaccinating after 6

months old. I personally think these errors in the mitochondria are

due to the toxic lives we live including injection via vaccines and

that none of them are truly safe. I also think the amino acid based

food additives MSG and aspartame are contributing to more and more

variations of mitochondiral disorders. Remember monosodium Glutamate

is derived from glutamine (an amino acid) and apartame seems to be

able to interferre with the aspartate in our cellular functions. I

just can't seem to find any research to prove it. Perhaps someone

somewhere will pick up on it and look into it. Our genetic counselor

did admit to us in May that metabolic disorders and variations of

mutations are seemingly increasing but they

> say it may be due to extended newborn screening picking up the

anomolies. Personally I think after reading many research articles

regarding an incresing amount of adults presenting with

mitochondrial based metabolic disorders due to pharma poisoning for

cancer treatments and other pharma drugs, it proves that these

disorders are toxic substance based.






> Envoyez avec . Une boite mail plus intelligente



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Guest guest

Hello ,

Here is some great info that might be of help.




> Thank you for sharing this article. Having a child with a

metabolic disorder that originates in the mitochondria, I pay

special attention to this new topic of discussion. I feel that

vaccination would damage my child and stopped vaccinating after 6

months old. I personally think these errors in the mitochondria are

due to the toxic lives we live including injection via vaccines and

that none of them are truly safe. I also think the amino acid based

food additives MSG and aspartame are contributing to more and more

variations of mitochondiral disorders. Remember monosodium Glutamate

is derived from glutamine (an amino acid) and apartame seems to be

able to interferre with the aspartate in our cellular functions. I

just can't seem to find any research to prove it. Perhaps someone

somewhere will pick up on it and look into it. Our genetic counselor

did admit to us in May that metabolic disorders and variations of

mutations are seemingly increasing but they

> say it may be due to extended newborn screening picking up the

anomolies. Personally I think after reading many research articles

regarding an incresing amount of adults presenting with

mitochondrial based metabolic disorders due to pharma poisoning for

cancer treatments and other pharma drugs, it proves that these

disorders are toxic substance based.






> Envoyez avec . Une boite mail plus intelligente



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Guest guest

Thank you Jen for that article. All research helps me in finding the cause of my child's disorder. I think my spouse and I are going to have a look at our gene that is supposed to have the mutation and see what we find. That will help me determine some things.

Some interesting points is that the monkeys used for polio vaccine viral growth have had their genome recently mapped and what they found was that the macaque monkey's DNA for the PKU gene is the same as the mutation in humans. In other words, the PKU disease caused by mutation in humans is normal in these monkeys. See below:


Phenylketonuria can exist in mice, which have been extensively used in experiments into an effective treatment for PKU[6]. The macaque monkey's genome was recently sequenced, and it was found that the gene encoding phenylalanine hydroxylase has the same sequence which in humans would be considered the PKU mutation.[7]

So my layman theory is that this would be similar for other gentic mutations of similar nature and perhaps a pregnant woman with this potential DNA mutation also consumes these toxins of aspartame and MGS during pregnancy, well I think that can cause these diseases. What is weird though is that in Asia, mostly Japan, there is a secondary type of my daughter's disorder, Citrullinemia, called Citrullinemia II, and is almost exclusivly in their population.

Anyway, I know this is partially relevant but I do think that these toxins coupled with the toxins in vaccines and viral stealth DNA are damaging our future generations beyond understanding and the "researchers" are just being told to look for more damaging ways to control or manage the issue. For example, they're using SV-40 and Adenovirus as viral vectors to try to do gene thereapy which has proven fatal for some people.

So thanks again and perhaps one day, I'll know why she has this mutation and then perhaps how to fix it.

One thing that seems to help against these neurotoxins is coconut oil, chia seeds, clean water, clean food, and no microwave. This seems to be helping.


Envoyé avec .Une boite mail plus intelligente.

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Guest guest

Thank you Jen for that article. All research helps me in finding the cause of my child's disorder. I think my spouse and I are going to have a look at our gene that is supposed to have the mutation and see what we find. That will help me determine some things.

Some interesting points is that the monkeys used for polio vaccine viral growth have had their genome recently mapped and what they found was that the macaque monkey's DNA for the PKU gene is the same as the mutation in humans. In other words, the PKU disease caused by mutation in humans is normal in these monkeys. See below:


Phenylketonuria can exist in mice, which have been extensively used in experiments into an effective treatment for PKU[6]. The macaque monkey's genome was recently sequenced, and it was found that the gene encoding phenylalanine hydroxylase has the same sequence which in humans would be considered the PKU mutation.[7]

So my layman theory is that this would be similar for other gentic mutations of similar nature and perhaps a pregnant woman with this potential DNA mutation also consumes these toxins of aspartame and MGS during pregnancy, well I think that can cause these diseases. What is weird though is that in Asia, mostly Japan, there is a secondary type of my daughter's disorder, Citrullinemia, called Citrullinemia II, and is almost exclusivly in their population.

Anyway, I know this is partially relevant but I do think that these toxins coupled with the toxins in vaccines and viral stealth DNA are damaging our future generations beyond understanding and the "researchers" are just being told to look for more damaging ways to control or manage the issue. For example, they're using SV-40 and Adenovirus as viral vectors to try to do gene thereapy which has proven fatal for some people.

So thanks again and perhaps one day, I'll know why she has this mutation and then perhaps how to fix it.

One thing that seems to help against these neurotoxins is coconut oil, chia seeds, clean water, clean food, and no microwave. This seems to be helping.


Envoyé avec .Une boite mail plus intelligente.

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