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staph infections

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I hope you don’t have to go back to the hospital, but if you need to go, get

on in there ASAP so they can take care of you.



Fw: New Treatment -- First in Years --

Demonstrated for Dangerous Staph Infections

Hey Pat...

Good info ! I will ask about the dipthomycin

(I'll spell it right later....) I'm sure my ID guy is on top of this..it

was originally printed in o4, I think it read, and he his really sharp!

I AM allergic to one drug...pennicillan! Mild itching

and skin rash, but that is allergic....I'm told.

The ID guy usually uses Vancomycin I feel my

Staph is comimg back, unfortunately, and may go to the hospital tonight, for

round 9 (hahaha..and people were saying he can't go the distance!! hahaha) but

anyway...obviously I keep getting this crap or it just hides for awhile in

the hospital, then comes back when I'm not being dripped the vancomycin. I'll

call my my pcp in a bit, and ask what he thinks... I just feel kinda' bad that

I've owed him over $6000.00 for a LONG time! The hospital as well..over

100,000.00 easy....I have Insurance through Humana, but didn't have it when I

rang up $83,001.00 of that bill...and that's the 'patient discount'!!! The

last three episodes were alright because I went to another doc..but he really

didn't understand the situation...He did give me anti_Staph drugs,and

morphine at my request, as often as every three hours. After ten days of

that (I REALLY have a past history of addictive everything! heh.heh.) I

went through some pretty heavy DT's, halucinations, the regular stuff. They

should not have let me go, in that condition or make sure I

had someone at home to help me keep my head on. My head nurse actually cried

because I was talking (yelling) to two guys from my highschool that I

thought had ben there the whole time, but they weren't. I told them to

stay in the hospital and not to follow me home. I looked at her, with

a tear running down her cheek, and I asked her to shut the door, as I was

checking out, and people were outside in the hall

and I asked..There are

two guy's standing over there,that won't show their faces, right? She just

said no, Mr. Compton, it is only us.


I even do that with food. Still today.

If I try something I like, I'll eat it until I'm bored

with it...I mean I will buy a weeks worth and eat that, happily, and then have

find a new buzzzzz.

I don't want to cause any problems and I'm sending

this to group, so there is no question of my whereabouts.

(MAYBE),,, I'll will advise soonest as I know.



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Hi and fellow heppers, I'm not going (THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU) to the hospital!! I spoke with my PCP and I could tell he knew what I was talking about with the symptoms, but my temp has been around 97.05* all day, and it normally happens that in a blink of an eye, I am frezzing cold, and my temp is 104+!! When I get staph. He said just keep checking the temp and go if it gets over 103* Can someone tell me if this is a symptom of HEP C or ESLD? or either? or?????? WARNING!! THIS IS KINDA" REAL GROSS"!! I have (for lack of a better term) a case of what I'm affectionatly calling "jungle rot" in my crotch, where the legs attach to the body, by my balls. Also under too big of a belly. Basically, it's where the sun don't shine. It soaks my underwear in a couple

of hours, (I'm using TP as an absorbent and to try and keep dry. It doesn't smell bad ( I guess that's a judgement call, haha), I have been washing daily, with surgical scrub ( if you close your eyes you would swear it was a Stoli dirty martini), hehe.. in that area only, safeguard the rest.... but it continues to get worse. If I lightly scrape the area, my skin comes of like paste, with the consistancy of toothpaste. My PCP said it sounds like I have a fun guy, and I told him it's really not fun at all..Seriously, he suggested getting some anti fungal cream, but also suggested that I see the liverman because it could be a place of exit, or hole in the dam, that my already over bloated body has found a place to expel some liquid. I temporarly quit Lactulose at the nurse practioners request, and while I don't have diareah every 30 minutes

anymore, I'm swollen from my stomach down to my toes due to retention, due in part to not taking the lactulose.. My face is really dry (peeling) as well. I have always had oily skin, never dry like I've been at the beach all day. May be all THAT moisture id going down to the other water. I dunno.... I have an appointment with the liverman on the August 30th for conversation and bloodwork. I think I'll try the cream, first, and save a little money. Anyone been here before? Thanking you in advance, and THANK YOU DE!, I remain, Del Motley <dmotley@...> wrote: Del, I hope you don’t have to go back to the hospital, but if you need to go, get on in there ASAP so they can take care of you. ey

Stay in the know. Pulse on the new .com. Check it out.

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Damn Del go and tell your hep doctor about this guy.. And thank you for the visual before breakfast yuk!!! And don't stop takeing the lactalose guy..Go buy a jar of ponds dry skin cream, Walmart sell it for about 4$..Drink loads of water and wear loose drawers, like boxers ok..Dust your self with corn starch..It has been used for years on baby bottoms. Kathy Brunow "who is a bit green in Milwaukee"

-- RE: Staph Infections

Hi and fellow heppers,

I'm not going (THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU) to the hospital!!

I spoke with my PCP and I could tell he knew what I was talking about with the symptoms, but my temp has been around 97.05* all day, and it normally happens that in a blink of an eye, I

am frezzing cold, and my temp is 104+!! When I get staph. He said just keep checking the temp and go if it gets over 103*

Can someone tell me if this is a symptom of HEP C or ESLD? or either? or??????


I have (for lack of a better term) a case of what I'm affectionatly calling "jungle rot" in my crotch, where the legs attach to the body, by my balls. Also under too big of a belly. Basically, it's where the sun don't shine. It soaks my underwear in a couple of hours, (I'm using TP as an absorbent and to try and keep dry. It doesn't smell bad ( I guess that's a judgement call, haha), I have been washing daily, with surgical scrub ( if you close your eyes you would swear it was a Stoli dirty martini), hehe.. in that area only, safeguard the rest.... but it continues to get worse. If I lightly scrape the area, my skin comes of like paste, with the consistancy of toothpaste. My PCP said it sounds like I have a fun guy, and I told him it's really not fun at all..Seriously, he suggested getting some anti fungal cream, but also suggested that I see the liverman because it could be a place of exit, or hole in the dam, that my already over bloated body has found a place to expel some liquid. I temporarly quit Lactulose at the nurse practioners request, and while I don't have diareah every 30 minutes anymore, I'm swollen from my stomach down to my toes due to retention, due in part to not taking the lactulose.. My face is really dry (peeling) as well. I have always had oily skin, never dry like I've been at the beach all day. May be all THAT moisture id going down to the other water. I dunno....

I have an appointment with the liverman on the August 30th for conversation and bloodwork. I think I'll try the cream, first, and save a little money. Anyone been here before?

Thanking you in advance, and THANK YOU DE!,

I remain,


Motley <dmotleybellsouth (DOT) net> wrote:

Del, I hope you don’t have to go back to the hospital, but if you need to go, get on in there ASAP so they can take care of you.


Stay in the know. Pulse on the new .com. Check it out.

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you didn’t have to go, Del. I don’t know about your crotch rot issue. Sounds

kinda like a yeast infection. I think you should do what the PCP said and talk

to the liver doc. Also, I don’t know anything about it, but from what I

gather, quitting lactulose isn’t what people do until they get a new

liver. Talk to the doc about that one, too.


& hugs,



Staph Infections

Hi and fellow heppers,

I'm not going (THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU) to the


I spoke with my PCP and I could tell he knew what I

was talking about with the symptoms, but my temp has been around 97.05*

all day, and it normally happens that in a blink of an eye, I

am frezzing cold, and my temp is 104+!!

When I get staph. He said just keep checking the temp and go if it gets over


Can someone tell me if this is a symptom of HEP C

or ESLD? or either? or??????



I have (for lack of a better term) a case of what I'm

affectionatly calling " jungle rot " in my crotch, where the legs

attach to the body, by my balls. Also under too big of a belly.

Basically, it's where the sun don't shine. It soaks my underwear in a

couple of hours, (I'm using TP as an absorbent and to try and keep

dry. It doesn't smell bad ( I guess that's a judgement call,

haha), I have been washing daily, with surgical scrub ( if you close your

eyes you would swear it was a Stoli dirty martini), hehe.. in that

area only, safeguard the rest.... but it continues to get worse. If

I lightly scrape the area, my skin comes of like paste, with

the consistancy of toothpaste. My PCP said it sounds like I have

a fun guy, and I told him it's really not fun at all..Seriously,

he suggested getting some anti fungal cream, but also suggested that

I see the liverman because it could be a place of exit, or hole in the dam,

that my already over bloated body has found a place to expel some liquid.

I temporarly quit Lactulose at the nurse practioners request, and while I

don't have diareah every 30 minutes anymore, I'm swollen from my stomach down

to my toes due to retention, due in part to not taking the

lactulose.. My face is really dry (peeling) as well. I have always had oily

skin, never dry like I've been at the beach all day. May be all THAT moisture

id going down to the other water. I dunno....

I have an appointment with the liverman on the

August 30th for conversation and bloodwork. I think I'll try the cream, first,

and save a little money. Anyone been here before?

Thanking you in advance, and THANK YOU DE!,

I remain,


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Oddly enough, the doctor I saw tonight about a SpYke bite took me off of the lactulose until I finish taking the antibiotics she gave me. SpYke, the brat, bit me a few days ago while waking me up to feed him & it got infected. My arm's all swollen up, I just hope it's not too bad. Guys, what does staph look like?


Next time I'm coming back as a cat


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But Suize Be cafefeul ok. boo

-- Re: Staph Infections

Oddly enough, the doctor I saw tonight about a SpYke bite took me off of the lactulose until I finish taking the antibiotics she gave me. SpYke, the brat, bit me a few days ago while waking me up to feed him & it got infected. My arm's all swollen up, I just hope it's not too bad. Guys, what does staph look like?


Next time I'm coming back as a cat


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Your Doc sounds pretty good, cats carry lots of bacteria so you should always get on antibiotics after a cat bite. Dogs do too. I'm thinking stopping the lactulose is so you don't pass the antibiotics on through you.

Staph is a bacterial infection. Looks red swollen and maybe bumpy. You can get a staph infection in a hair follicle or in a boil.

Check in if you start getting goofy.

Re: Staph Infections

Oddly enough, the doctor I saw tonight about a SpYke bite took me off of the lactulose until I finish taking the antibiotics she gave me. SpYke, the brat, bit me a few days ago while waking me up to feed him & it got infected. My arm's all swollen up, I just hope it's not too bad. Guys, what does staph look like?


Next time I'm coming back as a cat


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Hon go back to the doctor and have it checked again.I have never seen staph but Del should know what it looks like.


Re: Staph Infections

Oddly enough, the doctor I saw tonight about a SpYke bite took me off of the lactulose until I finish taking the antibiotics she gave me. SpYke, the brat, bit me a few days ago while waking me up to feed him & it got infected. My arm's all swollen up, I just hope it's not too bad. Guys, what does staph look like?


Next time I'm coming back as a cat


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